Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Learning From Your First Business



We continue our discussion with Christian Espinosa and turn to learning from your first business as you build another. We also talk about security and the cyber world, but his points on team-building and lessons learned are of a larger value. His experience is not unique, but the detail he provides helps us end the season on a deeply informative note. Start New While Learning From Your First Business We all make mistakes. Christian looked closely at his when he decided to create a new business. He also reviewed what he did right and used that as a foundation. These are invaluable areas to ensure we are learning from our first business as we start a second. Experience is the perfect teacher, and few business owners get to start with that level of experience. About Christian Christian Espinosa, a renowned thought leader, is most known as the bestselling author of "The Smartest Person in the Room," which explores the limitations of seeking validation through achievement and the desire to be the bri