Big Questions With Cal Fussman

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 308:10:33
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As a bestselling author, speaker and one of the greatest interviewers of this generation, Cal Fussman has sat down with some of the worlds most influential individuals: Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Gorbachev, Serena Williams, Jeff Bezos, Jack Welch, John Wooden, Al Pacino and hundreds of others, digging deep into their hearts and delivering their wisdom to the rest of the world. Now, in Big Questions, Cal continues his journey. Uncovering the heart, head, and soul of his guests in thoughtful, deep and entertaining conversations.


  • What Healthcare Does To Your Paycheck

    26/07/2022 Duration: 53min

    Matt Hollingsworth, the CEO of Carta Healthcare, has had a sense of the way healthcare can Impact a family’s financial health since . . . well, perhaps since he was in the womb and his mother was diagnosed with cancer. She refused chemotherapy to protect him. Matt’s life has been deeply influenced by his family’s battles with cancer. It’s common knowledge that one of every two Americans has medical debt and that medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy. But beyond that, Matt explains to Cal what our $4 trillion annual spend on healthcare is doing to your paycheck. A fresh look at a topic that is hard to get a grip on.

  • Pete Kadens Puts A Doctor In The House

    19/07/2022 Duration: 41min

    Cal is introduced to a man who’s orchestrated 4,000 college scholarships to students from low-income areas and who plans to extend 30,000 scholarships through an organization called Hope Chicago. This gets Cal to thinking about helping one child to become a doctor at a time when one in five healthcare workers has left the field during Covid. Pete makes that scholarship happen for Cal and Big Questions, and leaves Cal wondering how to generate 49 more!

  • The 3 AM Healthcare Solution

    12/07/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    Cal finds himself looking down different highways and byways in the wide arc of healthcare and begins to wonder about the ways to make the biggest impact. Then he awakens one night at 3 a.m. with an urge to relisten to the first podcast he did on the subject. It was with Navy surgeon and dermatologist Reagan Anderson before COVID. It resonates now more than ever.

  • The Prostate & Your Partner

    05/07/2022 Duration: 53min

    Cal looks for a way to bring people together during the acrimony following the Supreme Court decision reversing Roe vs. Wade and setting the stage for the prohibition of  abortion in certain states. So he made an unusual decision to publish an episode that he was planning for September – during Prostate Cancer Awareness month. The idea behind it is for people of different sexes and opinions to share knowledge in a kind way – in this case about an often-misunderstood male organ. Dr. Neil Baum, a urologist from New Orleans, gives the primer. The hope is that we all become more curious and understanding of each other’s health needs and opinions.  Because if we can’t come together as a nation over healthcare, what can we come together over?

  • Magic Spoon Reinvents Breakfast Cereal

    28/06/2022 Duration: 53min

    On average, every American eats 100 bowls of cereal a year. Most are filled with highly-sugared, highly-processed carbohydrates fronted by wonderful animations of characters that lure kids in to thinking they're breakfast pals. Cal used to be one of those kids, and he loved those sweet, crunchy cereals. Now, Cal wonders how much healthier America would be if it were eating cereals that taste great but contain virtually no sugar made by Magic Spoon. His conversation with company founder Gabi Lewis takes us all to new places. A healthy Birthday Cake cereal???

  • Never Forget Anything Again!

    21/06/2022 Duration: 48min

    Cal meets two guys who’ve created an App that does not let you forget anything -- and creates a memory archive. That made Cal feel sharper and healthier in an instant. Not only is the Twos App free. But the founders gave Cal a two-dollar bill as a promotional gesture just to try it out. Cal did, and has been using the Twos App ever since. Founders Parker Klein and Joe Steilberg got so excited to come on Big Questions, they offered to Venmo $2 to anybody who tries the Twos App. Cal’s sure this will delight listeners . . . but he hopes it doesn’t bankrupt Parker and Joe.

  • Pass On This Breath Mint (And Story!)

    14/06/2022 Duration: 46min

    Cal has become fascinated with how people are reinventing soda and breakfast cereal to make them healthier. When he hears how Neuro mints bring calm and clarity and Neuro chewing gum brings focus and energy, he reaches out for a taste and finds a story that you’re going to want to pass on to anyone you know having a difficult time. Just listen to how Neuro co-founder Ryan Chen came through a 35-foot fall that smashed his spine during a snowboarding accident, lost all movement beneath his hips, then beat addiction to pain killers and went on to create a product that will give you a sense of calm and clarity. There are many people who are depressed and could use a lift right now. Pass this podcast on to them. Could be a true life saver.

  • A Letter From The Second Heart

    07/06/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Cal catches up with a friend he met while speaking at an event at Kaiser Permanente just before COVID. Eddie Garcia had had a heart attack. His heart was in trouble, and Eddie was waiting for a transplant. Eddie did receive a new heart and a second chance at life during COVID. What Cal didn’t know was that Eddie had been wanting to write a letter of thanks to the family of the donor – but was gripped by writer’s block. It was understandable, because such a letter can bring pain to the family of the donor. Some families in that situation simply want to move forward. Eddie’s new heart was calling out to write the letter, though, and at the end of this podcast you’re going to hear it and see how clear communication can break through writer’s block in any situation.

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci: What I’ve Learned From COVID

    31/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    Cal reached out to the Chief Medical Officer to the President to find out what Dr. Anthony Fauci learned since the start of the COVID pandemic. Cal’s surprised by Dr. Fauci’s answer, though maybe he shouldn’t have been.

  • Advanced Medical Planning -- For Free

    24/05/2022 Duration: 51min

    Cal had no idea that as we age there is a risk that receiving CPR could give you brain damage. Knowing that, would you want to be resuscitated? There are many medical situations that can leave you unable to communicate. Have you left behind decisions on how you’d like to be treated? Or who you’d like to be making decisions on your behalf? Dr. Tatiana Fofanova of Koda Health takes Cal through the interview process that allows us to make legally-binding decisions in an emergency should we be unable to communicate. Healthcare providers are willing to pay for this information, because they want to know how to treat you. Live in peace.

  • Flushing Away Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    17/05/2022 Duration: 49min

    Millions of people are impacted by IBS. But few talk about their troubles on the toilet – whether they be about constipation, diarrhea, bloating or excess gas. Most suffer in silence. The conversation you’re about to hear is a game changer. Because IBS picked on the wrong guy when it came after a data scientist at Uber – Asaf Kraus. Asaf used artificial intelligence and photos to track down the foods and habits that were causing his problems and created a company called Dieta Health that can potentially help millions of people solve their intestinal problems. And it all started on a date. If you’re not impacted by IBS, you definitely know someone who is. Please pass this episode to anyone you know with IBS. They’ll be deeply grateful.

  • Marshall & Ashton Allen: Rewrite Your ER Contract

    10/05/2022 Duration: 51min

    Cal comes across an interesting situation when an 18-year-old college freshman develops back pain after donating blood. A campus doctor fears it could be a deadly pulmonary embolism and directs Ashton Marshall to the local Emergency Room. This could lead to many tests and high bills. Ashton’s father, the author of Never Pay The First Bill, offers his son a strategy to keep the charges reasonable. Listen to Marshall Allen, and you’ll have that same strategy.

  • Ryan Hockensmith: Never Be Miserable Again

    03/05/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Cal reads a story on that makes him cackle, and he reaches out to the writer to thank him for bringing laughter into his day. The conversation that ensues brings forth an amazing story about the loss of Ryan’s toes and the surreal journey it takes him on. Pass this podcast on to anyone feeling down or miserable. They’ll likely have a very different mindset after they’re done: Gratitude.

  • Joumana Kidd: Don’t Get Scammed!

    26/04/2022 Duration: 43min

    Cal sees a newsmagazine with a headline that reads: THE BAD GUYS, ON YOUR PHONE, IN YOUR COMPUTER, FILLING YOUR EMAIL, MINING YOUR INFO, TRICKING YOUR LOVED ONES, IMPERSONATING YOU AND PLOTTING THEIR NEXT STEAL. He notices that The Tindler Swinder is one of Netflix’s top-rated documentaries. And he observes how getting scammed affects the daily life and mental health of a friend. He gets an inside look from the victim of a massive scam and identify theft – the former wife of NBA all-star Jason Kidd. Joumana’s story will keep you on guard.

  • Josh Linkner: Find Your Big Little Breakthroughs

    19/04/2022 Duration: 52min

    Cal talks with the best-selling author and one of America’s most sought after keynote speakers about the first steps that can send you on your way. Josh has founded, built and sold five companies for a combined exit value of more than $200 million. He knows of what he speaks. The innovation exercise he plays out with Cal on reshaping healthcare in this episode can be tailored to anybody’s needs. Josh’s mantra is: Think of how powerful your company can be if everyone innovates, every day. You’ll be stronger for listening . . . much stronger.

  • Elliott Bisnow: How To Build Your Dream

    11/04/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Simply listening to the story of how Elliott and three buddies who were just out of college andfeeling lost during The Great Recession went on to create a company called Summit that connected thousands of innovators in the Tech space at conferences that filled hotels and cruises and led to their purchase of a majestic mountain in Utah, and along the way curated the wisdom of Jeff Bezos, Ted Turner, President Bill Clinton, the actress and founder of the billion dollar Honest company, Jessica Alba, and musician Quincy Jones, will give you the feeling that YOU can do anything! Listen up, check out the book Make No Small Plans and see what mountains you might be capable of moving! Cal wonders if a similar community could be created for the future of healthcare . . .

  • Dr. Marty Makary: Protect Yourself From Outrageous Bills

    05/04/2022 Duration: 01h13s

    Cal gets furious when he reads about predatory medical billing in The Price We Pay, What Broke American Health Care and How To Fix It. So he reaches out to the author – a surgeon at the Johns Hopkins hospital and television commentator -- for tips on how a patient should respond when she or he is the victim of outlandish charges. A conversation for everyone who needs healthcare – which means everybody.

  • Caitlin Donovan: Uber And Your Health

    29/03/2022 Duration: 44min

    What if you didn’t have to drive around packed parking lots looking for a space at hospitals because you were dropped off by a vehicle dispatched by Uber Health? And what if the cost of that trip was seamlessly woven into your insurance plan or through your healthcare provider? Well, your car may be waiting. Uber Health’s Caitlin Donovan has a Big Answer for Big Questions.

  • Joe McDonough: How To Stay Positive

    22/03/2022 Duration: 35min

    One day Joe’s 14-year-old son Andrew was winning a state soccer tournament. Couple of days later, doctors told Joe that his son had cancer and less than a day to live. That’s the beginning of an amazing story. The story of the B+ Foundation – the largest provider of financial assistance to families of kids with cancer in the United States. If you’d like to be uplifted in these unsettling times, listen to the conversation between Joe and Cal.

  • Juliet Funt: How To Think Better

    15/03/2022 Duration: 58min

    After a dizzying few weeks of watching images of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine and pondering the possibilities of a nuclear war, Cal senses it’s time to step back and get perspective. He reaches out to Juliet Funt, author of the book A Minute To Think, for advice on getting the most out of himself during this crazy time. “Funt’s wisdom around making space is priceless,” says marketing guru Seth Godin. Cal embraces Funt’s business tools to get the most out of his days. They will create great outcomes for you, as well. Guaranteed.

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