New Mindset, Who Dis?



Hi, Im Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and I firmly believe that the world belongs to those with perspective.Perspective doesnt come from the latest curated headline online, or the latest self help guru. It comes from weirdos. Nerds. Misfits. Odd balls. Eccentric, future CEOs. jetsetting artists and musicians people who chase purpose and understand that they are always one decision away from a totally different life.Im fascinated by human potential and the mindsets that allow us to reach our own. Ive been fortunate to find my passion in life and I find fulfillment with it each day. I want to help you do the same. Join me on my weekly podcast New Mindset, Who Dis?. Its a different kind of podcast... no gurus, no fluff and no preaching of generic life advice just short but real and relatable conversations on self-help, wellness, and mindsets with practical and personal insights into how to live a passionate, purposeful and happy life. Short, weekly episodes that are less than 10 minutes in length on how to live the life youre meant for that will leave you thinking to yourself new mindset, who dis? and other people thinking wow youve changed.


  • 7 - Stop being so modest

    04/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, I talk about why you should stop being so modest and why you need to stop seeking validation from others. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 6 - I'm sorry... you're basic

    30/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I talk about what being average really means and how to create your own average in life. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 5 - Bro, do you even have a story?

    28/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about influence, how to build it, why it's important and what I've learned about it from my personal journey. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 4 - Lemme overthink that

    23/05/2018 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about overthinking, why it's a waste of time and how to put an end to it. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 3 - Confidence like Kanye

    21/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about what true confidence really is and how to develop your own. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 2 - Stop being so realistic

    14/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, I talk about why you should stop being so realistic about accomplishment in your 20s and 30s. There's a better mindset to have. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 1 - You need to have some swag

    13/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    In this episode, I talk about why you need to have some swag and what happens when you believe in your worth, think BIGGER and assign high value to yourself. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

  • New Mindset, Who Dis?

    11/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, I introduce the 'New Mindset, Who Dis? podcast, tell you my story and give you a reason to listen to future episodes. Follow me on Instagram: @case.kenny

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