Go Solo Live

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:06:03
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Go Solo LIVE! is a podcast for and about midlife solo women travelers. Host Jennifer Buchholz of Transform via Travel, talks to women about their solo travel experiences. It's more than just "how to" or "where've you been". It's about their personal stories of where they were in life before solo travel, what inspired them to go, what they found on their travels, and possibly even how they found more of themselves. The stories are meant to inspire, enlighten and encourage women who are at any stage of going solo!


  • EP 023 Sacred Places Can Lead to Profound Healing

    05/05/2017 Duration: 43min

    Gloria Coppola began her first solo trip to Saint Lucia after going through a divorce. The experience was humbling and enlightening. It made her realize that the time to really do things isn’t tomorrow, or when the kids grow up, it’s now! Her next solo trip came directly after the unexpected death of her second husband. She was sad, depressed, and lost, but she felt compelled to go to Egypt. That trip ultimately transformed her and helped her heal from the sudden loss and propelled her into a completely new mission in life.   Key Takeaways: *Where was Gloria in her life when she decided to embark on her first solo trip? *After going through a divorce, Gloria needed some self-care! *How did Gloria’s family take the news that she was traveling solo? *Gloria had to climb 94 steps up to the spa, but instead of taking it negatively she decided to shift her perception. *Gloria felt so happy that she decided to take the trip. *What kind of challenges did Gloria face? *The time to live is now. Don’t wait till the kid

  • EP 022 Baby Steps Leads to Big Adventures

    28/04/2017 Duration: 35min

    Laura Kay is an introvert by nature. However, Laura found herself becoming a much better person for her family, every mini solo trip she took. Finally, she decided to take the plunge and travel way, way out of her comfort zone. But you know what? The rewards paid off, because she was able to see more of the United States on her own terms. Now, she can’t wait to embark on her next solo trip, which will be traveling from L.A. to San Diego!   Key Takeaways: *What kind of ‘baby step’ solo trips has Laura taken? *When Laura came back, she felt like she was a better person for her family. *What advice does Laura have for those who feel guilty for traveling alone? *Where was Laura in her life when she decided to take the leap and really travel alone? *The night before the trip, Laura was thinking of bailing out on it. *Being alone and single, you sometimes get some very attractive attention from that. Laura shares some of her stories! *You can always share information about yourself, just be aware, be safe, and do i

  • EP 021 I Was The Perfect Everything, Now I’m The Perfect Me

    21/04/2017 Duration: 42min

    Susan Marean’s first solo trip came from a tragic accident at the age of 25 years old. Susan took a plane ride by herself so that she could grieve a very sudden family loss. Now, fast forward 20 years later, Susan is a single mom of three boys, and decided it was time to take some time off and go on a transformative backpacking solo trip for two days. She came prepared, studied the maps, trusted her compass, and even got lost in the wilderness, but she can’t wait to go back and experience it all over again! Solo travel has helped her get a fresh reset to her life!   Key Takeaways: *Where was Susan in her life, when she decided to go on a solo vacation? *Susan wanted to be alone to help her grieve and process a very traumatic accident that happened to the family. She was still in shock! *How did Susan’s family help support each other during this tough time? *What advice does Susan have for those who currently haven’t taken their time to fully grieve? *Though, despite the tragedy, there is a happy ending to it

  • EP 020 A Solo Vacation Is the Best Form of Self-Care

    14/04/2017 Duration: 40min

    Lisa England embarked on her first solo trip at the age of 19, to Nepal. When Lisa visited the country, Nepal was going through a civil war at the time! Lisa just knew in heart that she had to go see this country and she had to go see it now! In fact, Lisa wanted to dive headfirst into the culture so fast, she ended up going to the hospital several times for food poisoning. Today, Lisa is in a committed relationship, and still finds ways to explore new cities solo. Discovering a new city is one of the best ways to help empower yourself, and it gives you a great refresh from the same old routine.   Key Takeaways: *What was going on in Lisa’s life when she decided to take her first solo trip? *What were some of Lisa’s highlights from her trip to Nepal? *How did Lisa navigate being sick in a foreign hospital at the age of 19? *Hospitals like Nepal do not have the same luxuries the way U.S. hospitals do, like nicely painted walls, and sugar in the medicine. *Lisa got sick so many times because she wanted to dive

  • EP 019 Fun Solo Travels in Europe (Before the Internet)!

    07/04/2017 Duration: 26min

    Jen April has been traveling solo for the last two decades! Her most memorable and fun trip was when she embarked on a solo journey to Europe (back when the internet wasn’t a thing). Jen still continues to travel by herself, because it empowers her to reconnect and rediscover her true self. Discover more about Jen and her solo journeys, on this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: *What is Jen’s favorite solo travel experience? *Why did Jen travel to Europe solo? *Travel existed before the internet. How on earth did Jen survive? *What did Jen’s family and friends think about her traveling solo? *As a young child from a small town, Jen just wanted to get away from all of that! *Through our daily routines and expectations, we can often lose our sense of self. *What has been the hardest part about solo travel for Jen? *How has Jen’s growth transformed over the years? *It’s so easy now to get in touch with people from a different country, because of the internet. *What has been the hardest part of being a solo travel

  • EP 018 Set Your Own Solo Agenda and Travel at Your Own Whims

    24/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    Leticia, also known as Tish, Ward has been a solo traveler since 1998, but her mother always knew she had wanderlust, ever since she was a young girl. Tish is about to turn 40 this year, and to celebrate, she’s going to embark on a four month cross-country solo trip to visit several of the United States national parks, and she’ll also be visiting Belgium for two weeks, during that time. Find out how this fantastic woman empowers herself by traveling solo!   Key Takeaways: *At the time of this recording, Tish is about to turn 40. *Why does Tish want to take a four-month cross-country solo trip? *Four months seems like a lot of time for a solo vacation. *Tish has been traveling since 1998 on her own. Technology back then was definitely not the same, and your likeliness to get lost was tripled! *Tish loves being able to pick and choose what she wants to do while traveling solo. *How did Tish get started traveling solo? *The world is such a small place! *Solo traveling is perfect for introverts who want some alon

  • EP 017 When You Travel Far Enough, You Meet Yourself

    10/03/2017 Duration: 36min

    Melissa Berg took her first solo trip, at the age of 39, to a yoga retreat in Mexico. Melissa’s husband and children were shocked she was even going, but when she came back after reconnecting with herself, she was a transformed woman. Melisa’s solo vacation brought a whole new wellness to her and it inspired her to facilitate retreats for women, just like herself, to help find themselves!   Key Takeaways: *What was going on in Melissa’s life when she decided to travel alone? *Melissa didn’t even want to tell anybody at work that she was going to Mexico for vacation. *Melissa was very nervous about going. *When Melissa landed in Mexico, she was shocked! The airport there was nothing like the airport in the U.S. *Once Melissa got to her resort, how did she shift gears? Did she still have anxiety? *When Melissa found herself alone without her group, she went out and explored! *Wherever you are in your life, you can always travel alone. Melissa is married with kids! *How did Melissa’s family react when she came h

  • EP 016 I Suffer from Wanderlust

    24/02/2017 Duration: 39min

    After ending a three-year relationship filled with vacation compromises, Rebecca Thompson decided, no more! She went on her first real solo trip to Aruba, to start 2017 off with a bang. It was a fantastic experience. Although she first thought she’d spend a majority of her time in solitude, that couldn’t be further from the truth. She was able to spend time with other solo travelers on the island, and experience Aruba to its fullest! As she looks towards the year, and where she wants to go to next, you can definitely tell she suffers from wanderlust!   Key Takeaways: *Where was Rebecca in her life when she decided to take a solo trip? *Rebecca recently got out of a three-year relationship, and was reminded of what her life looked like pre-relationship. *Rebecca’s Christmas gift to herself was a solo vacation to Aruba. *What was holding Rebecca back from saying, ‘yes,’ to herself? *We’re running out of time! *Why Aruba? *When Rebecca thought about a solo vacation, she thought she’d experience some solitude. It

  • EP 015 Experience the Grand Canyon!

    10/02/2017 Duration: 36min

    Tatiana Bredikin always believed she’d go to the Grand Canyon, but as she got older and older, she started to think that the Grand Canyon just wasn’t for her. Well, as an avid and passionate rafter, an opportunity struck, where she was able to go with only a week’s notice. The rapids at the Grand Canyon were huge and scary. The first time Tatiana saw them, she cried from fear. But she’s so glad she went through the fear, because it transformed her in the best possible way. Here’s her story!   Key Takeaways: *Why was Tatiana drawn to the Grand Canyon? *The Grand Canyon has been a 7-year wait list for Tatiana. *As Tatiana got older, she thought more and more, the trip wasn’t going to happen for her. *Although people often take a year to prepare for a trip like this, Tatiana was presented with the opportunity with only a week’s notice, and seized upon it. *There are a variety of ways to experience the Grand Canyon. *Tatiana felt so empowered when she started doing her own rafting trips, without the men. *What wa

  • EP 014 Solo Travel on a Group Bus Tour - No Fear!

    27/01/2017 Duration: 48min

    Cindy Ladder was 56 when she decided to take her first solo trip to New York. A 30-year marriage had ended and even though she has two grown boys, Cindy was lonely and wasn’t sure how she was going to move on. Going to New York for the very first time inspired a new meaning to Cindy’s life. She got to see new sights, try new things, and live life to its fullest.   Key Takeaways: *Where was Cindy at in her life when she decided to do a solo trip? *Who is Cindy? *Why didn’t Cindy want anybody to travel with her? *Why did Cindy want to travel to New York or Washington, DC? *What did Cindy’s children say when they found out she was traveling alone? They were shocked! *Cindy discusses the bus trip she took to NYC and the considerations she went to towards picking the bus. *When Cindy eventually got on that bus, she was worried. *Cindy discusses what her first trip traveling alone was like. *Pro tip: The weather in NYC was amazing in October. *Cindy discusses the benefits of traveling with a tour group. *Cindy was

  • EP 013 Married Women Travel Solo Too!

    13/01/2017 Duration: 32min

    Terri Levine is a married woman who loves to *gasp* travel alone. When some people hear this, they might think she’s trying to run away from her relationship, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Terri has even encouraged her husband to travel solo, and both of them have seen incredible benefits to their relationship, after they’ve come back from these journeys of self-discovery.   Key Takeaways: *How did Terri start her solo travel journey? *Terri’s husband immediately saw a difference in Terri when she came back from her solo trip. *It took Terri’s husband 5‒6 years, before he felt comfortable traveling alone while married. *When you’re traveling alone, you’re not running away from something, you’re running back to yourself! *You get a much better connection with who you are, when you are on your own. *Does Terri have any amazing stories to share about her trips? *Terri journals a lot. The first day she explored a city alone, she wrote ‘empowerment’ and ‘confidence’ in her journal. *Terri shares a s

  • EP 012 Tips on How an Independent Woman Can Travel Alone (and Safely!) in India

    23/12/2016 Duration: 28min

    Anki is the founder and owner of the blog Anki On The Move, a 3 time award-winning blog and vlog that focuses on bridging the gap between travel, fashion, and adventure! Originally from India, Anki shares some tips for those who want to venture out and explore that side of the world in the best way possible!   Key Takeaways: *How did Anki get started in her travel journey? *Anki first started traveling with her brother when she was 29. What was that experience like? *What are some of the must-sees in India? *What advice does Anki have for women looking to travel alone in India? *What kinds of trends in fashion has Anki noticed throughout her travels? *How has travel helped Anki with her personal growth? *There’s a lot more in common with someone from a different culture than you might think! *Did Anki ever have any experiences where she was concerned for her safety? *What kind of common concerns does Anki address on her travel blog? *Anki talks about her love for Milwaukee! *Don’t be afraid to talk to the loc

  • EP 011 Overcoming the Fear of 'Not Being Good Enough' Through Solo Travel

    09/12/2016 Duration: 36min

    Anna Lardinois began her career as a teacher who, as she admits, lived a very limited life with fear. However, through solo travel, so many doors have opened for her, that the feelings of ‘not being good enough’ have slowly gone away. Everybody has fears to overcome, and solo travel is an excellent way to rediscover yourself and pivot! Anna now hosts haunted historical walking tours in the city of Milwaukee. All because she took a leap and traveled alone!   Key Takeaways: *What did Anna do as a teacher, that allowed her to maximize her vacation time and travel more? *Solo travel made Anna more grateful for the life she has. *Where was the first place Anna traveled to alone? *What kind of mistakes did Anna make, during her first trip? She forgot to bring maps! *Anna is a natural storyteller. What are some of her favorite stories of when she has traveled alone? *Anna’s love for ghost tours ended up sparking her own business idea. *Everybody’s afraid of something, which is why you should always try to challenge

  • EP 010 Work on You; the Universe Will Pay You for It

    25/11/2016 Duration: 37min

    Channon Dade has been working for an airline, part-time, for the last 17 years. This gives her the freedom to travel whenever she wants and pursue a career in acting. She is currently located in L.A., but she has been jetsetting around the world, alone, since she was a little girl. Channon discusses on this week’s episode that when you work on yourself, instead of trying to desperately find a life partner, the universe will find surprising ways to reward you for those efforts. Be comfortable in your own skin! It’s the only one you have.   Key Takeaways: *How did Channon get started with solo travel? *Channon loves planes and flying! She has been working for the airline industry for the last 17 years. *More women are looking for lifestyle-based work. *What does a typical month look like for Channon? *Why did Channon relocate to L.A.? *Channon loves Bali, Indonesia. It’s such a relaxing place and the people are amazing. *If someone’s never been to Bali, what’s Bali really like? *When we’re single, some of us ar

  • EP 009 Finding the Real Person on the Inside at the Age of 31

    11/11/2016 Duration: 38min

    Traci Bogan was living in Hawaii when she had her ‘aha’ moment. Although some may think she had her life made, by living in such a tropical place, Traci personally felt she had exhausted her options and was just stuck. She was working for a company she wasn’t passionate about, and she honestly felt that if she died tomorrow, she would have missed out on life. She was missing out on life! So, she brought her best friend with her to backpack around the world, but her best friend quickly grew tired and left her, alone. It was a blessing in disguise, because a new beginning happened for Traci, at the age of 31, where she was finally able to look herself in the mirror and feel OK.   Key Takeaways: *What was Traci doing before she discovered solo travel? *Traci was 31 when she had her ‘aha’ moment. *When Traci went backpacking around the world, she was able, for the first time, to see the woman in the mirror. *How did Traci’s family react, when they found out she was going to travel alone? *Traci began her trip wit

  • EP 008 Traveling Alone Can Come at Any Age

    28/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    Victoria Cunha was born to travelers and has traveled all throughout her life. She was certainty born to it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t adopt the same habits she has. Victoria is now 55 years old, and still travels around the world alone! She talks about the adventures she’s had, why anybody can do this no matter what age, and so much more, on this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: *How did Victoria get into solo traveling? *What countries did Victoria go to, when she was part of the AFS Intercultural Programs USA? *What kind of traveling did Victoria do with her family when she was a young child? *Victoria visited Paris in 1999. Although it was her second time there, she kept an open mind during her trip. *What kind of lessons has Victoria learned through her solo travels? *Victoria is 55 years old. How do people in her age range react to her traveling alone? *It is up to us to make the most of the time we have on this earth. *Does Victoria have a bucket list? Yes and no. *How does Victoria explain her p

  • EP 007 Questioning ‘What’s Right for Me’ After Hitting All the Career Milestones

    14/10/2016 Duration: 46min

    Ivana Ventic grew up hitting every goal she set for herself and became a lawyer. But once she passed the bar and got a high-paying job, she realized that the lifestyle she chose for herself didn’t quite fit with her heart. As she could only get 10 days of vacation time, Ivana decided to quit her job in Chicago and travel for an undisclosed amount of time. Although her friends were highly supportive of her decision, her mother was skeptical and nervous for Ivana’s future. How did Ivana handle her mother’s fears, quit a successful career, and face the reality that she may never return to Chicago again? Find out on this week’s episode.   Key Takeaways: *Jennifer and Ivana met at an expo — How did Ivana find out about the expo? *What does Ivana do for a living? She is an attorney, but Ivana quit her full-time job to travel. *What was Ivana’s big ‘aha’ moment, when she felt she had to leave her job and travel the world? *From the outside, it looked like Ivana made a split decision to quit her job, but it had alway

  • EP 006 Come Prepared Every Step of the Way

    23/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    Having visited more than 20 countries and over 300 cities worldwide, Paige Engle is a world traveler, as well as the author of, The Ultimate Guide to Safe Travel for Women, and has invaluable advice to share in this area. Paige's favorite country by far is France and she often leads personalized tours of the area throughout the year.   Key Takeaways: *Why does Paige love France? *Where was Paige in her life when she first started her solo travels? *Paige has been solo traveling since her 20's. She's in her mid 40's now. *Not young anymore? So what? *Group travel has changed as well. *Paige talks about how to safely travel alone. *Paige would rather spend a little bit more money on a better area to make sure she's safe. *Safety is really important, don't ever throw it by the waist side. *Jennifer says, she can't run as fast or as good as she could when she was 20. If an attacker comes, she might not be able to run away. *Paige has to be extra careful because at the end of the day, she is a mom, a wife, and a c

  • EP 005 No Man? No Problem

    09/09/2016 Duration: 42min

    Walker Thornton is a sex educator, writer, and speaker with a Masters in Educational Psychology, and she speaks extensively on midlife sexuality. This episode dives full in on what it's like being over 60 with no life partner in sight. At the end of the day, it's about the stories we tell ourselves and that can sometimes get in the way of who we truly are as people. Coming from a small town, Walker was often shamed into thinking her way of being was wrong and that her self-worth was only defined by a man. Solo travel has given Walker a new story to tell herself and a new-found acceptance of who she is.   Key Takeaways: *Where was Walker in her life when she decided to travel alone? *Walker took her first trip for her 60th birthday. *There's such a stigma for women who want to travel alone. *Why did Walker choose to visit Santa Fe, New Mexico on her 60th birthday? *There is a sense of vulnerability when you travel alone. It's still there no matter how old you get. *Why did Walker travel to New York City? *Walk

  • EP 004 You Can Be as Alone as You Want to Be

    26/08/2016 Duration: 38min

    Danielle Birdeau took her first solo trip in 2011 to the Grand Canyon, and has been hooked ever since. Danielle admits that she has struggled with her physical condition for quite some time, despite having being athletic in school. She talks about the level of freedom she has while traveling alone, and why taking care of your needs without worrying about others’ needs and feelings is so relaxing. Now, Danielle feels comfortable with being alone and doing things by herself, even when she's not traveling to an exciting new destination!   Key Takeaways: *Danielle started traveling alone in her 30’s. *In 2011, Danielle took her first backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon. *When Danielle went to work after this trip, her co-worker noticed she was a completely different person. *So many people wonder why you would ever want to travel alone. *How did Danielle go from visiting the Grand Canyon to eventually hiking it 7 years later? *Danielle was an athlete in highschool and college, but she woke up one day and noticed

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