The Unexplained With Howard Hughes

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Join Howard Hughes as he explores the world of the unexplained, live from London Howard has been in conversation with some of the world's most renown mediums and paranormal investigators, more information is available on The Unexplained website - where you can join the mailing list, contact Howard and more!


  • Edition 109 - Dr Barry Taff


    This edition features the life and work of "medical intuitive" and paranormalist Dr BarryTaff. It is an amazing show about an amazing man.

  • Edition 108 - Ouija Boards


    This time another show on a subject you requested – Ouija Boards. We hear from Karen Dahlmanin California who has been using them for four decades with amazing – and sometimes spine-chilling –results.

  • Edition 107 - Mathematics and The Paranormal


    Can mathematics and science explain paranormal phenomena... Yes, thinks US Maths ProfessorJames D Stein, the author of The Paranormal Equation

  • Edition 106 - Where Did The Twin Towers Go?


    This time it's a very controversial and contentious show featuring scientist Dr Judy Wood.Her 9-11 research she says shows the Twin Towers may have been turned to dust by a Directed EnergyWeapon.

  • Edition 105 - America's Loch Ness Monster


    This show features New Zealand-based American researcher Robert Bartholomew - who has lookedinto "monster sightings" dating from the 1600s to the present at America's Lake Champlain.

  • Edition 104 - Richard C Hoagland


    Richard C Hoagland talks about his latest work on Mars, Torsion Field Physics and a hugelycontroversial 9-11 theory...

  • Edition 103 - Steve Hassan


    This edition features global expert on Cults and Mind Control Groups Steve Hassan – How bigis this problem in the age of the internet? On this show Howard finds out.

  • Edition 102 - Dr Nick Lister


    This time we talk with a rising-star Astronomer – Dr Nick Lister – based at Fleetwood in theNorthwest of England. He's recently been part of the "Stargazing Live" project on British television.2013′s started with news stories about an asteroid cruising close to earth and more evidence ofearth-like planets – we talk about these things and more space topics on this show.

  • Edition 101 - Marshall Vian Summers


    A highly controversial show with "modern day prophet" Marshall Vian Summers fromhis base in Colorado - He believes he has received vital new messages for Mankind from God - His viewshave been strongly attacked by followers of some religions - but he says it's crucial he gets the wordout to the world.

  • Edition 100 - Dr Ian Rubenstein


    Hear London medical doctor and Medium Dr Ian Rubenstein's surprising story...

  • Edition 99 - Dr Amit Goswami


    This time, another guest you asked for – Dr Amit Goswami and his unique take on QuantumPhysics, how it could change the world and, potentially, heal its problems.

  • Special Edition - Remembering Sir Patrick Moore


    This is a Special Edition recorded an hour after the announcement of the death of legendaryBritish astronomer and Broadcaster Sir Patrick Moore at the age of 89 - We have lost a great Britishcharacter and our greatest champion of space research. R.I.P in the stars...

  • Edition 98 - Carole J. Obley


    This edition features Pennsylvania-based Spirit Medium Carole J. Obley who has researched"unfinished business" between this world and the next… How do you say the things you wish you'dsaid to your loved one after they've died?

  • Edition 97 - Gary Heseltine


    This time we talk with Gary Heseltine – a serving British police officer who collates UFOreports from policemen and women and other members of the uniformed services. Often these people willnot formally report what they have seen because they fear for promotion prospects or they're afraid ofridicule from colleagues – but many have spoken to Gary and gone on the record with him. And on thisshow you will hear their stories.

  • Edition 96 - Anthony Peake


    This time we meet British author Anthony Peake – and get his unique take on consciousness,life-after-death, near death experiences and what we call time.

  • Edition 95 - Hurricane Sandy Special


    This time – in a Special Edition, we reflect on the devastating events around HurricaneSandy, as it ripped through the Tri-State Area surrounding New York. We get a report from New Yorksfamous Gabby Cabbie - Peter Franklin in flood and wind-hit Lower Manhattan; then we talk with leadingClimate Researcher Katharine Hayhoe at Texas Tech University.

  • Edition 94 - Space Wars, Richard Lennie


    This time we speak to West of England Ufologist Richard Lennie who – like many people in theUS, is using night-vision technology to see what he thinks could be extra-terrestrial dogfights highabout earth.

  • Edition 93 - Wynn Free


    This time we talk to Wynn Free in Arizona, USA – a man with a remarkable life-story... Wynnsays he has been in contact with a higher intelligence. Also, he wrote a book about a man claimed to bethe re-incarnation of modern-day prophet Edgar Cayce.

  • Edition 92 - Peter Maxwell Slattery


    This Edition features an ordinary young Australian guy who says he has had a lifetime ofextraordinary UFO and alien contact.

  • Edition 91 - Linda Moulton-Howe


    This time we talk with theorist, self-styled change agent and wholefood pioneer Gregory Samsabout Chaos Theory – how and why – things really do have a habit of falling into place!

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