Discover Community Church - Littleton Co



Weekly Teaching of the Gospel


  • Stations Of The Cross: Station Six


    Station of the Cross #6. Jesus is nailed to the cross. In the midst of terrible pain, Jesus refuses to allow his senses to be numbed to the experience, preferring instead to stay vigilant, and on watch.

  • Stations Of The Cross: Station Five


    Station of the cross number five. Jesus arrives at Golgotha and in preparation for being crucified he is stripped of his garments. As our substitution, Jesus is taking our place and bearing our shame that we might be clothed in his righteousness.

  • Stations Of The Cross: Station Four


    Station of the cross number four - Jesus speaks to the women. In the midst of carrying his cross, Jesus takes one more opportunity to teach about authenticity. Our father is more concerned with what's in your heart, than your apparent righteousness.

  • Stations Of The Cross: Station Three


    Simon helps Jesus carry His Cross. Even in the midst of The most extreme trial, Jesus teaches us the value of bearing one another's burdens.

  • Stations Of The Cross: Station One


    Catch message one of our stations of the cross series, as we lead up to Easter and Resurrection weekend.

  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers


    The Lord has gifted some of those among us to be peacemakers. In this weeks message, we look at the true meaning of “peace maker” from God’s perspective.

  • We Are The Body


    In this weekend’s message, titled “We are the Body,” Pastor Bob talks about how each of us is individually called to be part of the body of Christ.

  • Uncommon Gifts for the Common Good


    When you receive Jesus Christ, you also receive the gifts of the Spirit. Have you ever thought about why? The apostle Paul teaches us that they are given so that we may serve and encourage one another, and to make the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ known to the world.

  • First Message


    In this first message as Discover Community Church, Pastor Bob shares how he got the vision and mission for the Church. We study James 1:22 which compels us to be doers of the word!

  • God’s Covenant Love


    Hosea is a love story between God and his people. No matter how many times we fall, or walk our own path, he welcomes us back with open arms!

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