Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast



Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open hearted living, with delicious sass that awakens the best in a man. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 3 books. She’s a coach to celebrities is and the Host of the sexy empowering show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”. After working with thousands of men who struggle with fear of rejection in the aftermath of a harsh breakup, Allana helps them learn how to date again and find lasting love. She heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’, and awakens their ‘noble badass’ so they can create hot, healthy intimate relationships.Allana’s passionate devotion to helping men reclaim their freedom and personal power is rooted in her own experience. Allana grew up insecure, ashamed of her body and afraid of men. She endured a brutal custody battle that threatened to compromise her joy, softness and feminine power. Yet Allana sat in the fire embracing the experience as a spiritual teacher. She emerged more courageously vulnerable and radiantly loving than ever before.Allana’s joy for life is contagious. She savors being a mother and pole dances for pleasure. She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, and to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.


  • Dr. Marc Gafni, The Evolution of Love

    23/09/2020 Duration: 01h19s

    Seriously, I was a little "shitting my pants" before this interview. I had to process my emotions with my coach. I didn’t want to ignore the elephant in the living room; yet, I refused to judge another and let my fears/issues get in the way of honor, equanimity, truth and healing for all. I was breathtakingly blown away, my heart opened in depth. Marc graciously danced with my concerns, questions and truth. It was a humble privilege to be so real, deep, honest and open with another being. We shared frustrations, shared life experiences, shared aliveness and shared what’s possible. I am proud of myself for being real. I am honored that he took the journey with me. Also, a glorious book that he co-wrote with Dr. Barbara Hubbard is coming out soon… so much to share about what’s possible moving from Soul Mate to Whole Mate. You will enjoy 'transparency embodied' and the current of Eros in this intimate conversation. May it inspire YOU to have tough conversations, fiercely love self and other simultaneously. p.s.

  • Journey Back | Releasing Stuck Anger

    16/09/2020 Duration: 05min

    Free your Stuck Anger: I was willing to play full out this month for you in body paint! Normally I use makeup to feel more sexy and this month I used it to feel more disgusting and let what was stuck come up to free it once and for all and you can too!!! Video was originally part of Living Sexy: 30 Days to a Succulent You p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Rori Raye, Connect with the Masculine & Feminine

    09/09/2020 Duration: 57min

    Talk about two peas in a pod. I LOVE Rori's aligned message about dropping out of our mind and reveling in our emotions, loving what is, using our feminine energy to receive our emotions as they shift and change and drop into truth. We spoke not just OF vulnerability and transparency but HOW to truly drop in and then HOW to communicate truth to your date or beloved. We spoke of relationships being such a fertile ground of growth and evolution like her long term beautiful marriage. We also spoke of how Rori's created a business the feminine way, with one aspect fueling, feeding and expanding the next, so cooperative and collaborative. We shared the glorious journey of being friends and colleagues for so many years, how grateful I am for her mentorship when I first started and how she honors my brand of transparency through it all. Ahhh... sisterhood at its best... two distinct yet aligned messages of the same powerful truth of feminine power and knowing. You are going to bask in what's possible in your persona

  • Journey Back | Jaiya | Intimate Conversations Live

    03/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    It is beautiful when anyone can be so passionate, so emotionally and intellectually harmonic in who she is and the passionate power she displays. I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most powerful, insightful women I know, Miss Jaiya. This conversation was one where we got a true feel for how we can embrace who we are as sensual human beings. Show original aired December 16, 2011 p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at Featuring music by: 4 Chambers - written by Aeone / BMI Published by Angleterre Music /BMI  

  • Alex Cormont, Don't Try to Find Love, Just Socialize

    26/08/2020 Duration: 38min

    What a delight to speak with such a huge YouTube sensation from Love Advice TV. I'm such a sucker for a French Accent. It was wonderful to learn how he tells women to NOT try to find love, just to socialize... such like minded thinking like my book, Finding The One Is Bullsh*t! He brings up a good point about putting all your eggs in one basket... and although we have two different angles about self confidence... we both ended up at the same place. He shares some intimate details about his personal life, his losses, his dreams, his delights and even his frustrations. His 'baby' is his community, he loves his followers and works very hard to serve them... and learn English! You will enjoy this chat between two experts who learn from one another and support our cherished communities. p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve - https://allana

  • Journey Back | Morgana Rae

    19/08/2020 Duration: 37min

    I have known Morgana for years and had no idea the depth of her heart, the intensity of her story, the wisdom of her message and the joy she has in her relationship right now. Such a homecoming and I’m so grateful for her wisdom in the Summit! Allana's Getting Your Brave On Coaching Practice: Morgana shared about our relationship with money, about receiving, about worth. Are you wanting more support yet unwilling to ask for it or receive it once it’s here? Are you more committed to working hard or triumphing over hardship than allowing life to be easy? Are you in love with money, as if it was your lover, grateful for it, happy to see it, honoring of it with having it, saving it and spending it? Take a moment now to not only journal a conversation with money, yet when you’re done invite it into your life. Sit and lower all your energetic edges and let it start pouring in. More and more. Like a soft shower from all directions. Imagine all the fun things you choose to do with the money. Keep saying thank you tha

  • Journey Back | Gratitude

    12/08/2020 Duration: 05min

    Yes, we all know the power of gratitude for all the good stuff, let's go deeper... how about for when you fell, made a mistake, things didn't turn out right... can you be grateful for that, take the lesson, celebrating that you even showed up in the first place!? Video was originally part of Living Sexy: 30 Days to a Succulent You p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Nell Daly, Happy’ish is a Choice

    06/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    Talk about a Soul Sister. This call could have been 4 hours of YUM. Nell is awake. And human. She speaks of the power of witnessing another, you will not drown, I see you. Being witnessed eases burdens, accelerates our path of evolution. AND it’s still difficult to ask for help yet when we talk it out, we’re less sick.  We spoke of our moms, both in heaven, her loss much more recent than mine, her mother wounds more fresh. We spoke of sexuality and conversations that are evolutionary for sex. We spoke of the tremendous loneliness on the planet now more than ever with being socially isolated… one of my favorite parts was when she spoke about the opposite of lonely… we spoke of connection and belonging yet Nell said “Happy’ish” That happy all the time isn’t true, real or possible… but choosing happy’ish is doable. And that even more deeply than happy, we yearn to be moved. She challenged me to mine for happier memories of my two marriages which revealed that even the ‘good times’ I wasn’t allowing myself to enj

  • Journey Back | Matthew Hussey

    29/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Wow, time flies… in this Journey Back…Matthew Hussey shared his insider tips that have taken women from dateless to married in my amazing interview with him via Skype to the UK! One insight he shared was busting the myth that if a guy doesn’t approach us he’s not interested. Not true. They are often interested yet timid. Be willing to make the first move… AND YET making that first move in your masculine will turn him off… that’s where my material and Matthews align… it’s our femininity, our radiance, our invitational energy that makes them want to claim us and be devoted to us. You won’t want to miss this interview! Show original aired September 8th, 2010 p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at www.GetHerTo

  • Tripp Kramer, The Other Side of Fear

    24/07/2020 Duration: 01h53s

    I adore talking to Tripp, ever since we met at a Dating Show audition, I loved his blend of depth and practicality. Today's conversation was no different... He gets Presence. He gets that it's imperative men (and women) need to get comfy with being uncomfy.  We agree that once we take that risk, face our fear and get to the other side, that we always say, "Hey, it wasn't so bad after all". I love his 2020 Dating Strategy and I also love how he receives my questions, concerns or confusion and helps me understand the beautiful depth and rational of his advice.  We agree on so many aspects of supporting our clients to date effectively, be brave, really take the time to know what you want, be away or the opportunity cost of not going for your dreams... SO MUCH!  You'll love this episode. Hell we even talked porn. You'll want to re-listen to this one. Jam packed with wisdom, honesty, practical advice and look-yourself-in-the-mirror Truth. Enjoy! p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a

  • Scot and Emily McKay, Connect with the Masculine and Feminine

    09/07/2020 Duration: 57min

    Wow, I had so much fun with these two repeat guests on Intimate Conversations. They shared about their two prior marriages... and I did my best to break down the mindset, heart-set, point of views and literal actions they took, literal decisions and choices they met to find each other... truly one of the most aligned couples I've ever met. I got personal talking about God, about sex... and they didn't skip a beat. In fact Scot insisted on going even DEEPER at the end than I've ever gone with him about his relationship which moved me. This was the most candid they've ever been, and I swear these two get more adorable with time... even better friends, lovers and business partners now after 14 yrs. You'll learn so much. Enjoy! p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy

  • Journey Back | Gay Hendricks

    02/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    I cannot speak higher of or more passionately about Gay Hendricks. Many of us have been reading his books and to be able to interview him is a true blessing. His information, his insight, off the charts. I had no idea how revolutionary this man was and how deeply I would connect with every single word he had to say. As a woman I felt honored, I felt as if he understood what women felt, I felt as if he was the real essence of all that a man is. This was a conversation that I will remember. Show original aired February 20th, 2012 p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training

  • Tim Rhode, Living Your Best Life

    25/06/2020 Duration: 45min

    Amazing how our paths have been beside one another for a year and a half, yet today was the day to collide with heart, mind, spirit and possibility. Tim's energy is delicious, his spirit so alive. Listen to how his beloved Tina encourages him to vibe high at a 60. Listen to discover how this man's extraordinary life is deepening even MORE into spiritual realms. See if you can breathe in his tangible exuberance for life, for service, for family, for financial freedom, for possibility. I love how in less than an hour we were moved, we laughed, got jazzed about possibilities, stayed curious about our paths coming together now to connect. Take with you the possibility of diving deep in your life with a new friend, or seeing an old friend with fresh eyes and a pure brave heart. And most certainly take with you the inspiration to check out 1lifefullylived and GoBundance to enrich your lives with thriving personal growth communities to support your dreams. p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assess

  • Lance Allred, The New Alpha Male

    11/06/2020 Duration: 56min

    What a surreal experience. It was like someone was speaking what was in my heart and mind right back to me. We have such a similar point of view, similar outlooks such as the path of the heart, divine pride, toxic positivity, holding gratitude and heartbreak at the same time. I wanted to jump through the Zoom room and fist pump, hug, do the I GET YOU dance. Lance has found his comfort zone in the unknown through his intimate relationship with himself. In his latest book The New Alpha Male, he believes the new masculine is one of being brave and vulnerable. And that heartbreak is our greatest teacher, that we can hold both the light and the dark. Can you see why I was coming undone? He talks like me! Perhaps a soul sibling xox You will LOVE this. p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fea

  • Journey Back | Marci Shimoff

    04/06/2020 Duration: 56min

    Marci Shimoff talks about happiness, success and unconditional love on this episode of Intimate Conversations Live. Marci’s newest book, Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love, offers a revolutionary program for living in a state of deep and lasting love that doesn’t depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner. Aren’t you excited? She is such a beautiful Goddess full of insight and love. I think all of us want to give AND RECEIVE unconditional love and Marci has luscious and divine advice. Show original aired February 16th, 2013 p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerabil

  • Rollin McCraty, The Power of HeartMath

    29/05/2020 Duration: 55min

    If you could imagine what it feels like to KNOW something with ever fiber of your being, and finally someone PROVES to you what you've always hoped was true... this is the experience of interviewing Rollin McCraty of HeartMath. So many of my clients (and me included) have suffered from what he calls 'mal adapted baselines' where our brain literally looks for matches of what it finds familiar that feels 'good'... yet it quite unhealthy for us... and when we find what's healthy it's so unfamiliar to our brain's sensory matching system the we turn away from a good man/good woman/healthy match. YET THERE IS HOPE! And there is technology to support the retraining of your brains through the coherence of our hearts. We can create new set points. We can create new baselines. We can vibrate as love, coherence, appreciation, care and kindness. We can attract and create healthy partnerships... AND we can elevate global coherence to one where we choose what's best for the planet. We can measure the contribution we're mak

  • Journey Back | Move

    22/05/2020 Duration: 04min

    Movement is more than Dance Class, it’s how you slowly touch your face, move your hand through your hair, stretch your heart open, enjoy how a breeze can engage your body. Video was originally part of Living Sexy: 30 Days to a Succulent You p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at Featuring music by: 4 Chambers - written by Aeone / BMI Published by Angleterre Music /BMI

  • Journey Back | Jaiya

    08/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    This interview is so HOT! Of course I expected it to be hot and yet the topic of Dominant Submissive, the theme of Jaiya's next book, really took the interview in a whole new erotic direction! Jaiya tells us things she never even put into the book, as she explored 40 days of being a Dominatrix and 40 days of being a Submissive with her partner. HUGE transformation occurred for them, and it wasn’t always pretty. Yet the intimacy grew and deepened. Allana's Getting Your Brave On Coaching Practice: If you have a partner, have a conversation about having one night be where you are the Dominant and the other the Submissive. The next night switch. Create rules about when enough is enough, a code word. Both parties must be consensual the whole time; this enlivens the intimacy and deepens your truth. Use this to play outside the box, to explore archetypes and energies. Shit might come up so make it safe for either partner to feel what they feel with no judgment. This might open the door to a whole new paradigm of ple

  • Journey Back | Marshall Herskovitz

    01/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    I had the pleasure of meeting Marshall a few years before this interview and was so honored when he decided to be a part of the show. You may not recognize the name but I guarantee you know his work. Marshall is a writer, producer, and director in Los Angeles. His credits include such films as Legends of the Fall and The Last Samurai, and the television series thirtysomething and My So-Called Life. p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at Featuring music by: 4 Chambers - written by Aeone / BMI Published by Angleterre Music /BMI

  • Carol and David, Spice Up Your Sex Life

    22/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    OMG this was NOT what I thought. It was WAY better. Like blow my mind open (and vagina open) better. I knew I always loved Carol and David from the first time I met them and they interviewed me on their huge Podcast The Sexy Lifestyle. Yet I had no idea the depth of care, connection, openness, confidence and vulnerability they shared as a couple. I had no idea of their willingness to have JOY, TRUTH and PLEASURE in their lives and how they are FOR each other growing more and more in love each year of their swingers life. AND I had no idea what swinging really meant. I had a lot of preconceived notions. Given I haven't met ''The One'... I've never had a solid partnership within which to explore sex. They concurred that if your relationship sex life is NOT working, swinging is not going to fix it, it's going to blow it up. They are a solid partnership who have sex with other solid partnerships and everyone gets stronger. Carol's in charge of who they have sex with, totally female centric experiences. No means n

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