


Join your favourite Swedish sisters for a pep talk. Recording from Stockholm and Bogota, we share experiences from our global lives and careers in New York, Dubai, Yangon, Paris, and more. We explore topics such as career and courage; finding your perfect work/life blend, sisterhood; how to boost your network; gratefulness, health, travel and global living. We want each episode to leave you with the feeling of having had coffee with that friend of yours who effortlessly combines coaching and friendship. Leave inspired to seize the day!


  • #22: When all else fails: laugh

    13/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    Oh boy. What a week! A week when you don’t know whether to laugh or cry (well - if in private you cry - but if in company of sister you might just as well find yourself laughing until you cry about it). As you might have figured already, all is not perfect, and with a three year-old tyrant at home and with a book that won’t write itself - we share this week’s lows (what takes the price is probably Josefine and Steve miauing as cats in the middle of the night - listen to find out why) and Victoria podcasting in secret trying to avoid getting caught by her family so that they will continue to give her sympathy. And then we add a bit of theory (of course) this time straight from Harry Potter. So if you had a hard week and need a pep talk this episode is for you. And if you had an awesome week sure go ahead and listen and feel even better of how you have it all so well put together!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #21: Being a mum - a superpower for your career?

    07/02/2019 Duration: 28min

    This episode goes out to all parents or parents to be that are looking to combine parenthood with a successful career. We believe motherhood can be your own superpower and in this episode we talk about how to tap into those powers to excel in your career by being more efficient, more empathetic and taking less bullshit! We also encourage all female bosses out there to highlight how your team is better due to the powermamas (research shows it is!). And - with motherhood comes new insights - that might be the push you need to change your current job and realize your dream career…  A real pep talk for all mamas out there, and as always we share experiences from being working mamas in Colombia, Dubai, Myanmar, Sweden and more..  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #20: Pursue your dream international career!

    31/01/2019 Duration: 35min

    Having pursued international careers, and combined lived and worked in over 20 countries, we are regularly asked for our advice on how to embark (and succeed!) in an international career. In this episode we share some of our best tips of how to get that dream career abroad, whether you are in the start of your career, want to work in international relations, or later in your career and want to make that move abroad with your family. We uncover the best places to find friends as an Expat (guess where Sweden ends up on the list?!) and of course share our most recent experiences from living in Bogotá (covering highs and lows – car bombs and piñatas) and Stockholm, including surprise weekend trips to Nice! Listen and share with anyone experiencing that travel fever!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #19: Find your people & grow your network part II

    24/01/2019 Duration: 35min

    In this second part (first part is episode 18) of finding your people and growing your network - we start from the core - ourselves. A pep talk on being best friends with yourself first. We share stories from our own family - designated roles as big and little sister - and what we have done to try to break out of roles that no longer suited us. Download the pep sheet to personalize the episode to your life - and identify the people you would like to have around you. Enjoy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #18: Find your people & grow your network

    18/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    This episode is the first in a series of two episodes on “finding your people and growing your network”. We go through a model developed for the Roos&Shine listeners, starting with the core of yourself all the way to your extended network, reaching as far as your “dream network”. In this episode we focus on the outer layer, what we might think of as the more traditional network. Josefine has just moved to Colombia and gets to be the guinea pig of our finding your people model, and we share ideas and tips that might be useful for those of you that might be in a new context but who might not enjoy traditional networking events (which is most of us?)... Print the pep sheet (that relates to this and next week’s episode) to dig deep into “finding your people and growing your network”.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #17: Wellness Pep – Our Top Tips

    06/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    A favourite theme of ours: how to feel your best through nourishment, exercise and mindfulness. In this episode we cover all our wellness goals for 2019, how we are planning to eat and why, we share our ten best tips for how to really make sure to get the exercise done (and our best training apps), and we dig into the importance of mindfulness and how to include it into your everyday life. Print the pep sheet to outline your own wellness goals!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #16: 2019 Special

    31/12/2018 Duration: 49min

    Finally there is time for a New Year Special! Reflect upon your 2018, the best, most memorable and maybe most challenging moments, and set your intentions for 2019. In this new year special we share some of our most memorable moments from 2018, and give you the chance to reflect and take the opportunity to set your own goals for 2019. Print your pep sheet beforehand in order to fill in while listening, or listen first, be inspired, and set your intentions!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #15: Keep Calm and Enjoy the Holidays

    16/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Listen to our pre-holiday episode to get into the holiday spirit! We share our best tips on how to leave work so that you are prepared for January and be able to enjoy maximum relaxation out of the days you are off. We talk about the need to and how to calm down, setting your (and your family's!) intentions, and how to create your own holiday rituals. Recommendations to healthy "lussebullar" recipes are also provided. Fill in our pep sheet to feel that nice sense of control in the midst of the holiday rush! Enjoy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #14: Loving your priorities & other tips for succeeding in a traditional career – interview with Ann-Louise Wirén

    09/12/2018 Duration: 35min

    We are interviewing Ann-Louise Wiré, who is the Chief Commercial Officer for Hallon, from Swedish teleoperator 3 (TRE). She shares with us some very useful tips on how to succeed in a "traditional" career, and how to expand it and grow. Ann-Louise herself has had a rocket career and shares her five best tips. Download our pep sheet to reflect on how you are currently doing, and what you could be doing to better implement these career strategies to your work!We also share the news that we are launching Roos&Shine corporate clubs, tune in if that might be of interest to your organisation!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #13: The Yoga Diaries - Part II

    03/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    We are back again recording together from our Yoga Teacher's Training in Portugal. We have just become certified teachers, and share our reflections on the training and our 3-weeks together. Maybe a Teacher Training is something for you? We discuss yoga and meditation as tools to become more effective leaders and discuss the phenomenon of Guru's. Enjoy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #12: The Yoga Diaries – Part I

    19/11/2018 Duration: 31min

    In this episode we are recording straight from our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal. We share some big news, many many laughs and our best stories from the training so far. We reflect on new learnings, the value of doing yoga -and some of the lessons from Yoga history that can be applicable to everyone’s daily life. Tune in, we think it is a really funny episode, whether you are a yogi, yogi wannabe or just want a dose of Roos&Shine!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #11: Negotiations: Family, Work & Peace Deals

    04/11/2018 Duration: 31min

    This time around we cover negotiations, from everyday negotiations with our own toddlers, teenagers and partners, to lessons from the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC. Josefine shares some of her lessons acquired from being a certified mediator -and we leave you all with some of our best tips. Enjoy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #10: Are you investing in yourself? Our best tips!

    28/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    Yes, you need to invest in yourself! Like a car that needs fuel, you need to invest in yourself in order to keep running. In this episode we briefly touch upon the reasons for why you should invest in yourself (in the case you need some motivation), and then share our practices for how we invest in ourselves, breaking it down into short, medium and long term. Leave inspired to take on November's challenge, which is about finding 3 ways to invest in yourself!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #9: Our best tips when working across cultures, cultural shocks and leading multicultural teams

    21/10/2018 Duration: 41min

    Did you ever experience a culture shock? Having lived and worked in over 20 different countries between the two of us, we do have our fair share of cultural experiences, including shocks. Here we explore everything from (crazy) food memories to how it is to lead a team with a completely different culture than you. And, are reverse cultural shocks the worst? You don’t need to move from country to experience a culture shock, you can go through the same phases just by changing company or even by changing family settings. Are there any benefits from being exposed to all those different cultures? Join us to explore if there is time for some more culture shock in your life!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #8: When is it time to change career?

    17/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    In this episode we are joined by our good friend and brave career changer, Pom Zwart. Pom shares how an education in hospitality led to work in the tv and film industry, followed by 5 years of working for a charity organisation called Dance for Life, to her most recent post as the Event Director at Nike Europe. We discuss when and how you know that you should move on, and when you should stay. Download the pep sheet to reflect on whether there are still opportunities for you to grow within your current career – or if it is time for you to change!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #7: Fake it 'til you make it!

    09/10/2018 Duration: 29min

    Should we fake it ‘til we make it? And are men better at it? Too often we find that we hesitate to spring into action. Instead, we wait until everything feels just right or until we think we’re 100% ready or competent. But research shows that changing your behavior first can change the way you think and feel. Confidence could come before competence… Join us for a pep-talk and -if you wish- continue with the pep-sheet on for some individual reflection. Leave ready with new energy to go out there and just make it happen!  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #6: Give a Boost

    01/10/2018 Duration: 31min

    Join us for our first monthly challenge, give a boost! We believe that the world and the female community would be a better and happier place if we got a little bit better at boosting each other. This month is all about telling other people; your friends, colleagues, boss, and the stranger on the subway, that you appreciate what they do; their effort, their support, their smile and their contribution. The “boosting” can happen in person or online, and we would love if you shared some of your boosting on instagram, using hastag #giveaboost and tagging roosandshine.Can you give at least 20 different boosts in 30 days? Listen to our episode “Give a Boost” to get more inspiration, and learn how other women across the world are boosting each other.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #5: Five tips for female entrepreneurs - with guest entrepreneur Ulrika Hedlund

    25/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    Join us and our first podcast guest –our friend, female entrepreneur and Dubai based business owner Ulrika Hedlund. She never saw herself as an “entrepreneur” but rather the “good girl” with excellent grades and a successful career within Microsoft when circumstances inspired her to start her own business: Storyals. Join us for a chat on entrepreneurship, women in business, work-life blend and much more. Enjoy five important tips from Ulrika for everyone considering starting up their own business.Do you wish you could work smarter and get more out of Office 365? As a Roos & Shine member you will get access to Storyals – a new, modern way of learning how to work smarter using Office 365 through story-based tutorials. Sign up for a 7-day Office 365 boot camp to learn how to accelerate results using Microsoft Teams, get organized using OneNote and to take control of your inbox using Outlook. Click here to learn more and sign up. (Offer valid for a limited period only exclusively for Roos & Shine members)

  • #4: Keep Learning

    18/09/2018 Duration: 38min

    You don’t need to attend an expensive master degree study to learn new things. As a matter of fact, to keep learning i’s a brilliant way for the brain to stay young. Inspired by Victoria’s 100 days learning challenge we want to give you some new ideas on how you can challenge yourself to get more learning into your everyday life. A simple way to grow as a person, develop your knowledge base and discover new passions.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • #3: Work Life Blend

    10/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    What is “work life blend,” how does it differ from work life balance, and how do you achieve the perfect work life blend? In this episode we discuss how we try to achieve our best work life blend, share stories of when and how it has not worked out that well, and provide concrete tips on what you can do to figure out your best work life blend! Leave inspired to take any actions that might be necessary to improve your own blend, and get the most out of your time.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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