Riding Shotgun With Charlie

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 144:46:18
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Riding Shotgun With Charlie takes Charlie Cook around the country interviewing people involved with firearms, music, and much more.


  • RSWC #113 Tanisha Moner

    13/07/2021 Duration: 29min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#113Tanisha MonerNRA Instructor Chief Range Safety Officer, Legally Armed In Detroit   Tanisha Moner and I met this past March at the Florida Carry Speaker Event.  I was there to play the Star Spangled Banner and she was there with Rick Ector (RSWC #032) to find more instructors who want to be involved with Rick’s event.  Rick has been doing a free event for women in the Detroit area for 10 years.  His goal is to train as many women as possible.  Tanisha is the person who organizes the event for Rick.    Tanisha grew up in a household around firearms. Her father always had them around and in every room. She was kidnapped and robbed then  sexually assaulted at gunpoint when she was a teenager.  The men who did this to her were serial rapists, who were eventually caught and went to prison. After that, she was afraid of firearms and rightfully so.  She wanted to change that.  She had a talk with herself and realized that guns are inanimate objects and there’s no reason to be afraid of

  • RSWC #112 Stephannie Weidner

    06/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#112Stephannie WeidnerCEO, Active Self Protection Stephannie Weidner has been coming up on my Facebook page as “someone you might know” for a long time. I’m friends with her husband, Neil. She and I also have a lot of friends in common.  Finally we got the chance to meet at the end of the MAG40 class in Sioux Falls, SD.  Neil and I and a number of us met for drinks and decompression after the classes ended. She was also highly recommended by some of the participants in The Mingle head by Shelley Hill, RSWC #089.   Stephannie skims over the home life and how the Weidner’s got into firearms. The backstory is they were new foster parents and took in a child from a large, dysfunctional family.  When one of the family members said they were coming to take the child is when Neil & Stephannie decided it was time to learn more about firearms and self defense.    As new gun owners, they turned to the Active Self Protection (ASP) YouTube channel. There's a lot of great info there!  Eventu

  • RSWC #111 Tom Hall

    29/06/2021 Duration: 57min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#111Tom HallInstructorBuckeye Firearms FoundationFASTER Saves Lives   Tom Hall & I met just last week. He was instructing with the FASTER Saves Lives staff in Ohio.  We enjoyed some social time with some of the other students and instructors of the class the night before the class started. What I thought was really cool was finding out that he was working on getting some education from a whiskey university.  He said if there was a cigar university, he could be all set with firearms, whiskey and cigars!   Tom has been with FASTER Saves Lives since the second year they were around. He is a firearm instructor in Ohio in his own right, but volunteers with FASTER and teaches their FASTERS Foundations courses.  That’s a class for school educators who are going to be carrying a firearm in their schools and have a concealed carry permit already.  The Foundations class gives them all the vernacular of firearms and fundamentals of shooting. He’s also worked at some local gun stores.    FA

  • RSWC #110 Sharyn Hinchcliffe

    22/06/2021 Duration: 46min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#110Sharyn HinchcliffePink Pistols Seattle   I really appreciate the friendships  I’ve made in the firearm community since I started RSWC. Sometimes the friendship turns into another friendship. Thanks to Derek LeBlanc from Kids S.A.F.E. Foundation for making the connection to Sharyn Hinchcliffe.  She’s a busy woman in Washington state for our Rights on many levels and fronts.    She grew up in New Jersey to a family of police officers. Unfortunately, there was an incident.  She had a relative who, as a 5 year old child, climbed up and over things the way kids do.  And found their father’s revolver.  Due to the weight of the gun and the age and strength of the child, the firearm went off.  Their family lost a child. This incident is why her father instilled firearm safety to her and her other family members at a young age.    In 2008, Sharyn and a blind date for coffee...it is Seattle.  They eventually went to a shooting range.  And things changed for her. She enjoyed her new partne

  • RSWC #109 Rob Beckman

    15/06/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#109Rob BeckmanFirearm Trainer’s PodcastAmerican Defense Training    A few months ago, John Petrolino reached out and connected me with Rob Beckman.  Rob was looking for an instructor in Massachusetts for his podcast, Firearm Trainer’s Podcast. I listened to a few episodes and really like Rob’s format for helping instructors on the business side of things. I was on Firearm Trainer’s Podcast back in April, FTP #109.  How ironic that he’s episode #109 of RSWC!   https://www.firearmtrainerpodcast.com/2021/04/12/ep-109-being-a-firearm-instructor-in-massachusetts/   Recently in Sioux Fall, SD, Rob and I were both students at the MAG40 course, taught by Massad Ayoob himself!  There were several other podcasters in the class.  It was hosted by Paul & Susan Lathrop of the Polite Society Podcast. Amanda Suffecool  (RSWC #009) of Eye On The Target Radio, the Polite Society Podcast, and the DC Project was a student.  So was Robyn Sandoval  (RSWC #080), from A Girl & A Gun and DC Proje

  • RSWC #108 Shirley Watral

    08/06/2021 Duration: 32min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#108Shirley WatralInstructor, Author, & DC Project Member    Shirley and I were both at the Florida Carry Speaker Event in 2021. I was only playing the Star Spangled Banner for the event, but I had my GoPro cameras should I have the chance to film a show.  She was speaking at the event as an instructor, author, and as a DC Project member. I purchased her book in the summer of 2020, but didn’t know she was going to be there.  I approached her and said “Hi, my name is Charlie. I’ve got a show called Riding Shotgun With Charlie.”  She said ‘You’re the guy who interviews the DC Project woman as you drive around, right?”.  I replied “Yes, that's me.  What are you doing for the next half hour? Do you want to be on the show?”   How can she say no?!?!  I told her I have her book and would have brought it so she could sign it, but I didn’t know she was going to be at the event. She offered me another book (signed) but I had to give my copy to another woman.  Which I did.    I learned abo

  • RSWC #107 Jeff Spiegelman Kim Petters

    01/06/2021 Duration: 48min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#107Jeff Spiegelman & Kim PettersDelaware House of RepresentativesThe DC Project After I had the show set up to film with Kim Petters, she asked if I wanted to film another show.  She said she’s friends with Jeff Spiegelman, a member of the Delaware House of Representatives, who is a good Second Amendment supporter and a good friend of hers.  How can I say no?  I didn’t. Kim decided that she should ride in the backseat for this show.  Someone need to keep Jeff in control!   What a time we had! Despite everything he touches breaks!    Jeff wasn’t always a politician.  He was a US Navy contractor for a few years.  Then he was a military historian, teaching on the USS Cole & USS Roosevelt and teaching college history and politics. He was also the guy who complained about how the politicians should do things.  Then he got into commercial real estate.  Then he decided to be the guy who did something because he didn’t like how the politicians were doing things. And he’s been in of

  • RSWC #106 Joseph Morse

    25/05/2021 Duration: 56min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#106Joseph MorseShooting Gallery New EnglandShooting in the Woods Podcast   Joseph Morse reached out to me a while ago.  He’s a gunsmith at a gun store in Massachusetts. But he’s also a content creator!  He’s got an Instagram page called Shooting Gallery New England and a podcast called Shooting in the Woods. Both being gun guys in Massachusetts, we finally were able to connect and film a show!  Since we’re both in Massachusetts, we decided to meet at…. Plymouth Rock!  Of course the rock and the Mayflower are replicas, but we still did selfies in front of them.  Our driving route took us on both the Sagamore and Bourne Bridges.    Joseph has really had a bit of success as a young guy. He had a tough childhood and moved around a lot. After some bow hunting with a friend, he decided to get his firearm identification card (FID) which allows you to have non-large capacity rifles and shotguns in MA. After he turned 21 and got a License to Carry (LTC), he also became an instructor.    Not

  • RSWC #105 Dave Workman

    18/05/2021 Duration: 43min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#105Dave WorkmanSecond Amendment Journalist   Dave Workman’s first words to me were “You’re a horrible model.”  It was at GRPC 2017 in Dallas. I was only into the firearm community for a year. I was modeling and IWB and an ankle  for the concealed carry fashion show. I went to a table, hiked up my pant leg, and showed off the ankle holster.  Someone put a one dollar bill into my holster and I left the table. Dave  snapped a picture and then said those ‘famous’ words to me.    Dave has been a journalist covering hunting, firearms, and freedoms for  years. He’s been writing for decades for publications like The Gun Mag, American Handgun Insider Online, Conservative Firing Line, Liberty Park Press, Ammoland, The Northwest Sportsman, and the CCRBKA, among others. He earned a degree in Journalism from the University of Washington, and ran a weekly newspaper after college. The great aspect about Dave’s writing is that he wants to get the story out and he knows the story isn’t about him or

  • RSWC #104 Mike Piwowarski

    11/05/2021 Duration: 33min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#104Mike PiwowarskiArms Room Radio   Mike Piwowarski is one of those people who goes to ALL the 2A events!  I can’t remember if we met at Gun Rights Policy Conference or SHOT Show, but we run into each other everywhere, which is one of the things I love about my 2A friends!   Mike is officially the SECOND passenger to “really ride shotgun”!  He brought with him a Serbu Super Shorty!  It’s a Mossberg 500 with a pistol grip cut down to be an “AOW”- Any Other Weapon. Which he tells me you only need to pay $5 to have a Class III firearm in Florida.  Now I see how much better Florida is than Massachusetts!   Mike has a long history of family that served in the military and on the police force. He continued the family tradition with over 20 years service active and reserve. He served several years in the Middle East.  Then came back stateside and pursued a career in law enforcement. When the politics got to be too much, it was time to make a life change.    He was already working on build

  • RSWC #103 Alexander Roubian

    04/05/2021 Duration: 35min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#103 Alexander RoubianNew Jersey Second Amendment Society   Alexander and I first met at Gun Rights Policy Conference in 2016 in Tampa. After the conference, we both went with Mark Walters (RSWC #002 & #084) and Alan Gottlieb (RSWC #100) to a radio station to be on Armed American Radio. I’ve also been a fan of the Gun For Hire Radio Podcast, which has had Alexander on several times over the years. When I was heading to NJ to film some other shows, I reached out to Alexander and asked if he’d be up for filming  a show.    Alexander had an unfortunate experience which led him to gun ownership.  He grew up in a “gun agnostic” house, where guns weren’t really talked about. He was 20 feet away from a gang initiation which involved killing someone, he decided it was time to get a firearm. After seeing the ridiculousness of the process to get a NJ firearm permit, Alex reached out to Frank Fiamingo, founder of New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) and joined the group. Within 5 ye

  • RSWC #102 Alan Lau

    27/04/2021 Duration: 57min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#102Alan LauALau Firearm Training   Alan and I have been following each other on social media for a while. We were officially connected by Patrick Collins RSWC #91 & #99 Part 1.  He thought Alan would be a great passenger for the show. And he was correct!   Alan grew up in Hong Kong and moved to the Boston area when he was 13.  He had other family members living in the area, so Massachusetts is where they went. He’s got years of martial arts including Muay Tai and used to referee MMA in New Hampshire until Massachusetts became a sanctioned state to run matches.    Alan was a Democrat when he moved to the USA and stayed with the party for a while. During the Obama years is when Alan got into firearms thanks to a Groupon offer. He got his license and bought an overpriced rifle during the Obama administration. He joined a shooting club and started shooting but realized that being an instructor could help him get discounts on firearms.   After becoming an instructor, he would get fr

  • RSWC #101 Hickok45

    20/04/2021 Duration: 56min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#101Hickok45YouTube Creator   Wilder things have happened. Snow in Tennessee isn’t something that happens often. Unless I’m driving down. Despite nearly every place being closed and many Tennesseans not having experience driving in the snow, I was able to meet Hickok45 for breakfast before we filmed the show!  Whew!   We’ve all been watching Hickok45 for years and he’s the nicest man around. He’s been a school teacher for years, which we share in common.  We drove by where he used to teach.  He took a break from teaching and he had another career that he can’t talk about, unless he kills you, of course. Then he went back to teaching in the 1990’s.    He’s been a shooter since he was a young boy.  He used to go shooting with his dad’s old .22 rifle and a pocket full of ammo and that’s when he got the shooting bug.    He started the YouTube channel back in 2007 when most people posted cat videos. He did a video shooting through his Honda Element’s open doors in the very early days. Th

  • RSWC #100 Alan Gottlieb

    13/04/2021 Duration: 43min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#100Alan GottliebSecond Amendment Foundation   Alan Gottlieb is The MAN! At my first Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Tampa 2016, I approached Massad Ayoob to have him sign my copy of In The Gravest Extreme. I took a deep breath, asked Mas if he could come Riding Shotgun.  Alan was right behind Mas. He said “Oh my gosh, Mas you’ve got to go Riding Shotgun With Charlie!” It was 2 years before we made it happen.    In Phoenix 2019 at GRPC, I was hanging out with a few people at the social hour and Alan came up to our group and congratulated me on the Blogger of the Year.  And he asked when HE was going to come Riding Shotgun.  We made it happen in Bellevue, WA, at the Second Amendment Foundation headquarters last month. He may have let me conduct the interview in his car, his 7th Corvette!   Alan grew up in New York City then joined the Army.  Earning a degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Tennessee, he became interested in fighting for individual rights, and the

  • RSWC #099 Florida Carry Review Part 2

    06/04/2021 Duration: 23min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#099 Part 2Florida Carry Speaker Event Review Part 2 Stephen Shives, Runaway CampersKristin Franke, Packin’ NeatKevin & Sarah Sona, Florida Carry   While I was at the Florida  Carry Speaker Event on March 20, I filmed a few shows.  This is part 2 of Episode 099. I grabbed a few more folks and put them in the car for a review of the event. If you missed the Clown Car video, you can watch it here. https://youtu.be/d2rR1PtolyQ   Kevin Sona of Florida Carry organized the Speaker Event.  It’s the 4th Annual event and it's been growing every year. It started off with a few speakers and about 50 people.  This year, the numbers were low due to the ‘virus’, but there were speakers and visitors from Arizona, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Texas, California, and Virginia.  It has been the first time for many to get together since the Florida Carry event last year, which was just before the beginning of the virus.    This year, Kevin had some issues gettin

  • RSWC #099 Florida Carry Review Part 1

    30/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#099 Part 1Florida Carry Speaker Event Review Part 1 I love my gig! I really do! Kevin Sona (RSWC #043) has been organizing a camping event for Florida Carry since 2018.  In Florida, its legal to open carrying while you’re doing the “...ing” activities: camping, hunting, fishing.  Therefore, anyone camping can open carry while they’re there. Past speakers are a who’s who of the 2A community. Massad Ayoob, Rick Ector, Rob Morse, Rob Pincus, to name just a few.  This year, the event was held at Runaway Campers in Summerfield, FL, on March 19 & 20.  The camping part was both nights, but the Speaker Event was only on Saturday. This was the first time many of the 2A activists, authors, and speakers have gotten together since the Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Phoenix, September 2019. The line up for 2021 included Cheryl Todd from Gun Freedom Radio & AZFirearms, Rick Ector from Legally Armed In Detroit, Erich Pratt from Gun Owners of Amer

  • RSWC #098 Dan Grdovic

    23/03/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie #098  Dan Grdovic President, CNJFO    Like many people in the 2A community, Dan Grdovic and I were “Facebook friends” before we met in person. We finally met face to face at Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners’ (CNJFO) fundraising event called “Hunting Pheasants With Charlie” at Giberson’s Farm and Wildlife Preserve in Pemberton, NJ I’ve never hunted with dogs and it was an amazing experiment watching them work the field.. One of the hunters was a young man out with his father for the first time. And yes, the son bagged a few birds!   We had a wonderful hunt that morning. There was another hunt that afternoon after lunch, raffles, and a few speeches. The money that was raised helps CNJFO fight their main mission to end “justifiable need” for carry permits in New Jersey. New Jersey has unbelievably ridiculous gun laws. They way CNJFO does this is with a solid foundation of education, activism, safety, and awareness.   Dan went shooting with a cousin and really enjoyed it. But aft

  • RSWC #097 Kim Petters

    09/03/2021 Duration: 38min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#097Kim PettersThe DC Project   I opened the door to Kim’s house in Dover, DE, to pick her up to film the show. “Oh my gosh, Charlie. We’ve met!”  You know how it is, when you’ve met a lot of people in the 2A community and you can’t ‘really’ remember them until you see them in person. That’s what happened.  We met in DC at the DC Project event in the summer of 2019.     Kim Petters recently learned about elections and incumbent politician’s families. Last year, 2 months before the election, she stepped up to run for the clerk of the peace. That means she’s in charge of wedding licenses and very similar to a justice of the peace. With only 2 months to run a campaign, she was only 5% away from beating the incumbent who has had a family member in that office for years. She didn’t win the election, but she learned a lot for the next time.    Before that, Kim spent 10 years in the Air Force. She had a very difficult job: she brought home the remains of our soldiers from Afghanistan. Cert

  • RSWC #096 Theresa Inacker

    23/02/2021 Duration: 50min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#096Theresa InackerCoalition of New Jersey Firearm OwnersThe DC Project   Theresa Inacker has done some cool things...I mean besides coming Riding Shotgun! She hunts pheasants.  She hangs out with Dick Heller. And she puts CNN”s Chris Cuomo in his place.  And it’s all in a day’s work for her.    I was heading down to New Jersey for a couple of other interviews and reached out to Theresa and she agreed to be on the show. Like many people, Theresa didn’t grow up in a household with or around firearms, but she had an uncle that would take her shooting to bust clays when she was young. Later in life, she decided it was time to be a gun owner. She lives in a rural area with a number of wildlife around her property. Once she learned how difficult the process is to buy a gun, how much red tape, and some of the nonsense you have to go through, she got involved.  The process in New Jersey is very unjust and that got her interested in being an activist.     The process in New Jersey is suppos

  • RSWC #095 Judi Wells

    09/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    Riding Shotgun With Charlie#095Judi WellsA Girl & A Gun The DC Project Judi Wells is more than just an “accidental activist”.  She’s an unexpected gun owner, too. She’s a vegetarian, does yoga, and doesn’t like killing spiders, let alone other animals. Go down the checklist of everything you’d expect as an anti-gunner and that’s her, too. Growing up in Canada and California, no one in her family liked shooting or went hunting. They hated guns.  Four years ago, it was her husband’s “bucket list” that changed everything. He wanted to buy a gun in California and she took lessons with him. During these lessons, Judi cried at the thought of holding and using a gun. She thought the gun was going to jump out of the safe and shoot her, but it didn’t.  When she learned about the Winchester Marksman Program through the National Rifle Association, changed everything for her. The WMP challenged her and she knew she wouldn’t just be throwing ammo down range. She would be working on marksmanship and she had a goal to g

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