Straight Talk With Sandra Reich



There are secrets to living your best life. We have control over our destinies if we are willing to accept responsibility and learn how to evolve to our highest levels. The sky is the limit if you can learn about your own traps, wounds and move beyond them. We dont get a manual on parenting, romantic relationships, how to become successful or how to manage life. Victimization, anxiety, depression, martyrdom and worse are the fall outs of not understanding your own role in your own life quality. Learn how you can really change your own life. Turn any darkness in your world into light. Become an expert at the dance of relationships. Reach for the stars and have the success in life and love that you always dreamt of. Top Relationship, Parenting, Anxiety Expert and Best Selling Author Sandra Reich M.Ed. will give you the straight talk on strategies that will take your life from getting by, to living your dreams!


  • Living you life with passion, joy and meaningfulness.

    16/06/2016 Duration: 54min

    What does the latest research tell us about living a meaningful life filled with joy? Are joy and passion something we need to practice to get better at? How about our habits and beliefs? what role do they play in the quality of our lives?(Hint: a lot!) Don't miss this special Straight Talk on living your life filled with peace, happiness and authenticity regardless of your circumstances.

  • Looking for love in all the wrong places- how we unconsciously can sabotage our quest for romantic love

    09/06/2016 Duration: 55min

    We say we want love... br We say we want to be treated well... br We say we want to be desired... br But does your behavior really invite that or are you sending mixed messages? br This fascinating hour will look at how our unconscious mind sometimes tricks us into sabotaging our love lives by not commanding the respect and love we deserve. br If looking for love is your middle name- this is the episode for you!

  • HOW NOT TO DIE!!! Straight Talk interviews Dr Michael Greger

    26/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    Do you really want to live your healthiest life possible? Does the idea that you can have a say in your health destiny appeal to you? if so- YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS EPISODE. Bestselling author of the fascinating book: How Not to Die Dr Michael Greger joins Sandra to discuss how the vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle.

  • Are men really from Mars? Women from Venus? find out about this and how our hormones and environmental factors are playing a role in everything from love to attention

    19/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    Dr John Gray of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus fame joins Sandra for a lively hour discussing his book: Staying Focused in a Hyper World as well as how our hormonal states and wiring play such a huge role in our romantic relationships. Learn how to really understand better how our brain chemistry can work for you instead of against you in love and life!

  • Parenting 101- strategies and science on making your kids thrive!!!

    12/05/2016 Duration: 49min

    Parenting: The hardest and most important job you will ever do: We do not get a manual, often no guidance and lots of confusion. Straight Talk takes on this very important topic this week offering strategies, science and how to really make your kids thrive in the complex often stressful world we live in. br Sandra is joined by Co-Director of Anxiety Videos and Montreal Center for Anxiety and Depression's own Georgia Dow to review the latest research on being the best parent possible. A not to be missed Straight Talk!

  • 'Health comes from Healthy Living'- Dr Michael Klaper talks true health

    05/05/2016 Duration: 52min

    Dr Klaper has been practicing medicine for over 40 years. As an integrative top practitioner and educator he knows the very important role nutrition plays in YOUR health. br Dr Klaper is in the house!!! Call in or email your medical questions. Dr Klaper's no nonsense- straight to the point brilliance will take YOU on a journey to YOUR best health possible!

  • Straight Talk on Empowerment

    28/04/2016 Duration: 55min

    Sandra is joined by fellow Radio Host and Empowerment specialist Rebecca Hall Gruyter (Host of: Empowering Women, Transforming Lives) to discuss what empowerment really means in terms of lifestyle, career and living YOUR dreams. Join Straight talk for a motivational hour that might just change your life!

  • Overcoming the slippery slope of Enabling in relationships!

    21/04/2016 Duration: 59min

    Do you find yourself making excuses for your partner? br Do you feel resentment often about how much you do? br Do you wonder when it will be time for you to be taken care of? br Does your partner have an addiction? is he or she emotionally unavailable or troubled and you feel only you can help him or her? br Are you waiting for him or her to get better with the hope that then your relationship will be fulfilling? br If you answered yes to any of these questions- this week's show is the show for you. br Sandra is joined by Tracey Deer Gemini Award Winning Producer, Director and Creator of Mohawk Girls who will talk about her journey from caretaking, codependency and enabling in love, to learning and becoming a happy empowered woman in love and in life! br Tracey and Sandra will talk about how to get out of the tricky dynamics of enabling and caretaking. br Find out how to reclaim yourself and learn how to have the love affair you've always dreamt of.

  • Looking for love? Maybe not! Find out how you might be sabotaging your love life!

    14/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    The Sassy Psychologist Anna Maria Tosco joins Sandra Reich to discuss how she sees people often sabotaging their own quest for love without even realizing it. Find out the ways we unconsciously set ourselves up for disappointments, failures and hurts. br Learn how to turn your love life and your search for love from disastrous to fabulous with real strategies and new belief systems that will transform everything! br Tune in to this special Straight Talk and watch your love life change forever!!

  • Healing Chronic Disease thru Mind and Body: The incredible journey of Rosemary Tikle and the 'Hypo-Toxic 'Anti-inflammatory' Diet

    07/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    On August 6, 2009, Rosemary was diagnosed with a rare , severe, incurable and chronic disease that manifested daily by symptoms of anaphylactic shock, i.e. severe allergic reaction, suffocation, swelling of the face, the lips and the respiratory tract. br From that day, her life changed totally, but ironically, she did not know that it was also the beginning of her healing path... br From having no quality of life to gradually losing all hope of living, Rosemary chose to battle the disease, get up and try to live again. br Using a Hypo-Toxic diet, Yoga and Meditation- Rosemary changed her entire life and is in complete remission to date. br Hear her unbelievable story of courage, resourcefulness and expertise on Straight Talk with Sandra Reich and learn from her on the power of food choices and your own body.

  • Technology and the quality of YOUR life

    31/03/2016 Duration: 54min

    Are you addicted to your phone? Are your children constantly on their iPads? Does your partner seem distracted? Your kids anxious or aggressive? Find out the answers on this week's show: Technology Guru Rene Ritchie is Sandra's special guest to discuss how technology can improve your life in some ways and cause huge problems in other ways. We will discuss how to maximize the usefulness of latest applications as well as the concerns about increased anxiety and isolation in children and adults from overuse. With technology increasing daily- this is a not to be missed show for all -especially for all parents.

  • Love Sense: The science of Romantic Relationships

    24/03/2016 Duration: 59min

    Sandra is joined by Dr Sue Johnson bestselling author of Hold me Tight and Love Sense. clinical psychologist and primary developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy ( the leading therapy for helping couples) for a fascinating hour on the latest research on romantic relationships. br Learn how romantic love is based on an attachment bond-and what this means. Dr. Johnson will discuss how to develop our “love sense” – our ability to develop long-lasting relationships. br This is an hour you cannot miss:Learn from one of the greatest researchers in love and romance in the world, a huge influence on Straight Talk's Sandra Reich's work and change your relationships... forever!!!

  • Couple retreat- reunion and what it takes to really understanding your mate.

    17/03/2016 Duration: 57min

    The Couples from Sandra Reich's couple retreat join Sandra in the studio to share their experiences in doing an intensive retreat with Sandra in Mexico. This is your chance to find out what a couple retreat is really like and what it can do for your relationship. Couples will discuss what fears they had, what actually happened and what they brought home with them. Also we will discuss follow up- how things are going now- almost 5 months since retreat. A fascinating episode of Straight Talk.

  • The Courage of Evolvement Part Two- A client's perspective

    10/03/2016 Duration: 54min

    Olga Munari Assaly is back to continue her incredible story of victory over incredible challenges she has faced in her life. Learn how to get out of the role of victim, caretaker or martyr. Learn how Olga found courage on her darkest days- find out how she used therapy and retreats to find her answers and apply them. Be inspired by a woman who is fighting her way out of dysfunction into empowerment. Listen to the metamorphosis of Olga Munari Assaly and change your own life.

  • Straight Talk Sandra Reich on the hot seat!

    25/02/2016 Duration: 58min

    Clinical Manager Robert Wise joins Sandra to reverse roles for this special straight talk episode. Robert will ask Sandra about her history as a therapist, previous careers including over 20 years in the bar business, fascinating clients and what she knows to be true about life. Join this no holds barred episode when Sandra gets asked the tough questions live and learn how Sandra turned her own lemons into lemonade- and how you can too! A very personal not to be missed Straight Talk episode.

  • Two Therapists in a studio drinking coffee and discussing common themes in Psychology

    18/02/2016 Duration: 55min

    Sandra is joined by Georgia Dow- Top Psychotherapist at The Montreal Center for Anxiety and Depression to discuss latest themes in Psychology, therapy, and their own journey as therapists. They are inspired by Jerry Seinfeld's show on two comedians chatting in car about life and so do chat about things people like to know about concerning therapy, therapists and how to even choose a therapist. br If you ever considered therapy and wanted to know more- this is the show for you. If you ever were curious about what people are struggling with these days- this is the show for you. If you want to just learn more- this is the show for you! br Join Sandra and Georgia drinking coffee in a studio and discussing Psychotherapy for an hour of fun, straightforward advice, information and insight.

  • Happiness finally???

    04/02/2016 Duration: 55min

    Sandra is joined by Happiness expert, Sociologist and Best selling author or The Sweet Spot and Raising Happiness Dr Christine Carter. Dr Carter will teach us what the latest research shows on happiness, how doing less can lead to much much productivity and what the sweet spot of life happiness really entails. A not to be missed exploration of the positive feeling we all crave.

  • Positive Aging with Passion and Vigor!

    28/01/2016 Duration: 56min

    Powerhouse- superstar radio host Patricia Raskin joins Sandra to discuss positive aging with passion and vigor, living your dreams at any age and finding your true calling. Patricia shares her own process and her upcoming book on this topic and really brings home the reality that it is truly is never too late to live your dreams and with great joy and success. The psychological aspects of how to do this and how to deal with challenges will be discussed as well. This will be an inspiring hour of Straight Talk for anyone who ever felt it is too late to reach for their stars... IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!!! Join us for this exciting show on the how to of aging with passion and joy.

  • Does your psychological make up and your real make up have anything in common?

    21/01/2016 Duration: 55min

    Sandra is joined by beauty expert and host of BEaUty Inside and Out- Bonnie Bonadeo to discuss what real beauty really means in terms of thoughts, psychological make up and even of course real make up. br What is the connection between psychology and being beautiful inside and out? You might be surprised. br Join Sandra and Bonnie for a fascinating hour Straight talking about Beauty Inside and Out

  • Ladies night: Empowered Women Retreats in the house!

    14/01/2016 Duration: 55min

    An exciting night with previous attendees of Empowered Women Retreats discussing retreats, their journey and what the key lessons they have learnt in improving their lives and relationships. Hear their stories, share their tears and laughter and see what women can accomplish together in honor of the 10th Spa Eastman Women's retreat coming up at the end of the month. If you are a woman, if you want better relationships, if you want to be treated like a diamond, if you are tired of being taken for granted, if you want to be cherished and respected and truly learn to love yourself; then this is the episode for YOU.

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