Peak Reality Check

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 93:39:36
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It's no-holds barred as Gary, Dee and Lyn discuss topics of local, national and international concern. Politics, religion, and reality are on the table. Who's on the menu this week?


  • Another slow news week Need to pick up the pace

    10/01/2021 Duration: 55min

    Not much happening this past week. In fact it was a real snooze. We had a little Good News and a little Not So Good News. There was something about a riot. But thought it was one of T****'s rallies. Understand that Senator Cruz (TX) and Senator Hawley (MO) maybe will take a hike? What's this about congress critters trying to change the vote?   We officially have a new President and Vice-President. Just need to get them inaugurated. Will there finally be help for small businesses? The people? Is there another impeachment trial coming? Article One? What is James Madison saying? What can you take with you when leaving government service? Has the Presidential Metal of Freedom been degraded to the point where it's no longer valued? Will the Voting Rights Act go nationwide? Will Republican Senators break and join the Democrats? 

  • It's the end of the year and news keep rolling on

    21/12/2020 Duration: 59min

    It's our 45th podcast of the year and this episode is crammed with happenings of the day. From A to Z. Allergies. China. Christmas. Compromised. Covid-19. Der Spiegel. Distribution. Doctor. First. Foreign. Georgia. Hack. Happy. Ho. Immune. Know. Loser. Merry. Moderna. Music. People. Pfizer. Prisons. Russia. System. Tax. Transplant. Trickle.  Uninformed. Union. Voter. Warp. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Happy Holidays. Kwanzaa.   

  • Katie Porter vs. Steve Mnuchin Betsy DeVos Doug Lamborn

    13/12/2020 Duration: 54min

    Steven Mnuchin was having a battle of wits with Congresswoman Katie Porter. Unfortunately for him, he was shooting blanks. Poor Betsy DeVos struggling to keep up with the Jones's. Congressman Doug Lamborn dishes out some of his low grade BS. We've been waiting for him to improve the quality so as it may a little more palatable. Can you believe Lamborn signed on to the TX attorney generals lawsuit in invalidate the voters of Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan? Why do the electors of Colorado CD-5 keep electing this guy? He's stained for life. It's party time. Get ready to count the increase in Covid-19 cases. Some Covid-19 deniers get "Good Vibrations" and we're not talking about the Beach Boys here. McConnell is doing his darnedest to put the U.S. economy in the toilet. A huge mess. Foreign Affairs magazine says we're not prepared for a future confrontation with China (Don't worry. This won't happen in the immediate future). What's keeping Russia in the game? It sure isn't its economy. 

  • How could we go from Covid-19 information to Costa Rica? Makes no sense.

    07/12/2020 Duration: 01h38s

    Good scoop on Covid-19 vaccine and the information you need. But how did we get to Costa Rica? Well, we did and did a lot of fill in starting with: Pence speaks; El Paso county is a Red Zone; What's this hugging the flag? Are we turning into a vengeful country? What's this threatening poll workers? Good news: Mary Jane is a medicine; Want to hear a Wacky Story? What is rich peoples yacht money? Rural counties aren't all T**** counties.  Should we end military support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates? Apparently they haven't been playing fair. ANWAR is back in the news. Put your name in for a pardon. Apparently it's a fad that is taking hold. Should "Blabber Mouth" be allowed into secret briefings after 1/20/2021? Is the FBI happy about it? 

  • Peak Reality Check goes to the Dark Side

    23/11/2020 Duration: 59min

    Our guest, John Foley, takes us to the Dark Side--the really Dark Side. Shadow Wars. Things you didn't know about Ballistic Missile Defense. Weapons deals. Militia groups. Scorched earth. The Space Force?  On the lighter side we talk about Dis-information, Social Media, the SPLC & ADL and Libertarians. Note: The quality of the sound may be a little wonky, but one of us was on a cell phone during this podcast. 

  • "Will he ever return. No, he'll never return. His fate is still unlearned."

    15/11/2020 Duration: 59min

    Will the Lincoln Project fold up its tent never to be heard from again? Isn't there more work to be done regarding the intransient Republican Senators? Has the train to Fascism been derailed? What are the odds of Trump running in 2024? Won't his attention be drawn to other arenas? NY. Manhattan.  A $284 Billion deficit. Covid-19 fees. El Paso County is increasingly turning Blue. Vaccine. Suffering. Lockdown. Will there be a Covid-19 relief package? 

  • The Election Trump's Well Received Speech Among other Things

    08/11/2020 Duration: 01h51s

    So much is crammed into the episode. Tallying the voters. What has happened in the House and Senate? Oregon takes a big step forward. We bid a fond farewell  to Cory Gardner. Ballot issue results are discussed. Rank Choice Voting has some good news. Is there a difference between a toll road's management and that of a Bingo game?  Concerns over Covid-19. The states of Nevada, Louisiana, Ohio, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Mississippi and Oklahoma have some surprises. 

  • There's a lot of work to be done.

    01/11/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    How do you feel about a General Strike? Looks like Labor is planning on one. We discovered our "Do Nothing" Congressman, Doug Lamborn, is maintaining his status of "Doing Nothing." Why do the voters keep him around? What a waste. How bad is the hollowing out of our institutions?  On a positive note: We discuss the makeup of the new cabinet of the President. If we're wrong, we'll issue a retraction. Sure! Right! Huh Huh! Have you heard of the Covid-19 Tracker? It's real and it's Good News. Funny how Trump isn't knocking the government run healthcare that he's receiving. Isn't he praising it? Wouldn't you like to have it during the Pandemic?  For a comedy bit, Lyn brings up Larry Kudlow. How about no political appointments to Ambassadorships?  Let's dispense with the "Amateur Hour." Trump rallies are deadly.       

  • Debates Politicians Voting QAnon and More

    26/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    How do you debate a Liar in Chief? Will there be a hue change in Texas? Idaho has a peck of troubles. Guess who brought them on? State Supreme Courts: Are they going against the voting public? Democratic cities are pulling their weight. Red State Socialism: How's that working out for the Takers? Military families: Guess who they're supporting this election cycle? The Commander in Chief?  QAnon, Gelinas, Watkins, Borbert. What do they have in common? Congressman Doug Lamborn is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. But, we caught him cold trying to fool us. Will there be life for the Space Force after the election? Does anybody know whether it will be a defensive or exploratory organization?  Remdesivir: The domestic health people say one thing and the World Health Organization says another. Confused? You should be. 

  • Suicide DOD/VA policy

    21/10/2020 Duration: 54min

    Kent Jarnig of the El Paso County Colorado Progressive Veterans ( association takes us through some of the policies of the Veterans Administration and how his organization helps Active Duty, Veterans and their dependents wade through the VA system. One of the requirements is Patience. Lots of Patience. You'll learn that one of your assets to accomplish your goal is your U.S. Senator. In our case here in Colorado Springs, we learn that our congressman doesn't really give two hoots about vets and their families.  We finish up with Sports Rifles, the demographic changes in Colorado Springs, the election, zoning, affordable housing, Americans For Prosperity (Who's), and TABOR. You'll have to excuse the quality of the recording as the Technical Boogie Man raised his ugly head.

  • Trump being lectured by a foreign country on healthcare?

    12/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    NHS Wales. Ever hear of it? It's the National Health Service of Wales that is fully funded by taxes from the general fund. How dare they lecture our "Dear Leader" on how to treat the Coronavirus. His new healthcare program will be Greater and Better that Wales. Look for your $200 discount card for prescription in the mail. Coming soon. Yeah, right! Sure! Believe it when you see it! Universal Basic Income (UBI) is gaining momentum as it should. Was fetal tissue used in one of the Covid-19 drugs given to Trump? Will the Evangelical community clutch their pearls at this news? Will that mean, that along with the anti-vaxers, the Evangelicals will not get vaccinated? Watch the spread. Lamborn holds a fund raising event when he flew back to Colorado Springs. Two of his staffers in DC have tested positive.  Cory Gardner is a climate change denier? And he's from Colorado. The candidate for the Supreme Court is a Rhoades scholar. Not that Rhoades scholar. Should oil and electricity be nationalized? The Lincoln Project

  • Ballot Issues and the Infirmed. Talk about 2 disparate subjects. Latinos

    05/10/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Ballot Issues: We'll start with the easy stuff. The Gallagher Amendment, State Income Tax Reduction, Family Paid Leave, Abortion, Citizenship Qualification (what's this doing on the ballot?), Taxes on Nicotine products, National Popular Vote, Grey Wolves. We discussed, hashed over, and on some issues, came to no conclusion. You'll just have to figure it out for yourselves. Now the WTF categories: White Supremacy, Trump in the hospital, unhealthy, playing the martyr, stiff upper lip, the Proud Boys, Cory Gardner, Secret Service running out of agents, lies, 25th amendment. You call that a debate?  What are the Latinos doing during this election cycle. The Lincoln Project brings us up to date. Is there a chance to flip the Texas legislature? What's with the Texas drop boxes? The Florida Sec of State is trying to be cute and create law on the fly? The country is in flux. How large is the undecided voter pool? Biden gets a 9% swing in Georgia to the positive. That's good news.

  • We are leaving. Another week of the Shxt Show

    28/09/2020 Duration: 58min

    Doug Lamborn is upset with San Francisco State University. What business is it of his? He claims federal dollars are being spent. How would he know? Cory Gardner is quiet about his receiving $24,000 from the JBS brothers. Will Cory be known by the company he keeps? At least, Michael Bennett had the common sense to return the money to JBS' PAC, whereas Cory is hiding somewhere. California is banning the internal combustion engine. Texas & Arizona are going for renewable energy?  What is the Expresso Supreme Court? RBG has a lot of accomplishments under her belt. Let's not forget them. Should she have retired 7 years ago? Hard to tell. None of us have a crystal ball. The Trump campaign is using Russian military aircraft in their ads. Shows you where his loyalty is. Bernie Sanders comes out with a strong message. We will ALL hear it?  Rural hospitals have hit another financial roadblock thanks to a poorly written law. Will Medicare withhold payments? Will more close putting a strain and an already overtaxed

  • Being Prophetic in a sad way Friday Sept 18 2020 10:15 am MT 16:15 GMT

    21/09/2020 Duration: 59min

    Lyn went out on a limb unknowingly when we were discussing the 20 Supreme Court nominees that Trump is suggesting with the help of the Federalist Society. (Self-dealing Jerks). Four GOP senators are lying in their re-election ad about pre-existing conditions. Who's going to step up and bankroll Trumps financially distress campaign? Can we believe the rules coming out of the CDC? Getting real on the Covid-19 vaccine. Do you know what "Shedding" is? UN investigations. Doug Lamborn. What are we wasting out time? Jillian Freeland. A side benefit from Covid-19. An increase in High School drop-outs. Did we say it was good? Did you know that the USPS was going to deliver free masks to the hardest hit areas of the country? Guess who squashed it. Election illegitimate? Small detail: The elections are run by the states. Disappointing isn't it for Trump & Co. Should we be concerned over the Hickenlooper campaign?  Is the son of Dr. Mengele working with a privately run ICE detention  center? How can we, as a country,

  • Yep! Another Gawd Awful Week. Will it NEVER end.

    14/09/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    You thought last week couldn't get any worst? Well it did. "We're 28th!" Yeah! Three of the four Republican candidates  running for president in 2024 are No-Loads from the last campaign. Give it up, Fellas. The head of Medicare/Medicaid got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. The Feds have picked up Fraudsters trying to get PPP monies. Trump's running out of money for his campaign. The labor market is struggling and there are no new job creations. One of the local colleges is a Covid-19 hot spot.  Trump had a GO-Around with Murdoch of Faux News (?). Did it go well? Talk about Pissing the Pope Off? Trump called our soldiers who lost their lives in battle, Losers and Suckers. There's a couple of million votes Trump cannot count on. They vote absentee don't they? Postmaster General DeJoy is funneling taxpayer money into his pocket.  Should the U.S. have a Grand Strategy of Resilience? Dee has some Good News and some Bad News (Isn't the above enough for her?).  There's more. The Woodward tapes? 

  • The Bad! The Ugly! The Uglier! Will it even end?

    07/09/2020 Duration: 56min

    Sen. Rand Paul graces us with his Pearls of Wisdom. Excuse me. We'll pass. Is another government shutdown in our future? October 1st is coming. Airlines are contemplating lay-offs October 1st.. Why? How many? Will the unemployment rate tick up right before the election. We're not going to call it a coronation. Does the stock market reflect YOUR economic circumstances? The Post Office again. Focus  on the Family is a Covid-19 hot spot. Will reserve our comments. Covid-19 deaths aren't as high as reported. Is there data manipulation going on here? Is the CDC downplaying the statistics? Cory Gardner & Ken Buck seen at a gun rally sans masks and social distancing. Check out Buck's "T" shirt. Trump really stepped on his "Crank" this time insulting our troops. Might be a non-recoverable situation for him. Will the election be contested and what about exit polls? Dung Lamborn is remaining silent. Where does he stand on the Post Office, insulting our troops, the coming possible government shut down, payroll tax a

  • Our World is Upside Down When is it going to right itself? Not soon enough.

    31/08/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Sex scandals on the religious right. Militia telling the police what to do. Police departments infiltrated by white supremacists & racists. Lots of lies at the Republican National Convention. Conspiracy theorists. Eating children. QAnon.  Covid-19 is over. Bogus Covid-19 data. Independents think Biden isn't progressive enough. Kanya West? Is Covid-19 finally finishing off the marginal shopping malls? You know, the ones that are half empty now. Companies are on a Silencing Spree. Do you work for one? Now on the good side. The Cyber Command is doing a good job. What are the postal workers doing? Giving DeJoy the middle finger? Cincinnati's Choice Legislation is a good thing and right for the times. What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect? This you  might like.

  • The Never Ending Cycle of News.

    24/08/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Big News from one of Colorado Spring's school districts. Did say it was Good News? From Foreign Affairs: Weak labor protections harm workers in a Covid-19 environment. With the loss of jobs will the consuming economy come back? Are there more lay-offs coming in October in time for the election? With Trumps ignoring Covid-19 is he fostering Ethnic Cleansing? The Susan B. Anthony museum tells Trump to "Take A Hike!" Has the myth of the U.S. having the best medical care in the world been laid to rest with Covid-19?  The Senate Intelligence committee recommends charges to be levied against...................(you'll just have to listen). No surprises here. Steve Bannon has been arrested by a postal inspector for.................(you'll just have to listen). Trump will not help California with its numerous fires because...................They didn't sweep the forest floors. WTF! Some Fox infotainment folks gave Joe Biden's speech a "Thumbs UP!" Trump says he'll decide the election. Sure! Right! Huh Huh! Can't get h

  • It's Getting Scary Out There! Lyn takes us into the Explicit Zone

    17/08/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Lyn just lead us into the Explicit Zone with his comments on a Faux Not-So News host. Yes! WE have crossed the line. Dee  follows up with siding with Congressman Louie Gomert and a suggestion. Scary! The Tennessee legislature is trying to take away First Amendment rights of its citizens. Dolly Parton has a comment on that, Who is Nathan Bedford Forest? Boo Hoo to the Tennessee legislators.  How can a drive-thru Covid-19 test go from $175 to $2479? If you're going to Texas, stay out their free standing Emergency Rooms that act like Covid-19 testing sights. You'll really get your wallet lightened there and no dieting necessary. Will QAnon candidates live to be elected to Congress? Only time will tell. Supreme Court comes through for the little guy. Lots of "tell all" books coming out.  Schools are opening and closing faster than a moving June Bug. I thought children couldn't get the Coronavirus? Opps! Psst! What's that? They can? The Lie Count is heading to the stratosphere. Are there any regrets? Hmm!

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