Leading Rebels

From digital nomad to female founder with Meesen Brown



“This is actually not a vacation, this is my life."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-513098")); Traveling the world while working on your laptop from anywhere, from the beach to the city. Sounds like a dream, right? It’s a dream Meesen Brown made come true for herself, becoming a bona fide digital nomad. She quickly realized though that 1) you want and need to stay in a place longer than a week to really experience local culture and 2) the logistics of finding a new home, workplace, and fitness studio can get old fast. She decided to create the perfect solution for both and went from digital nomad to being a nomad founder, bringing the Behere platform to life. The one thing travel, being a digital nomad, and founder have most taught Meesen? Confidence. Tune in to this episode to hear from Meesen about: * Moving across the world * Having the confidence to give up a permanent home * How to be productive when traveling * Making new friends and keeping old ones * Traveling and wo