Q Ideas



with Gabe Lyons


  • Cultivating Virtue – David Brooks


    A journalist for The New York Times and author of The Road to Character, David Brooks is an expert in communicating the role of character in our society and how it brings about positive change. In a culture that worships the celebrity yet is decreasing in any religious commitment (32% of millennials claim no religious affiliation according to Barna), Brooks provides relevant commentary on how virtue is a key entry point to larger spiritual conversations that ultimately contribute to society’s flourishing.

  • Understanding modern Islam – Shadi Hamid and Paul Marshall


    Contrary to popular understanding, Islam's populations and influence reaches far beyond the Middle East. Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world, and is the fastest growing religion according to the Pew Research Center. As Islam integrates into Western Societies, is peace and pluralism really possible? Listen in as Paul Marshall suggests a way forward that addresses this very question and Shadi Hamid, a New York Times bestselling author and expert on Islamist movements explains what Christians could learn from Islam.

  • Sports: competition and calling – Thomas Lake and Kelly Clark


    Sports are one of the most notable places in which people are highly, almost violently competitive - and yet sports can be good for us, too. So where do we go wrong? How does healthy competition become something much darker? In this excerpt from his talk at Q Nashville in April 2014, Sports Illustrated writer Thomas Lake talks about his own sports obsession and what it means for all of us. What if following your passion leads to worldly success, to weatlh, fame, and power? What does service look like from here? Can you balance the pressures of success while seeking to make disciples? Snowboarder/Olympic Gold medalist Kelly Clark has wrestled with these questions while blazing a trail of calling as an athlete. Listen how her Christian faith pushes her toward excellence, as well as how she fosters a servant’s heart.  

  • Engaging the issue of broken sexual identity – Melinda Semlys and Caleb Kaltenbach


    Melinda Selmys' story of living with gender dysphoria provides a personal viewpoint from the trenches of this struggle. She advocates for a compassionate, empathetic approach to learning from and loving those in our communities who experience gender identity confusion. Suggesting that those identifying as transgender may have have experienced trauma, she encourages faith communities to provide trans people with the social, emotional, and spiritual support that they need in order to heal. Growing up with parents who were gay, Caleb Kaltenbach was part of the gay rights movement from an early age. But when he became a Christian, his parents were furious, having seen so much hatred aimed at them from the Christian community. Caleb - who eventually became a pastor - shares his story of how he journeyed through this disagreement with his parents and gained empathy for those who think differently.  

  • The power of a volunteer movement – Rob Peabody


    VOMO is powering today's movement of volunteers to change the world. Listen in as Rob Peabody, CEO of VOMO, and Gabe Lyons discuss the importance of volunteering in community and ways you, and your networks can better engage your city for good. VOMO makes volunteering easy and effortless. Join the movement for good at https://www.vomo.org/q

  • Singleness – Annie F. Downs


    What does it mean to think well about singleness? It's easy for the church to make marriage into an idol, but our single friends have much to offer and are a vital part of the conversation. Listen in as Annie F. Downs shares about her experience and how she's striving for fulfillment in singleness, whatever the outcome.

  • Creating and flourishing – Dana Tanamachi


    Renown artist, Dana Tanamachi, is a self-defined, "Texas-bred, Seattle-based graphic designer who enjoys living a quiet life and working with her hands." In this interview, Dana shares her story and insights into what compels her to create, with a focus on the creative process of her most recent commissioned work in partnership with Crossway, designing an illuminated Bible for the modern eye. See more about the Illuminated Bible, Art Lettering Edition from Dana Tanamachi at illuminatedbible.org

  • Called to create – Jordan Raynor


    Jordan Raynor provides a framework for how to embrace entrepreneurship and creativity as a means of glorifying God, loving others, and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • 6 practices of the Church – Vocation – Greg Thompson


    We are all involved in some sort of vocation. No matter where or what it is, we know that God calls us to be faithful in those places. From home to office and beyond, we have the opportunity to practice vocation well in a way that makes the world a better place.

  • 6 practices of the Church – Hospitality – Greg Thompson


    What does it mean to be part of a community? Is it different to invest in the Church or in the places you live and work? In this Episode, we talk about the importance of community, what it is and what it means to be a people of hospitality.

  • 6 practices of the Church – Formation – Greg Thompson


    The way that we build character depends on how we approach even the littlest habits and moments of our days. When we form habits that are good, they build up in our lives in positive ways, and when we foster habits that are not good, they can slowly destroy us. As we look at the practice of formation, we're asking about how what we believe influences how we live. What does it mean to live out our faith in the daily habits?

  • 6 practices of the Church – Identity – Greg Thompson


    The core of who we are is our identity. In the 4th episode of "Six Practices of the Church," Greg Thompson speaks to the importance of knowing who we are. When we lose sight of identity, we stray away from our God-given purpose. What does that identity entail? Who does God say we are? And how does our identity inform our culture?

  • 6 Practices of the Church: Context – Greg Thompson


    This week, we discuss the importance of Context in the Six Practices of the Church. How do we love our neighbors well in this cultural moment? This is part 2 of a Q series, hosted by Gabe Lyons, features an exclusive, commissioned Q Talk delivered by Dr. Greg Thompson and divided into segments for easy consumption. Each segment builds on the last and helps establish how the church can lead with love even in the midst of dramatic change within society.

  • 6 Practices of the Church: The Way Forward – Greg Thompson


    The Christian church in the West is struggling to embody faithfulness in a culture that is rapidly changing. Many church leaders labor under a nagging sense that they need help—both in the work of understanding their culture and in the work of teaching their people to live faithfully within it. The goal of this series is to help leaders understand the character of our secular age, identify some specific challenges and highlight the opportunities that exist for the Church to bring hope wherever she exists. This seven-part series unveils the six practices of the church that have always brought hope to the faithful and love to their surrounding community. This is part one of a Q series, hosted by Gabe Lyons, features an exclusive, commissioned Q Talk delivered by Dr. Greg Thompson and divided into segments for easy consumption. Each segment builds on the last and helps establish how the church can lead with love even in the midst of dramatic change within society.

  • A deeper look at the #UptoUs campaign


    Following up on the called of the new #UpToUs campaign to speak up, meet up, and listen up as a way to engage our divided nation, Gabe features three messages.  The first is from Justin Dillon of Slavery Footprint on Finding Purpose in Problems.  Gabe speaks with and listens to Micah White about the End of Protest, and Q's Luke Dooley talks with Ebony Small and Duncan McFadzean about ways they working in their communities to bring healing and renewal to their cities.

  • Our divided states of America – Colin Woodard


    America was a divided nation since her founding. How can we understand the differences and appreciate their origins? Bestselling author, Colin Woodard suggests that America is an amalgamation of 11 different regions. While many still wonder what led to a Trump election, Colin saw the writing on the wall through his research and understanding of how America works. Hear his unique perspective on overcoming our differences by understanding where we come from and where we’re going. Plus, information on the new #UpToUs Campaign.

  • 6 practices of the Church – confession – Greg Thompson


    The origins of the Church are thousands of years old. Through generations that span cultures and millennia, we see that though history has changed the face of the broader world, the Church has always clung to core beliefs. In this time of turmoil, how can can the Church lead by example?  How can we become reacquainted with what Christians have always believed?

  • The State of Women in the World – Noel Yeatts


    What are the rights all women should possess and live out? Noel Yeatts of World Help shares the state of women across the world today and the opportunity that can come from focusing on the true global issues facing women. What are you doing with your freedom of choice?

  • What our technology “wants” – Kevin Kelly


    We live in an age of innovation, and a debate is raging about whether technology is improving our lives or making them worse. But Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired Magazine, says we’re not asking the right questions. He believes we need to find out what technology is really after. Can technology be a force for the greater good, and if so, how do we thoughtfully engage new inventions? Kevin will attempt to construct a radically fresh answer to one of culture’s nagging questions.

  • Pursuing spiritual formation in our approval-driven age – Banning Liebscher & Rebekah Lyons


    Embracing the supernatural - Banning Liebscher / Jesus Culture As we gather with other city, church, and cultural leaders, we desire for transformation to come to those around us and the places we occupy. But what role do we really play in those results? How does God’s power intersect with our passion? In our information-saturated, result-oriented world, we are tempted to put our faith in our own clever strategies more than God’s unfolding plans. Banning Liebscher, founder of Jesus Culture, helps us learn how to expect the unexpected. Audience of One - Rebekah Lyons / Q Ideas When have you felt moments of freedom in your life? Most of us glimpse this freedom less and less as we pursue other endeavors: achievement, career, family, or success. Author Rebekah Lyons reminds us that God has created us — at the core of who we are — to be someone unique and beautiful, and free. Through sharing her own story and search for freedom, Rebekah will encourage us to uncover who we already are: free in Christ and deeply l

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