Underground Usa



Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • The Hypocrisy of the Left's ‘Sanctuary Lie’

    20/09/2022 Duration: 46min

    Vice President Kamala Harris’ insistence that the southern border of the United States is secure is a statement fully encamped in the realm of the absurd. And now that some of the more traditionally far-Left bastions are experiencing the many negative effects of illegal immigration – courtesy of some brave governors, the hypocrisy of their “sanctuary lie” is laid bare for all to see.The question that must be asked – in tandem with and in addition to the immigration subject, and a point that needs to be openly, honestly, and truthfully discussed prior to the 2022 Midterm and 2024 General elections is this. Why are we gullible enough to entertain the insincere and deceitful virtue signaling of the political and ideological Left?I talk about this and more with Chuck Wilder on Talkback...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/the-hypocrisy-of-the-lefts-sanctuarySign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2

  • The Not So Good Information From The Good Information Foundation

    19/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    For years - years - I have been telling you how the dark money, special interest, elites have been manipulating the information presented to you to consume. I have talked about David Brock and Media Matters and how the mainstream media complex is bought and paid for by the radical Left. Now comes the Good Information Foundation.A whistleblower from the Left side of the aisle has bravely come forward to out the Good Information Foundation as an entity that pays social media influencers to create and advance false-flag content to manipulate the way you see certain situations directly related to election year political issues. And guess who was exposed as providing millions of dollars to fund these deceitful, false-flag efforts? None other than our favorite currency-destroying Nazi, George Soros.I talk about this and more with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch...RELATED LINK(S):Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.co

  • Biden's Lame Victory Lap & Why Government Shouldn't Pick Winners and Losers

    17/09/2022 Duration: 18min

    Now that the potential rail strike has been averted, it would seem a perfect time to address the ongoing supply chain issues that the Biden administration has perfectly ignored. The fact that the US Transportation Secretary wasn't even involved in the railway contract negotiations examples how thoroughly inept and dysfunctional this administration is.Which leads to an even more base point. Why has it become common place for the federal government to involve itself so intimately with the inner-workings the private sector? Granted the US government subsidizes the bulk of the rail industry and needed to in its nascent days, but why does it continue to do so?Why is the federal government involved in the finances of the private sector at all?I talk about this and more with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/bidens-lame-victory-lap-and-why-governmentSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)h

  • What The Mainstream Media Left Unmentioned on September 11th

    13/09/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    It remains unclear as to whether the remembrances offered up by the mainstream media complex and the inside-the-beltway crowd were sincere, obligatory, or opportunistic, but one thing is for sure, there was a lot left unmentioned in their memorials.Where was the mention of the First Responders who survived the attacks only to die later from health complications contracted on the pile at Ground Zero? Where was any mention of the 9/11 anniversary attacks in Benghazi when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton abandoned US assets to die at the hands of ISIS even after they pled for help? Where was the mention of how the Biden administration gifted Islamofascist terror groups Afghanistan to use - again - as a training ground for future attacks against the US and the West?I talk about this and more with Matt Bruce from The Captain's America: Third Watch and Chuck Wilder from Talkback in this two-part segment...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/september-11th-21-years-onSign-up for our mostly daily

  • September 11th 21 Years On

    10/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    Every year I dedicate myself to keeping the flame of remembrance alive for those who lost their lives in the Islamofascist attacks on our nation on September 11th, 2001. For those of us who lived through that day, the images, the sounds, and for those who had boots on the ground – both civilian and first responder alike, the smells are forever etched into our memories for all eternity.I remember exactly where I was and what I was thinking as I saw the smoke billowing out of Tower Two of the World Trade Center on that day. It was a surreal moment, a moment of the unthinkable. As a former professional firefighter and paramedic, my immediate thoughts were centered on the tasks the first responders had before them in trying to both save lives and battle the fire.Then I watched live as the second plane hit Tower One and I knew we were under some kind of attack. Everyone did. It was obvious...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/september-11th-21-years-onhttps://youtu.be/sw_8o7X0mOE?t=10Sign-up for our

  • The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024

    06/09/2022 Duration: 27min

    The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), has telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 are to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he chooses to run or not.We have heard it said with a full throat from several mouths on the radical Left. They want to run against the idea of a radical MAGA Republican Right. As usual, the fascists of the Left are transferring their evil-doings onto their opponents. When Biden screeches about how the MAGA Republicans desecrate the Constitution and support lawlessness, how they want to steal elections and disenfranchise voters, it is exactly what they, themselves, are doing.Fascist Democrats love to redefine words and phrases and re-coin the meanings on their opponents' mantras. It is for this reason that we must disarm them of their most potent weapon. We must pivot away from the bumpersticker slogans and the mantras; the Fifth Avenue marketing that is so old

  • The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy

    02/09/2022 Duration: 26min

    In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their playbook; their intentions. Their plan is to make the Midterms and the 2024 election a rerun of "Orange Man Bad," doing so by inflaming the divide that started with Obama 1.0.But we don't have to be sucked into playing their game. In fact, if we exclusively focus our messaging on the policies the Biden administration has dismantled - policies that nurtured a thriving economy, that saw low unemployment, that saw our 401Ks and small businesses healthy and expanding, that saw prosperity for all; for every demographic, and that produced a stronger United States in the eyes of the world - if we focus the message on the policies Biden dismantled, that red wave could actually appear.This, why smart thermostats should be ripped from your walls and how beer companies can h

  • Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?

    01/09/2022 Duration: 44min

    The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed in the passage of the 17th Amendment.Today that deviation from the Framers' gift to us has led us to a point in time where Executive Branch agencies, departments, and commissions - like the CDC, EPA, IRS, and SEC - apply unlegislated regulatory authority onto the people; regulatory authority not acceded to by the people. But what can be done to correct the course, to marginalize the totalitarianism of the progressive (read: fascist) movement in our country?...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/what-has-progressed-under-progressivismSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://che

  • Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion

    30/08/2022 Duration: 51min

    The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand is capturing the narrative and making the election about policies rather than the cult of personalities.In the second half of the segment, I guest on the Truth to Ponder program with Bob Bierman, a broadcast beamed around the world on short-wave and through online and terrestrial channels. We talk about both the cult of personalities malady and things we can do to get back to constitutionality...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get full access to

  • What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?

    25/08/2022 Duration: 19min

    As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream media and ask ourselves one question. What has “progressed” under the “progressive” movement?Keep in mind that the “progressive” movement is a political movement; an ideological movement, that has very little – if anything – to do with the actual progress our society has made over the last 120 years. In fact, the innovations made from the early 20th Century on – the nascent years of the American progressive political movement – were achieved despite the emergence of Progressivism....RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/what-has-progressed-under-progressivismSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Undergroun

  • Holding Good Government Hostage

    23/08/2022 Duration: 26min

    Well, it appears US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has unleashed the purse strings of his Senate PAC, and now everyone who dared to take issue with the Deep State bureaucratic establishment has to watch his or her tongue.Why? Because even though it would hurt a campaign not to receive the Senate PAC money because a candidate wasn't on his knees to McConnell, it hurts, even more, when he unleashes the power of that money against you in your home state primaries.Come to think of it, wasn't there a huge "conversation" about big money - dark money - in politics a little while ago>...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe

  • Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'

    21/08/2022 Duration: 25min

    It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career on attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. But Liz Cheney did and now her career is in ashes.Then, as she was standing in the middle of the burnt-out shell of her political career, she tripled down by attempting to conjure thoughts of Abraham Lincoln while floating the idea of a Chenery for President campaign in 2024.We're not sure what she's smoking to think this idea is plausible, but one thing is for sure. She fell for the "cult of personality politics" bait the far-Left chummed the water with and now they are celebrating taking out one of the women on the Right who could have thrown a wrench into a gender-based candidate argument in 2024...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-99

  • Acid Politics Produces Caustic Snowflakes

    15/08/2022 Duration: 26min

    In the days after the questionably legal FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - and after a crazed gunman committed suicide by cop at an FBI office in Ohio, The US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security issued a joint BOLO stating that they are aware of threatening language being used against federal law enforcement.This BOLO should be considered a direct threat to free speech rights and the peoples' right to redress their government as mandated in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.So, a question must be asked. Is the woke contingent of snowflakes now in power trying to justify the erasure of our rights in deference to their feelings and their agenda?...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/okay-maybe-a-plantain-republicSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.

  • Okay, Maybe a Plantain Republic

    13/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    It was very public; vert overt. Pro-administration agents swooped in, searched, and detained prominent members of the opposition – politicians and society leaders – on questionable charges of “subversion” in the hope of eliminating competition in the upcoming elections. Of course, I am speaking of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.I suppose I could excuse your confusing that opening paragraph with the events surrounding the banana-republic-styled raid on former-President Donald Trump’s home in Palm Beach, Florida. After all, it looked a lot like a secret-police operation, ordered by those in power, against a political opponent.It doesn’t take a transgender associate professor of sub-Saharan LGBTQ+ metaverse studies to see that the radical Left in the United States – and by that I mean to say the controlling interest in the Democrat Party – continues to have the long knives out for Donald Trump, otherwise known as the wrench in the bureaucratic Deep State machine...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.c

  • ‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’

    09/08/2022 Duration: 43min

    Perhaps one of the biggest deceptions ever foisted on the American people emanates not from a Barnum sideshow or Ripley’s Believe It Or Not exhibit, but one that emanates from the halls of government and at every level. Regardless of whether it is at the local, county, state, or federal level, the charlatans of politics have convinced the American people that politics is government.It is not. Politics is the “art” of getting elected. Government is the execution of serving the people. And while there exists the “politics of government,” that denomination of politics has more to do with the realm of human resources and patronage than any political party.And when politics is government the only people, the only factions being served are the politicians, the elected class, and their crony benefactors...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/theres-a-sucker-born-every-minuteSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/

  • The Big Lie That Is The Inflation Reduction Act

    08/08/2022 Duration: 25min

    Even those preparing for college by attending their remedial reading and mat classes weren't fooled by the deceptive dysinformation used to pass the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act."Not only did it not affect inflation in any way but to perhaps increase it, the move levied a tax hike on all demographics across the board while grifting almost $400 billion for the Green New Deal which was roundly defeated just last year.It is abundantly obvious that the federal government no longer serves the American people at all. Instead, they pray to the altar of power and cronyism...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/theres-a-sucker-born-every-minuteSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get full ac

  • When Politics Masquerades As Government

    06/08/2022 Duration: 25min

    With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda.Hundreds of economists signed a letter to members of the Senate, pointing out that the measures they are voting on will hurt the economy and, therefore, hurt the American people.But the "nudge-science" that the radical Left employs in kneeling at the altars of power sees them ignoring the American people to serve their globalist masters...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2022/08/01/inflation_reduction_act_wont_fix_inflation_will_hurt_the_economy_845351.htmlSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Statesht

  • Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China

    29/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global conflict with two nuclear-capable super powers. It's hard to believe that they are either that inept at foreign policy or executing these actions on purposeAdd that to a daft and never-correct Treasury Secretary in Janet Yellen and the Fed's Jerome Powell - a toady of the big bankers, and we have a recipe for damaging the Republic beyond repair...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/of-course-term-limits-matterhow-couldSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=6

  • Of Course Term Limits Matter...How Could They Not?

    26/07/2022 Duration: 44min

    I was killing time surfing through some social media feeds when I came across a comment to a post on term limits that was jadedly negative. “Term limits will solve almost nothing. Prove me wrong,” the comment read. Needless to say, I disagree with that statement.Today, we have a federal government that is rife with predominantly unethical careerist politicians. These politicians routinely – and almost without fail – put the interests and well-being of their political parties ahead of the concerns and needs of their constituencies. So too do they put their addictions to power above their duty to serve. This has led to politicians who have existed in office for well over the average 20-year career rubric, common everywhere else in our society...RELATED LINK(S):https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/of-course-term-limits-matterhow-couldSign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport

  • They Need To Stop 'Monkeypoxing' Around With Pandemics

    25/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    With the release of Dr. Deborah Brix's new book and the revelation that she and Dr. Fauci purposely misled not only the President of the United States but also the American people, the administrative state is tantamount to telling the American people they are not worthy of the truth.We talk about this, term limits, and the Convention of States effort currently gaining steam among the American people, all this and a rally in Tampa on this UUSA segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe

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