Job Search Podcast By Amy L. Adler, Five Strengths Career Transition Experts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 7:47:40
  • More information



Amy L. Adler, MBA and Certified Master Resume Writer, challenges what you think you know about executive job search. Thinking about making a career move? Listen here first. Each episode focuses on a specific job search topic, exploring need-to-know tips for your executive resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interviewing, networking, and more.My unique approach to marketing executive clients delivers the right message to hiring executives in their industry-specific language and proves beyond a doubt that the candidate has the proper experience to serve the executive team. I capture executive job seekers career histories using their goals as the lens through which I focus their talents and expertise, ensuring the hiring team learns exactly what it needs to know, via the executive resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and strategic career coaching, to call the candidate for the interview.


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