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  • Out of that Grave

    24/10/2022 Duration: 05min

    Hello everyone. I would like to say thank you for watching my channel, I really appreciate it. I really appreciate the comments.  Psalms 118:6 The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. When was the last time you had to ask the Lord to be with you so you felt brave?   The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.  What can mere people do for me? You see, we can’t rely on people like we can the Lord. What can mere people do for me?   Verse 7, the Lord is for me, he will help me. I will look for triumph at those who hate me. You know they really don’t hate you. They hate the spirit of God living in you. They might not realize it, but the Lord is hated more than we are.  Don’t these verses make you feel so hopeful?   We can be confident because we have a big powerful God looking out for us. He is on our side. You ever see parents at a game? They cheer their kids on. The kids can’t hear them, but they know they are there cheering them on. They love that they are support

  • Mad Hatter's Day/Be Kind/Rage Not

    24/10/2022 Duration: 04min

    October 6th is a day set aside each year to bring out your silly side while celebrating National Mad Hatter Day. The fictional character, The Hatter (also known as The Mad Hatter) from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, is typically acting silly, and that is how the creators of this day decided on their theme of silliness for National Mad Hatter Day. Sir John Tenniel illustrated The Mad Hatter and all of Lewis Carroll’s colorful characters beginning in 1864. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was first published in 1865. via:  Ephesians 4:31 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”  I want us to talk about bitterness for a bit. I have a little demonstration I would like to show you. (Do we do this outside or inside? Do

  • A Great Light

    24/10/2022 Duration: 02min

    Isaiah 9:2 The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.   Whose light are they going to see? Will it be yours or will it be someone else’s? Is your light bright enough? I was trimming the weeds in front of my house. They are too hard for me to pull so I just cut them down, so they are even with the stuff that isn’t weeds. Well, anyway, the plug kept falling out, so I had to keep putting it back in periodically while I cut.   You know this reminds me of how we need to stay plugged into God. When we stop going to church and stop reading the Bible and praying, we are not the same as we could be if we did plug in. I couldn’t do a thing with that hedge trimmer unless it was connected to receive the power from the house. It says the people who walk in darkness will see a great light. The great light is God, and we are his beacons. We are set in place so that we can reflect the light of Jesus

  • Forever Friend

    24/10/2022 Duration: 03min

    Season 2, Ep. 4 The faithful love of the Lord never ends. His mercies never cease! His mercies begin afresh every morning. I say to myself, the Lord is my inheritance, therefore I will hope in him! Lamentations 3:22-24  Think of one friend that has been your friend the longest. Now think of the one that's been a little less. Now think of the most recent friend or someone you just met. All of these could be  lifetime friends or they might not.   There is one  that is guaranteed to be your friend forever. God has love that will never end. He always forgives, always trusts. Every morning is a fresh start. When we commit to God we are guaranteed to inherit the kingdom of God. It says the Lord is my inheritance, what could be better than inheriting an entire lifetime with God?  You know when you eat a meal like let's say breakfast, work really hard and then as it gets close to lunch time you get hungry again. It's refreshing to know that you are able

  • True Freedom

    24/10/2022 Duration: 03min

    What sorrow for those who drag their sins behind them with ropes made of lies, who drag wickedness behind them like a cart! Isaiah 5:18What is holding you back from living in true freedom? Your past? Your shame? You don’t need to live like that.  God has wiped away any wrong doings of your past if you have truly asked for his forgiveness. God doesn’t want you live in sorrow, he wants you to live in joy.  If he didn’t want that, why He put in place a forgiveness idea at all?  1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If God did not forgive our sins, this scripture wouldn’t exist in the Bible.  I know it’s hard to forgive yourself but if the God of the universe forgives you who are you to not forgive yourself? God is up in heaven with a notepad writing down our sins so that when we ask for forgiveness he can remind himself of when he forgave you before, of course, he is all knowing so he doesn’t need a notepad,

  • Rare Blood Type

    24/10/2022 Duration: 02min

    But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1: 7 I've been sitting here trying to figure out how I want to comment on this verse. First of all, yes we should all try our best to live a life dedicated to God. We should all strive every day to learn more and more about Jesus so we know the ins and outs of his character. But how do we then have fellowship with each other? If we all work together, then we can help each other reach the goal we all have- meeting Jesus in person. This is why none of us should have a haughty disposition. None of us are in are any better than anyone else. We are all striving for the same goal so why not work together instead of against each other? It's interesting how the verse says  “and the blood of Jesus, his son, cleanses us from all sin.” This is no doubt referring to Jesus dying on the cross, but do you see the distinction? This verse makes a point of sa

  • The Light in Darkness

    24/10/2022 Duration: 30s

    It’s hard to imagine that walking with Jesus is different than walking with the world, but it is. Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12 NLT --- Support this podcast:

  • Trinity Digital Ministry Call In

    19/05/2020 Duration: 18s

    This was when Anchor was different.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Art Interview with Shama Patel

    19/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    Let's explore art! --- Support this podcast:

  • Interview of Us

    19/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    Do you have a need for an affordable website or do you have one that needs an update? Call Shama Patel or Tamara Chaos! Shama: 256-642-9287 Tamara Chaos 260-255-6012 --- Support this podcast:

  • Interviews

    19/05/2020 Duration: 21min

    I will be interviewing various people on various topics. --- Support this podcast:

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