Underdog Empowerment



Welcome to the Underdog Empowerment podcast!This show is for underdog entrepreneurs who have all the odds stacked against them want to learn how to win in their sales, marketing, and business goals.I'm Zachary Babcock, a 6 time convicted felon who spent over 5 years of my life in prison. I transformed my life, and found a way to win as a underdog entrepreneur.I share all of my biggest "a-ha moments" in my personal journey of identifying my target audience/ideal customer, crafting compelling offers, outsourcing, building a passive income business, tough lessons learned, and beating the odds while interviewing some of the most successful visionaries and thought leaders who practice entrepreneurship.


  • One Way To Always Come Out On Top Playing The Long Game

    10/07/2023 Duration: 07min

    In a world where doing the right thing is often overshadowed by the easy way out, Zach stands tall, reminding us all of the power of perseverance and unwavering values. Join us on July 14th for an unforgettable experience at the Alpha Dog Pound Live event, where the true essence of strength and resilience will be on display. Unfortunately, the live event space has been rough this year and ticket sales for ADP Live fell short. Amidst the adversity, a valuable lesson has been learned, however. It's during the most challenging moments that we discover our true potential. Excuses are not on the agenda; instead, a small but mighty group of 36 individuals will make an impact that will resonate far beyond their numbers. The path to victory is never smooth, often riddled with setbacks and hardships. Yet, those who have a strong reason why they persist, triumph over the odds. Critics who belittle others are merely bystanders, unable to take action themselves. But Zach, plays the long game, showing up for the ones who

  • Not Okay To Not Be Okay

    03/07/2023 Duration: 12min

    So often you hear, “it’s okay to not be okay”. Zach is here to tell you that it’s NOT okay to not be okay. Now, hear him out. But first, let’s talk about Alpha Dog Pound Live. ADP Live is coming up quickly on July 14th, and today is the last day to take advantage of an amazing bonus. If you purchase your ADP Live ticket by tonight, July 3rd, at 8pm CST, you’ll receive a full free month of the Alpha Dog Pound Mastermind, plus half off the second month if you decide to stick with it.  With your ADP Live ticket, you’ll learn how to build a personal brand, be an influential leader, accumulate more resources, and so much more! Then, with the mastermind course, you’ll make contacts and connections needed to get to the next level, access to a ton of resources, quarterly in-person meetings, and more!  Our Alpha Underdog promise is that you will get personal and specialized help, we’ll help you find the know-how to build your brand and your confidence, and we’ll guarantee results if you put in the work. So, get in on

  • Most Guru’s Won’t Tell You This

    26/06/2023 Duration: 08min

    Zach has an ultra-important message to share. It’s something most influential people on the internet aren’t talking about, but it’s real life and people need to hear it. Before we get into all of that though, Zach wants to share a special offer. Alpha Dog Pound Live is quickly approaching, and if you’ve been thinking about snagging a ticket, now’s the time to do it. If you purchase between June 30th and July 3rd, Zach is throwing in a full month of the Alpha Dog Pound Mastermind group for free. After that first month, if you decide it’s something you want to continue, you’ll get your second month for 50% off. This mastermind group is meant to help you cultivate the meaningful, impactful, fulfilling work you are called to do. So, head over to AlphaDogPoundLive.com/Tickets now. Most influential people on the internet won’t admit to their struggles, but it’s real life and people need to hear about it.  The last ten months have been rough for Zach. Last year he lost over 50% of his business in one month, and he h

  • We Launched Alpha Underdog!

    19/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    Zach is keeping it short, sweet, and straight to the point. He’s got both good news and bad news. The bad news is that if you’re not subscribed to the Underdog Empowerment newsletter, you missed the good news. Don't worry; you can make sure you don’t miss anything going forward by visiting www.underdogempowerment.com/subscribe. The good news is that Alpha Underdog Apparel has officially launched! The initial design is a limited collection that will never be available again, so don’t wait to head over to www.alphaunderdog.com/collections/all and check out the OG line.  Every item is designed, sourced, and made in the USA. Not only that, but Zach is on a mission to help convicted felons reintegrate into society. That's why 10% of all profits from Underdog Apparel will go towards this cause. Join us in making a difference! In this exciting journey of learning and creating, Zach’s already sold 24 t-shirts, 5 hoodies, and 8 snapback hats. It's Zach’s first time venturing into the world of physical products, and he

  • Create Steady Wealth with Serge Berger

    12/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    Building steady wealth requires a comprehensive understanding of the financial landscape, investment strategies, and long-term planning. Serge Berger, the host of the Steady Wealth podcast, shares his insights and experiences on how to achieve financial stability and create lasting wealth. Serge Berger's journey in the financial industry began after college when he joined JPMorgan. Working in various locations such as New York and London provided him with valuable experiences and allowed him to meet exceptional professionals. He eventually transitioned to the money management side and eventually established his own firm. Serge's intellectual fascination with money fueled his passion for helping others build wealth. One of the fundamental distinctions Serge emphasizes is understanding the difference between investing and trading. Many people mistakenly conflate the two, leading to impulsive decision-making and potential financial pitfalls. While trading can offer the allure of quick profits, it also carries si

  • How Money Solves Most Problems & How To Get It with Josh Forti

    05/06/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Josh Forti, a guest on the podcast three to four years ago, has since embarked on a remarkable journey, establishing a thriving online business and achieving great success. With a seven-figure coaching business under his belt, Josh also dabbled in the world of cryptocurrencies, primarily as a speculator. However, his encounter with Chat GPT made him realize that the world was on the verge of rapid transformation. Amidst these transformative times, Josh faced a personal milestone as well: his wife's pregnancy with their first child. Contemplating his future, he had to decide between continuing on the coaching path or seizing the opportunity to embrace the next trend. Although he had made some gains in the crypto market, he made the bold decision to shut down his coaching business at the end of the previous year. Instead, he committed himself fully to comprehending the crypto space and understanding how technology would disrupt various sectors, including investing and personal wealth management. Josh firmly bel

  • Unlock Your A Game with BJJ Black Belt Nick Lamagna

    29/05/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Nick Lamagna, a black belt in martial arts and a passionate real estate enthusiast, has a story that defies expectations. Once a carefree individual, Nick found himself in upstate New York witnessing people making life-altering decisions about their futures. This pivotal moment propelled him to switch his major to criminal justice and pursue a career in law enforcement. While waiting to join the academies of the FBI, DEA, and others, Nick worked in construction. However, tragedy struck when his hand was crushed on the job. Faced with adversity, he made a promise to himself: if he recovered, he would devote himself fully to achieving his dreams. This incident prompted him to reconsider his path and put his passion for boxing on hold. During his recovery, Nick's mother introduced him to the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," which ignited his interest in real estate. He realized that this field offered a way to build the life he desired, an opportunity he no longer had with law enforcement or construction. Alongside his

  • From the Psych Ward to Wholesaler One Day At A Time with Ky Logue

    22/05/2023 Duration: 36min

    Ky Logue is a real estate investor, wholesaler, and entrepreneur who has overcome significant challenges to achieve success. His journey began with a turbulent childhood, characterized by frequent relocations, stays in group homes, juvenile detention, and even a stint in a psychiatric ward. By the age of 15, Ky found himself homeless and resorted to selling drugs to survive. Ky's life took a turn when he had a close call with the law. A colleague he was working with was raided by the FBI, which made him realize the dangers of his lifestyle. Determined to change, Ky's friend introduced him to a call center job, describing it as similar to the movie Boiler Room. Despite initially being turned away by the manager due to a lack of openings, Ky's friend convinced him to stay and eventually secured him a position. Although Ky had no prior sales experience, he excelled in his new role, discovering a talent he had never realized before. Reflecting on his past, Ky recognized that it had led him to self-sabotage in man

  • Why I’m Leaving the Podcast Industry

    15/05/2023 Duration: 12min

    Zach has big news to share today, and it’s news you would’ve already been privy to if you’re subscribed to the Underdog Empowerment newsletter. So if you haven’t already, go sign up at www.underdogempowerment.com/subscribe. Coming out of prison, Zach started to see financial success in 2019 and was straight up killing it by 2020. However, as his bank account inflated, so did his ego, and he had to reel that in. He moved his family out of the ghetto at the end of 2020 and hosted his first mastermind in January of 2021. He did everything everyone said he would never do, but he still didn’t feel fulfilled. While he was a better person than he was just a few years prior, Zach realized that he had to go deep and kill off all the pieces of himself that no longer served him.  One thing that he’s letting go of is his podcast production agency, Podcast Powertrain. It was always meant to be a stepping stone, and he feels that he’s long overdue for the next step. Going forward, Zach wants to focus on his personal podcas

  • Discover Which AI Tool Is Best for Content Writing and Sales Copy with Craig Kelley

    08/05/2023 Duration: 52min

    Imagine a tool that could revolutionize your marketing efforts, making it easier than ever to create compelling copy and generate results. That's exactly what Lead Scripts, created by the brilliant mind of Craig Kelley, offers. As an entrepreneur who has been building SaaS applications for years, Craig understands the challenges faced by business owners and the importance of effective marketing. Lead Scripts is the culmination of his years of experience and expertise, designed to help entrepreneurs like you build successful brands. Craig's journey began with a passion for web hosting and a thirst for knowledge. What started as a personal endeavor soon turned into a thriving business. Along the way, he developed a Twitter marketing app, dedicating eight years to its development and learning valuable lessons. However, he discovered that businesses didn't prioritize Twitter as much as he initially thought. Undeterred, Craig redirected his focus to musicians, creating an app to help them book gigs and connect wit

  • How to Increase Your WinRate and Be A Big Stud with Mike Claudio

    01/05/2023 Duration: 38min

    Mike Claudio is a man who understands the power of a single conversation. As a personal coach and founder of a nonprofit organization that provides name-brand shoes to children in need, Mike has built a reputation for caring deeply about people and helping them achieve their goals. Unlike many individual coaches out there, Mike has built a coaching business that focuses on developing people in all areas of their lives. He believes that true success comes from finding balance and harmony between work, family, and personal growth, and he works tirelessly to help his clients achieve that balance. And when he's not coaching, he's busy running his nonprofit organization, which has sent over 5000 pairs of shoes to children in need over the last two years. Growing up, Mike had a strong work ethic instilled in him by his parents, who were always pushing him and his siblings to be their best. But he also felt the pressure to conform to society's expectations of what success should look like. He went to college, got a

  • This Personal Branding Method is Bananas with Daniel Doan

    24/04/2023 Duration: 20min

    In 2018, a popular episode featured Daniel Doan and his intriguing backstory. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should definitely give it a listen. A follow-up has been long overdue, and today Daniel shares what he has been up to for the last 5 years. Daniel, at one point, didn't know how to stand out in the crowded world of personal branding. He realized that his brand needed to stand for something, something that would stick with his audience. He experimented with humor and found success when a banana meme he shared went viral. From there, he doubled down and began creating banana-related content, including jokes and skits. Despite his success in the world of comedy, Daniel was most passionate about his work in neuro response copywriting. He recognized that many writers struggle to balance the need for brand recognition with the need for conversion. Daniel sought to tap into the neurological responses that occur when certain words are read, using data analysis to determine which phrases and words in wh

  • What I Learned After 5 Years of Podcasting

    17/04/2023 Duration: 22min

    The Underdog Empowerment Podcast is celebrating its 5-year anniversary, and Zach has some valuable insights to share. The first takeaway is the importance of consistency. By showing up and doing what you say you'll do, you build trust with your audience. Zach has never missed a release date in five years, and this has helped build a loyal following. In fact, staying consistent can put you ahead of 90% of other content creators out there. The second takeaway is that hosting a podcast can help you become a master communicator. Initially, talking into a microphone may feel strange, but with practice, it becomes easier. Zach knows what it’s like to experience limiting beliefs and fear when interviewing guests, but keeping the conversation flowing is essential. The third takeaway is that having a podcast makes creating content easier. By recording video and audio, you can turn them into shorts, blogs, emails, and more. Repurposing content helps you reach a broader audience and saves time in content creation. Final

  • Becoming InFLOWential with Stacy Raske

    10/04/2023 Duration: 56min

    Stacey Raske, a specialist in mind unfuckery, appears on today’s show to discuss her work. She’s very focused on managing her time, attention, and money within her businesses and emphasizes the need to schedule time solely for business. She believes doing so allows for a deeper focus on tasks and the alignment of one's actions with their goals. Stacey's backstory informs her approach to her work. For years, she wore a mask of who she thought she should be and worried about everyone else, which led her to minimize her skills as a natural healer. She followed the prescribed path, deviated from her true calling, and hit rock bottom in 2014. She weighed twice as much as she does now, had PTSD, was losing her corporate career, and her marriage was falling apart. She realized that she was trying to make herself look as ugly on the outside as she felt on the inside because she hated herself. This was the last time she was suicidal. She decided to stop trying to control anything other than herself and began taking ba

  • A Recipe for Building an Elite Culture, Business, and Life With Bart Pietrzak

    03/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    Bart Pietrzak is the founder and owner of an incredible gym that opened in October of last year. Despite the challenges of running a business, Pietrzak describes his experience as the best ever. He attributes this success to his amazing staff and members, who have created a strong sense of community and positive energy within the gym. While the gym may appear intimidating on the surface, Pietrzak explains that everyone is friendly and approachable. To help maintain a positive environment, he developed a red bracelet that reads "Focused AF" to signal to others that the wearer does not wish to be approached or bothered. While this idea was originally intended to address a common problem at other gyms, Pietrzak has found that it is not necessary at his gym, where everyone is respectful of each other's space. Pietrzak believes in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which he accomplishes by focusing on four pillars of life: fitness, finance, relationships, and mindset. He emphasizes the importance of being cl

  • Building a Life By Design Through eCommerce With Matthew Schmitt

    27/03/2023 Duration: 48min

    Matthew Schmitt is a successful entrepreneur and marketer from the St. Louis area. He was born and raised in Chesterfield, and his father worked for Anheuser Busch, the maker of Bud Light. After graduating with an IT degree during a recession, Matthew found it difficult to secure a job in his field, and ended up living in his parents' basement while applying to anything he could get his hands on. Matthew's back was against the wall, so he started to play around with building a website and documenting his weight loss journey, which ultimately led him to lose 100 pounds. Although he was good at building, he struggled with monetizing his website. Eventually, he found a job at Anheuser Busch, but he was still itching for something else. Matthew started to experiment with affiliate marketing on Google, but he got shut down. However, when Facebook opened up targeting and ads, he became one of the first people to get involved. He did direct-to-print t-shirt sales, which didn't require a lot of inventory, and he was

  • How a Subscription Model Works and Adds Additional Income with Hector Gonzalez

    20/03/2023 Duration: 38min

    Hector Gonzalez is a successful entrepreneur who has achieved financial success through subscriptions and coaching. Hector also uses social media to draw in his audience with short-form, polarizing posts that ignite engagement and discussion in the comments section. Currently in the midst of a two and a half day fast, Hector’s energy and focus is on point. He’s pumped and ready to share his secrets to productivity with listeners. Hector's upbringing in the Bronx in a single-parent household taught him the importance of self-reliance and responsibility. He watched his mother pull herself up by the bootstraps and change her life. His mother's religious beliefs had a strong impact on Hector and eventually led him to mission work in places like Pakistan and Mexico. During his seven years of mission work, Hector developed a passion for business and creating content. He was able to raise $3,000 in a day through content creation, which led to his interest in creating and scaling subscriptions. In the face of the pan

  • Which Investment Property to Buy With Nathan Brooks

    13/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    Nathan Brooks made a living as a musician for nearly 20 years, playing at bars until the early hours of the morning before performing at church on Sunday. Although he enjoyed the experience, it was challenging to earn a good living in the music industry. Nathan then became obsessed with real estate and began flipping houses despite having no prior experience. Unfortunately, this venture did not go well, especially with the housing market collapse, and he filed for bankruptcy in 2009. After several years of working to rebuild his credit, Natha started again in 2012, and in 2015, he founded his own company, Bridge Real Estate Investing. This company focuses on new construction and Airbnb rentals. Having utilized books as a low-cost, high-impact tool to success, Nathan decided to write his own book titled "No Quitter's Guide”. Work-life balance is essential for Nathan, who values spending time with his children. He’s also interested in plant medicine and has done extensive work on his own personal trauma. Nathan

  • Showing Up Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

    06/03/2023 Duration: 03min

     Zach has been so focused on getting the studio just right, he’s been putting off creating content. Now that he’s just about got everything the way he wants, he’s ready to go all in on content creation again. Look for him to be blowing up on YouTube very soon. Zach is ready to get back to his roots, the whole reason he started this movement, to make a real impact in people’s lives. If you want to see all the cool stuff he’s got going on, check out Alpha Dog Pound Live. All of this to say, make sure you’re showing up in your life, for your goals. Zach’s core values are truth, order, excellence, alignment, and freedom. Staying on top of his goals keeps him in alignment with those core values. Zach hasn’t missed a publishing date since the conception of this podcast, nearly 5 years ago. That’s true consistency. Do the things you need to do consistently, especially on the days you don’t feel like doing it. Your future self will thank you. What You’ll Learn: What Zach has in the works. How Zach’s core values alig

  • Build Real Followers of Real People on Instagram with Michelle Berman

    27/02/2023 Duration: 58min

    In today’s episode we’re talking about building genuine relationships with people online. Guest, Michelle Berman, shares her personal and professional journey to success. Michelle grew up in Southern California and went to college on a swimming scholarship at Rutgers University. After graduation, she was told to get a job, but she hated it. She then uprooted for a boy, which didn't work out, but taught her a lot. During a difficult transition that included totaling a car and losing all her money, she made her way back to Southern California while her dad was going through chemo, and decided to stay there. After working in a public relations firm and hating that, Michelle started her own company in 2014, thinking there had to be a better way to do things. She hired a business coach in the UK, flew across the world, and sat in a coffee shop for 8 days with him. She then came back, fired all her clients, and started over. Today, she has done just over a million dollars in core sales and has been on 100 podcasts.

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