The Holistic Creators Podcast hosted by environmental engineer and visionary coach Swanette Kuntze is unlike any other. In this Podcast you will hear everything about Shaping the future for the 4 Ps - People, Planet, Purpose and Profit.In this show Swanette interviews people who "walk the talk". The guests will provide examples and solutions for the challenges our modern world is facing for both the outer crisis in society and the environment and the crises of the inner human world.Awakend women, visionaries, masterminds and leading thinkers share their story, insights and wisdom about personal growth, nature, sustainability, humanity, spirituality, finding their soul purpose and building a humanity-plus business.These people show how everyone can make the disruptive system change to a holistic and sustainable future.If you are an open-minded active women and feel that you are "old souls", if you already live a sustainable life and are "awaken", if you have a deep interest for healing humankind and the earth you can find here a new direction. So get inspired how you can create a holistic future.Your journey begins. Right NOW!
Alles schwingt. Wenn Kristalle Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren.
16/05/2018 Duration: 32minAlexandra Horlacher, mit ihrem Unternehmen "Kristall-Weg", nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise zu einem Ort an dem Menschen durch die Schwingung der Kristalle und der Klangschamanischen Therapie zu ihren Selbstheilungskräften und ihrem Seelenwissen finden.Alexandra hat über die Jahre in vielen Betätigungsfeldern gearbeitet. Angefangen in der Gastronomie, über Verkauf, bis hin zur Altenpflege. Aber stets mit Menschen.Sie studierte die verschiedenen spirituellen Strömungen, machte Weiterbildungen in Heilsteinkunde und klassischer Klangtherapie. Seit viele Jahren arbeitet sie mit hoch traumatisierten Kindern.Vor 10 Jahren hat Alexandra ihre Lebensvision verwirklicht gegründet.
Wenn Elite-Ameisen ihre Gaben in die Welt bringen
03/05/2018 Duration: 42minKirsten Berlin ist Autorin, Lernbegleiterin & Coach, Künstlerin und energetische Heilerin und Akasha-Chronik-Leserin. Ihr neuestes Buch "Elite-Ameisen-Zucht war gestern! Für eine unbeschwerte Kindheit." ist im April 2018 in Windpferdverlag erschienen.
Die Frau, die sich selbst lebt.
24/04/2018 Duration: 01h09minAngelika Zoschke ist gelernte Physiotherapeutin, Pilatestrainerin, Gesundheitspraktikerin für gelebtes Schamanentum, angehende Remote Viewerin und überhaupt spirituelles Wesen, das so gerne lernt Mensch zu sein und was es wirklich bedeutet lebendig zu sein. Kontakt:
Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes –organic food by freshbio
23/04/2018 Duration: 21minThe passion for nature was the reason Marianna and her husband Carlos founded „freshbio“ and bringing up Organic Agriculture in Madeira Island. Both are following their dream of harmony with nature, ecology, sustainability and respect for the environment through all heights and depths.
Jewelry made of knots - Macrame Madeira
23/04/2018 Duration: 18minMonica lernt the process of making macrame jewelry from her friend. Now she has her own business and makes knots for her living.
Fokus auf Fülle. Alles ist möglich.
23/04/2018 Duration: 35minMichelle Amecke ist Persönlichkeitstrainerin & Autorin. Sie ermutigt Frauen, zu sich und ihren Gefühlen zu stehen, ihren eigenen Weg zum Erfolg ohne emotionale Verstrickungen zu finden. Kontakt:
Make the Planet Great Again. – Transforming ego into an eco-based model
23/04/2018 Duration: 01h18minStefan Götz says „My mission is given by God to help transform the current business model based on greed, fear, and ego into an eco-based model of abundance, potential, and well-being of all.When leaders follow their purpose based on God's will they will naturally create an eco-system of potential that this good for the planet, the people, and profit.“Contact:
100 barrels of wine and living is fine.
12/04/2018 Duration: 42minDespite being almost inaccessible by land, Faja dos Padres history dates back to the beginning of Madeira's colonization.Over the ages, it was summer residence of the Jesuits, elected property in the production of the famous Madeira wine, stage for corsair adventures, granary of the surrounding villages.Today it is a wonderfull place with a beachfront restaurant, some small houses for a stay and an organic food production. It is my great pleasure to talk to the owner Catarina Correia in this episode.Contact:
Why I do what I do!
03/04/2018 Duration: 04minThis podcast is all about the vision of Swanette to create a holistic future. Get some insights about her story.