Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish



LIVE MONS 1 PM ET/12CT/11amMT/10PT It seems Ive officially lost my mind. I think my kids ran away with it. Parents, do you ever feel like this? Are you tired of trying to meet other peoples expectations of you as a parent? Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in todays world. She also knows that the world will be a much better place when family life focuses on empowering parents and kids to be the unique caring beings they are meant to be.  Mary provides simple strategies and techniques that allow each family to raise children that feel confident stepping into their unique gifts and talents to offer to the world.  She utilizes her teaching experience along with her natural talents for getting to the root of what is causing distress, discord and dis-ease in family living.


  • Parenting in The World of “What If” Possibilities ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Imagine being able to indulge in the delicacies of joy, ease, peace and calm within your parenting experience. What if you could connect to the power of creating beyond what you are currently experiencing as a parent in the world of dis-ease, struggle, worry, anxiety and maybe even anger? What if you didn’t have to settle for, “This is as good as it gets?” What if parenting is a creation that you get to design so that it works for you? In this episode of Be You Parenting, journey with Mary as she takes you on various “possibility” paths that start with “What if” that will enlighten and inspire you to go beyond your imagination and into truly making a different reality for you and your family. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities

  • Frequently Asked Parenting Questions ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Ever wonder how to handle a parenting problem? Many parents wonder if they are doing the right thing, whether it is about chores, sibling issues, giving allowances, behavior issues, school concerns or best practices for teaching your kids about life. These issues bring up parenting questions that are common in many family homes. In this episode, Mary will address some of these common parenting questions and give insights, tools and strategies that will empower the parent and the child. And if you have a question, you can call in with your questions! ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parent

  • Multi-Cultural Parenting – Guest Elfy Jo


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parenting is already quite the adventure. It becomes even more interesting when you add a multi-cultural layer into the mix. My guest Elfy Jo is opening up for the first time about her parenting journey, which involves finding and maintaining a balance between East and West. In this multi-cultural journey Elfy Jo has developed some very easy and practical tools she will share with us, so you can have more ease and joy being a parent! Elfy Jo is originally a professional musician but these days she is also a radio show host, a spokesperson for consciousness, a teacher, a healer and a lover of shenanigans. Her radio show is called Musical Magic with Elfy Jo on Inspired Choices Network. In all that she does she combines her joy for life with her knowledge of energy work and mastery in music. One of her strongest magical powers is transmuting heavy energies to light and expansive ones. She does this with her specific skill set that incorporates kindness with a “whatever i

  • The Best & Worst Parenting Expectations ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parenting can be about all kinds of expectations for and about children. What parenting expectations contribute to raising confident and happy kids? Are there any parenting expectations that are harmful to a child’s self-image? Join this discussion about expectations as Mary gives you some new insights about expectations for raising today's children. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in today’s world. She also knows

  • The Power of Asking ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Being an empowered parent involves the power of asking, so that you can receive more than you ever thought possible. The Universal Truth- Ask and You Shall Receive applies to parents too. In this episode learn how you can apply this truth to being a parent and discover how you can access the power that gives you more joy and ease, even through the challenges of raising today’s children. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising

  • Beyond Grief and Into Joy ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish One of a parent’s biggest fears is the death of a child. It is a fear that can deeply affect children as well as parents. The grief that comes after a child dies can lead to deep depression, anxiety, heavy guilt and even thoughts of suicide. After the death of a child, a parent loses sight of ever being happy or having any joy. In this episode, Mary will openly share about her journey to move beyond the grief and into a world of joy. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of t

  • Parents Say the Darndest Things ~ Guest Annie Chin Taylor


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parents do say the darndest things. Parents as well as other adults who interact with children can unknowingly dis-empower kids. As much as parents want to do well by their children, they often are not aware of what they are being, doing, saying and projecting that robs kids of their own empowerment. In this episode, Mary and Annie will explore how to be aware of what you may be doing that is affecting not only your child’s capacity to be empowered, but also yours. Annie Chin Taylor, M.Ed, enjoys facilitating change for those seeking something different in their lives. She’s currently a mother of two college students, a bodywork facilitator, and empowerment coach. For the past 12 years, Annie has presented an array of empowerment and mind-body wellness tools in schools, at work sites, at conferences, in online classes, and to community organizations as well as working with private clients. She assists people of all ages in unraveling emotional patterns and moving beyo

  • End Relationship Madness ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Relationships can be the source of stress, sadness, and frustration. Children observe how their parents and adults around them create relationships. If you struggle with knowing what you would like in a relationship, how will your children know what they want? Mary will share this week how to end your relationship madness and create more ease with the various relationships in your life. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising

  • Willing to Fail ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Failure- Something many parents avoid. They don’t want to see their kids fail, they don’t want to fail themselves as parents and yet, avoiding failure may be just what is keeping you from being a success and your kids too. What Mary reveals about failure may be quite a surprise along with the tools to increase your willingness to see failure from a different perspective. Join us this week as the adventures in being an empowered parent continue when we venture into the world of failure and success. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just tr

  • Is My Child Wired to Struggle? ~ Guest Maxine Haller OTR/L


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Are you very worried about your child’s ability to cope? Does your child struggle at home and at school? Does your child’s struggle impact how you interact and have a detrimental effect on the whole family? All children develop and grow differently, at different speeds and in different ways. No matter how they do it though, there are certain milestones that have to be hit. If your child never masters them it can affect their ability to reach their full potential as adults. In this episode of Be You Parenting, Maxine Haller, OTR/L will share how she helped her son through his own struggles in life and what parents need to be aware of so that their child doesn’t struggle needlessly. Maxine Haller, OTR/L is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist in Fort Collins, CO and has been practicing for 29 years. She graduated from University of The Witwatersrand (South Africa) in 1989 and now specializes in NeuroDevelopment and Trauma. Maxine developed a way to treat her own quirky so

  • Empowered To Handle Bullies ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish The latest research shows that one in three children is directly involved in bullying as a perpetrator, victim, or both. And many of those who are not directly involved witness others being bullied on a regular basis. As parents we have the power to help reduce bullying and to empower our children to know how to handle the bullies in their life. This week Mary will share vital information that every parent needs to have to help their child who is bullied or may even be the bully. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families

  • Kids And Screen Time ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Many parents are confused, scare and wary of the amount of time their kids spend with screen time. The information we receive from the professionals can be confusing, some saying screen time for kids is damaging their brains and other experts who say don’t worry about it. What is a parent to do and how do you regulate screen time for kids when they are exposed to it everywhere? In this episode, Mary will give you some insights about screen time, empowering you and your kids to make choices that allow you and the kids to control the screens and not be controlled by them. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting

  • Your Kids, Their Bodies ~ Guest Milica Jelenic


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do you struggle with how to talk to your kids about their bodies? Does having a teen cause you to worry about how they will be with their growing and changing body? What about your child’s awareness of sexuality? In this episode, we are delighted to have Milica Jelenic to share with us how to have conversations with kids and teens about their bodies, puberty and sexuality. Milica Jelenic host of “The Pleasure Zone” has a BA and works in the Alternative medicine field. Milica is also a Mitzvah Technique Teacher, Access Bars® Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, Radio Show Host and has facilitated greater ease and health in bodies for over 15 years. Milica is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves. She knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up. Milica’s abilities as a

  • Keys To Simple Parenting ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Are you often confused and frustrated as a parent, wondering if parenting can be simple? Do you get caught up in the demands that you lose sight of making parenting simple, easier and more joyful? What if you had simple keys that you can use to make your parenting simple, with less stress? This week Mary will share specific keys to simple parenting. Prepare to let go of old strategies that make it difficult to have clarity, ease and confidence as your raise your children. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~  Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary know

  • Raising a Child on the Spectrum ~ Guest Derek Volk


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Children don’t always come into our lives as we expect. Raising a child on the spectrum of autism presents challenges that can leave parents feeling discouraged as they search for answers. What if there were strategies that could help support and make the journey of raising a child on the spectrum more fulfilling? Our guest, Derek Volk, knows these challenges as he and his wife raised their oldest son, Dylan, diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 8. Derek knows what it takes to meet the challenges of raising a child on the spectrum of autism and will be sharing with us his story and what he has learned to help other parents facing this journey. Derek Volk is the author of the internationally acclaimed Amazon best seller, Chasing the Rabbit: A Dad’s Life Raising a Son on the Spectrum. Derek is a Maine businessman, supporter of Autism awareness, volunteer and philanthropist who, along with his family, was recently named the 2015 Spurwink “Humanitarian of the Year.” He

  • No More Holiday Stress ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ‘Tis the time when families and friends come together to celebrate the holidays. It can be a time of stress as parents scurry about to meet the demands of creating holiday cheer. What if the holidays could truly be cheerful and full of joy without the stress? What if you could take control and end the stress that the holidays bring? You will want to be sure to tune in to hear how you can bring joy this season without the stress. What if this is the year that the holidays become more of the celebration you would like to have? Creating the holidays so that you honor you and your family can be fun and full of adventure. Mary will share tips and strategies you can use to create a joy-filled experience with your family and friends. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~  Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, cha

  • Parenting Teens ~ Guest Corinna Stoeffl


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parenting teens can be a tough time for both parent and teen. This is a time that can create more distance between parent and teen as well as more tension. How is parenting a teen different as they grow into adulthood? What tools can bring a deeper connection between parent and teen? Join our guest Corinna Stoeffl, as she shares valuable insights that she has learned in parenting her children during the teen years. Mary and Corinna will give simple concepts that will make parenting teens a more joy-filled experience for both parent and teen. And stay tuned for part 2 as Mary will join Corinna on Dancing Your Life immediately after to share about having adult children. Corinna Stoeffl is the mother of 2 adult children. For her, being a mother meant to protect the children from anything that would endanger their lives. It did not mean to prevent what she calls 'scraped knees’. It was important to her to let them experience what the consequences of their choices were in

  • Support Your Child’s Education ~ Guest Chelsea Denny


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Regardless of the type of school a student is enrolled in, there are ways that parents can support their child’s education at home. Through inquiry-based techniques, parents have the opportunity to improve their child’s education. Using these simple techniques, you can implement this into your child’s education and help create valuable learning experiences. Our guest for this show is Chelsea Denny, the owner and teacher at The Mother Earth Academy. Chelsea has a passion for guiding children as they explore and examine the natural world together. She uses inquiry-based techniques to open children's minds, providing them opportunities to better understand concepts in their own unique way. By using this method, she makes learning fun and applicable in today’s world. She will share with us ways to use inquiry to support your child’s individual learning experiences. Chelsea Denny is the owner and lead teacher at The Mother Earth Academy, which is a micro school that serves

  • Fun Goal Setting for Families ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Teaching ourselves and our children to set goals can be a tiresome and often neglected task. What if setting goals could be a fun, family activity? What if with some new innovative ideas about setting goals, you empower yourself and your children to actively create more of the life that brings fun and enthusiasm? Learn 4 ways that you can support your child in setting goals for a greater sense of accomplishment and confidence. As the year comes to an end, this is a great time to begin to dream into the new year what greater possibilities lie ahead. Mary will share with you tips for encouraging you and your family to bring into reality more than you ever thought possible, along with 7 family activities that will make it all seem like play. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~  Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through t

  • End Power Struggles ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do feel like you are in a constant power struggle with your child? Are you tired of arguing with your children? Are you frustrated that they keep pushing your buttons? Are you ready to end the power struggles? Discover the causes of these power struggles and how you can put an end to them. This episode will give new insights and strategies on how to end power struggles, empower yourself and your children and restore harmony to your home. Receive more tips and strategies from Mary's book, Empowered Parents Empowering Kids at ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~  Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents

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