Leading Rebels

Treating a side hustle like a marathon, not a sprint with Erica Liu Williams



“There is no right or wrong speed. Your journey is highly individual."UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("script-203505")); With 40% of Americans having a side hustle, it’s safe to say that side hustles are no longer a trend, but a reality for many! Often though, we see them as a quick stepping stone to leaving our job and diving in fulltime to entrepreneurship. But that’s not necessarily always the right path! Meet Erica Liu Williams, a Silicon Valley techie-turned-food-entrepreneur and founder of gr8nola. That turning moment though took her almost 5 years – after she had already nabbed a spot as a supplier for Google. And Erica doesn’t regret waiting – just the opposite, she credits much of her success to keeping gr8nola a side hustle for longer than most would have. Tune in to this episode to hear from Erica about: * Why quitting her swimming career despite being an Olympic Trials swimmer was an important rebel move for her * Going against the grain of her c