You Can't Handle The Emet



The honest Truth we need to be reminded of every day to improve the quality of our lives. Sometimes we need someone to be completely honest with us, here is where you will find the truth. Life, laughs and struggles form a Coach, Author, Speaker, Athlete, Alcoholic & Founder of Emet Gyms & Academy


  • Suicide! Do not always believe what you think is the truth.

    02/11/2021 Duration: 25min

    Suicide, killing ourselves over the lies we tell ourselves, over the lies we believe to be true.

  • I begged G-D to please give me the courage to pull the trigger.

    22/07/2021 Duration: 16min

    I want to share with you why we will get through this.   If I go and get my gun, if I put it in  mouth, I taste that metal and the oil, if I stare straight ahead, shaking, if I squeeze the trigger the trigger as hard as I can, then they won, my abusers won and they finally took everything.   No one wants to kill themself when they have other options, alternatives, prospects. No one puts a gun in their mouth when things are looking up, getting better.   No one pulls the trigger when the end is in sight!   When we have certainty, hope, belief that things will be ok, normal, like they were, in a week, a month even a year, heck even 3 years.  Then we don't pull the trigger.   But there is no end insight, every time we get a little bit of hope it seems to be ripped away, every time we think we will be ok something traumatic happens to smash us even harder.   Why does it feel like there's is no end in sight? No hope? No certainty?   This is how it felt leading up to me p

  • When we feel control is lost, we can still manage this.

    19/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    Right now it may feel like there is very little we can control, and it can be terrifying. I wanted to share with you what I have been through the past few weeks, it started with having to come back on the first day of a desperately needed week long brake because I was exposed and needed to get home to isolate and  it ended with being stuck inside alone for nearly an month and then having to cancel the break I was so desperately looking forward to again. This was a test of mental health and it taught me a powerful lesson. I hope this lesson can help you. I love you guys. Ooooooss

  • Seeking Serenity through aligning what we know and what we believe.

    17/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    We may know that we are good, that we deserve love, peace, success and serenity, but what happens if we do not believe we do.   I have come to realise that serenity is the result of working rally hard to move from what we know about ourselves but to believe to what we know about ourselves and believe.  #mentalhealth #mentalwellness

  • Our pain is a tool.

    16/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    Our Pain is a tool that can either serve us or destroy us. How we understand it and how we view it can determine which.

  • We are feeling powerless right now, but....

    15/07/2021 Duration: 07min

    The rioting, looting, chaos fear and anger that has gripped South Africa over the past few days has left many of us feeling powerless.  I wanted to share something that I use to cope with you guys today and I hope it helps.  #southafrica #mentalhealth #mentalwellness I love you guys, be extra kind to yourself and others. Ooooooss

  • Can training like you are back in High School help with Anxiety and Stress?

    11/01/2021 Duration: 20min

    Exercising has many benefits getting fitter, stronger and healthier being some of them, but it can also help us deal with our anxiety and stress as well as giving us the opportunity to go on a mini vacation.  In todays episode I share the experiences I have had in coaching 100s of addicts over the past decade, teaching them how to use training and exercise to take a mental break from their anxiety and stress.  I hope this helps you.

  • It is all New. New Year, New Look, New Name!!!!

    07/01/2021 Duration: 07min

    We are launching and new look and format for the show. Same strong content, amazing people and interviews and always honest and raw.We are looking forward to providing you with some fantastic content this year.

  • Surviving and Thriving in Chaos | Andrea Magni 008

    05/08/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    Andrea in another incredible woman who we are very fortunate to have on the show, she has had a fantastic carrier as a successful business executive and now is a highly sought after and respected Life and Executive Coach. We sit down with her to discuss the world in which we all find one another today and how to survive it, the working rise in alcohol consumption as a coping mechanism and how we can thrive in chaos through helping others. It is a longer show but definitely with the listen. If you think you or a loved one may be drinking too much during this time, please listen and share. I love you all. Ooooooooosss

  • Humans of COVID 19 with Dr. Benji Rozen | 007

    28/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    Dr Benji Rosen is an incredible human being, Doctor, Musician, Adventurer and all-round fantastic human being. He is also on the frontlines of the fight against COVID 19 every day, something which led him to start the Facebook Group, Humans of COVID19 as a way of sharing the stories and experiences that those bravely and tirelessly battling this diseases. From Doctors to Nurses, from hospital security to bus drivers and police, Benji has given them a place to share, their thoughts, their pain and their experiences in an honest and frank way.  He kindly sat down with us to talk about his experiences, why he started Humans of COVID 19, what the frontline workers are experiencing.  We all need to hear his story and those of his colleagues because we owe it to them, they put their lives on the line to heal the sick.  it was an honour to talk with him.

  • Veteran, Alcoholic, Survivor, Leader | James Starks | 006

    05/07/2020 Duration: 54min

    James is a survivor and a leader in the recovery community. He has been sober for over a decade, something that does not happen without fierce honesty and hard work.  He is a veteran of South African Border Wars and to part in some of it's most fierce and brutal battles, well north of South Africa's borders.  James has lived a hard life and like so many veterans of that has had to battle his demons first alone and then in the recovery community.  He shares his life, his ups and downs with us, honestly and frankly.  Today he is a leader in our community of recovery and a light to many.  This is his story.  Should you which to get a copy of his upcoming book please email him on

  • Using your body and mind to conquer the world. The Kiki Marx Story 005 YCHTE

    11/06/2020 Duration: 50min

    The way that Kiki Marx chooses to live her incredible life holds many lessons for us, lessons that we can use to add value and quality to our lives.  She is a kind, compassionate and gentle person, everyone who knows her loves her. If that was all there was to this amazing person that would be enough, it would be more than many could claim, but there is certainly a lot more to her.  Kiki has shown us that the shape of your body is irrelevant and that our weight has nothing to do with our value to inspire others, our courage or our heart.  She has broken a world record, climbed Kilimanjaro, swam to Robben Island and then swam there and more than once, been the first to swim the Dead Sea and she has conquered the English Channel.  Kiki was kind enough to sit down with us to talk about her incredible feats, the amazing inspiring life she has built and how your body shape has nothing to do with your heart and your courage.   Just listen to this show, it will inspire you to do amazing

  • Born Fat! Michelle K Blumenau Alge - 004

    04/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    Michelle K Blumenau Alge was born fat into a world that wanted her to be thin. She was taken to Weight Watchers as a child: a recipe for a lifetime of disordered eating. She became a serial unsuccessful dieter, perpetuating the destructive cycle of low self-esteem and food dysfunction. She exposes the lie that you need to be thin to be fit, healthy, happy and loved. In this episode, she explores with Nic Ingel, founder of Emet Gyms, her world-class personal trainer: • the diet culture hoax, • how it’s possible to be healthy at every size, • the joy of exercise as well as • the gifts of intuitive and mindful eating. Yes, it is entirely possible to eat guilt-free, the great pleasure that is Sally Williams nougat, for breakfast if that’s what you really want to do. How has how you feel about your body affected the quality of your life? Have you started to love your body and yourself, what was the catalyst for you? We would be incredibly grateful if you would share your thoughts and experiences with us in the com

  • He lost his leg to cancer at 17 while serving in the army and then built an amazing life. - 003

    01/06/2020 Duration: 57min

    We can learn a great deal on how we choose to live our lives from Nic Skippworth-Mitchell. At 17 he lost his let to cancer while serving in the Rhodesian Army, not only did he continue to serve as a medic under fire in a war with only one leg (we believe this is the only time this has happened) but he also helped many other young soldiers who lost limbs due to the conflict come to terms with what had happened.   Nic has written two fantastic books, about life in then Rhodesian, losing his leg, the war and building a life after.  If you would like to know what life was like as a young person growing up in Rhodesia, serving in the war and learning to live with the loss of a limb and building a life then you will enjoy this episode.  From skydiving to running a pub to writing books, Nic has lived a full life and has in no way slowed down. The sense I got of nic through our conversations is that Nic values service to others and has chosen service as a way to bring quality to his life.   Enjoy

  • How being at death's door can teach you to love your body, no matter what. - Helen Maister - YCHTE2

    25/05/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Helen has survived more than most of us could manage, from a fit and healthy young athlete to fighting for her life, when just the energy to stand up is too much to ask of your body. Her journey and the story she shares with us is one of incredible courage, pain and honesty. If you do not absolutely love your body, if you cannot bear the thought of wearing your favourite bikini to the beach because of what people will think of you, if you feel your worth is in your appearance then you need to listen to this show. I came close to tears on several occasions as my friend shared her pain. Helen shared her pain to help us, we owe it to her to listen.

  • The Olympian Mindset - Oliver Nathan - #001

    19/05/2020 Duration: 01h34min

    Oliver Nathan is just an ordinary guy with some incredible internal strength and mental toughness.  He has overcome some incredible challenges and risen to the very top in both the sporting world and in business study.  Oliver represented his country in swimming at the 2004 Para Olympics and earned his Master in Business Administration from the prestigious University of Pretoria s GIBS Business School in two years while working full-time and while still being fully committed to his numerous community service endeavours.   We sat down with Oliver to talk about the challenges faced by young elite level athletes and how to succeed and when it is time to walk away. If you are an aspiring athlete or parent of an athlete then this is for you.  Oliver shares how he was able to overcome other challenges in his life by using the lessons he learned in sport.    The challenges faced by a generation raised to believe they could achieve or have anything they wanted.    And how true

  • #010-Is food the enemy or secrect weapon?

    21/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    How do we view our food, is it the evil thing sent to prove how weak willed we are or is it really our secret weapon that is going to help us smash our challenges and reach our goals and ultimately build self love?

  • #004-So what am I really saying?

    20/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    The short and sweet version.

  • #001-This is my Why

    20/01/2018 Duration: 13min

    This is why I do what I do everyday. In this episode I talk about some very difficult and painful things from my past, I have chosen to use this pain to help people rather than allowing it to fester into anger and rage.

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