Let's Talk Near Death

Ep#32 Paul Northridge



Paul Northridge had a Near Death Experience following a lethal reaction to a muscle relaxant whilst on the operating table at the age of 15. He remembers looking down on the medical staff as they tried to resuscitate him, before being met by 3 balls of light. He then experienced a life review, which has stayed with him ever since. You can find more about Paul at: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/paulnorthridgeauthor Unite Planet on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3KACgvmbZViFIitdLajkg Find Paul’s book at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Walk-Life-Ground-Paul-Northridge-ebook/dp/B07KFPKPY1 The artist that Paul refers to is Lloyd Canning (http://lloydcanningartworld.com/cosmic-art/) and the painting is The Eternal Spirit. This figure of a light being and it's almost identical to what Paul saw during his NDE (but three of them). For more information on Past Life Regressions, you can visit: https://www.newtoninstitute.org/about-tni/past-life-regression-lbl-process or https://paulaurand.com/near-death-