The P.t. Entrepreneur Podcast



The PT Entrepreneur Podcast with Danny Matta brings you interviews and insights from top physical therapy business owners. Topics range from starting and running a cash physical therapy practice to creating digital products and even physical products. The PT Entrepreneur Podcast gives you an inside look of the minds and businesses of some of the most successful physical therapists today. No empty fluff.... just actionable, helpful information you can use TODAY.


  • Ep655 | The 3 Best Times To Run Marketing Campaigns

    02/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the three best times for physical therapy businesses to execute internal marketing campaigns to reactivate prior and current clients. By targeting clients who have already experienced their services and have established trust, these campaigns have a higher chance of successfully selling additional services compared to new clients.  Enjoy! Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group? If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep654 | 5 Ways To Get More New Patients

    31/10/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    In this episode, we delve into five key strategies for physical therapists and healthcare providers to attract more new patients to their cash-based practices. Our first focus is on enhancing clinical skills. By becoming exceptional clinicians who consistently deliver excellent results, we can generate valuable word-of-mouth referrals, which are both cost-effective and effortless. Throughout the episode, we underscore the growing viability of cash-based practices in the face of rising healthcare costs. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that competition is also intensifying, making it essential for providers to continuously improve both their clinical and business skills. By implementing these five marketing approaches, practices can enjoy sustainable growth. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a

  • Ep653 | What To Do When People Copy You

    26/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    In this episode of our audio podcast, Doc Danny delves into a common challenge that many businesses face - dealing with other businesses copying what you do. Drawing from his own experiences with his business, Danny shares how he noticed that as his social media presence grew, other practices would swiftly replicate his exercise videos, unique messaging, and content shared on various platforms. Initially, Danny found this copying behavior to be quite irksome. However, he recalls a valuable insight he received - the act of copying is actually a form of flattery. It signifies that these other businesses recognize your success and believe that you have something worth emulating. Additionally, the act of copying often reveals a lack of knowledge and understanding on the part of the copiers, as they struggle to create their own original content. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   Do you enjoy the podcas

  • Ep652 | How The Industry Has Evolved and Where It's Going

    24/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, join Jerred Moon, Yves Gege, and Doc Danny as they delve into the ever-changing world of physical therapy and performance-based clinics. With over 10-20 years of experience, they reflect on the significant shifts they have witnessed and provide compelling predictions for the next decade of this industry. First, they delve into the issue of reimbursement rates dropping for physical therapists due to over-coding by certain clinics. This unfortunate trend has forced clinics to see more patients per hour in order to maintain financial stability. However, they also shed light on the emergence of a new path for physical therapists, where they venture into the health and fitness realm. Through direct-to-consumer cash-based models, therapists can now enjoy more freedom and potentially earn higher incomes. Join us as we explore the past, present, and future of physical therapy and performance-based clinics. Gain insights into the evolving landscape of this industry and discover what the next 10 year

  • Ep651 | Where To Reinvest In Your Business

    19/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, we look into the various areas of a business that owners can strategically invest in to generate a substantial return on investment. One of the key areas highlighted is investing in people, specifically hiring staff. By bringing skilled individuals on board, businesses can often generate more revenue than the cost of their salaries, making it a highly beneficial investment.  Overall, we stress the notion that investing in your own business has the potential to yield a much higher return than passive investments, primarily because you have control over the outcomes. By strategically investing in people, space, knowledge/education, marketing, and technology, business owners can significantly grow their ventures and increase their overall value. Tune in to gain valuable insights on where to reinvest your money within your business to drive growth and success. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!

  • Ep650 | The PT Biz Origin Story

    17/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the origins and goals of PT Biz, a renowned business coaching company specifically designed for physical therapists. This incredible company was founded by three partners - Doc Danny, Yves, and Jerred. Danny himself started his own cash-based physical therapy practice back in 2014, but soon realized that he needed to expand his knowledge in the business aspect of things. With the invaluable support and guidance of his wife, Danny developed effective systems that facilitated the growth of his practice. As time went on, other therapists started seeking his advice, and that's when he realized the potential for a greater impact by helping more clinicians. Thus, Danny made a decision to focus on business coaching through PT Biz, while his wife took over the reins of the practice. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review

  • Ep649 | How To Pick The Right Continuity Offer

    12/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    In this episode, we look into the significance of continuity programs and recurring revenue for businesses. We uncover the essence of continuity programs as ongoing initiatives that contribute to the development of recurring revenue. Unlike new business revenue which constantly necessitates the acquisition of new clients, recurring revenue involves clients who pay consistently each month. This type of revenue offers a higher level of stability and sustainability. Doc Danny emphasizes the importance of initiating continuity programs early on, as they have the potential to snowball over time. As more clients enroll in recurring programs on a monthly basis, the revenue gradually accumulates. While client churn is inevitable, Danny argues that with the right strategies, new clients can balance out those who depart. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star rev

  • Ep648 | Indiana State PT Student Q/A

    10/10/2023 Duration: 57min

    In this episode, Danny engages in a candid conversation with a group of physical therapy students from Indiana State, sharing his personal journey and experiences in starting a cash-based physical therapy practice. Rather than delivering a formal presentation, Danny opts for a casual discussion with the students, allowing for a more intimate and relatable exchange. Throughout the episode, Danny addresses various questions posed by the students, offering invaluable insights and advice tailored to their individual aspirations. For instance, he guides Emily, who expresses her desire to work with runners after graduation, on how to enter a new area and successfully build a reputable practice. Danny explores potential options for Emily, such as working at a clinic or remotely coaching discharged clients in Salt Lake. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star re

  • Ep647 | Local Marketing: What's Working Now

    05/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, Doc Danny dives into the world of physical therapy and explores innovative tactics that can help physical therapists attract more clients. We examine how local marketing strategies have evolved beyond traditional education events to now include injury screens and performance testing. Injury screens involve a comprehensive assessment of clients' range of motion, strength, and movement control to identify potential deficiencies that may lead to injuries. By highlighting these areas for improvement, clients gain a deeper understanding of their own physical limitations and become more motivated to seek professional help.  Furthermore, we explore the concept of performance testing, which utilizes metrics such as grip strength, vertical jump, and single-leg hops to evaluate athletic performance and identify any underlying issues. By providing objective measurements, clients gain valuable insights into their current performance levels and are inspired to address any concerns, especially if they asp

  • Ep646 | 4 Big Takeaways From The September 2023 Mastermind Event

    03/10/2023 Duration: 39min

    In this episode, Doc Danny provides a detailed review of his recent Mastermind events held in Denver, Colorado last month. Sharing the context of the event, he highlights the stunning scenery of Boulder, where he enjoyed hiking and visiting a local bookstore. Danny explores the purpose of the mastermind program, which aims to support performance-based clinicians throughout the year in growing their businesses. He walks us through the daily activities of the events, which include workouts, breakfast, presentations, small group work, and networking dinners. In conclusion, Dr. Danny reiterates the key points of his review, highlighting the significance of recurring revenue streams, understanding the mental challenges faced in the initial stages of entrepreneurship, empathizing with the different obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs, and prioritizing mental health. He extends an invitation to interested performance-based clinicians to explore if the mastermind program would be a suitable fit for them. Head t

  • Ep645 | Cash Flow vs Business Value

    28/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    In this episode of the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, we delve into the crucial distinction between making decisions based solely on cash flow versus prioritizing business value when operating a physical therapy business. While cash flow is undoubtedly essential, Doc Danny enlightens us on the fact that relying solely on cash flow does not necessarily cultivate intrinsic value within the business. After all, if the business heavily relies on the owner's labor to sustain cash flow, its value becomes diminished if it cannot function in their absence. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group? If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep644 | How To Be a More Effective Communicator

    26/09/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, Doc Danny and Yves dive into the importance of effective communication for business owners and leaders. The discussion is based on a poll conducted by Yves in the PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group, which revealed that effective communication is the most crucial trait of a good leader. The hosts highlight the potential pitfalls of poor communication, such as damaging relationships and losing trust. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group? If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep643 | How To Build A Rock Solid Reputation

    21/09/2023 Duration: 14min

    In this podcast episode, we dive into the crucial topic of doing the right thing in business. We explore the psychological concept of reciprocity, where individuals feel a compelling obligation to return a favor when someone does something for them. Surprisingly, the return can even outweigh the initial favor. To illustrate this, we share a real-life example of how buying someone lunch can lead to their help in moving heavy objects. We emphasize the significance of reputation in the business world, highlighting how it can be rapidly influenced by our actions, both positively and negatively. Particularly for new business owners, who have the advantage of having all decisions go through them, doing the right thing for all customers is paramount. By consistently acting with integrity, a strong and positive reputation can be built in the long run. Furthermore, it is crucial to identify the right customers for the business and, if necessary, refer others to specialists. It is important not to charge customers for

  • Ep642 | Productivity Hacks To Stay Focused and Get More Done

    19/09/2023 Duration: 39min

    In this podcast episode, Jerred Moon and Yves delve into the topic of productivity, conquering procrastination, and sharpening focus. Jerred, a seasoned business owner, shares his personal experiences and strategies for managing multiple tasks and staying organized. He introduces his system, which originated from a basic to-do list and has evolved to include prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, setting goals, and time-blocking tasks. Inspired by his pilot training, Jerred developed a symbolic tracking system using dashes, pluses, and circles to represent ideas, tasks in progress, and completed tasks. The discussion then moves to the concept of focusing only on the highest priority tasks and the "two-hour test." Jerred explains that by asking oneself what they would focus on if they only had two hours to work, it becomes easier to prioritize and avoid getting caught up in busy work. He also emphasizes the importance of regularly decluttering the task list by deleting irrelevant tasks at the end

  • Ep641 | The One Habit Anyone Can Benefit From

    14/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, we dive into the incredible benefits of journaling. Doc Danny suggests that journaling is a simple and inexpensive habit that can help organize thoughts and clear the mind. But don't worry, this isn't about keeping a diary. Instead, Danny advocates for free-flow writing or drawing, allowing ideas to connect with one another through arrows. Danny shares their personal experience with journaling, revealing that they turn to it whenever they feel overwhelmed or need to find clarity. Interestingly, Danny stumbled upon a journal from 2015 and was amazed by what they discovered within its pages. Not only did it contain relevant to-do lists, but also a treasure trove of random thoughts and drawings. Journaling, it turns out, acts as a time capsule that allows us to revisit past thoughts and goals, providing insight into how our perspectives have evolved, what still holds importance, and the progress we have made. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   https://www.physicalt

  • Ep640 | The 5 Areas To Reinvest In Your Business

    12/09/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Danny and Yves discuss the best ways to reinvest in a physical therapy cash practice. They emphasize that reinvesting is important for tax advantages and the growth of enterprise value over time. The five main areas to reinvest are: Knowledge - Improving one's own skills and abilities through continued education and mentorship. This is the safest investment that cannot be taken away. Space - Expanding the physical space of the clinic to accommodate more staff and patients. This allows for generating more revenue. People - Hiring staff like clinicians, and administrators to fulfill services and free up the owner's time. People become advocates for the business. Technology and equipment - Investing in tools that increase efficiency, outcomes, and marketing opportunities like blood flow restriction equipment. Vendors - Outsourcing specialized skills to fractionalized service groups in areas like marketing, accounting and financial planning. This plugs expertise into the business efficiently. They stress find

  • Ep639 | Why You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover

    07/09/2023 Duration: 14min

    In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast, Doc Danny dives into the topic of making assumptions about patients' financial situations based on their appearance. Drawing from personal experiences, he reflects on how he used to judge clients' ability to afford extensive treatment based on their clothing and car choices. However, he shares a surprising encounter with a client who defied his assumptions. Despite the client's modest attire and old car, it turned out they were one of the wealthiest individuals Danny had ever worked with, having achieved remarkable success through multiple companies and lucrative rental properties. This eye-opening experience made him realize the grave mistake he had been making by wrongly assessing clients' financial means. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you

  • Ep638 | Why You Need A Misogi In Your Life With Joe Szymanek

    05/09/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    In this podcast episode, Danny and his friend Joe reunite to dive into Joe's recent adventure as a deckhand on a commercial fishing boat in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Curiosity led Joe to seize the opportunity when his friend's father, who owns a salmon fishing boat, offered him the job. Despite feeling nervous, Joe embraced the chance to challenge himself by undertaking something arduous. The life of a deckhand entailed enduring physically demanding tasks, uncomfortable sleeping conditions, and even resorting to a bucket as a makeshift toilet. Overall, this episode centers on Joe's gripping account of life as a deckhand, highlighting the mental hurdles he encountered. Moreover, the conversation expands to encompass the importance of pushing oneself beyond their comfort zone, as well as embracing intentional living amidst the routines of everyday life. Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration to embark on your own transformative journey. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge!   htt

  • Ep637 | The Power Of Difficult Conversations

    31/08/2023 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, we explore the importance of having difficult conversations as a business owner. We delve into the benefits of addressing problems and issues directly, even if they may be uncomfortable. These conversations are crucial for the long-term success of a company, especially when changes need to be made to improve profitability or service structures. Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group? If not, head to the link below and join the community!

  • Ep636 | 5 Free Ways To Deliver An Amazing Experience

    29/08/2023 Duration: 58min

    In this episode of the podcast, Doc Danny and Yves delve into five practical and cost-free strategies that physical therapy practices can employ to enhance the customer experience and generate more referrals. The first strategy is the power of using people's names when interacting with them. By addressing patients by their names, it fosters a sense of personal connection and value. Tune in to hear the rest! Head to the link below to participate in our 5 Day Challenge! Do you enjoy the podcast? If so, leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and tell a friend to do the same! Are you a member of our free PT Entrepreneur Facebook Group? If not, head to the link below and join the community!

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