Can They Say That?



Welcome to the jungle! Where our words & thoughts cant be held against us. Who are we kidding? We can & will say All. The. Things. Wanna play?


  • Matter of Life and Death

    27/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    While the topic of suicide has been widely circulating in the news and social media, it’s still a subject that many won’t discuss due to stigmas and shame that are associated. Particularly in the church. This episode is dedicated to all those who’ve lost a loved one to suicide and to those fighting against the voices and urges of suicidal thoughts. We see you and you are not alone. Resources: If you or someone you love is in need of help, please contact the following resources immediately. Remember, there is help. There is hope, and you are not alone. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 Text help (text a counselor) 741741 This week may look a little different in terms of resources. We wanted to give you fast links and access to important resources to help equip you or a loved one. The following list is certainly not an exhaustive one, but rather some fast, easily accessible informa

  • Slaying Shame

    20/06/2018 Duration: 28min

    Is shame different than guilt? Is there such a thing as ‘good shame’? Shame is that thing that whispers to our souls. It drives us from safety and limits our potential and reach. In today’s episode, listen in as Gina & Polly examine shame and what we can do about it. Bring your weapons. It’s time to slay some shame in all our lives! Action Steps Using the list from the article titled Toxic Shame (the one we read from in this episode), identify what is familiar and working against you in your life. Then, since vulnerability is the antidote to shame, share it with a safe person in your life. After hearing us discuss how we label ourselves with shame ('m an idiot. I'm unworthy. I'm not good enough, smart enough, etc.) how do you recognize this as something you do to yourself or others? Begin noticing this. Intentionally label it and choose to replace it with grace. When you hear a pervasive and constant message of shame internally, who does that voice sound like? If you can't identify it's root, get so

  • Your Best No

    13/06/2018 Duration: 30min

    We all have those people places and things in our lives that we struggle to say 'no' to. For a variety of reasons, we believe that saying 'no' is bad; that it isn't the loving thing to do. But what if learning how to give our best 'no' could actually lead us to our best 'yes'? Join Polly & Gina as they explore the reasons we get stuck and depleted by our yeses and how we can begin to break the cycle.

  • Stained Glass: Confronting Sexual Abuse in the Church

    06/06/2018 Duration: 28min

    ***Actions/Questions:*** Are you in a safe church? Talk to your church leadership about the policy and procedures they have in place and how they train their staff & volunteers. Are you a safe person if someone shares their experience of abuse with them? If this is your own story please know you are worth healing from it and seeking those who can truly help you along your journey. You are not alone! Resources: Article: The epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical church. Video: Website:

  • What Do You Dance For

    29/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    In episode two, Polly & Gina take on the topic of What Do You Dance For? An idea taken straight from the pages of Polly’s book, Cherished: Shattered Innocence Restored Hope Listen in as P & G examine the two different types of dancing we do in this life. One that comes from the soul of our being and the other, driven by fear. Fear of being rejected; being seen as less-than. Fear of being unloved. One type of dance is borne of the rhythm of our hearts while the other from a beat of oppression. When our dance is a performance for love and acceptance, we become something other than who we truly are. Which leaves us questioning the authenticity of our relationships with others, ourselves and even with God. So, what rhythm are you dancing to? And for what purpose? Actions/Questions: There are two types of “Dancing”. One is performance based and the other is your true identity and life giving. 1. Identify what/who you might be “dancing” for and write those down. Ask yourself the whys? Is it for acceptance,

  • Welcome To The Jungle: Our Launch!

    22/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    3...2...1...BLAST OFF! Welcome to our launch! We are Gina & Polly, just a couple of chicks trying to save the world one conversation at a time. In this episode we discuss the who and why of it all and invite you to do more than just listen. Knowledge is only power if it's combined with action. We all have those things we don’t say out loud. Not because it’ll hurt someone’s feelings or because it’s wholly inappropriate, but because we fear judgment, ridicule, being voted off the island. But the truth is some questions need to be asked. Things need to be said. Called out. Shared. Brought into the light. If there’s going to be any hope of growth, healing, or true connection, we need a safe place to explore those things we fear saying out loud. A shame free, judgment free space. And a tribe to explore them with. If it’s going to feel like a jungle out there, we might as well learn to tame a few beasts as we journey through it. Welcome to the Jungle! Book Resources!

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