Leading Rebels



Badass womens source of inspiration


  • 5 steps to share & spread your story

    08/11/2019 Duration: 20min

    It can seem like a noisy world out there. With all the social media posts and content channels like blogs and podcasts, it can feel like everybody’s out there shouting at the top of their lungs and nobody’s actually listening. But as I will keep repeating: You have something valuable to say.  Now that you’ve found and owned your story, it’s time to and share and spread it. If you want to know how to have people actually listen and provide them with something valuable to take away from what you share, then this is the episode for you! Tune in to this episode for the five steps to share and spread your story: Define your dream listener You get what you give Consistency is key Create a game plan Build a toolkit The resources mentioned: Your guide to finding & owning your story 7 things to ask yourself before you launch a podcast to grow your business Collaborate with me as a podcast strategist & coach PLUS: So you can focus on tuning in, I created a free workbo

  • Effecting change with Cilia Kanellopoulos

    24/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    “Through failure, you realize what other strengths you have."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-113823")); In theory, we all know that we should look beyond official credentials and what’s on paper and place more value on someone’s talents and passions. Yet reality rarely works that way. That’s why Cilia Kanellopoulos is a true leading rebel: She knows from personal experience how you have to get scrappy to effect the change you want, which is why she’s all about paying it forward to others and giving a chance to the underdogs. And in the work she did with the women’s empowerment impact accelerator F-LANE, she experienced time and again how that strategy pays off for everyone! Tune in to this episode to hear from Cilia about: * Taking a chance on a new direction * Speaking up when you have a different opinion * Learning the power of saying no * Deciding which advice to take – and not to take * How to guide feedback to make it constructive * The po

  • Treating a side hustle like a marathon, not a sprint with Erica Liu Williams

    10/10/2019 Duration: 52min

    “There is no right or wrong speed. Your journey is highly individual."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-203505")); With 40% of Americans having a side hustle, it’s safe to say that side hustles are no longer a trend, but a reality for many! Often though, we see them as a quick stepping stone to leaving our job and diving in fulltime to entrepreneurship. But that’s not necessarily always the right path! Meet Erica Liu Williams, a Silicon Valley techie-turned-food-entrepreneur and founder of gr8nola. That turning moment though took her almost 5 years – after she had already nabbed a spot as a supplier for Google. And Erica doesn’t regret waiting – just the opposite, she credits much of her success to keeping gr8nola a side hustle for longer than most would have. Tune in to this episode to hear from Erica about: * Why quitting her swimming career despite being an Olympic Trials swimmer was an important rebel move for her * Going against the grain of her c

  • 7 things to ask yourself before you launch a podcast to grow your business

    27/09/2019 Duration: 22min

    There are 700k podcasts already out there, with almost 160k being launched in 2018 alone. Yeah, that can make you feel like a little fish in a big pond! But that doesn’t mean podcasting has reached its peak as some have been saying. Sure, it’s going more mainstream now, with more and more people at least knowing what a podcast is. But that just means there’s a bigger audience out there! Actually, the more people listen to podcasts, the more podcasts they listen to: On average one person listens to seven podcasts. And as you know – since you’re a podcast listener – podcasts are the best way to connect on a human level. And that’s key for your business too – it’s about building up that whole “know, like, and trust” factor. So If you’re a solopreneur – freelancer, coach, consultant – or a business thinking about launching a podcast to grow your business, this episode is for you! Because look, while I’m 110% convinced of the power of podcasting, that doesn’t mean

  • Strength in diversity with Barbara Lampl

    13/09/2019 Duration: 45min

    “Your brain is either your biggest enemy or your biggest friend."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-523564")); Barbara Lampl is a “badass with a big heart” as her friends call her. And she’s not just a badass in business as a self-made entrepreneur, she’s also a badass in life. For a long time, she says she didn’t quite feel human. When she was 30 the explanation came: she is on the autism spectrum. Today, Barbara is a neurodiversity role model that champions strength in diversity, confidence in yourself, and embracing failure. Tune in to this episode to hear from Barbara about: Why she decided to combine psychology and mathematics What older role models taught her about not caring about what other people think What gymnastics and mathematics taught her about failure Burning half a million with one of her first companies The danger of connecting your self worth with your roles and work The intersection of science with intuition and spirituality Being a

  • Defining success with Anne Cocquyt

    30/08/2019 Duration: 40min

    “What looks like a failure to me, looks like a success to you."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-190485")); When we look around, we can often feel like everyone is ahead of us. Be it that colleague that just got a promotion we’ve wanted for years, that friend that is killing it in her business, or that younger sibling that is getting married first. But as serial entrepreneur Anne Cocquyt says, comparison is the best recipe for unhappiness. Our failures can look like success to someone else and vice versa. So the key is defining for yourself what success looks like to YOU. Tune in to this episode to hear from Anne about: How to use “you can’t” as a motivator Travel as the perfect way to learn how to lean in How to hone in and follow your inner compass What entrepreneurial failure taught her about being humble How getting married two months after meeting her husband taught her how to trust her instincts The importance of female networks Why thinking about the worst outcome actually g

  • Your guide to finding & owning your story

    16/08/2019 Duration: 28min

    When you think of storytelling, what comes to mind? Standing on a stage? Sitting around a campfire? Those are totes arenas where stories are told, but when it comes to telling our own, we often jump ahead of the process, wanting the tactics and tools to share and spread our story. Don’t get me wrong – that’s super important too! And there’ll be an episode on that on the Leading Rebels podcast too. But before we get there, here’s the most important step: finding and owning the stories you want to tell. Tune in to this episode to hear about: Connecting your values & passions with a story The importance of looking at the why behind past achievements * How others can highlight things you don’t see * What thinking like your biggest cheerleader can do * Why finding your agency matters * The magic power of the third person PLUS: So you can focus on tuning in, I created a free workbook for you with all the prompts mentioned in the episode so you can take action

  • Redefining your story with Elisabeth Ippel

    02/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    “I decided not to be a victim. I decided to take my life in my hands."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-175283")); Sharing stories of our achievements or how we actively turned something around can already be a challenge for some of us. But stories of failures? Of things that happened to us? Those are even harder. Which is why Elisabeth Ippel is such an inspiration. After being banned from the US, even spending one night in jail, she decided to not see herself as the victim of her story, but to redefine and own it. Tune in to this episode to hear from Elisabeth about: Taking the leap without having your next step planned out Not burning bridges when transitioning How liberating it is to downsize Finding your way back to what your heart wants Getting off the treadmill of life Reframing stories to see your role and the positive in them How freeing standing up for yourself is Elisabeth’s recommended resources: * The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho * Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurge

  • From digital nomad to female founder with Meesen Brown

    19/07/2019 Duration: 44min

    “This is actually not a vacation, this is my life."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-513098")); Traveling the world while working on your laptop from anywhere, from the beach to the city. Sounds like a dream, right? It’s a dream Meesen Brown made come true for herself, becoming a bona fide digital nomad. She quickly realized though that 1) you want and need to stay in a place longer than a week to really experience local culture and 2) the logistics of finding a new home, workplace, and fitness studio can get old fast. She decided to create the perfect solution for both and went from digital nomad to being a nomad founder, bringing the Behere platform to life. The one thing travel, being a digital nomad, and founder have most taught Meesen? Confidence. Tune in to this episode to hear from Meesen about: * Moving across the world * Having the confidence to give up a permanent home * How to be productive when traveling * Making new friends and keeping old ones * Traveling and wo

  • Season 3 Trailer

    20/06/2019 Duration: 17min

    Define what success looks like for you.UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-180899")); Be authentic. Go off the beaten path. Define what success looks like for you. That all sounds awesomesauce, doesn’t it! But what does working and living on your own terms actually look like in practice? If you’ve been wondering that too, then the Leading Rebels podcast is here to offer some answers. I launched the podcast over two years ago now when I became the Head of Marketing at a tech startup where there were few women in leadership. I had many questions about being a female leader that I heard others wondering about as well. Being a journalist and storyteller, I decided to go out to get answers – and take you along for the ride! Since then, I left that job to go out on my own – co-founding Germany’s first community club & coworking space for women in Berlin, CoWomen, and helping others to get heard as a podcasting & marketing consultant. I deeply believe everyone has something va

  • Intuition-based decision making for leaders with Dr. Fra Mega

    18/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    We make an average of 35,000 choices per day - crazy, right? And while some of those might be smaller, like what to have for lunch, leaders often have to make split-second decisions on some pretty big things. So how can we start making better decisions? Neuroscience consultant and mindset change & mindfulness coach Dr. Francesca Mega has a suggestion: Intuition. Tune in to this episode to hear Dr. Francesca discuss: - Why combining the body and mind is integral to making good decisions - Why intuition doesn’t deserve the bad rep it has - How we rationalize intuitive decisions after the fact - What to do to tune into your intuition - How to help your team use intuition-based decision making Learn more & see Dr. Francesca’s recommended resources at www.leadingrebels.com/27 More about Dr. Francesca: www.embodiedintuition.net | www.instagram.com/embodiedintuition | www.facebook.com/embodiedintuition | www.linkedin.com/in/dr-francesca-mega --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 License

  • Leading a new generation of leaders with Courtney Adams

    04/10/2018 Duration: 32min

    Through receiving a Fulbright scholarship, Courtney got a window into how you can make a real impact into a young person’s life with just a little bit of guidance and attention. This was part of what inspired her to cofound Youthbridge, an award-winning peace building program. Over time, she also noticed that the messages girls receive about who they can be and what they can be are so narrow, which is why she decided to cofound Girls Gearing Up, Europe’s only international girls’ leadership and empowerment network. Tune in to this episode to hear Courtney discuss: - The importance of having female role models - Showing young women that following their passion is the right path - Girls learning they aren’t too young to be important or be a leader - How mentoring lets women reflect and gain insights from their own journey - How being a mentor influences how you act everyday - How you can be a role model for the girls in your life - The necessity for a community where you are accepted to gain confidence Learn

  • Solo contributor & leader aren’t mutually exclusive with Linda Jonas

    20/09/2018 Duration: 39min

    After a fascinating career journey doing everything from being a graphic designer to building her own business, Linda Jonas stumbled on her calling at Small Improvements: Collaborating with HR leaders to make work a better place. Over her time at the performance feedback platform, she discovered the traditional path of becoming a manager was not for her, and instead build up a career as a solo contributor. Through hosting events with HR leaders, she’s also learned from the likes of Pinterest and Reddit what does make a good manager - so don’t miss her insights on how to be a great leader both as a solo contributor and manager! Tune in to this episode to hear Linda discuss: - The power of taking time to explore and saying yes - How to transition from manager to solo contributor - How to be a leader as a solo contributor - The need for greater self promotion as a solo contributor - Coaching, feedback, and prioritization as the key pillars of good management - HR’s role in defining what good looks like to crea

  • How to lead in today’s fast-paced world with Vanessa Judelman

    06/09/2018 Duration: 36min

    Having suffered under bad leadership and also experienced the ups and downs of being a leader herself, Vanessa Judelman founded Mosaic People Development to make leaders more aware of how their behaviour impacts the people around them. After seven years of going into organizations to teach leaders practical tools to excel, Vaness decided to share her bird's eye view of the challenges facing leaders worldwide and solutions to overcome them in her book Mastering Leadership - What It Takes To Lead In Today's Fast Paced World. Tune in to this episode to learn how to: - Set priorities and not get distracted by setting critical goals and using the ABC method - Manage virtual team spread around the world - Avoid your strengths becoming weaknesses by using the dialing up and the dialing down approach - Know the difference between managing your team and leading your business - Lead change, think for the long term, and build a plan to implement strategically - Use courage and vulnerability to give well-received feedba

  • Giving back as a leader with Rena Pacheco-Theard

    23/08/2018 Duration: 46min

    Rena Pacheco-Theard, CEO and Cofounder of Prepify, strongly believes that being given opportunities also means a responsibility to pass them on. That is what motivated her to found Prepify, a free college prep website and app to help talented, underrepresented high schoolers go to top colleges after being one herself, and what shapes her view of what good leadership looks like. Tune in to this episode to learn: - What it means to be a first-generation college student - How to support someone transitioning from school to college - How to use technology to reach more people at scale - How to become a mentor for the next generation of leaders - The key three areas to focus on as a leader - How to be your own advocate and connect with role models - The importance of persistence Learn more at www.leadingrebels.com More about Rena: www.prepify.me | www.linkedin.com/in/renapt | www.twitter.com/RenasTake --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) lic

  • Building a network and community with Nora Stolz

    09/08/2018 Duration: 22min

    Entrepreneur Nora Stolz is passionate about female leadership & equal opportunity matters, which is why she founded the Women Breakfast Club to create a platform for like-minded women to connect. Tune in to this episode to learn how to: - Create a community when you’re new in town - Network authentically to create meaningful relationships - Follow up after a first meeting to stay connected - Combine the physical and digital worlds - Build a digital community - Keep your network full of people that make you happy Learn more at www.leadingrebels.com More about Nora: www.womenbreakfastclub.com | www.cadouu.com | www.linkedin.com/in/norastolz --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque

  • How to communicate like a leader with Monica Kade

    26/07/2018 Duration: 32min

    Writer and podcaster Monica Kade is about all things communication to help people express themselves effectively and be better leaders. Tune in to this episode to learn how to: - Make your vision come alive and connect with your team - Overcome public speaking fears and hang ups - Communicate effectively during conflicts and confrontations - Speak up and confidently talk about your achievements without feeling arrogant - Elegantly say no to free up time for your priorities Learn more at www.leadingrebels.com More about Monica: http://monicakade.com | http://www.instagram.com/monicakade --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque

  • On authentic leadership with activist Magda Zenon

    08/02/2018 Duration: 47min

    Being an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa while still in school is certainly not the easy road, but it’s what set Magda Zenon on her path. As she says herself, she wasn’t the “flavour of the month”, but choosing to stand up for what she believes in instead of what’s popular taught her early on the importance of authenticity as a leader. Magda shares how to stand up for what you believe in and be an authentic leader that rallies people around them. Get all key takeaways and join the conversation on the blog: www.leadingrebels.com/8 (there’s also leadership checklist you don’t want to miss out on!) --- More about Magda: www.linkedin.com/in/magda-zenon-49942628 | www.facebook.com/mzenon Join the Leading Rebels community on facebook.com/leadingrebel --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque

  • Purpose-driven leadership with Julia von Winterfeldt

    25/01/2018 Duration: 35min

    What does leadership mean to you? How are you as a leader embracing new ways of doing work? After a prestigious career including being GM at AKQA, a Managing Director at Accenture, and an international career with Sapient Publicis, Julia von Winterfeldt felt like a new kind of leadership was necessary. One that valued humans above numbers. I took a deep dive with Julia on what purpose-driven leadership looks like, the importance of learning how to communicate critique the right way, and the best leadership traits she learned from the US, UK, and Germany. Get all key takeaways and join the conversation on the blog: www.leadingrebels.com/7 (there’s also leadership checklist you don’t want to miss out on!) --- More about Julia: www.soulworx.de | www.humansofnewwork.com Join the Leading Rebels community on facebook.com/leadingrebel --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque

  • Proving them wrong & believing in yourself as a leader with Ewelina Robaczek

    11/01/2018 Duration: 38min

    In an ideal world, everyone would cheer us on to become leaders. Reality can be less kind. Yet it’s exactly in those moments of adversity that we are poised for tremendous growth - if only we’re courageous enough to take the leap. Ewelina Robaczek, Founder & CEO of Vouchery.io, has had to have that courage multiple times in her career. She shares how you can showcase your leadership potential, listen to your ambition, and let go of fear. Get all key takeaways and join the conversation on the blog: www.leadingrebels.com/6 (there’s also leadership checklist you don’t want to miss out on!) --- More about Ewelina: www.linkedin.com/in/ewelinarobaczek | www.twitter.com/ewerobaczek | www.vouchery.io Join the Leading Rebels community on facebook.com/leadingrebel --- Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque

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