Chewing The Frat

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 38:19:15
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This PODCAST contains the ramblings of Pastor Eddie Thompson, the Men's Fraternity Pastor of First Assembly Memphis. Daily, Eddie will bring a word of insight, encouragement or thought for the day geared to each and every man.


  • #156 "Count The Cost"

    25/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    The saddest site in the world is a building or project that started off with great fanfare and was fueled by passion and dreams, YET was not finished because the builder ran out of money. This is often the same situation in the lives of men. We begin something but we do not finish it because of issues and the fact that we do not measure the cost. Luke has some advice for us on that.

  • #155 "Access"

    24/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    Over 3.4 Billion people do not have access to the internet although 5G technology is being rolled out all over the world. Why is the number so high? It is because many around the world can't afford the smartphone that gives them access to the internet. The power is there, they just don't have a way to access. Let's talk about access to God, here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #154 "Listening to the Wrong Voice" July 23, 2019

    23/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    The game of cornhole is sweeping the nation. Whether the game started 15 years ago in Ohio or in the 14th century by Matthias Kuepermann, it has provided alot of fun and enjoyment for many people. As I was playing my first game of cornhole, I listed to the wrong voice and it cost me some valuable time and points in the game. It is the same way in our lives if we listen to the wrong voices.

  • #153 "A Change of Mind"

    22/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    Sometimes in our lives we realize that we must make a change in our lives, however you don't realize that the change must first take place in our MIND. This really is the key for success. Join us as we talk about how we change our mind from the way the world thinks, to the way Christ asks us to think.

  • #152 "Being civil in a world of Incivility"

    09/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    In a recent Associated Press Poll over 69% of American's polled stated that they feel that Americans are less civil and more rude than 30 years ago. We have moved from the ideas of "the customer is always right," to "the customers is right only after alot of arguing." What can we do to be more civil as men in this world. Let's talk about that here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #151 "Forget about a Sequel, Be Yourself"

    07/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    Some of the worst movies in history were sequels of great movies. From Caddyshack 2, Staying Alive to Rocky 5, movies that tried to recreate that Hollywood magic often strayed away from what made them great. If they had stuck to the original they would have been much better. God calls us as men to be ourselves. Let's talk about that here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #150 The Fine Art of Getting Old

    05/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    There are some things in life that get better with age. Everything from Cheese to the old favorite pair of blue jeans, but don't forget that the Bible says that We get better with age. Let's look at that today on Chewing the Frat.

  • #123 "The Battle for TENACITY"

    16/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    We are all haunted by the things that we wanted to accomplish but we quit after a few weeks or months of the process. We started out strong but we fall along the wayside. We go away and say, "I guess I don't have what it takes to be committed." This is the greatest lie that you can believe. The Bible gives us some great ideas on how to have some Tenacity. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #122 "The Battle for my TREASURES"

    15/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    A study in Great Britain stated that men overspend on everything from Golf Clubs, to watches. It even stated that men overspend on kitchen gadgets of all things. The Bible has some very powerful things to say about our Treasures or our money. Let's talk about our Treasure her on Chewing the Frat.

  • #121 "The Battle over my TEMPER"

    14/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    When you look at the top 4 presidents who had the worst temper in history you may be shocked to realize that list will have not only Abraham Lincoln on it, but George Washington is at the top of the list. We all struggle with some sort of temper, but the Bible has some strong statements about men who allow the temper to control their lives. Let's look at our Temper on Chewing the Frat.

  • #120 "The Battle for TIME"

    13/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    It is amazing that we spend over 1/3rd of our lives sleeping. There are so many things that require our time, that if we are not careful, we will squander the incredible resource of time. The Bible has a lot to say about time. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #119 What is Reality in our Relationship with Christ."

    31/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    The society that believes the the earth is not round is the flat earth society. They believe that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat and that is the reality they believe regardless of any proof to the contrary. At times we have formed our reality of what a "relationship with Christ" is like based on other's opinions and beliefs. Often this reality is far different from the true reality of that relationship. Let's talk about the reality of a relationship with Christ here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #118 "It is time to do some Weeding in your Garden of Life."

    30/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    If you have ever tried to have a flower or vegetable garden, you know the problem with weeds. These weeds can actually block the beauty of your garden. Sometimes in our lives, we have weeds that get into our "garden of life" and hide the incredible things that God has for us. Let's talk about here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #116 "The Keys to a Healthy Relationship."

    19/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    The study showed that one of the most listed reasons for staying in an unhealthy and dead relationship was because people are afraid to be alone. Having a healthy relationship takes work, but the benefits can be priceless. Let's talk about how to have a healthy relationship here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #115 "I am just like Play Doh!"

    18/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    Play Doh was created as a wallpaper cleaner. It was fun to play with UNTIL you left the play doh out overnight and then tried to mold it again. Talk about a tough job. Our lives can be like play doh that has become hard and unresponsive to the hands of God. The truth is that someone or something will mold our lives, BUT we can decide who what will be. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #113 "It's all in the LABEL

    16/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    You can never go by a label. Colonial Sanders had 1005 rejections and was called failure before he finally succeeded. Michael Jordan did not make his high school basketball team and was labeled a failure. It is so important to be careful what we use as labels for our lives. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #112 "When Your Past Becomes Your Present"

    10/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    There are some many cute sayings on the internet about handling our past. Some of these may provide some comfort, but what does the Bible say about how to handle the past. Let's look at King David and see what we can do when our Past Becomes our Present, here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #111 "Interacting to Make a Connection with Those Who are Different."

    09/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    In a listing of the top 3 negotiators in history, Henry Kissinger, Teddy Roosevelt and Nelson Mandela are there. The art of being a good negotiator is the fact that you MUST MAKE A CONNECTION with those who disagree with you. Each and every day we must make those connections with people who we disagree with. Paul set out a great plan to help us make better connections with those people. Let's talk about Connections here on Chewing the Frat.

  • #110 "Freedom Week: Freedom from a Lack of Confidence"

    06/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    The Andy Griffith show ran from 1960 to 1968 on CBS. It actually finished it's 8th season at the #1 slot on Television. One episode has Barney making a wrong decision and having his confidence crushed. As always, Andy comes to the rescue, but what does the Bible say about Confidence. Let's talk about that on Chewing the Frat.

  • #109 "Freedom Week: Freedom from Self-Doubt"

    05/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    The Art of Manliness website lists 10 skills that all men must have. Among those are everything from paddling a canoe to surviving a bear attack. If I always look at what the world tells me that men need to be like, I would feel awful. When I begin to do that I have a lot of self-doubt. The Bible speaks to that age old problem of self-doubt. Let's talk about that here on Chewing the Frat.

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