The Letters Page

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 619:37:42
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Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and answer fan questions regarding the past, present, and future of Sentinel Comics.


  • Welcome to 2019!

    01/01/2019 Duration: 02min

    We did tell you that there was no episode on January 1st. But, to be fair, you know that what we do on this podcast is tell lies. That said, this is not so much an episode. Just a quick hello and thank you. Looking forward to 2019. Thanks to all of you for being a part of it.

  • Episode #95 - Happy Holidays!

    25/12/2018 Duration: 41min

    Happy Holidays from Sentinel Comics to all! Show Notes: Run Time: 41:13 We have a bunch of great questions today, so after only a few minutes of holiday lies, we get into those questions! And within those questions, we tell a few holiday tales. Enjoy! (Also, many thanks to Matthew Bender for his delightful dramatic reading! You'll know it when you hear it.) At the end of the episode, we finally reveal the schedule for January of 2019! Tuesday, January 1st: No episode! Tuesday, January 8th: Episode #96 - A Motley Crew: La Capitán’s Time-Displaced Teammates Tuesday, January 15th: Episode #97 - Story Arc: Baptism by Fire/War of Heliopolis/Horus of Two Horizons Tuesday, January 22nd: Editor's Note #26 Tuesday, January 29th: Episode #98 - Post-OblivAeon OblivAeon Environments See you next year!

  • Editor's Note #25

    18/12/2018 Duration: 01h35min

    It's time for the Letters Page Listeners' Choice Awards nominations announcement! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:35:30 We have a special guest for this episode, and he makes the show even better! We spend the first portion of this recording discussing the recently announced awards. Once you've listened to all of that - including the most excellent question nominations - it's time to vote on your favorites! Check out the voting form here. After that, we SHOULD get to the schedule, but we're a week behind on that, so go to the Letters Page Patreon and vote on what episodes will start off 2019. So much voting! (The schedule for January 2019 will be announced in next week's episode.) And then, after all of those things, we finally get to your questions with the help of our special guest! We start in on the questions at just after the 44 minute mark. Only one episode left this year, folks! Join us next week for some holiday cheer!

  • Episode #94 - Disparate Reinforcements

    11/12/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Let's talk about all the heroes from the OblivAeon Mission Deck! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:03:42 Only a few minutes of goofs and gags before we get to a brief overview! Then, just after the 4 minute mark, we're right on to your insightful and exhaustive questions! The first question goes through ALL of the mission deck heroes, so that takes up the bulk of the episode. The question after that asks about the Be The Gate heroes, who cross over a little with the Mission Deck, but not entirely! Still, fair game. We will be recording this month's Editor's Note live on Friday, December 14th, and we'll be going over your nominations for the Letters Page Awards then! If you want to be a part of that recording, check out our Patreon!

  • Episode #93 - Disparation: Inversiverse Dark Watch

    04/12/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    From morally grey to just straight-up evil - what could go wrong?! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:21:27 After the usual goofing around at the beginning, in a shocking change of pace, we bring back the Overview! There, we do some setting explanation to help place what's going on here, both in the world - or Multiverse, rather - of Sentinel Comics and in the metaverse, as well. We also talk about both Rook Cities. Two? Yes, two. But more about one than the other. Then, we get to your questions right after the 12 minute mark. And, as has been the case with some recent episodes, we let the story happen bit by bit in the answers to your questions! Good questions, everyone. Right after the 1 hour and 2 minute mark, Christopher's voice changes to a much more gravelly version. Here's a peek behind the curtain: we lost about 10 minutes of audio from the original recording of this episode. Something weird happened and it was gone. Fortunately, we had very good notes, and as soon as we got back from PAX Unplugged, Christopher

  • Episode #92 - Perestroika

    27/11/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    It's time for an episode about a pretty new team of villains from another era! Show Notes:  Run Time: 1:22:00 No overview today - it's straight to questions! No dilly-dallying, even! Right down to business! Our first question is from the creator of the Sentinel Comics Wiki. Hats off to him - that wiki is useful to lots of folks, including us!  We go on after that letter with its many illuminating questions to more great questions from great question writers! At the end of the episode, we mention the first annual 2018 Letters Page Podcast awards! More information in last week's Editor's Note, and here's the form for Nominations! This week is PAX Unplugged, and much of GTG will be there, including Christopher, Trevor, and Maggie! If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, we've got an event going on Saturday evening: learn more here! We hope to see you there!

  • Editor's Note #24

    20/11/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    Time for another Editor's Note! Lots of fun and announcements here! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:23:48 First thing, after mild tomfoolery, we announce the first annual Letters Page Podcast Awards! Two categories, four awards each! Awards for Episodes Best Storytelling Episode Best Audio Production Episode Funniest Episode Worst Episode Awards for Questions Most Revealing Question Funniest Question Saddest Question Best Fan Theory Question Nominate episodes and questions using this form! Nominations are live until December 13th! Also, here's the upcoming schedule: Tuesday, December 4th: Episode #93 - Inversiverse Dark Watch Tuesday, December 11th: Episode #94 - Disparation: Heroes of the Mission Deck Tuesday, December 18th: Editor's Note #25 Tuesday, December 25th: Episode #95 - Happy Holidays! And here's a photo of our calendar! Not shown on that calendar is when we're recording episode #93. We're doing that first thing next week, so make sure you get your Inversiverse Dark Watch questions in by the end of

  • Episode 91 - Inversiverse Prime Wardens

    13/11/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    A group of characters you know as heroes but in this other reality are far from it! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:22:51 After some brief goofs, we give a brief overview of the Inversiverse and what we're talking about specifically today. Then, we get right to your questions at only 6 minutes into the episode! Around the 14 minute mark, at the end of the first question, we get a request for pictures of each member of Perestroika for the upcoming episode. I put them on the Patreon, but available to not just Patreon supporters, but everyone! Check them out here. The second question takes us on a journey through the story of Seraph, who ends up being way cooler than anyone expected. Why are your expectations of us so low? Give us some credit here, folks! Whew! That's a lot of story telling! More questions give away even more, which is what we're here to do. If you have any questions for the Perestroika episode, get them in now, as we're recording that on this Friday! And the voting for the December episodes is already

  • Episode 90 - NightMist & Harpy

    06/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    Two of our favorite magical friends! Show Notes: Run Time: 50:20 Hey folks! We're into the new format, and we're still having fun and revealing things that we haven't said before, so that's great! After some nonsense times at the beginning, we get right into talking about where the stories we've told of these two land in the history of Sentinel Comics, plus also some other high-speed recapping!  That goes right up until it's time for your questions, about 8 minutes into the episode. After many delightful questions, we actually do a now-rare future section just after the 45 minute mark. And there's a notable reveal there! We've already done some restructuring over on The Letters Page Patreon, but there are more tweaks to come over the course of this month. It's easier than ever to jump into our community now, and we're excited to see folks join the Discord every day! Hope to see you there (but if you can't no worries - we still love you)!

  • Episode 89 - Something Wicked...

    30/10/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    It's time for some terror! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:07:21 OK, we do start off pretty silly, but don't worry, we get to questions in the first few minutes, and then we are very serious and very scary. No, that's not true, the first few minutes of questions are still silly. But then! A scary story! In fact, spoilers, if you don't like scary stories, you probably want to skip the tale from roughly the 7 minute mark to just before 38 minutes in.  And then, on to more questions and stories! Near the end of the episode, we talk about the arts that Adam has been doing and posting on his Twitter this month. They're all here on the Sentinel Wiki! This is the last episode of October, so we read ALL of the names for the last time! Also, restructuring of our Patreon is happening later today, so look forward to that!

  • Editor's Note #23

    25/10/2018 Duration: 01h55min

    Big stuff in this update! Letters Page AND OblivAeon! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:55:58 We start off by talking about this very podcast! First, the format of the show itself: we'll be recording every Friday (barring scheduling conflicts) and we'll be putting out episodes on Tuesdays. This includes Editor's Notes, which will be recorded live for all Patreon supporters. Also, Extrasodes are going the way of the fondly remembered Interludes. Farewell, Extrasodes! Focusing this show down to the key elements. Each month, we'll have an episode every Tuesday, with the exception of the second to the last Tuesday of the month, which will be an Editor's Note. Makes sense? Good! Next up, we cover the way that you can be a part of The Letters Page and support the show! The Letters Page Patreon is getting boiled down just to the important stuff as well. Thus, starting next month, there will be two Patreon levels: $1: Collectors: You get access to the Patreon, including the live Editor's Notes and anything else we post exclus

  • Episode 88 - The Art and Mechanics of Incapacitation

    23/10/2018 Duration: 02h33min

    When the heroes are down and out, what's going on? Show Notes: Run Time: 2:34:06 We're talking about every single hero character card twice over, plus every Vengeance/VotM villain character card, so we have a lot to cover today. As a result, we get right down to business! Just before the 2 hour mark, we finally get to the villain character cards. Whew! So many cards! At around two hours and 13 minutes in, we answer some questions! Your questions, in fact! We've got an important Editor's Note coming up in two days - this Thursday, we do our OblivAeon follow-up Editor's Note, in which we also talk about how the Letters Page (and the associated Patreon) is changing! See you then!

  • Extrasode #7 - Casting the Voices of Sentinel Comics

    18/10/2018 Duration: 01h38min

    Who sounds like whom? Show Notes: Run Time: 1:39:09 The final Extrasode! Going out with a bang! This is a pretty interesting look at how we think about a lot of our characters. But, starting next month, no more Extrasodes. The time of the Extrasode has come to an end. More on that topic in next week's Editor's Note. (Which is being recorded live today at 11 AM Central - anyone on our Patreon can watch that live recording!) We go through a bunch of casting for well over an hour (with unexpected help from the Irreplaceable Taffyman), and then we get to a few questions starting around an hour and 23 minutes in. SPOILERS INCOMING! We recommend that you listen to the audio to learn who we would love to cast in each role, but here's a list (with a few post-recording notes): Freedom Five & Friends Legacy: Travis Willingham Bunker: Jensen Ackles The Wraith: Grey DeLisle Tachyon: Tara Strong Absolute Zero: Jimmi Simpson Unity: Ashley Eckstein Young Legacy: Hynden Walch F5 villains Baron Blade: Jason Isaacs

  • Episode 87 - Sentinel Comics Animated Universe, Phase Two (Part 2)

    16/10/2018 Duration: 02h17min

    Two shows and two movies! All totally real! (Note: this is yet another lie.) Show Notes: Run Time: 2:17:59 We're excited to finally be getting back to the animated series for this episode! Lots to get through here. We start right off with season 1 of the Prime Wardens show. Around 29 minutes in, we get into the two movies after finishing the Prime Wardens show. Both movies! Two of them.  Then, just before 41 minutes in, we finally dive into the Dark Watch show, which takes a good deal longer than anything else. We clearly went a bit overboard on this part, but we were inspired! Finally, we get to a few questions at the 2 hour and 6 minute mark. More exciting episodes coming soon! Plus, if you're at the Contributor level on the Patreon, you'll be able to join us this Thursday morning for a live recording of a bit Editor's Note (which will be released in audio form next week). See you then!

  • Episode 86 - Burying the Blade

    09/10/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    The final Baron Blade story of the Multiverse! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:12:01 Sure, we are still the fools that mess around for the first few minutes of the episode, but then we get right down to the story! And what a story!! We go through all 12 issues of the Burying the Blade limited series, though not in a page-by-page way, so much as a "telling all the story" method.  Just before the 37 minute mark, we use the long-lost spoilers tag! There is spoilery stuff in here for the OblivAeon story, so if you want to avoid that info for a bit more, skip from there to the questions section! Speaking of which, we get to your questions just after the 45 minute mark. We'll be recording this month's Extrasode live on this Thursday morning, so if you're a Letters Page Patreon supporter at that level, come join us for that! 

  • Episode 85 - Create a Story Live!

    02/10/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    We take another stab at making a live story element! What are we going to make? We have no idea. Show Notes: Run Time: 1:24:10 This episode is all over the place, as we intentionally did no planning, letting our creative process take us where it would... and it turned out pretty interesting! Listen on to discover a bit of world building as we craft it. (After we spend the first 6 minutes stalling...) We get to live questions right around the one hour and 12 minute mark. These are all questions from the Discord chat, as questions couldn't have been written in for a topic that no one could predict! At the end, we mention briefly that we're looking at doing some Patreon restructuring, which we are going to be doing at the end of October! This will be the last month of Patreon working the way it currently does - next month, it'll be different! We'll be talking more about that over the course of this month.

  • Episode 84 - OblivAeon, part 2

    25/09/2018 Duration: 02h13min

    The end of the end... or is it? Show Notes: Run Time: 2:14:02 We get right down to the brassiest of tacks! And it's a good thing, too - there's plenty to talk about, still! We get to your questions about an hour and 27 minutes in. Thank you all for listening through the end of the Multiverse! Catch you next month for the very episodes for which you voted!

  • Editor's Note #22

    20/09/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    An Editor's Note for between the two OblivAeon episodes! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:01:10 We answer questions NOT about the OblivAeon episodes! However, we will be talking about those in the next Editor's Note! IMPORTANT NOTE! The morning that this episode is released, we'll be doing a live recording of a "create a story live" episode! It's happening, today, September 20th at 11 AM Central! The live showing will be viewable by everyone on the Patreon! Come join in! Here's the upcoming schedule: Tuesday, October 2nd: Episode #85: Create a Story Live! (Recording today!) Tuesday, October 9th: Episode #86: Story Arc: Burying the Blade Tuesday, October 16th: Episode #87: SCAUniverse, Phase Two (Part 2) Thursday, October 18th: Extrasode #7: Casting the Voices of Sentinel Comics Tuesday, October 23rd: Episode #88: The Art and Mechanics of Incapacitation Thursday, October 25th: Editor’s Note #23 Tuesday, October 30th: Episode #89: Something Wicked… (Halloween Special) And here's the customary photo of next month's rel

  • Episode 83 - OblivAeon, part 1

    18/09/2018 Duration: 02h15min

    It's officially the beginning of the end. Show Notes Run Time: 2:16:09 We jump right into the story, not wasting too much time messing around as we often do. And! You get to hear hints of some new music! What could this music be? Only time will tell. Initially, we go through snapshots of various events that lead up to OblivAeon. But, as we get deeper into the OblivAeon story, we zoom in more and more.  That said, it's half an hour into the episode before OblivAeon finally reaches Earth. And by that point, there have already been two major character deaths. Yikes! Just past an hour and 51 minutes in, we get to some of your OblivAeon questions. More coming next week! Upcoming cool event: on Thursday morning of this very week, we'll be doing a live stream for all of our Patreon supporters! We're releasing another "Create Something Live" episode in early October, and we're recording it on Thursday, September 20th, at 11 AM Central time. Only the Contributor level supporters will be in the chat, but the video wil

  • Episode 82 - Scions

    11/09/2018 Duration: 02h03min

    The end of the beginning of the end. Or is it the beginning of the end of the beginning? Show Notes: Run Time: 2:03:17 We start with important info: don't listen to this episode. That is, if you don't have OblivAeon yet, we think you should wait. Now, if you're cool about spoilers, then go for it. But there's a few big things in this episode, and it's only going to get worst as the month progresses. That said, we're shipping out more and more copies of OblivAeon every day, so you will have it soon! So, after some chatting and disclaiming, we get into the overview of the scions' stories just before the 5 minute mark. And we start with a bunch of stuff about OblivAeon's backstory, in fact! This episode starts off FAST! After going through all of the scions, we get to your questions - following the same structure as the scion overview - at around 44 minutes into the episode. I'm not going to say more in these show notes. Like I mentioned above, some big reveals here, so you should listen and experience it yourse

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