Let's Talk Near Death



Join me as I explore Near Death Experiences, and chat directly to people who have had this kind of experience. We will hear first hand accounts of what took place, and what life has been like since returning to this life.


  • Ep#35 David Oakford

    01/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    David Oakford had an NDE was in 1979 following an accidental drug overdose. He recalls being outside of his physical body, meeting light beings and having a life review. During his NDE David gained insights into the nature of the universe. He felt extreme, indescribable feelings of love, joy and peace. David also learned about energy dynamics, light, senses and an awareness of the future. David is also the author of Soul Bared: A Metaphysical Journey, which can be found at:https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Bared-Metaphysical-David-Oakford/dp/1720219699/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1467940767&sr=8-1 For more info about David please visit:www.soulbared.com Support Let's Talk Near Death

  • Ep#34 Jerome Braggs

    23/02/2020 Duration: 55min

    Jerome Braggs had a Near Death Experience in 2004, after his body was overtaken with severe illnesses.  So severe that the doctors only gave him 48 hours to live.  Two main lessons were at the core of his journey, and today, despite his obstacles, he talks about how his life is more beautiful and delicious than he could have ever dreamed possible. For more about Jerome visit: Facebook:  www.facebook.com/coachjeromebraggs Instagram:  www.instagram.com/jerome_braggs Website:  www.jeromebraggs.com Support Let's Talk Near Death

  • Ep#33 Debra Diamond

    17/02/2020 Duration: 43min

    Debra Diamond Ph.D. is a former Wall Street Money Manager, regular CNBC commentator and Johns Hopkins University Professor who left a high profile life to pursue a life of purpose and spirituality. She is an author, speaker and psychic/medium. Dr. Diamond earned a Ph.D. from the Esoteric Interfaith Theological Seminary, an MBA in Finance from The George Washington University, a Masters in Contemporary Art from Christie’s Education and a Certificate from the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Diamond has appeared as a guest on numerous podcasts and radio including NPR,  The Rhine Centre of Duke University and Northwestern University and has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun and additional international and local media. Debra is the author of “Life After Near Death: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People With Newfound Powers,” (Red Wheel Weiser, 2016) an

  • Ep#32 Paul Northridge

    09/02/2020 Duration: 51min

    Paul Northridge had a Near Death Experience following a lethal reaction to a muscle relaxant whilst on the operating table at the age of 15. He remembers looking down on the medical staff as they tried to resuscitate him, before being met by 3 balls of light. He then experienced a life review, which has stayed with him ever since. You can find more about Paul at: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/paulnorthridgeauthor Unite Planet on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3KACgvmbZViFIitdLajkg Find Paul’s book at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Walk-Life-Ground-Paul-Northridge-ebook/dp/B07KFPKPY1 The artist that Paul refers to is Lloyd Canning (http://lloydcanningartworld.com/cosmic-art/) and the painting is The Eternal Spirit. This figure of a light being and it's almost identical to what Paul saw during his NDE (but three of them). For more information on Past Life Regressions, you can visit: https://www.newtoninstitute.org/about-tni/past-life-regression-lbl-process or https://paulaurand.com/near-death-

  • Ep#31 Sandy B. Simmons

    02/02/2020 Duration: 51min

    In 1999 Sandy B Simmons had a stress related Near Death Experience. She remembers coming out of her body, travelling in a tunnel and meeting balls of light. Sandy had experienced such exhaustion on earth, and welcomed the feeling of ‘rest’, only to be told she could not rest, and had to return back to life. For more about Sandy you can visit: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sandy.simmons.106 Facebook page – Pregnant - https://www.facebook.com/howtogetpregnanttips LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandybsimmons/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/SandyBSimmons Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sandy.b.simmons/   For more about Sandy’s book, visit: https://www.simpletruthsthebooks.com

  • Ep# 30 Artisha Bolding

    27/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    Artisha Bolding had a Near Death Experience in 2018 when she suffered a major health crisis and misdiagnosis. Her experience took her outside of her body, where she met with beings before waking up back in the hospital. She then experienced some very vivid out of body experiences, which Artisha says these experiences rocked her to the core. But it was also these experiences that enlightened and ignited her.  To learn more about Artisha, you can visit: Website: https://tboldmedia.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artisha.bolding Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artishabolding    

  • Ep#29 Edy Nathan

    19/01/2020 Duration: 45min

    Edy Nathan is an expert in grief, trauma, and sexuality.  She has more than 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist and integrates her formal training with her on the ground experience to help people thrive. Edy has helped many near death experiencers to process their experience, and to come to terms with the way in which these experiences affect every part of life. She also had her own near death experience whilst in utero, which she believes laid the foundation for her questions and spiritual abilities from early on in life. She's been featured on multiple platforms, including NBC, Fox news, Psychology today, Thrive Global, and Edy has a wealth of information around the topic of NDE's. For more about Edy, you can visit: https://edynathan.com https://www.facebook.com/EdyNathanPsychotherapy https://twitter.com/edynathan1 https://www.instagram.com/edynathan https://www.youtube.com/user/edynathan You can also see Edy’s new book ‘It’s Grief - The Dance of Self-Discovery through Trauma and Loss’ at:

  • Ep#28 Kirsty Salisbury

    13/01/2020 Duration: 44min

    In April of 1990, Kirsty Salisbury (the host of the Let’s Talk Near Death Podcast) experienced a sudden brain illness which took her straight to the operating theatre for emergency brain surgery. It was during this surgery that her Near Death Experience took place, and she experienced some very different dimensions to the ones we experience here on earth. She woke to a completely new life, and her interest into NDE’s has consistently grown ever since. __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury

  • A Special Episode For You And An Exciting Start To 2020!

    06/01/2020 Duration: 02min

    It's the start of 2020!  Woo hoo!  Great things are coming on the podcast, including a very special episode... Yes, after 2 years of helping to share other people's experiences, I have finally shared my own! You can listen today as a premium subscriber via www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury. Thanks for listening, and I wish you a fabulous 2020!!

  • Ep#27 Susie Levan

    21/12/2019 Duration: 39min

    In December of 1988, Susie Levan and her seven-year-old daughter, Lauren, were forced into the boot of a car for hours in the searing Florida heat. Susie’s husband ,was taken to the bank to withdraw ransom money from a safe. Fighting for their lives in an airless, sweltering boot, Susie experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), visiting heaven and coming back, from which she’d emerge a radically changed human being. For more about Susie and her incredible book, visit: http://www.gettingtoforgiveness.com/ __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury

  • Ep#26 Jane Thompson

    15/12/2019 Duration: 26min

    In 2008, Jane Thompson had a near death experience in the emergency room when she became extremely ill with Sepsis. Jane recalls leaving her body, looking down on her body, and being embraced by an incredible white light. The process of integrating the aftereffects of her NDE was very challenging. Having overcome these challenges, her focus is now on helping and healing others. Jane serves as an international speaker, medium and intuitive healer. For more about Jane, visit: http://www.safehandshealing.com/ Jane on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janessafehandshealing/ Please join Jane's private Facebook community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1124910754220948/?ref=bookmarks For more information about White Light Solution: http://www.safehandshealing.com/whitelightsolution.html __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon.

  • Ep#25 The Near Death Experience of Heidi Craig

    09/12/2019 Duration: 53min

    In 2004, Heidi Craig had an in-depth Near Death Experience after giving birth to her youngest son. She remembers being separated from her physical body, and being surrounded by multiple beings. She experienced a beautiful white light, and kept hearing 3 distinct messages. Today, Heidi is on a mission to help others achieve holistic healing and inner peace. She is based in California, and is the author of “Messages from Heaven (The Little Book of Affirmations Based on the Truth of a Near Death Experience)” Check out Heidi’s book at: https://www.amazon.com/Messages-Heaven-Affirmations-Experience-Received-ebook/dp/B07815TTYX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=heidi+craig&qid=1575845410&sr=8-1 __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury

  • Ep#24 Dr. Nicole Lindsay

    02/12/2019 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Nicole Lindsay is a researcher at the School of Psychology at Massey University, with a special interest in near-death experiences (NDEs). Nicole has spent the last six years investigating NDEs within a New Zealand context, interviewing and surveying people who have had NDEs, in order to investigate how these experiences manifest and the impact they have upon people’s lives. For her PhD studies, she examined how NDE's change a person’s attitudes and beliefs about death, and the implications of these experiences for wider society. Join us today as we chat all things NDE, and share elements of our research. __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury

  • Ep#23 Angie Fenimore

    24/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    It was 1991, and after years of holding in the effects of traumatic childhood experiences, Angie Fenimore felt like she could not do life anymore. After a cocktail of medicines, she lay down on the couch, ready for death to come. But what she experienced was completely unexpected. She came up out of her body, before traveling to a place where she met with other ‘suiciders’. With audible thoughts, she traveled forward towards light before having a life review and returning back to her body. Angie's experience helps those with suicidal thoughts, and also offers peace to those who have lost loved ones from suicide. Angie's experience helps those with suicidal thoughts, and also offers peace to those who have lost loved ones from suicide. For more about Angie, visit www.CalliopeWritingCoach.com. __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Pat

  • Ep#22 Chris Batts

    17/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    In September of 2012 Chris Batts jumped out of a moving car in an attempt to end his life. He was surprised to find himself outside of himself, looking down on his body as paramedics worked on him. He met with a man he calls ‘God’, as well as meeting his guardian angels, with whom he was given the choice as to whether to return to his body or not. Following his NDE, Chris found he could communicate with his guardian angels, and now works to inspire others via his Youtube Channel (nobadvibes_7). Chris is also the author of Boom! The Life and Times of a Suicide Near Death Survivor available at:https://www.amazon.com.au/Boom-Times-Suicide-Death-Experiencer-ebook/dp/B07QYK3MDV/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=chris+batts&qid=1573539241&sr=8-1

  • Ep#21 Lesley Lupo

    10/11/2019 Duration: 58min

    In 1988 Lesley Lupo was crushed by a stampede of horses whilst she worked on the ranch which was home to 130 horses. She remembers ‘popping’ out of her body, and watching as her body was dragged along the ground. Her colleagues performed CPR, which failed to revive her, and she lay motionless for up to 14 minutes. During this time, Lesley had an incredible near death experience before coming back to her body. Today, Lesley is a gifted healer, an NLP specialist, and author of the book ‘Remember, Every Breath is Precious: Dying Taught Me How to Live’. Available at: https://www.amazon.com/Remember-Every-Breath-Precious-Taught/dp/1786770695 For more about Lesley, visit: https://www.lesleyjoanlupo.com __________ To gain exclusive members-only benefits, such as access to our VIP members-only Facebook page and bonus content from some of our amazing guests, become a Let's Talk Near Death premium subscriber over on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/kirstysalisbury

  • Ep#20 Dr. Nicole Gruel

    04/08/2019 Duration: 31min

    At age 14, Dr. Nicole Gruel drowned and had a Near Death Experience. This experience was a turning point and led her to her mission to elevate the spiritual wellbeing of humanity. Her experience prompted her exploration of exceptional human experiences, and she now coaches people to create fulfilling and spiritually rich lives—inside and out. She has made it her life mission to help people who experience NOTEs (Non Ordinary Transcendent Experiences) to transform the Way We Live, Love, and Lead. For more about Nicole visit: www.drnicolegruel.com Or pick up her book at https://www.amazon.com.au/Power-NOTEs-Non-Ordinary-Transcendent-Transforming-ebook/dp/B07M8CRQB1/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Nicole+Gruel&qid=1564476309&s=gateway&sr=8-2   __________ Kirsty Salisbury is an entrepreneur, speaker and coach. From traumatic illness and paralysis as a child, she now loves helping others to create healthier happier lives and to design their best future. Her passions are being active and spending time with her fam

  • Ep#19 Paula Lenz

    25/07/2019 Duration: 58min

    In 1983, Paula Lenz began to have a reoccurring dream. One which she soon realised was a precognitive warning. Then the sudden shocking loss of her brother Don, came close to completely destroying Paula. She did not know that his death would result in strange occurrences, and outreach from him for the rest of her life. Three days after Don’s funeral, Paula had an incredible out-of-body experience with her brother’s spirit while she was driving. The result was a visit to “Infinity” and a change in her consciousness and an understanding of Oneness. Paula has since written a book about her experience called ‘Driving into Infinity’ where she shares her experience, and also recounts stories about her brother from her family as well as from Don’s closest friends. She hopes her story will provide comfort to those who have experienced the loss of someone they love deeply. Buy Paula’s book at: https://www.amazon.com/Driving-into-Infinity-Living-Brothers/dp/1504384792/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=15

  • Ep#18 Howard Storm

    08/07/2019 Duration: 39min

    Today I am joined by Howard Storm, Near Death Experiencer. Howard had his experienced 1985, whilst dying in a hospital bed in Paris. His journey is a very profound one that has shaped his views on life and spirituality ever since. Howard talks about going from being an atheist to becoming a pastor, and how it all comes back to love. Howard is a 4 time author, a parent to 6 children and grandfather to 10. His life is dedicated to sharing the love of God to the world and especially sharing the love of Jesus Christ. The most important lesson he learned in his near death experience is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For more about Howard visit: www.howardstorm.com Buy Howards book at: https://www.amazon.com/My-Descent-Into-Death-Second/dp/0385513763/ ____________ Kirsty Salisbury is an entrepreneur, speaker and coach. From traumatic illness and paralysis as a child, she now loves helping others to create healthier happier lives and to design their best future. Her passions are being active and spendin

  • Ep#17 Jeff Olsen

    28/06/2019 Duration: 47min

    In 1997 Jeff Olsen and his family had a horrific automobile accident. An accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff, including the amputation of his left leg. Jeff has an exceptional story of resilience and recovery, and also of spiritual encounters he had over this time. Following the accident, Jeff had a Near Death Experience (NDE), an Out of Body Experience (OBE), and one of the Emergency room doctors had a Shared Death Experience (SDE) with Jeff’s wife just after the accident took her life. Jeff found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries, and to eventually heal both physically and emotionally, and to thrive in his career and community contributions.​ ​Among all of Jeff’s accomplishments, he is most proud of and most fulfilled by simply being a husband, father and friend. Jeff’s latest book, “Knowing,” is a compilation of his earlier works, yet with even deeper insights and extended chapters, while maintaining the same emotional conn

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