Calvary Chapel Signal Hill



Recent Studies from Calvary Chapel Signal Hill.


  • Death Is Around The Corner! What Now???

    27/06/2023 Duration: 35min

    The fear of death drives so many people into a corner and causes them to do insane things. Fear is a powerful motivator and if you don’t have a biblical perspective on it, you’re doomed. If you do, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! God is faithful!

  • Matthew 24:15-31

    25/06/2023 Duration: 56min

    For many, this is both a confusing and ominous topic. Is the rapture and 2nd coming the same event? If they’re not, why are they different. When will they happen in relation to each other. Are we in the days leading up to that time? What should we make of all this?

  • Psalm 91

    24/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    Special guest Benita Montano teaches through Psalms 91

  • Watch Your Mouth! You May Start A Fire!!!

    22/06/2023 Duration: 57min

    Consider this a stern and heartfelt warning. Our tongues can get us into big trouble and when used in a way that doesn’t please God, things can go from bad to worse; way worse. When we choose to exercise care in this area, it changes lives, including your own!!!

  • The LIES Are Getting BIGGER! Let’s FIX It!!!

    20/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    We live in a world that is so filled with deception, the lack of clarity is increasing and the confusion is mounting. Did you know that there is one tool that actually makes thing way more clear during times like this? Actually, the worse the lies are, the clearer the truth becomes with this one thing!

  • 1 John 3:1-10

    18/06/2023 Duration: 54min

    What in the world does this crazy title have to do with Father’s Day? Everything! The Bible tells us about the ultimate father and the lengths to which he went to show us His love. When you choose to reject that love and live a life of self service to a bondage of sinful patterns, believe me when I say, “mess around and find out!”

  • James 2:14-26

    15/06/2023 Duration: 01h26s

    That’s the question of the age! If you can believe it (and do, like me) then you will show it by your actions. We know that if you claim to have faith but your works do not accompany that, your faith is useless. We’ve heard it said “put your money where your mouth is,” but if you can’t do that, then your words become meaningless and a real change needs to happen. Every human being must realize the true implications of all of this because of left ignored, destruction becomes inevitable!!!

  • He’s A LIAR! Do You Still Believe Him???

    14/06/2023 Duration: 38min

    Our enemy is the father of Lies! He continues to lie and what he says is an attempt to nefariously interfere with any genuine effort to stay close to God. The LORD gives us great tools to help us not only discern these lies, but to move forward with the sustaining power of God’s truth; The only truth there is!!!

  • Matthew 24:1-14

    11/06/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Jesus gave his disciples quite a bit of information surrounding the end times and even went so far as to show the first sign to look for to determine the generation that would see his second coming. Today we’re going to talk about the leading indicators that Jesus told us to expect as we approach these days and what He says may shock you!!!

  • Part 4 – 1&2 Samuel!!! THRU the BIBLE in 20 WEEKS!!!

    11/06/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Yes, you heard that right! We’re going from Genesis to Revelation in 20 weeks and we are going to emphasize many areas pertinent to Bible prophecy. Psalm 40:7 says, “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me.” The word of God points us to Him and we believe your life will be transformed by this series!!! Tonight we'll be going through 1st and 2nd Samuel!

  • Every MAN Needs To Know This TRUTH!!!

    10/06/2023 Duration: 41min

    The story is well known but the truth found therein is widely misunderstood or every ignored. It’s quite tragic, because every man needs to know not just the historical account given to us in Genesis 6, but they must NEVER FORGET the critical truth found here, as it relates to the survival and growth of society; yes, even human civilization. Why men? Watch this video and find out!!!

  • James 2:1-13

    08/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    It’s clear that we are all guilty of violating God’s law, but the real question is “will we receive mercy?” We’ll find that answer as we continue in our study in the book of James. Make no mistake, the answer is very encouraging if you’re in the right place.

  • Evil Men Don’t Understand Justice!!!

    06/06/2023 Duration: 37min

    Only the righteous understand all matters because God becomes the one who demonstrates these principles in His Word. The World will always pervert that which God has sanctified and we must understand this in order to better live righteously. God makes the path clear, the answer is to follow that path.

  • Part 3 - Joshua - Ruth

    04/06/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    Yes, you heard that right! We’re going from Genesis to Revelation in 20 weeks and we are going to emphasize many areas pertinent to Bible prophecy. Psalm 40:7 says, “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me.” The word of God points us to Him and we believe your life will be transformed by this series!!! Tonight we'll be going through Joshua, Judges, and Ruth!!!

  • Matthew 23:23-39

    04/06/2023 Duration: 55min

    t’s human nature. When given to a lifestyle contrary to God’s word, man will seek to eliminate the message and often eliminate the messengers. It’s evil and it continues to be a powerful tool used by the Enemy. He distracts us, engages us, then destroys us, all while making is think we’re not at war in the first place. It’s time to wake up, and we can learn a lot from what Jesus said about the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians.

  • James 1:19-27

    01/06/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Make no mistake. The things that God tells us are real. When we hear His word, we walk into seriously dangerous territory when we don’t act upon what we learn. To be unmoved and do nothing is a fatal error; the likes of which can leave a wake of destruction beyond our wildest imagination! Consider yourself warned!!

  • The CALL of a PROPHET!!!

    30/05/2023 Duration: 53min

    Anyone who chooses to serve God will face a difficult road much like the one which the prophet Samuel walked. God called him when he was a very young boy and told him some extremely difficult truth about the future. We see in him a perfect example of a man who obeys the call of God even as a you child.

  • Matthew 23:1-22

    28/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    What you’re about the hear and watch is perhaps one of the most important messages in the Bible regarding keeping it real. It’s not just about that, it’s also about the humility it takes to do just that, and a willingness to be governed by the true and living God. God’s way always works, but our way brings death. It’s time to wake up and get real!!!

  • ALL CHURCH PRAYER night!!! 05-28-2023

    28/05/2023 Duration: 58min

    Join us as we gather for our all church prayer night!!!

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