The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence



JOIN THE REVOLUTION!There’s never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom and make your fortune. Each week we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a 6 to 7 figure practice.The Thought Leader Revolution podcast is about establishing yourself as a thought leader around your expertise, your brand and your name. To become well known and highly regarded in the market place for the results you are able to produce for your clients.Our guests are top thought leaders who have done it. They’ve become widely known for their expertise and results they’re able to deliver for their clients. They all love what they do and get paid very well for doing it.You’ll meet entrepreneurs that have leverage thought leadership in driving business revenue, coaches that were unknown and barley making ends meet get to celebrity status and took their income way into the 7 figures, consultants that became best selling authors and built multi-million dollar firms and senior executives who followed their passion, left their day jobs and are changing the world.We want you to join us in making the difference you were born to make. We want you to 10x your impact, your income and your influence every 12 months. Steve Jobs iconic quote the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do.People with purpose and passion are changing the world and we want you to be one of them.


  • EP55: Corry McClure - The Purpose & Profit In Discovering Your Niche

    11/07/2017 Duration: 43min

    What are you great at? What superpower do you possess that can help others immensely while also putting money in your own pocket? For most people, finding their profitable niche is a long process, but once it's discovered it can lead to terrific opportunities. Just ask Corry McClure. Today, she helps trainers design programs that leverage their expertise to attract government funding for initiatives such as the Canada Job Grant. It took Corry years to arrive at her niche, but now it's growing bigger and better. During this interview, you'll learn... Why you need to be clear about your purpose The importance of knowing your niche audience and how to provide it with simple business solutions The power of being a part of a like-minded community to help boost your success To find out more about Corry, visit

  • EP54: Chad Howse - How To Use Your Authenticity To Attract Sales

    04/07/2017 Duration: 37min

    Be yourself. You've heard that cliche a million times. But, in the case of fitness entrepreneur, Chad Howse, it's proved to be very profitable. When he first started out in the online business world, he went years without making money. He went to mastermind groups and received advice from successful peers, but ultimately their ways didn't work out for him. It wasn't until Chad realized his ideal customer was himself that everything changed. He began writing sales copy and other useful content in his unique voice that answered his own problems. Before he knew it, people resonated with his journey and began buying from him including his popular product, The Man Diet. For Chad, being authentic was an incredible strategy. During this interview, you'll learn... The importance of figuring out who your ideal clients are and how to use your authentic self to connect with them Why it's vital to “write to yourself” when creating emails, sales copy and information products How you can boost your email list and attract

  • EP53: David Sargant - Why Generosity Is A Powerful Way To Attract Business

    27/06/2017 Duration: 42min

    The law of reciprocity. Ever hear of it? Basically, it's when someone does something nice for you then you'll have a deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return. This universal law has been used in persuasive marketing and advertising for years now. But, what if you could genuinely give something of value to potential clients for free because you actually want to help them? You might be thinking, “Wait a second, FREE? Why the heck would I do that?” Our guest today, David Sargant, who is an expert that shows coaches how to use digital marketing to get the visibility and credibility they need to grow their businesses, feels giving away your useful content is a great way to endear yourself to prospects which can lead to win-win opportunities. During this fun and inspiring interview, you'll learn... Why providing free takeaway value will build trust with potential clients by letting them know you're credible and not in it for a quick buck Why it's important to plant seeds by helping people take

  • EP52: Anna David - How Your Pain Can Create New Opportunities

    20/06/2017 Duration: 44min

    Addiction. Whether it's with drugs, alcohol or whatever else, it can ruin lives. New York Times best-selling author and entrepreneur, Anna David, had her battles with it. Her life went down a turbulent road until it was time to change course before it was too late. Today, she's been sober for over 16 years. She has found a new way to monetize her writing expertise and has created helpful content to assist others who are looking to conquer their personal challenges. During this interview, you'll learn... Why you must stop being a victim, take accountability and realize you can now play a part in your own success Why the best way to sell is to give Why you shouldn't be afraid to invest in your education To find out more about Anna, visit

  • EP51: Rick Hansen - How To Reframe Your Attitude For Inspiring Success

    13/06/2017 Duration: 56min

    The Man In Motion. For many across the globe, our guest today is a shining light for those with disabilities. On March 21st 1985, Rick Hansen, who is a paraplegic, embarked on a world tour where he wheeled himself across 34 countries and 4 continents to prove the potential of people with disabilities and to inspire a more accessible world. If Rick didn't have the right attitude, the above probably would have never happened. At age 15, he suffered a spinal cord injury during a pickup truck accident. It was a major hit to his athletic dreams, but he found a way through mentors to reshape his mindset to get his life on track. Even during his Man In Motion Tour, he had doubts about completing it, but with some encouragement from a friend, he continued. Today, he runs The Rick Hansen Foundation and remains an inspiration to millions. During this powerful interview, you'll learn... Why you need to remind yourself what your big WHY is regarding your goal Why you shouldn't worry about things you can't control and fo

  • EP50: Dr. Ivan Misner - The Secrets To Being A 20-Year Overnight Success

    06/06/2017 Duration: 46min

    Garage to global. For our guest, Business Network International (BNI) founder, Dr. Ivan Misner that was his journey. He started his organization in a spare room above his garage then kept growing it and now BNI has over 7900 chapters which generated 8.8 million referrals and $11.1 billion dollars in business in 2016. He calls himself a 20-year overnight success story. It didn't come easy, but he has trusted tips that can hopefully help you avoid some mistakes and build the profitable business you've always wanted. During this fascinating interview, you'll learn... To never treat networking like a face-to-face cold call opportunity Why you should do 6 things a thousand times but not a thousand things 6 times Why you must hire those that have ignorance on fire instead of knowledge on ice To find out more about Dr. Misner visit

  • EP49: Marie Diamond - The Secret Star Reveals How To Attract Your Business Success

    30/05/2017 Duration: 38min

    Fifteen years old. That was the age of our guest, Marie Diamond, when her life changed forever. She was run over by a truck and declared dead. Miraculously, she survived, but while she was “on the other side”, she felt a calling to enlighten more than 500 million people world wide. Once she returned, she began her crusade. After many experiences, she'd land a place in the wildly popular 2006 film, *The Secret* which enabled her to transform the lives of millions of people. Today, with her powerful vision in mind, she continues to assist her clients through various speaking engagements, workshops, webinars and other products. During this interview, you'll learn... The power of developing a vision that aligns with your values and resonates with future prospects How changing your environment, including your office, can positively affect your business success Why you should always be living your brand To find out more about Marie visit

  • EP48: Dr. Jesse Chappus - How Podcasting Can Help Boost Your Brand

    23/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    Podcasting. It's red hot right now. There are over 300,000 podcasts in the world. Entrepreneurs are jumping in because of a podcast's ability to reach niche audiences, with easily consumable, on-demand audio content, that couldn't have been accessed before. Does that mean it's right for you and your branding strategy? Well, it has certainly worked for our guest, Health & Wellness expert, Dr. Jesse Chappus who is the co-host of the popular Ultimate Health Podcast. During this interview, you'll learn... How a podcast can make you money and elevate your brand exposure What level of commitment you'll need to consistently deliver a high quality show The importance of taking care of your health during your podcasting journey To find out more about Jesse, visit

  • EP47: Kelly Lee Bennett - How To Overcome Tragedy & Find Happiness In Your Business & Life

    16/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    Tragedy. At one point or another, we all come face-to-face with it in some capacity and today's guest, Kelly Lee Bennett is no different. During her most turbulent years, there were horrible things in her life such as murder, rape, kidnapping and a bout with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to name a few. For many, after being exposed to those events, they'd either be heavily medicated, locked up somewhere or even worse. Kelly was one of the fortunate ones. Today, she leads an extremely happy life operating her successful executive coaching business. So, what helped her navigate through those rough waters? One of the life savers was being surrounded by the right people who gave her the support she needed. Now, her days are filled with joy and meaning. During this interview, you'll discover... The importance of trusting your gut when making business and personal decisions including what people to allow in your life Why you must not be afraid of making mistakes since they can prove to be extremely useful

  • EP46: Alan McLaren - Why You Must Beat The 6 Second Scroll Rule For Marketing Success

    09/05/2017 Duration: 33min

    6 seconds. That's all you have to convince a prospect, who is scrolling on her smartphone, to check out what you are promoting. Let's face it, we are bombarded with marketing messages everyday, so how will you attract your ideal clients through the noise? Today's guest, Alan McLaren, who is the CEO of the creative marketing agency, Infinity Comm, has some ideas. During this interview, you'll learn... The importance of getting back to the basics by making sure your offerings are worth promoting Why creativity is a key factor in setting yourself apart from your competitors Why word-of-mouth advertising is still a crucial marketing tool even in the digital age To find out more about Alan, visit .

  • EP45: Bob Burg - How To Build Profitable Business Relationships

    02/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    People. Remember when their main form of communication was face-to-face? Today, technology has changed that. Many human-to-human interactions have been replaced by texts, emails, smartphones, tablets and social media to name a few. According to our guest, Bob Burg, who is a public speaker and best-selling author, to establish strong business relationships, it's never about technology, it's about people. During this interview, you'll learn... Why nobody buys from computers they know, like & trust The importance of leveraging technology & not hiding behind it when creating business connections Why you should always think about what value you provide people before posting on social media To find out more about Bob, visit

  • EP44: Hal Johnson - The Keys To Not Giving Up When Adversity Strikes

    25/04/2017 Duration: 40min

    Persistence. Hal Johnson has it. Back in 1988, when he and Joanne McLeod, teamed up to create a series of 90-second televised public service announcements called Body Break to inspire Canadian audiences to “keep fit and have fun,” it wasn't embraced right away. In fact, Hal shopped the idea to various places but was turned down repeatedly including by one television network representative who told Hal he didn't feel Canada was ready to see a biracial couple on screen (Hal is half-black while Joanne is white). Others would have been angry, but Hal just used this challenge as motivation. Let's just say, due to his focus and sheer determination, he'd help Body Break become an iconic fixture on TV sets across the country. During this inspiring interview, you'll learn... The importance of taking the positives from rejection to find creative solutions Why you should do investigative work to uncover potential opportunities no one else sees Why it's an absolute must to look for ways to fill a need for people To fin

  • EP43: Dan Nisker - How To Fail Your Way To Your Profitable Niche

    18/04/2017 Duration: 20min

    Failure. It can either knock you out for good or it can serve you for greater success. Dan Nisker chose the latter route. He's a fitness expert whose focus is helping those with missing limbs to become more fit and empowered about the impact they can have on this world. It has proved to be quite a profitable niche. Dan's client list has soared from 18 at one point to over 260. It didn't come easy though. Dan experimented with different niches, such as cardiologists and brides-to-be, but when they fell flat, he learned from those experiences and kept going. Today, he is a great success story. During this inspiring interview, you'll learn... Why you need to research your niche before diving in Why it's a must for you to go out and actually test that niche market to see if it's truly commercial The importance of making calls to find your ideal clients To find out more about Dan, visit

  • EP42: Kathy Ireland - Business Tips From A Supermodel Turned Super Mogul

    11/04/2017 Duration: 33min

    Supermodels. You might have some negative assumptions about them. Well, this week's guest just might change your mind. Kathy Ireland was a supermodel in the 1980s and 1990s where she graced many magazine covers including the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She is a modelling icon, but did you know she's quickly becoming iconic in the business world as well? Today, she has built a licensing empire by lending her name, taste and marketing talents to more than 17,000 products that generate annual merchandise sales of $2.6 billion. Her business road hasn't been easy, but she's persevered to become a winner and inspiration to many. During this uplifting interview, you'll learn... The importance of having the right mentors on your success journey Why you should look for valuable lessons when people criticize you Why you must not let fear paralyze you from achieving your goals To find out more about Kathy, visit

  • EP41: Tracey Evans - How To Profit From Your Passion

    04/04/2017 Duration: 29min

    Horses. Did you know they could be used to help with corporate team building and leadership development? Most people don't. Enter our guest, Tracey Evans. She made the unconventional move of leaving her senior marketing role at American Express, so she could run the Dreamwinds Equine Assisted Learning Centre which delivers programs that inspire others to be better leaders, better partners and better people. Yes, it was a risky decision to say the least. When she worked in the corporate world, she noticed how a lack of communication and leadership ripped teams apart, so she found a way to leverage her passion for horses to help companies strengthen from within. During this interview, you'll learn... Why problems at your past jobs could be profitable opportunities for your company today How to overcome fear when making potentially life-changing decisions Why having passion for your business is an absolute must To find out more about Tracey, visit 

  • EP40: Larry Winget - Why Sacrifice Is The Key To Success

    28/03/2017 Duration: 27min

    Are you willing to let go? According to our guest, who is the best-selling author of many books including Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get A Life and a firecracker of a speaker, Larry Winget, many people aren't willing to give up things that are holding them back from achieving the success they truly want. During this no holds barred interview, you'll learn... A great exercise to determine what you need to do to get where you want to be in business and life Why you should focus on having a lean and mean operation for maximum profitability Why people pay you for your value and not your passion To find out more about Larry, visit

  • EP39: Rob Jacobs - How To Develop A Profitable Brand

    21/03/2017 Duration: 28min

    Your brand. What is it? If you don't know, you have a problem. Companies like Nike, Apple and other business heavyweights understand what their brand message is, who their ideal customers are and the problems they solve for them. As a result, they attract many loyal fans which becomes very profitable. If you're not clear on your brand just yet, our guest today, Rob Jacobs has some ideas on how you can change that. He's a leader in the walk for health movement and co-founder of UnSit, a company that sells treadmill desks which help office workers get off their seats and get active. During this engaging interview, you'll learn... Why it's important to create powerful brand stories that resonate with your audience and are supported with research and evidence Why having a light and fun aspirational message could be attractive to your ideal clients Why hiring a quality branding expert and copywriter are good investments To find out more about Rob and his company, UnSit visit https://www.thebusinessofthoughtleade

  • EP38: Kevin Mako - Why Hustle Will Make You A Winner In Business

    14/03/2017 Duration: 29min

    How badly do you want success? For some entrepreneurs, the desire isn't as powerful because when things get hard, excuses and other distractions get in their way and before you know it, their businesses are no more. Our guest today, Kevin Mako, who is the founder of Mako Design + Invent which is a successful service consumer product development firm that has offices in Toronto and Austin, Texas, has seen the cost of not being motivated to achieve. But, through his experiences, he's also witnessed a commonality among all the winners - their willingness to hustle. Without it, you don't create opportunities. You're hoping for them. If you're an achiever like Kevin, that's not an option. During this interview, you'll learn... Why taking action, instead of letting fear paralyze you, will get you farther in business Why procrastination is the ultimate killer of an enterprise The importance of being an expert at what you do and not letting distractions block you To find out more about Kevin and MAKO Design visit h

  • EP37: Jordan Harbinger - How Mastering Soft Skills Can Lead To More Profit

    07/03/2017 Duration: 41min

    Competition. You've probably already lost business because of it. There are many reasons why your competition likely won, but one of them could be that you don't have a competitive advantage. What makes you a step above the rest? According to Jordan Harbinger, the star of the popular podcast, The Art of Charm, soft skills could be the missing ingredient that can take you over the top. During this engaging interview, you'll learn... Why networking and relationship skills are important for business and life Why you shouldn't try to be the hardest worker or smartest person in the room Why you must always be evolving and learning new things to raise your performance to the next level To find out more about Jordan and The Art Of Charm podcast visit

  • EP36: Jen Widerstrom - How To Win In Business Despite Your Obstacles

    28/02/2017 Duration: 28min

    The Biggest Loser. It's a popular American reality TV show that inspires millions to get into better physical shape. Our guest today, Jen Widerstrom is one of the trainers on that program. For her, life is great. She's on a hit TV show that helps many people while she's getting paid well for it. In addition, she's now a first-time author of the book, Diet Right For Your Personality Type. However, success wasn't always available. Back in 2008, when her previous TV show, American Gladiators was cancelled, Jen's life took a turn. She wasn't able to secure another high profile TV job until 2014 when she landed a spot on The Biggest Loser. The six years in-between weren't easy, but she found a way to win. During this uplifting interview, you'll learn... How to use your internal compass to help make crucial decisions Why you shouldn't give your doubts a louder voice than your inner drive Why being an authentic and likeable person with a mindset of service can help your business To find out more about Jen and her

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