Joe Arocha

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 23:26:49
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This to keep you informed and involved in our city government on my run for Mayor in the City of Tucson in 2019


  • TPD Police officer's and TFD Firefighters and Paramedics are under paid and under staffed

    19/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    We has white man go on killing rage.A police officer said he was having a bad day. Bullshit he did one of 2 things.He killed 6 Asian American women or killed 7 women and a man. To me that is a domestic terrorist.

  • Be aware of your surroundings

    12/03/2021 Duration: 15min

    The republicans are trying to take responsibility for the stimulus package passing and not one of them voted for it. Please be aware of your surroundings.The Ciy to Tucson only has about 330 patrol officer's total.If you have a gun carry it,use it if you have to protect your self.

  • The State of Arizona has cut self employed and gig workers off of unemployment

    11/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    The state of Arizona has cut people off of unemployment without notice..These people are self employed and gig workers. They claim they ran out of state unemployment.But there is still the Federal Stimulus Unemployment off 300 per week those people are due. Doug Ducey is fucking the people who need their unemployment.

  • George Floyd's death

    09/03/2021 Duration: 05min

    The deaths of George Floyd's by that police officer's was murder plain and simple. For That Police Officer's Attorney to try to put George Floyd's on trial was so wrong.

  • The republicans pay the price.

    08/03/2021 Duration: 10min

    Karma is such a bitch. Doug Ducey is making a bad decision on opening up the school's and the state. He needs to be held accountable for the deaths of the people of Arizona that have died from covid-19 virus.He needs to be changed with Negligent Homicide.

  • Trump's MAGA assholes still think he is President

    01/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    Trump's MAGA assholes think that he is still President, they think that the covid-19 virus vaccine alters your DNA. How clueless and uneducated can people be?

  • LGBTQ Rights

    26/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    People have the right to choose who they want to do Male /Female /or to choose who they love.No one has the right to make that choice for them. On Thursday, the United States House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, landmark legislation that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in everyday life. If approved by the Senate and signed by President Joe Biden, it would be the most sweeping federal LGBTQ civil rights bill to ever become law. It’s a watershed moment for LGBTQ young people, who deserve to live their lives without fear of being treated differently for who they are.

  • Doug Ducey has lost his mind, he is still a Trump Lap Dog.

    23/02/2021 Duration: 04min

    The state of Arizona stopped paying for the covid-19 virus testing in Pima County and Doug Ducey has cut the amount of covid-19 virus vaccine to Pima County Health Department also. He has his head up his ass and has lost his mind.

  • Trump sent people back across the border to wait

    20/02/2021 Duration: 08min

    Biden’s Immigration Opportunity His proposal this week is dead on arrival, but smaller bills might pass. Joe Biden has to fix what Trump fucked up in the immigration system.

  • Covid-19 virus, The vaccine, Rents

    17/02/2021 Duration: 14min

    To people in Texas Louisiana and other states where is very cold, do not put BBQ in your house to keep warm.The dumb fuck Governor of Texas came up most dumb comment that green energy is the reason for the electric gojng out in Texas.This guy has lost his mind and he out of touch with reality.

  • The republicans have to remember that Karma is a bitch

    14/02/2021 Duration: 06min

    The republicans did it again let Trump off. With Moscow Mitch McConnell bullshit that the democrats did not get the impeachment papers to the US Senate before Trump left office. That is all in Mitch McConnell

  • Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions

    09/02/2021 Duration: 26min

    Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions in the US Capital take over. He told his uneducated clueless Dumb MAGA assholes to go to the Capital and and make sure they take their country back and Rudy and Trump's Son Don Jr said to use force. The republicans in the US Senate have no balls. Wny should the people of OUR Country pay for Trump's retirement,,his 1 million dollars in perks and his 24 x7 secret service protection, plus allowed to run for public office again. Hell NO it is our taxpayers money paying for that.

  • Covid-19 virus keeps going up and down

    05/02/2021 Duration: 09min

    Are people that clueless uneducated and out of touch with reality? There are still people who still refuse to comply with wearing a mask or social distancing.Because they delusional, idiots. Plus Trump still thinks that he is President 45, he is sending out letters with the Presidential Seal and Donald J Trump 45th president of the United States. The idiot has lost his mind.

  • The republicans needs to get their act together, grow up and grow some balls

    31/01/2021 Duration: 07min

    The republicans don't want to impeach Trump, For the breach of the US Capital.That caused a police officer to be beat to death,2 other police officer's have committed suicide, a Air Force Vet was shot and killed by Secret Service.And 2 others died for natural caused.

  • Negligent homicide.

    30/01/2021 Duration: 14min

    Trump and his cast Republican Clowns Governor's needs to be accountable for their actions. The deaths of over 400,000 in our country Trump. The Governor's for the deaths in their states. What is Negligent homicide is a criminal charge brought against a person who, through criminal negligence, allows another person to die

  • The republicans now don't want to impeach Trump.

    25/01/2021 Duration: 15min

    Now the republicans were scared shit less when the US Capital was breached. They need to get their shit together.and do the right thing impeach Trump take away his right to run for public office, his retirement,the 1 million dollars a year he would get.And no secret service protection.

  • Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley needs to be removed from the US Senate

    22/01/2021 Duration: 21min

    The republicans that helped with breach of our US Capital,needs to be held accountable for their actions. Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions also.He needs to be changed with Negligent Homicide in the deaths of the 400,000 plus people that have died from covid-19 virus in our country.Plus our Governor Doug Ducey too.

  • WTF there was no Black people in the Insurrection of the US Capital

    15/01/2021 Duration: 12min

    The storming of the United States Capitol was a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress on January 6, 2021, carried out by a mob of supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump in an attempt to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

  • The republicans my have gotten caught showing the Trump MAGA assholes around the Capital

    15/01/2021 Duration: 05min

    Well we have 2 republican congressmen and 2 past politicians from Arizona and 1 from Alabama and possibly more.

  • The Trump Lap Dog's are still saying Trump did nothing wrong

    13/01/2021 Duration: 04min

    Tom Cole republican from Oklahoma..Says the the republicans deserve a full trial.. These Trump Lap Dog's are clueless uneducated idiots

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