Centerbranch Church With Luke Brugger

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 81:38:38
  • More information



Thanks for checking out the Centerbranch podcast!!! Download or listen to weekly messages from Centerbranch in Clarksburg, WV. If you are in the area we would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or 11:00.


  • Wives Submit To Husbands | Fight For Family - Pastor Luke Brugger

    18/09/2023 Duration: 42min

    Wives are to submit to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. It is in a wife's submission, that she finds her strength. Submission is an expression of trust and honor. A wife's submission expresses to her husband that she honors and trusts him. In return, a husband's heart can be softened towards his wife and the things of God. For women who are single and looking for a husband, it is important they find a man who has the characteristics of Christ to one day submit to.

  • Fight For Family | New Series - Pastor Luke Brugger

    11/09/2023 Duration: 54min

    Your family is worth fighting for. Families build society. And each family is built on a strong marriage. In this message, Pastor Luke explains that a successful marriage and family do not just happen. Instead, both take intentionality, and God in his kindness has given us his Holy Spirit to empower us to be successful in the roles we fill. This message begins our new series Pastor Luke will speak on over the next several weeks. Like and subscribe to ensure you hear upcoming messages!

  • The Power of Action: How Right Actions Can Transform Your Feelings | Pastor Luke Brugger

    05/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    Our actions impact our feelings. God has commissioned Christians to preach the Gospel everywhere. But too often, Christians wait for the right feelings before telling someone about Jesus. God has already commanded us to go and make more disciples. When we obey that command, the right feelings will come.

  • How to Pray in the Holy Spirit | Acts 23 | Pastor Luke Brugger

    28/08/2023 Duration: 55min

    In the book of Acts, the early church experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. That baptism is still available today. The Holy Spirit was given so that you would have a helper, guide, and a comforter for your life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can pray the will of God for our lives in unknown languages. This is a tool that often goes unheard of in the church today. Listen to this message and understand how you can use the gift of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.

  • Your Rights As A Child Of God | Acts 22 | Pastor Luke Brugger

    21/08/2023 Duration: 42min

    When a couple marries, the two become one. The Bible describes our union with Jesus as a marriage covenant. We become one with Jesus. What is his becomes our own. When Jesus died on the cross he died so that we could have access to healing, wisdom, provision, and whatever else we may need. As a child of God, you have rights. One being healing. Listen to this message to learn more about the healing power available to you!

  • When Your Faith is Firm | Acts 21 | Pastor Luke Brugger

    14/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    What moves you? In Acts 21, Paul was traveling to Jerusalem and had many people warned him not to go. The Holy Spirit confirmed through prophets what was to happen to him. Even though troubles were ahead, Paul felt led by the Holy Spirit to continue. God is looking for people like Paul, who have firm faith and will set their face like flint determined to do his will.

  • How To Receive Clarity On Your Purpose | Acts 20 | Pastor Luke Brugger

    07/08/2023 Duration: 54min

    In Acts 20, Paul knew by the Holy Spirit that jail and suffering awaited him in Jerusalem. How did he know? Through prayer, Paul could receive knowledge, understanding, and direction from situations before they happened. It can be the same with you and your purpose. You can know where to go, what to expect, and how to handle situations in your life. In the message, Pastor Luke gives four simple steps to take to receive clarity on your purpose. Listen to this message to learn them!  

  • The Presence of God is Your Success | Acts 18 | Pastor Chad Dillon

    26/07/2023 Duration: 44min

    In this message, Executive Pastor, Chad Dillon talks about Paul's success in Acts 18. Paul was successful by the presence of God. God's presence changes us. It can cause a divine shift in our life.  Watch this message to learn more about God's life changing presence that can bring success in your life.

  • Hidden In Christ | Acts 17 | Pastor Luke Brugger

    17/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    In this message, Pastor Luke examines Paul's visit to Athens. Paul uses creation as proof of God's existence. He then goes on to teach that God has an appointed time for all things, even you. Paul used this truth to move idol worshippers to the one true God. How much more can this truth impact followers of Christ today? The truth is that God has appointed YOU for this specific time. You were not an accident but rather you are the right age at the right time. When followers of Christ grasp this truth and others like it, it moves us closer, higher, deeper into the things of God.

  • The Nature of Excellence | Acts 16

    10/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    In Acts 16, Paul took Timothy with him on his missionary journey. Why? Because Timothy had a good reputation with the local church. He had a nature of excellence in serving and served with enthusiasm. It is a blessing to serve the local church. In this message, Pastor Luke speaks about the importance of serving for your life and the impact it makes on people around you.

  • Freedom Sunday | Aaron & Victoria Plumley

    03/07/2023 Duration: 57min

    In this message, Teen Challenge Program Director, Victoria Plumley, shares her powerful testimony of freedom from drugs through the power of the Holy Spirit. She shares how God set her free from addiction and restored her life. In this message of hope, she also shares the heart and vision behind Teen Challenge.

  • The Tabernacle of David (Acts Series)

    26/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    In this message, Pastor Luke continues our summer series in Acts 15. In this chapter, the writer compares two tabernacles; Moses and David. The Tabernacle of Moses represents the Old Covenant. The Tabernacle of David represents the New Covenant. We are no longer under the Tabernacle of Moses, one of regulation and religion. Rather, we are under the Tabernacle of David which represents the blood of Jesus. Listen to this message to learn more about the difference between the Tabernacles and how it applies to us today.

  • Biblical Manliness (Father’s Day 2023)

    19/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    Now more than ever, godly men & fathers are needed to lead. In this special Father's Day message, Pastor Luke gives biblical examples of how men have led and are to lead. Listen to this message to hear more!

  • Why the Enemy Uses Fear of Speaking (Acts Pt. 1)

    12/06/2023 Duration: 40min

    Paul wrote, "For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile." The Gospel Has the power to save. Sharing the Gospel requires us to speak. It is no coincidence that the fear of public speaking is the most common fear people share.  The enemy does not want you to share the good news. He wants you to remain quiet about what Jesus has done and can do for other people. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome that fear and proclaim the Good News & do greater work than Jesus.

  • CSOM Sunday

    05/06/2023 Duration: 41min

    In this service, our Centerbranch School of Ministry graduates brought the Word of God! The graduates, Elijah Peterson and Rodney Huffman spoke on each person's role in the body of Christ and the importance thereof. Watch this encouraging message to hear how you play a role in what God is doing on earth. 

  • Anointed for a Purpose (Almost Heaven Pt. 7)

    29/05/2023 Duration: 56min

    You are anointed for a purpose. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons (Matthew 10:8). God did not anoint you just so you can say you are anointed. He anointed you to go and do. To be like Jesus on earth. Listen to this last message of the Almost Heaven series to hear what Jesus did and what you are to do too!

  • You Are Not a Victim (Almost Heaven Pt. 6)

    22/05/2023 Duration: 55min

    A victim mentality is a tendency to blame other people or circumstances for where you are in life. But God has created people to be like him. He has given dominion to those who are followers of Christ. With dominion comes the responsibility to take action. We must be intentional about putting on the new nature of Christ to make an impact in our community. You don't have to wait for qualification. The blessing of God makes it so you are more than enough now to make an impact. Watch this message to hear an encouraging word from Pastor Luke!

  • Pass the Test of the Mundane (Almost Heaven Pt. 5)

    16/05/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Drudgery is a test of life. When you continue day in and day out, doing the same things over and over, you can begin to question if what you do matters. If you're not following God's plan for your life, the enemy wouldn't bother trying to discourage you. God wants you to pass the test of the mundane. This message is a reminder that what you do, DOES matter. 

  • Succeeding in the Calling of God (Almost Heaven Pt. 4)

    08/05/2023 Duration: 53min

    What is excellent today is mediocre tomorrow. In order to succeed in the call of God on our lives we must be cautious of three things: fear of failure, fear of disappointment, and success. In this message, Pastor Luke Brugger takes us through the story of Gideon in the Book of Judges. Gideon and the mighty men that fought with him were chosen specifically because they overcame fear of failure, disappointment, and the allusion of success. Watch this message to hear how you can accomplish great things like Gideon and his men!

  • Run Don’t Walk (Almost Heaven Pt. 3)

    01/05/2023 Duration: 46min

    The apostle Paul writes, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12)."  In this message, Pastor Josiah teaches that a runner is nearing the end of a race, does not pace himself near the finish line. He sprints. As we live in the end times, God has called us to finish our race RUNNING by picking up the pace.  In this message, Pastor Josiah lists areas in our lives we can work on to begin running the race God has set before us.

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