Authentic Messengers - Sparks Of Inspiration



Catherine VanWetter and guests from around the globe share SPARKS of Inspiration. Conversations to Illuminate, Inspire and Ignite. Guests share the passion behind their journeys and discuss how sharing their message with the world has opened their hearts.


  • Step into the field of Authentic Grace ~ Authentic Messenger Catherine VanWetter

    06/01/2014 Duration: 31min

    Meet Authentic Messenger Catherine VanWetter Step into the field of Authentic Grace Join us as Jonathan Stemer interviews his co-host Catherine VanWetter on how to step into the field of authentic grace. Catherine is trained in a variety of healing techniques that address the authentic soul of who we are. Discover how we can release the burdens of our past by embracing compassion, love and consenting to what is. The truth will set us free to live a life of infinite possibilities. Begin 2014 by letting go of what is not your's to carry and lighten up your heart and soul. This will be one of many shows on this topic.   "Resolve your past, so that you can live your life well and embrace the joy that is innately your birthright!" More About Catherine

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