Prepper Guy



Mark The Prepperguy: Offering Focus and Clarity to Reluctant Preppers for what Matters Most


  • PGP 05/10/22  ||  Got this out late, sorry

    19/05/2022 Duration: 43min

    PGP 05/10/22 I added a Reese Report for information, the rest of the podcast is about our leaders not having earned the power they weld. Still, Rated (R) so stop asking.

  • PGP 05/06/22 || Money and Prepping

    08/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    Money Management, Saving, and Prepping, Plus this shit show called War.

  • PGP 04/20/22 || The World Is A Stage

    29/04/2022 Duration: 39min

    The World Is A Stage ...and we are in a Shit Show A little out of order by date but things are changing, fast, so I made some other recordings and moved them up in production and release.

  • PGP 04/27/22 || President Putin warns that Russia won’t hesitate to use ‘weapons that no other country’ possesses.

    28/04/2022 Duration: 45min

    Let's take a closer look at this statement, did Putin say anything about a Nuclear Strike against us, no? “If someone decides to intervene in the ongoing events...and create unacceptable strategic threats to us, they should know that our response to those oncoming blows will be swift, lightning-fast,” Putin said in an address to lawmakers on Wednesday. When it all falls apart remember that to the Deep State, you are less than Nothing, you are not part of their equation, not considered as the solution or the problem, but just a rounding error in their plan.  And don’t expect any help from our elected leaders, because to the Globalists they will be the first to die, just useful Idiots.   Tags: Putin, Russia, globalists, deep state, teotwawki, supersonic, ICBM,

  • PGP 04/19/22 Unicorn Farts and Pixie Dust

    24/04/2022 Duration: 34min

    Unicorn Farts and Pixie Dust I called it this because we get into trouble with YT when we say Bad Words, so I guess you'll need to listen to know the Subject... it is about being prepared and the end of the world, FYI. Unicorn Farts=Media crap floating in the air that we all Smell Pixie Dust= Useless information that does you no good, just like Pixie Sticks

  • 04/14/22 || Mark Of the Beast

    20/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    Mark Of the Beast Listen while I add my 2 cents to what Dr. Ardis is saying about vacks containing Snake Venom. Is This the Mark Of The Beast? Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

  • PGP 04-11-12 League Of City’s and End Of Days

    20/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    When the Dollar Crashes will you be Ready? When Food costs go up higher and higher, will you have enough to live on?

  • PGP 04/06/200 Yes I lost my Case

    11/04/2022 Duration: 27min

    Studied NFL Tactics for my Pop-Warner opponents, but the refs (Judge) made all the calls for the Kids.

  • PGP 04/01/22 || We need to rethink Bartering

    03/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    Will we end up like "Beyond Thunderdome" with Mad Max, or is there a better way?

  • PGP 03/30/22 || Backing the Wrong Dog...Again

    03/04/2022 Duration: 41min

    Lip Service from Patriots, We all hate the Deep State!!! we go on and on about George Soros and the Deep State but don't do Shit about it, then when Putin fights the Deep State we call him a Tyrant. Wakey-Wakey America, everyone says I don't Agree With What Putin Did, But... But What? You Don't agree with defending Your Nation? You Don't agree with Stomping the shit out of NAZIs? You Don't agree with Getting a Win in the Fight against the DEEP STATE? Here Is my Plan.

  • Part 2 PGP 03/28/2022 || Recorded Monday but...

    31/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Had lots of Audio/Video issues but Finally got it worked out. I wanted this to be current because by week's end Ukrain/NATO may surrender to Russia, yes things are not what they are telling us on the MSM. Russia, ukraine, NATO, Putin, Zelinsky,

  • Part 1 PGP 03/28/2022 || Recorded Monday but...

    31/03/2022 Duration: 27min

    Had lots of Audio/Video issues but Finally got it worked out. I wanted this to be current because by week's end Ukrain/NATO may surrender to Russia, yes things are not what they are telling us on the MSM.   Russia, ukraine, NATO, Putin, Zelinsky

  • Ukraine good, Russia Bad, lol what a crock

    08/03/2022 Duration: 35min

    Most folks think Ukraine is just awesome, because the media says so, and others hate Russia because the media says so, when did we all start believing the Fucking media? There are those that have a Historical view of Russia but even that is skewed due to years of training and brainwashing, but if you do some research, it's Ukraine that is the Warmongering haters. Watch these two Films before saying I'm Wrong Ukraine on Fire   Across Ukraine's eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. Revealing Ukraine   "Revealing Ukraine" by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following "Ukraine on Fire". In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the

  • State Of The Union, not the Country

    02/03/2022 Duration: 30min

    WTF was our Mental Patient in Chief talking about? But it's not just Biden it is the last 70-80 years that our presidents have talked about the people and not the states. Remember when our presidents were elected by the Electoral College and not the Popular Vote...of course not? Get A Bivy Here   F#CK Yes It's Rated (R) Tags Biden, bivy stick, bivy, SOTU, State of the union, Presidental duties

  • WW3, WW4, or just the END of DAYS

    26/02/2022 Duration: 01h39s

    So it has begun and might be over before this Podcast gets published, but maybe not. What if this is the beginning of the end, doomsday, SHTF, and the book of Revelations all wrapped into one big cluster-fuck?  The first part of this episode is all about this shit show and how we should be looking at our world. Part 2 is how we need to stop prepping and get squared away quick, info on comms, and is it better to have a Satellite phone or a less expensive 2-way satellite messaging device? The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov   Get A Bivy Here   F#CK Yes It's Rated (R) Tags Russia, WW4, WW#, Prepping, emp, cyber-attacks, nukes, power grid failure, Biden, doomsday, Mike Adams, brighteon, bivy stick, bivy, nato, united nations, deep state, Ukraine, Asimov, naked sun,

  • PGP 02/22/22 || WTF-Keep Silent and Lying To Us

    22/02/2022 Duration: 35min

    When they Know The Truth And Keep Silent and Lie To Us, WTF Why would the pundits in the media lie to us, is to incite fear, isn't that the same as yelling FIRE in a crowded theater? These Useless Fucks are not telling us anything helpful, just manipulating us into fear and complacency.   Rated (R) so listen at your own peril.

  • PGP 2/14/22 Russia, Russia, Russia

    16/02/2022 Duration: 32min

    Russia, Russia, Russia Watching the Supper Boul is better than being A Patriot??? Oh, Happy Valentines Day, and on the bright side, We Are Still Alive, Russia, Russia, Russia Did Not Start WW3. Still Rated (R)

  • Handing My City a $750K Diminution of value

    10/02/2022 Duration: 24min

    Handing My City a $750K Diminution of value, this should be fun.   Yep, still Rated (R) Defund Bureaucracy, Join the Fight against Agenda 21  This site is under construction so watch your step as you look around LOL, there are a few posts and most importantly, The DONATE Button, I'm using Give Sand Go try it out...Please

  • A short Shop Tour, and a Rant about my Court Case

    01/02/2022 Duration: 48min

    So John Jeffers told me "Make a DAMN Podcast!!!" So here it is Sir. The shop tour is just something I have been fixing up for the longest time, but the RANT is about why I haven't done a Show for a while. My Court date was set for 02/01 and has been Continued until...I don't know so that Sucks and I just want to Get It Over.     Yes, This is Rated (R) also

  • Happy New Year Everyone

    01/01/2022 Duration: 14min

    Let's hope or Prey, something, whatever it is that you do that 2022 is so much better than 2021. My vow is to continue my fight against Agenda 21 harder than ever.  We all must join in the fight for our Freedom, and Liberty. During the end of the wretched year of 2021, I cut the Cable to save cash and apply the saving towards my fight with City Hall.

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