Q Ideas

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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with Gabe Lyons


  • Called to create – Jordan Raynor


    Jordan Raynor talks with Gabe Lyons about his framework for how to embrace entrepreneurship and creativity as a means of glorifying God, loving others, and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Aspirations of Gen Z – Mark Matlock


    With the oldest members of Generation Z entering their 20s this year, Mark Matlock will help us better understand the aspirations of this increasingly influential generation.  Also, hear a preview of a new QMedia-exclusive podcast Rhythms for Life with Gabe and Rebekah Lyons.

  • Inspiration and Creativity – Kevin Kelly and Jeremy Cowart


    Kevin Kelly of Wired Magazine talks about how our technology often spurs creativity in people to tackle problems.  Jeremy Cowart sits down with Gabe Lyons for a candid conversation about inspiration, creativity and the ideas that can shape culture.

  • Inspiration and Creativity – Jeremy Cowart


    What's the importance of creative, out-of-the-box thinking for tackling many of our cultural issues? Jeremy Cowart, an award-winning photographer, artist and entrepreneur, talks about his mission in life to “explore the intersection of creativity and empathy.” Also, you'll hear a sample of the Q Media exclusive podcast, "Book Notes."

  • Working for the common good of the enironment – Joel Salatin and Jason Fileta


    Where Can We Unify On The Environment?  Joel Salatin talks about how Christians should own the ideas of creation care to honor our Creator, instead of nature worshippers.  Jason Fileta shares his perspective on how we can come together and bring hope to the world’s most impoverished communities.

  • Christians responding to environmental issues – Joel Salatin and Jason Fileta


    Joel Salatin of PolyFace Farms talks about the importance of sustainable farming practices and how Christians can lead in expanding their use.  Jason Fileta of TearFund USA explains why addressing climate and other environmental issues would help some of the world's most vulnerable.

  • Greg Thompson: Six practices of the church – Part 6


    As Gabe Lyons and Greg Thompson continue the "Six Practices" series, they talk about the importance of community, what it is, and what it means to be a people of hospitality.

  • Greg Thompson: Six practices of the church – Part 6


    What does it mean to be part of a community? Is it different to invest in the Church or in the places you live and work? In this episode, Greg Thompson and Gabe talk about the importance of community, what it is, and what it means to be a people of hospitality.

  • Greg Thompson: Six practices of the church – Part 5


    The way that we build character depends on how we approach even the littlest habits and moments of our day. What does it mean to live out our faith in our daily habits? Greg Thompson continues with the fifth part of this series.

  • Greg Thompson: Six practices of the church – Part 4


    The core of who we are is our identity. In the 4th episode of "Six Practices of the Church," Greg Thompson speaks to the importance of knowing who we are. When we lose sight of identity, we stray away from our God-given purpose.

  • Greg Thompson: Six Practices of the Church – Part 3


    The church has always clung to core beliefs. In this time of turmoil, how can can the church lead by example? How can we become reacquainted with what Christians have always believed? This is part 3 of Greg Thompson series on the six practices of the church. Listen to Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

  • Greg Thompson: Six practices of the church – Part 2


    Gabe Lyons and Greg Thompson discuss the importance of context in the six practices of the church. How do we love our neighbors well in this cultural moment? You can listen to Part 1 here.

  • Six practices of the Church: the way forward – Greg Thompson


    The Christian church in the West is struggling to embody faithfulness in a rapidly changing culture. Gabe starts this seven-part series with Greg Thompson to unveil six church practices that have always brought hope to the faithful and love to their communities. You can listen to Part 2 here.

  • Adoption, marriage and human dignity – Brian and Julie Mavis | Austin and Christi Davenport


    Julie and Brian Mavis talk about  how they are helping transform foster care in Colorado, providing a vision on how every state can offer a turnaround story to children in need.  Plus, Austin and Christi Davenport share about the essence of marriage and true love as a Down Syndrome couple.

  • Sex, faith, and gender – Preston Sprinkle


    In a culture filled with questions about sexuality and gender, can Christians engage in this conversation with both theological faithfulness and courageous love? Dr. Preston Sprinkle leads a panel discussion on how Christ followers can consider the difficult questions surrounding faith, sexuality, and gender.

  • The Halo Effect – Brian Grim, Byron Johnson, and Rick McKinley


    We take a look at research on how Christian organizations lift people up in times of need in ways that few other institutions or government programs can. Plus, Pastor Rick McKinley of Imago Dei Church in Portland trains their members to become restorers in the community.

  • The art of listening – Bobette Buster


    How do we learn to listen again? Bobette Buster discusses how recovering this human skill is essential to recovering civility, respect and understanding one another. Reena Hajat Carroll shares how intentional listening made a difference in the wake of the Ferguson shootings.

  • Iconoclast thinking – Gregory Berns


    Somethings how we think about issues leads us to getting stuck in ruts. This can cause problems in how we relate to others about difficult topics. Dr. Gregory Berns shares evidence from neuroscience about how we can begin to think differently.

  • Provoked to engage – Jo Saxton


    As Christians are left wondering how to navigate being salt and light in a twenty-first century world, Jo Saxton offers ideas on how to respond to sin and corruption in ways that bring restoration and flourishing for all.  Plus, an introduction to QMedia.

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