Dr. Italy



From a colorful and varied background as a professor of theology, a father of five, business owner, and professional performer Marcellino DAmbrosio (aka Dr. Italy) crafts talks, blog posts, books, and videos that are always fascinating, practical, and easy to understand.  He is a popular speaker, TV and radio personality, New York Times best-selling author, and pilgrimage host who has been leading people on a journey of discovery for over thirty years.  For a fuller bio and video, visit https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/dr-italy.


  • Passover, Thanksgiving and the Eucharist

    27/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    Before thanksgiving was an American holiday, it was a hallmark of the Judeo-Christian tradition.  All ancient peoples gave thanks for creation; only Jews and Christians believe that God acted decisively in history to secure our liberation from slavery.  Eucharist simply means thanksgiving -- and it is the supreme act of worship and thanks for the sacrifice that won our ultimate liberation.

  • Holy Week, Holy Land

    25/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    In this podcast from the Sonrise Morning Show, host Anna Mitchell begins by observing that virtually half the Gospel of Luke is taken up by Jesus and disciples journey from Galilee to Jerusalem.  Holy Land Pilgrimage host and theologian Marcellino D'Ambrosio (Dr. Italy) describes what this journey would have been like for the Lord and his followers and what Jerusalem would have been like in the days before the Passover.  He goes on to explain the distinctive location of the Last Supper high in the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem and the strenuous downhill walk of Jesus and the Twelve from the Cenacle to the Kidron valley, and then up to the Garden of Gethsemane a third the way up the slopes of the Mount of Olives.  Jesus capture is described as well as "the sacred Pit," the maximum security cell in Caiaphas' palace complex where Jesus most probably spent the last night of his earthly life.

  • Mount of Olives and the Palm Sunday Road

    22/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    6 minute podcast in which on the journey of Jesus and his disciples from Bethany, over the top of the Mount of Olives to Bethphage, & down the Palm Sunday Road from there into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey amidst cries of hosanna.

  • Saint Benedict & the Benedictines, Stability Amidst Chaos

    20/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    In this 14 minute podcast recorded on the occasion of the Feast of St. Benedict on July 11, host Sonrise Morning show host Anna Mitchell interviews Dr. Italy about the significance that Benedict and the Benedictine way of life holds for Christians today.

  • St Joseph Model of Faith

    18/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    14 minute podcast in which Dr. Italy discusses St. Joseph as an often overlooked hero of the Advent – Christmas story.  He shows how St. Matthew’s gospel presents him as a model of faith. In the Advent and Christmas season, all eyes turn to the Holy Family.  Jesus is the primary, focus, of course, with Mary getting secondary attention.  Often, Joseph remains for us a background figure in the Nativity scene, getting less attention than even the Magi.

  • How Can a God of Love send People to Hell? John 3:16 & Judgment

    08/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    If "God so loved the world." how can he possibly send people to hell?  Is he a loving Father or a stern judge? Jesus helps us reconcile love & grace with hell & judgment in perhaps the most famous worlds in the Bible, John 3:16.

  • Value of Fasting

    06/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    Fasting is what most people first think of when they think about penance in general and Lent in particular.  But surprisingly, fasting, as valuable as it is, is probably the least important of the three main groups of Lenten Spiritual Exercises: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving (or mercy). In this podcast, Dr. Italy points out that the real value of fasting is when it is combined with either prayer or almsgiving into a sort of one-two punch at sin and spiritual lethargy.  Some practical examples and tips are offered in the course of the discussion.

  • Cleansing of the Temple - an end to Business as Usual

    28/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Religion is not supposed to be the opposite of spirituality.  But sometimes religion becomes a cold routine, even a business.  The Lord's cleansing of the Temple spells the end of business as usual.  Our religion must be a matter of living faith, zeal and fidelity to the Ten Commandments.

  • Isaac, Abraham & the Meaning of Lenten Sacrifice - 2nd Sunday of Lent B

    23/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    On the Second Sunday of Lent, the church places together the story of Abraham and Isaac on Mt. Moriah with the story of Jesus and three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration.  Together, these stories teach us the meaning of Lenten sacrifice.

  • Polycarp, Disciple of Apostles

    22/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    7 minute interview of Dr. Italy by Anna Mitchell of the Sonrise Morning Show, on St. Polycarp, one of the most fascinating of the Apostolic Fathers, those who pass on to us what they heard from the apostles of Jesus.

  • Fresh Ways for the 40 Days - A New Lenten Approach

    20/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    In this Lenten podcast, Matt Swaim asks Dr. Italy about his new book, 40 Days, 40 Ways, A New Look at Lent (Servant Books).  In response, Marcellino D’Ambrosio explains the book’s aim to help people break out of "same old" stale Lenten patterns. The book does this by offering forty fresh ideas of how to combine prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  The goal is to make us new people by the end of the season.

  • Lent, Noah's Ark, and Baptism - First Sunday of Lent B

    16/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    We begin the forty days of Lent with the memory of a previous 40 days when sin was cleansed from the face of the earth.  This occurred through a flood which spared only 8 people - Noah & his companions on the ark.  This gives us a hint about the meaning & purpose of Lent and its mysterious link to baptism.  For the first Sunday of Lent, cycle B.

  • How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization: The Monks

    15/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this 6 minute radio interview with Anna Mitchell of the Sonrise Morning Show, Dr. Italy begins a discussion on the vast topic of how the Catholic Church built Western civilization.  Starting with the indomitable missionary monks of Ireland, he illustrates how they not only saved but helped build Western civilization by preserving and spreading literacy and literature across Europe.  He also discusses how his upcoming Rhine pilgrimage will focus on this theme, and how many of the sites to be visited are crucial examples of it.

  • Why Lent has 40 Days - Catholic Connection

    13/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    This 18 minute Lenten podcast from the Catholic Connection addresses the forty days of Lent and the hidden symbolism behind the number 40 which reappears in so many places throughout the Sacred Scriptures.  Show host Elena Rodriguez, pinch hitting for Teresa Tomeo, asks Dr. Italy to uncover the mystery of why Lent has 40 days and what this tells us about how we are to approach the season.

  • Lowly Lourdes - Reflections on the Apparitions

    10/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    Podcast excerpted from radio interview in which Dr. Italy offers some reflections on the apparitions of Mary to lowly shepherd girls in Lourdes in 1858.

  • Lessons from the Leper - How to Deal with Suffering

    07/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    There is much more to Jesus' healing of the leper in Mark's gospel than first meets the eye.  Hidden in the story are lessons on the role of suffering and how to respond to it in our lives and the lives of others.

  • We're on a Mission from God

    03/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    The Bible is not just for Churches and Synagogues. Portions of it are read as literature, even in secular university classrooms. Invariably, when you look at the syllabus of such courses, you find Job.

  • The Presentation - Simeon sees the Light

    31/01/2024 Duration: 14min

    In this 15 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the meaning of the ancient feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the temple by Joseph and Mary.  The righteous Israelite, Simeon, being advanced in years, rejoices to see the child he recognizes to be the one to bring the light of truth & salvation to all people.

  • Thomas Aquinas, Faith & Reason

    27/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this 7 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses St. Thomas Aquinas and what he teaches us about the roles of faith and reason.  For his feast day on January 28.

  • Authority over Demons - Spiritual Warfare

    26/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Demons.  Satan.  Beelzebub.  Lucifer.  The Devil.  Known by various names, evil spirits are to be found in the Bible, both New and Old Testaments.  Jesus casts them out and has authority over them.  What do we now make of this, living as we do in a scientific age?

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