Chewing The Frat

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 37:23:16
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This PODCAST contains the ramblings of Pastor Eddie Thompson, the Men's Fraternity Pastor of First Assembly Memphis. Daily, Eddie will bring a word of insight, encouragement or thought for the day geared to each and every man.


  • "56 "Loose Him and Let Him Go!"

    03/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    The great Harry Houdini was known as one of the greatest escape artists in history. From the Chinese Water Torture, to the Straightjacket trick he performed while hanging upside down, his displays showed great feats of escaping from things that bound him. Today we look at the words of Jesus to Lazarus who had come out of the grave alive, but was still bound by things of the past. Jesus said, "Loose him and let him go." Let's talk about being loosed here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #55 "How to handle Burdens."

    02/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    Eddie Hall set the world's deadlift record by lifting 1102 pounds. It was such a weight on his physical body that he had a blood vessel burst in his head. He said the pain was "surreal" in his body. In life we as men often have burdens that are not physical but yet can be overwhelming. Jesus had something specific to say about burdens. Let's talk about handling burdens on Chewing the Frat.

  • "54 "It appears to be bad but turned out great!"

    30/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    One day a customer sent back his potatoes so many times that the chef cut them ultra thin and then fried them to a crisp, and then sent them back out. To the chef's surprise, the customer loved them, thus the Potato Chip was born. Often in our lives, things may appear bad, but may actually turn out to be incredible. Let's look at that in light of Good Friday here on Chewing the Frat.

  • "53 "Spiritual GPS"

    29/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    The modern GPS system has over 31 satellites involved in its network. It became available for widespread public use the the doing of Korean Airlines flight 007 which killed 267 people. GPS technology is no so far advanced that it is being used in shoes for Alzheimer Patients. Not only is a physical GPS needed by a spiritual GPS is also needed. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • "52 "The True Meaning of a Gift"

    28/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    A brother gave his wife a $30,000,000 lear Jet for a gift. The jet included a music system, kitchen and other facilities. Not to be outdone, his brother gave his wife an $84,000,00 Yacht. Talk about extravegant gifts. In Luke 7 we see a lady with a terrible reputation give an amazing gift. Let's talk about gifts on Chewing The Frat.

  • "51 "Handling Betrayal"

    27/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    Some of the greatest stories of Betrayal can be found in history. From Bob Ford who betrayed Jesse James to Brutus who betrayed Caesar, the sting of Betrayal hurts. King David understood betrayal, but he realized something through it. Let's talk about Handling Betrayal on Chewing the Frat.

  • #50 "Powerful Words"

    26/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    Some very famous people had their last word immortalized in history. Some words seemed pretty powerful, yet some seemed very "uneventful." As we move into Holy Week, we see in Scripture, three Words that carry significant power in our lives and in our world. Let's talk about Powerful Words on Chewing the Frat.

  • "49 "What Maundy Thursday Means to Me

    23/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    As we are in the middle of the Easter Season, we often overlook the significance of those activities leading up to Easter Sunday Morning. Maundy Thursday is not unfamiliar to those of the Catholic or Orthodox traditions, but for some it is something new. As we look at Maundy Thursday, we will find a couple of Characteristics to help us become the man we want to be. Let's talk about Maundy Thursday on Chewing the Frat.

  • #48 Embrace the Silence, You Just May Hear God?"

    22/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    The loudest stadium is Centurylink Field where the Seahawks play football. It is a stadium with a capacity of 68,000 fans. The crowd reached a level of noise that registered at 137.6 decibels. THAT IS LOUD. As men we love loud things and action, and find it hard some times to stop and reflect upon the silence in our lives. Today on Chewing the Frat lets look at Embracing the Silence to hear from God.

  • "47 Who is in your Corner?"

    21/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    Some of the great corner men in boxing history include' Angelo Dundee, Al Silvani, Eddie Futch, Chuck Bodak and of course Mannie Seamon. Not only does boxing have great "corner men," but the Loyolla University of Chicago has a great lady in their corner, Sister Jean Schmidt. Let's talk about how is in your corner on Chewing the Frat.

  • "46 "Things that do not go together."

    20/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    Some of the strange things that have been ordered together by people include an order of Peanut Butter and Humus, Bacon and White Vinegar and Popcorn with Pickled Jalepenos. Talk about things that don't go together!. Let's talk about things that don't go together here on Chewing the Frat.

  • "45 Dont let the Insults of the World Bother You!"

    19/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    If in the 1800's your co-worker called you a Fopdoodle and that you wife was a Driggle-Draggle, you may want to have a word with them. They just called you a fool and they said your wife is a sloppy person. Even back in the 1800's you had people who insulted you. God's reminds us a few things about insults. Let's talk about handling insults on Chewing the Frat.

  • #44 "You Don't Have to Pretend to Be Someone Important YOU ARE!"

    16/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    In November of 2009 the President was having a State Dinner for the Prime Minister of India. During the event it was discovered that a couple had "crashed" the State Dinner. They were all dressed up in formal attire, had their picture taken with the President and acted like they were suppose to be there. According to the White House, they were not. Sometimes we feel like we need to be someone we are not to impress God. We don't need to pretend to be someone special to God, WE ARE. Let's talk about pretending on Chewing the Frat.

  • #43 "What To Do When Your Life is a Jigsaw Puzzle"

    14/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    The largest jigsaw puzzle in the world was constructed by 1600 students in Sept of 2011 at The University of Economics in Vietnam. The puzzle contained 551,232 pieces and took over 17 hours to put together. The puzzle was a picture of a lotus flower. Have you ever been at a place in life where you felt that your life was like a huge jigsaw puzzle with all of the pieces out of order. What made it difficult was that you could not see the picture of what the puzzle should look like. The Bible tells us what to do when we feel like a jigsaw puzzle. Let's talk about fixing the puzzle on Chewing the Frat.

  • #42 "Where do I turn for HELP?"

    12/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    Today millions of people turn to Doctors, Lawyers or other professionals in times of trouble and often find great help and advice. When we are facing spiritual trouble, where do we turn. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #41 You are Never at a point where you can't forgive"

    01/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    The Fetzer Institute did a survey in 2010 that involved over 1000 adults 18 and over. Over 68% of them said that they believed we needed more love and forgiveness. They survey also revealed that 52% of people believe that someone can get to a point where they should not be forgiven. The most interesting stat was that over 60% of the people survey said that forgiveness needed to be initiated by the person who had done the wrong. How does that match up with the story of the Prodigal Son. Let's talk about forgiveness here on Chewing the Frat.

  • "40 "You are Never to Far to Make a Comeback"

    28/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    In 1996, Kerri Strug injured her ankle on her first Vault attempt. She needed another vault, but yet she was injured. Proving to be one of the most celebrated comebacks of Olympic US history, she did her second vault and scored a 9.712 and the Americans won the All Around gold for gymnastics for the first time in history. Olympians are not the only ones who can experience comebacks. We see a great comeback in Luke 15. Let's talk about comebacks on Chewing the Frat.

  • #39 "It is Never Time to Quit"

    27/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    The 1992 Olympics in Barcelona was where Gail Devers won the Women's 100 Meter Race. It was a photo finish and could only be decided by slow motion. Once the times were announced, Gail Devers won, but the person who came in 5th was only one tenth of a second behind Devers. Imagine if she had quit on second too early, she would have lost the gold. Is there a good time to give up? Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #38 It is Never Too Old to Dream"

    26/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    As we have just finished watching the 2018 Winter Olympics, I was inspired by the stories of men and women who did not begin as college athletes, but became olympians later on in life. I wonder if it is ever too old to became an Olympian. I am sure that I am too old for the Half Pipe, but are we too old to begin to have a new dream. Let's talk about dreams on Chewing the Frat.

  • #37 "Selfies"

    23/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    In 2014 the term "selfieites" came a real medical issue. They say that if someone takes more than 3 "selfies" a day and upload them to social media, they may have this issue. Unfortunately many of us as men are guilty of spirtiual "selfieites." We think that it is all about us and not about our relationship with Christ. Let's talk about "selfies" here on Chewing the Frat.

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