The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence



JOIN THE REVOLUTION!There’s never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom and make your fortune. Each week we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a 6 to 7 figure practice.The Thought Leader Revolution podcast is about establishing yourself as a thought leader around your expertise, your brand and your name. To become well known and highly regarded in the market place for the results you are able to produce for your clients.Our guests are top thought leaders who have done it. They’ve become widely known for their expertise and results they’re able to deliver for their clients. They all love what they do and get paid very well for doing it.You’ll meet entrepreneurs that have leverage thought leadership in driving business revenue, coaches that were unknown and barley making ends meet get to celebrity status and took their income way into the 7 figures, consultants that became best selling authors and built multi-million dollar firms and senior executives who followed their passion, left their day jobs and are changing the world.We want you to join us in making the difference you were born to make. We want you to 10x your impact, your income and your influence every 12 months. Steve Jobs iconic quote the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do.People with purpose and passion are changing the world and we want you to be one of them.


  • EP568: Mark Divine - What Entrepreneurs & Warriors Have In Common

    30/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    “The team is the new leader. The team will come up with better solutions when given that kind of support than any individual leader ever could”“Your calling in life is more of an archetypal energy. It's not a doing, it's not a job or a career.”Finding balance between exerting effort and embracing surrender in our training regimens, while pushing ourselves to excel is essential, it's equally crucial to recognize the value of recovery and restorative practices.Our returning guest, Mark Devine is a retired Navy SEAL, bestselling author, and the founder of SEALFIT. He is an expert in mental and physical training, with a remarkable background that spans from the corporate world to the elite ranks of the Navy SEALs. He's the mastermind behind Unbeatable Mind, a holistic approach to personal and professional development.Navigating the bureaucratic structure of the military presented significant challenges for Mark. While he cherished the early years of operating as a SEAL, leading small teams, and embodying the elit

  • EP567: TL Nugget #158 - John Graham - How Chaos Training Helped Me Win 3 National Memory Titles

    26/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    “People want genuine authenticity and real humanity to show instead of the mask and the charade that everyone's putting on to conform.”“We're all haunted by certain things that have happened to us that still trigger us. How do you release those boulders inside of you so they're not triggering you anymore, they're not haunting you anymore, they're not affecting you anymore, and take those and transmute those. Integrate those in your life so that you can expand again out of your comfort zone.”Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a memory champion? Becoming a memory champion wasn't easy. Success requires setting ambitious goals and embracing the journey, no matter how long it takes. You will face challenges, including initial failures and self-doubt. However, through perseverance and a commitment to continuous learning, you’ll ultimately rose to the top. This episode will serve you as a powerful reminder that greatness is achieved through dedication and resilience.Expert action steps: Make peace with

  • EP566: Claire Chandler - How To Attract Ideal Clients By Being Fully Me

    23/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    “The dent I want to make in the universe is really to end workplace misery.”Claire's story is incredibly inspiring. She's not only a corporate survivor but also a cancer survivor. She went from climbing the corporate ladder to carving out her own path as an executive leadership advisor. What sets Claire apart is her mission to help organizations keep their top talent while fostering authentic leadership.One of the key points Claire shares is about attracting ideal clients. It's not about fancy marketing tactics or sales pitches. It's about being authentically you. Her journey of building genuine connections with clients by simply being herself, it works like magic. Claire also shares the challenges she faces in scaling her impact. She's honest about the struggle of letting go and trusting others to carry the torch while maintaining the authenticity that defines her work.She envisions a future where she's recognized as a go-to expert in leadership transformation. She dreams of empowering leaders worldwide and

  • EP565: TLNuggets # 157 - Marc Von Musser - Hobby vs Business

    19/04/2024 Duration: 41min

    Do you have a business, or is your venture more of a hobby? If you're not consistently bringing in revenue from regular clients, you might just have an expensive hobby on your hands. There's always something new to spend money on in the business world. That's why you need a steady stream of incoming cash flow to keep things going. Beware of those so-called marketing gurus who promise to have all the answers. Many of them are stuck in the past, peddling outdated methods that just don't work anymore. Buyer confidence is at an all-time low, and you could end up wasting a fortune on strategies that fall flat.What's the key to success in today's market? Authenticity. Authentic messaging not only attracts clients but also helps you serve them better while saving you money in the long run. Clients need to know that they can trust you to deliver, and that means backing up your intentions with a solid system.With millions of podcasts and billions of listeners, it's a massive opportunity to articulate your message and

  • EP564: Raymond Aaron - Sales Drives People Crazy!!

    16/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    “You only have a business if you have clients who’ve paid you”These days, the word "sales" and even salespeople themselves often come with a negative connotation. It's like this dark cloud hanging over the otherwise sunny world of business and life. But the truth is, sales are not the enemy. In fact, they're an integral and important part of both business and life. However, we understand why so many people are scared of it.One of the biggest fears people have about selling is that they'll come across as pushy or engaging in "hard selling." Selling isn't about being pushy just for the sake of making money. It's about being of service to people, helping them find solutions to their problems, and improving their lives in the process.Let's be real, no one likes to hear "no." But in business and in life, we need to be prepared to hear "no" more often than not. It's all part of the journey. And remember, it's not personal. It's just part of the process. Don't hold back your solutions from those who need your help.

  • EP563: TL NUGGETS #156 - Matthieu Mehuys - How To Create Thought Leadership That Sells

    12/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    We should understand that success isn't just about making money, it's about making a meaningful impact and living a life of purpose. Matthieu's journey is a testament to the power of mentorship. When he first started his entrepreneurial venture in regenerative farming, he faced numerous challenges and uncertainties. Through Nicky’s guidance, Matthieu was able to clarify his vision, set achievable goals, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. Mentorship gave him the confidence and faith he needed to navigate the unpredictable ground of entrepreneurship.You need to step outside your comfort zone, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and cultivate a growth mindset. You have to embrace challenges with resilience and determination, turning setbacks into stepping stones toward success.What exactly is regenerative farming? It's a farming approach that's not just about growing crops; it's about healing the land, restoring biodiversity, and creating a thriving ecosystem. And why does it matter? Because ou

  • EP562: Mia Durston - Do Hard Things

    09/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    “Either I continue on this path, and I knew it wouldn’t end well. Or, I had to make a change right then and there.”“You're never gonna be happy if you're just comfortable and consistent your entire life, never challenging yourself.”It's never too late to make a change and become the best version of yourself. Recognize the toxic influence of certain relationships. You have to understand the power of proximity and choose to surround yourself with individuals who support your growth and aspirations. By cutting off negative influences and nurturing positive connections, create a supportive environment conducive to your personal and professional development.Mia Durston brings a wealth of insight and inspiration from her journey of overcoming adversity and transforming her life. Her story teaches us the power of discipline, confidence, and resilience in achieving personal and professional success. Despite facing setbacks and adversity, she made a conscious decision to take control of her life and pursue her goals w

  • EP561: TL Nuggets 155 - Raymond Aaron The Magic Of Artificial Intelligence

    05/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    “You can either catch the wave or get crushed by it.”“There is no human as good as a human who uses AI.”Ask yourself this: "How can I do this better with AI?" Seriously, it's a game-changer.Remember back in early January 2023 when Chat GPT went public? That was a monumental moment. And guess what? Chat GPT isn't just for tech wizards or big companies. It's for everyone. Anyone can use it. The growth of Chat GPT has been incredibly fast. It's been faster than anything we've ever seen before. Talk about disruptive! This AI powerhouse is set to impact every single industry out there. That's how big of a deal it is.If you're not learning about AI, you're setting yourself up for failure in the business world. It's that crucial. But don't get overwhelmed. AI isn't just about algorithms and data. It's about unlocking possibilities you never thought possible. Things like making movies, healing wounds, or even planning your next epic road trip. AI can do all that and more.Ever heard of Brainchild Coaching Certificatio

  • EP560: Debra Basch - From Victim To Victor

    02/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    “If I didn’t have that mental image of myself… ‘You’re strong, look what you overcame.’ That mindset… I just understand what a journey takes. And sometimes it takes doing really hard things to get what you want.”Resolving extreme trauma. It's a heavy topic, I know, but believe me when I say that with the right attitude, it's possible to overcome even the most challenging experiences. In business, trust is paramount. Whether it's with clients, partners, or colleagues, trust forms the foundation of strong relationships. Without it, everything else falls apart. One nugget of wisdom to share is the power of emulation. You know, approaching leaders and saying, "I want to be just like you. So I’m going to do everything that you do so I can glean the good stuff." It's all about learning from those who inspire us and adopting their positive qualities and habits.It's not just about lifting weights or running miles; when you strengthen yourself physically, you automatically strengthen yourself mentally, emotionally, an

  • EP559: TL Nuggets #154 Raymond Aaron - The Best Strategy For Getting Leads TODAY

    29/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Have you heard of podcast guesting? It's the game-changing strategy we're talking about today. And here's the kicker: no one's really figured this out yet. While traditional methods like blogging, paid traffic, and launches are losing their edge, podcast guesting is rising as the strategy for today's world.The best part? You don't need any special skills or a huge business to make this work. It's perfect for ordinary folks like you and me. Whether you're doing it part-time or full-time, podcast guesting opens doors to new opportunities and clients. When you're a podcast guest, it's not just about answering questions. It's about telling your story in a way that resonates with your audience. By sharing your backstory, you create a meaningful connection that leads to business opportunities.Mark your calendars for April 26th and 27th! Nicky is hosting an event where you can dive deep into the world of podcast guesting. This is your chance to learn the ins and outs of this powerful strategy and start seeing result

  • EP558: Chuck Dixon - How To Make Yourself Irreplaceable

    26/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    “Even if you don't believe it yourself, you never apologize for your own work.”Have you ever wondered what it takes to become irreplaceable in your field, to carve out a niche where your expertise shines and your contributions are valued?Chuck Dixon's story is an unwavering passion and relentless pursuit. From his early days, he harbored a deep love for comic books, dedicating himself to mastering the art of storytelling within this dynamic medium. Without a backup plan, he immersed himself fully, chasing his dream with determination and grit.In a world where Marvel and DC are perceived as rivals, he reveals a different reality—a camaraderie fueled by a shared passion for storytelling. Despite shifts in editorial leadership and industry dynamics, Chuck remained focused on his craft, embracing opportunities to work on beloved characters like Punisher and Batman. The comic book industry has undergone significant changes over the years, with mainstream publishers facing criticism for prioritizing political agend

  • EP557: TL Nuggets #153 - Organic Marketing Methods That Work Now

    22/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    Non-organic marketing, like paid traffic, launcheds and blogging, aren’t working like they used to. Both because of viewer trends and increased marketing prices. So for many, it doesn’t make sense financially. But organic marketing IS working now. Methods like warm markets, active referrals, and podcasting/podcast guesting are working.We know these are tough times for many. People are scared and they don’t trust as easily as they used to. They need to hear your voice and hear your concern before they’ll believe you can solve their problem. Warm markets, active referrals and podcasting are direct connections to the people who need your help.Go to to schedule a 45 minute call with Nicky to talk about podcast guesting.Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • EP556: John Ruffolo - How To Make Investments That Pay Off

    19/03/2024 Duration: 51min

    “We're not investing in technology. We're investing in human beings that are building a business.”When considering investment opportunities, it's not just about the idea or the market size. It's all about the person behind the venture. And guess what? Experience and resilience are the name of the game.Imagine a landscape shaped by the aftermath of the dot-com crash, where the very future of entrepreneurship hung in the balance. It was during these hard times that our guest, John Ruffolo went on a journey, driven by a passion for funding innovation and nurturing the seeds of entrepreneurship. With the guidance of luminaries like Anthony Shoapotti and Rick Hansen, the man in motion, John became a founding partner of not one, but two major capital funds, charting a course toward a brighter future for Canadian innovation. He didn't just witness challenges, he saw opportunities amidst the chaos. He recognized that entrepreneurs are like farmers, planting seeds of innovation in the fertile soil of the market. But j

  • EP555: TL Nugget #152 - Soar & Roar Your Way To Greatness

    15/03/2024 Duration: 16min

    Before Covid and certain political changes, the business world was relatively normal with buyer confidence where it needed to be for businesses to thrive. But things quickly changed as lockdowns, inflation and other politics started changing the way people view the world, dramatically lowering buyer confidence. People contracted, preparing for worst case scenarios. Times have changed and so sales techniques need to change too.On March 23 - 25, 2024, there’s a virtual event that will dive deep into what these new times look like, how it got here and most importantly, how you can achieve greatness using new techniques that appeal to the hearts and minds of people in a post Covid world.Soar Live is about making people, businesses, and entrepreneurs uncensored, unleashed, and unstoppable. It’s a 3 day event to activate greatness, help you discover your purpose and achieve your dream life. You’ll discover what’s stopping you and how to get back into your flow. You’ll be made aware of changes in the world and marke

  • EP554: Jase Stevens - Say No More Than You Say Yes

    12/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    “Say no more than you say yes. Embrace discomfort. Surround yourself with people that challenge you.”“When you give people the belief that they can achieve more, they achieve their goals, and that they are more than capable… It’s so empowering. That’s why we get the results that we do….We are a community of very successful people that believe in each other.”Jase Stevens isn't just any old fitness guru. He's one of the Founders of Man The F Up, and a firmly committed member of the Amer fitness family, along with his awesome sister, Lindsay Martins, of lady the F up.But let's get down to the basics of why Jase does what he does. He's all about not being comfortable and complacent. He knows that's not where growth happens. He's always pushing himself and others to be relentless, to strive for more. He believes that self-awareness isn't always a walk in the park. Sometimes, it's downright painful. But hey, on the other side of that pain? Clarity and profound transformation.Jase understands that life's traumas and

  • EP553: TL Nuggets 151 - Roadmap To $1 Million

    08/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    One million dollars is a number that’s captured the attention of many entrepreneurs. One million dollars is a testament to your degree of service to your clients or how much you’ve improved their lives. But without the right things in place, you’re not going to make it.So how can you do it? There are 4 main things but perhaps the most important is knowing your own value. When you know the value of what you bring into people’s lives, you’ll attract more people who need you, and you won’t hesitate charging more, aka what you’re worth.Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • EP552: Lindsay Martens - How To Win Like A Champion

    05/03/2024 Duration: 33min

    “Winning doesn't just happen”“The time is never going to be perfect for reaching your goals”Lindsay’s Martens is a Canadian National bikini bodybuilding champion. Her story is one of perseverance and the power of mindset combined with good mentorship. Her experiences while training for professional bodybuilding are applicable to all aspects of life that demand a high level of performance.Lindsay's journey wasn't easy. From breaking her foot during competition prep to facing personal setbacks, she shares how she navigated through hardships with determination and resilience.Believing in herself and her abilities was the key to her success. She tapped into her confidence to achieve her goals, proving that belief in oneself is a powerful force.It's all about starting small and gradually working your way up. Setting realistic goals, and establishing positive habits within your unique lifestyle and then optimizing them.Expert action steps: Evaluate Your Associations. Cultivate a Winning Mindset. Take Advantage o

  • EP551: TL NUGGETS 150 - Marc Von Musser, How I Made $357,000 In less Than 16 Months Via Podmatch

    01/03/2024 Duration: 17min

    “Tell them to stop trying to close. Instead, start serving people to their dreams. Start enrolling people in their dream. Having that conversation feels good for good people.”Pivoting during hard or changing times is crucial in business. Covid times were disruptive but many people found opportunities in the chaos. Podcasting was surging at the time (and continues to surge), creating massive opportunity for coaches, consultants, and businesses of all sorts to get their message out there, and ultimately to serve people. But it takes the right strategy and the right heart. Throwing content at the internet… well you get back whatever you put into it. So strategy and heart are everything.Marc and Nicky bring us a deeper dive into the story of how Nicky became so successful in the world of podcast guesting. They dialled in the strategy and Nicky made the commitment to see it through but what allowed their strategy to be fully implemented and get results so quickly was a service called Podmatch. Their algorithms hav

  • EP550: The Honorable Maxime Bernier - Believe In People, Not Government

    27/02/2024 Duration: 46min

    “We have a vision for this country, we are not scared, and we are speaking with passion and conviction about what we believe.”“Believe in yourself. Don’t wait for the government to save you. Stand up and speak out for what you believe.”“Take your place in the world. Take your place in Canada and fight for what you believe in.”Maxime Bernier is one of the most important figures in Canada and the world when it comes to freedom. He’s the leader and founder of the People’s Party of Canada. He spent nineteen years in the Montreal, Canada, financial sector as VP of an insurance corporation and a bank. In 2006, he encouraged Stephen Harper to work toward a smaller government that would lower taxes and respect the constitution. Stephen then asked him to run as a candidate and he eventually became foreign minister. Over time, as Canada started moving toward a socialist era, he found that the conservative party became morally and intellectually corrupt. This was the beginning of the People’s Party of Canada, founded on

  • EP549: TL Nuggets #149 - Marc Von Musser - Successful Sales Strategies That Work In 2024

    23/02/2024 Duration: 21min

    “The leaders of tomorrow will be the most aligned, congruent, and willing to serve their fellow man. They must truly care.”The old-school sales tactics that use pressure and posturing don’t cut it anymore. The noise coming at us from every direction is always growing louder, and when it comes to sales, buyers have seen it all and are programmed to be skeptical. The sales process is cold, giving them nothing to hold on to so they demand certainty. That’s why it’s time for a shift towards heart-driven selling. They demand certainty but what they need is authenticity. Real relationships with people who genuinely care about solving their problems. People who would walk away if they realized they don’t have the solution the buyer needs.These are genuine, grown-up conversations built around truth and integrity. That’s what a heart-driven selling is all about. It’s about understanding your clients’ needs and working together to find the best solutions.The program “Get Booked & Get Paid”, incorporates heart-drive

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