The Melissa Ambrosini Show



Melissa Ambrosini is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl and was named a 'self-help guru' by Elle Magazine. Each episode, she brings you insightful interviews to shift your mindset, inspire you into action, and fuel your soul.


  • 547: Unlock Your Earning Potential With The #1 Business Coach In The World | Bruce Campbell

    09/01/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    If you’re a business owner (or want to be), then drop everything and buckle up, because today I’m chatting with the man who’s known as the best business coach on the planet.Not only has Bruce Campbell been awarded the title of ‘Global Business Coach of the Year’ a staggering TEN times, he’s also the secret weapon that Nick and I’ve turned to for a long time for insights into our own business. Bruce has been instrumental in our journey from 6, to 7, and now 8 figures in revenue, and I’ve been wanting to share his genius with you for *such* a long time. So I’m beyond thrilled to be picking his brains on your behalf in this insightful, strategy-packed episode that’s so good, I’m predicting it will become one of our most popular episodes EVER.Tune in to learn: the crucial importance of mindset for entrepreneurs, the game-changing concept of “above the line” thinking, the most common blind spots that hold people back in their business, how to ensure you have a real business (and not a ‘job’), why it’s imperat

  • 546: Sustainability 101, Stopping Fast Fashion & Saving The Planet | Celeste Tesoriero

    02/01/2024 Duration: 01h34min

    I've been deeply concerned about the environmental impact of fast fashion for years. But I didn’t realize how much this issue resonated with all of you until I published an episode about it a few months back (Episode #534) and it became a break-out hit. Following the release of that episode, I got *so* many passionate DMs in my inbox, along with fervent requests for more deep-dives into this critical issue.So today, I’m thrilled to bring you this eye-opening conversation with the remarkable Celeste Tesoriero, a global thought leader and renowned consultant in the area of sustainable fashion.Celeste is taking us right back to the start of the fashion ‘food chain’ to reveal the devastating reality of our current farming techniques, as well as the regenerative practices that can turn this whole problem around — if only we can act quickly enough.Press play now to learn: why farming and fashion are inextricably linked, what indigenous cultures can teach us about sustainable growing practices, why buying organ

  • 545: Your Best Sex Is Ahead Of You. Here’s How To Find It. | Sara Stone

    26/12/2023 Duration: 58min

    Did you know that over two-thirds of couples experience a significant decline in the quality of their relationship after having children? Yet despite being a hugely common problem, this issue isn’t often talked about — which can lead many parents to feel alone in their struggles.That's why we're tackling this issue head-on in our latest episode, featuring the exceptional Sara Stone, a renowned sex and relationship coach.Press play to discover: how to re-establish intimacy with your partner after babies, reclaiming your sexuality when you’re a mama, the secret to maintaining passion when you’re in a long-term relationship, what to do when it feels like your sex drive has vanished, the surprising skill that can save your relationship, how to prioritize intimacy when life feels full, creative solutions to move through conflict, and why you should do a ‘health check’ for your relationship.If you refuse to believe that your best sex is behind you simply because you’ve had kids or have been with your partner a

  • 544: The Secret To Sharing Authentically Online WITHOUT Burning Yourself Out

    19/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Do you feel pressure to constantly post on social media? Are you exhausted from trying to turn your life into content?And do you struggle to find a balance between sharing authentically online while also living in the present moment?After 13 years of being an entrepreneur and nurturing a social media community, these are issues that I’ve grappled with regularly, and I’ll be the first to admit: I still don’t always get it right.But what I have done over the years is develop a set of guiding principles regarding who, what, and when I share on social media. This approach is key to protecting my energy and ensuring that regardless of how big my audience grows, my family, my joy, and my personal well-being always remain my top priorities.And in this fascinating episode, I’m breaking down all the behind-the-scenes details of these ‘guidelines’ and how I approach social media in general.Press play to discover: the importance of proactively setting boundaries around your posting, why authenticity doesn’t mean re

  • 543: From 0 To 460k Instagram Followers In Just 12 Weeks | Evita Geraghty

    12/12/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Ever dreamed of going viral on Instagram? Want to skyrocket your social media presence?Or maybe you’d like to build a following that can sustain a thriving, profitable business?If any of these resonate with you, then you're going to LOVE this conversation with Evita Geraghty, a social media prodigy who's mastered the art of rapid online growth.Evita's journey is more than just impressive — it's a masterclass in digital strategy. She grew her personal Instagram account from non-existent to a staggering 460k followers in a mere 12 weeks. But she didn’t stop there…To prove it wasn't just a stroke of luck, Evita then replicated this success with a product-based business, quickly amassing 175k followers on Instagram and another 200k on TikTok. (And by the way, she did all of this while being both a highly involved mama and a full-time corporate professional!)In this inspiring and practical episode, Evita is pulling back the curtains on her extraordinary rise to social media stardom. Tune in to learn her step-

  • 542: How To 10x Your Social Media Following & Hit 7 Figures | Natalie Ellis

    05/12/2023 Duration: 01h09min

    What does it take to catapult a business to 7-figures, amass 3.4 million followers on Instagram, and create one of the most inspiring entrepreneurial communities on the planet?… And is it possible to do all this whilst being a present mama, and without compromising on your health and happiness?To share the answers — and the secret sauce behind her success — I’m joined today by the incredible Natalie Ellis, co-founder of BossBabe, an online hub for women entrepreneurs. (Danielle Canty, the other former co-founder, appeared in Episode #533 — if you want a double dose of #BizInspo, I recommend listening to these two epic episodes back to back!)Natalie epitomizes the art of turning bold dreams (and a solid wifi connection!) into a digital empire. Under her guidance, BossBabe has become a global beacon for women aiming to turn their passion into profit. And in this candid, in-depth conversation, she’s laying out the roadmap of exactly how she did it.Tune in to discover: how she amassed a staggering 3.4 million fol

  • 541: How To Add Years To Your Life & Life To Your Years | Melissa & Nick

    28/11/2023 Duration: 36min

    Want to know the science-backed secrets to a long, healthy, happy life?In this inspiring, strategy-packed episode, we’re delving into the core elements that can increase both your health span and your happiness levels, so that you can add years to your life and life to your years.Join Nick and me as we unravel the mysteries of ‘everyday longevity’ — including how to disrupt the pathways of aging, why age-related decline is NOT inevitable, and how to switch on your longevity genes.We kick off with the cornerstone of good health: sleep. Nick and I have biohacked our way to the most rejuvenating sleep of our lives — even with a young child in the mix! We’ve fine-tuned every detail, from our evening rituals to our sleep environment. So if transforming your restless nights into periods of deep, restorative sleep sounds like a dream come true, then don’t miss these life-altering tips.From there, we’ll walk you through: the crucial mindset shifts that can lead to a longer life; the profound impact of connection and

  • 540: How To Sound More Confident & Communicate Like A Pro | Vanessa Van Edwards

    21/11/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly command attention and respect, while others get interrupted and overlooked? Perhaps you’re curious about how to share your ideas more effectively — whether that’s in the workplace, on social media, or at a dinner party with friends?Or maybe you’re baffled as to why communication with your partner sometimes leads to arguments instead of understanding?To answer these questions, I’m joined by Vanessa Van Edwards, a renowned behavioral researcher and author of the groundbreaking book, ‘Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication’.In this enlightening conversation, we delve into the subtle world of ‘cues’ — the tiny signals we’re all sending out through our body language, vocal inflections, word choices and more. These cues are super important, and can make or break our interactions in ALL areas of life, from the boardroom to the bedroom and everything in between.Press play to learn: how to become aware of the cues you’re sending, s

  • 539: Leila Hormozi | From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M

    14/11/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    How do you go from being arrested  six times to earning $100M — all before the age of 28?That's the remarkable story of today’s guest, Leila Hormozi. Together with her husband Alex, Leila runs a business empire that now rakes in over $200M annually. She's an expert in scaling, operations and leadership, with a work ethic that's the envy of entrepreneurs everywhere.In this hugely inspiring conversation, we’re diving deep into a few critical questions: How do you build a wildly successful business? How do you program your mindset for success? And what does it *really* take to create the life of your dreams?Press play to hear Leila’s epic insights on: what all successful CEOs have in common, her unconventional approach to hiring new team members, her unique strategies for consistent content creation, the daily habits that allow her to outperform her peers, how she coaches herself through tough moments, and why stepping outside your comfort zone is crucial for achieving your dreams.Leila also gets personal,

  • 538: How To Break Free from Imposter Syndrome & Unlock Your True Potential

    07/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    Do you ever feel like a fraud? Like you don’t deserve to be where you are?And like it’s just a matter of time before everyone sees through you?If you’re nodding your head right now, you might be suffering from a case of Impostor Syndrome.Imposter syndrome is when you feel like your success is undeserved and you chalk up any accomplishments to luck, rather than your own skills and abilities.If you’re familiar with this sneaky saboteur, there’s good news: there are plenty of simple but powerful techniques you can use to overcome this crushing self-doubt.In this hugely important and inspiring episode, you’ll learn how to move through and manage Imposter Syndrome so that it doesn’t stop you from chasing your dreams.Press play to learn: why no one is immune from self-doubt — not even world class performers and high achievers, my own personal experience with Imposter Syndrome while writing my first book, how reshaping your perceptions can help you rewrite your internal narrative, the "5-4-3-2-1" technique to g

  • 537: Birthing 9 Babies, Free-Birthing, & How To Have An Orgasmic Birth | Yolande Norris-Clark

    31/10/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    What if birth wasn’t an ordeal from which women needed to be “delivered”?What if instead, birth could be a spiritual experience; a journey that was transformational, transcendent, and even ecstatic?To delve into these questions, I’m joined by the remarkable Yolande Norris-Clark. Better known as ‘Bauhaus Wife’ on social media, Yolande is a radical birth liberation activist who’s supported thousands of women to have the physiologic birth of their dreams. She’s also birthed all nine of her own children at home, culminating in an orgasmic birth with her ninth baby — something which I was incredibly keen to pick her brains about!In this awe-inspiring conversation, we delve deep into Yolande’s personal story — including what it’s *really* like to birth nine babies at home, how she experienced intensity during her first eight births, and what finally changed for her ninth birth that allowed her to have a pain-free, orgasmic experience.We also dig into the stuff that every woman needs to know about birth — like

  • 536: Gene Keys, Finding Your True Purpose & Unlocking Your Full Potential | Richard Rudd

    24/10/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Does your DNA hold the secret to your true life purpose?To answer this question, I’m joined by Richard Rudd, the visionary author of the best selling spiritual book, “Gene Keys”.Richard’s work is based on the intriguing possibility that nestled within our DNA lies not just the code of our physical being, but also the map to unlocking our fullest potential. And in this massively inspiring episode, he’s revealing how to tap into this potential and awaken the gifts that live inside you.Press play now to learn: the crucial difference between Gene Keys and Human Design, how to unravel your unique spiritual profile, the interplay between your Gene Keys and epigenetics, how mastering the art of contemplation can lead to a more fulfilling life, and how to finally figure out your true life purpose. So if you’re curious about your life purpose, if you’re longing to unlock the best you, and if you’d love tangible strategies to tap into your true potential, then press play now… this one’s for you. Head to www.m

  • 535: How To Unlock Business Growth By Working ON Your Business, Not Just IN It

    17/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Ever feel like your business is stuck in place? Like you’re doing loads of work, but never truly progressing?If so, you’re not alone — and this episode could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.Today we’re diving deep into the crucial difference between working IN your business and ON your business.Understanding this critical distinction (and knowing how to find the sweet spot between the two) can unlock the momentum you've been craving in your business and help you make more progress than ever before.Tune in to learn why most entrepreneurs get caught in the trap of focusing solely on the daily grind, how to pivot towards a more balanced approach, the powerful techniques that can free up your time, why it’s essential to shift your entrepreneurial mindset, how to leverage technology, and the life-changing magic of priority planning.If you’re ready to elevate your business game and achieve those lofty goals plastered on your vision board, then press play now…this one’s for you!Head to www.melissaambrosi

  • 534: How To Quit Fast Fashion | Daisy Burgess & Caroline Poiner

    10/10/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Ever considered the journey your clothes take before they grace your closet? Or wondered about the environmental and ethical impact of fast fashion?Or pondered what it *really* means when a brand new T-shirt only costs $5?To shed light on these crucial but often overlooked topics, I’m joined by Daisy Burgess and Caroline Poiner, the dynamic mother-daughter duo behind the sustainable fashion brand, Cloth & Co.These passionate founders are on a mission to reshape our understanding of fashion. Their vision? To empower consumers to transition out of the damaging cycle of fast fashion by creating sustainable, ethical, beautiful clothing options that value both our planet and its people. From the ins and outs of Cloth & Co.'s unique story, to the staggering realities of fast fashion, this discussion covers it all. Press play to hear: the astonishing life cycle of the clothes in your closet, the lesser-known industry secrets that will should be making headline news, exposing the gender discriminati

  • 533: How To Build a 7-Figure Business with the Co-Founder Of Bossbabe | Danielle Canty

    03/10/2023 Duration: 01h10min

    Less than 2% of women reach the coveted ‘7 figure’ mark in their business. Today’s podcast guest, Danielle Canty, is on a mission to reverse this alarming trend.As the co-founder of bossbabe, one of the world’s most impactful self-development brands, Danielle helps women business owners to elevate their entrepreneurial game, become millionaires, and rewrite their future for generations to come.In this electrifying episode, Danielle is sharing her most powerful biz- and brand-building secrets. Press play to hear: how she went from being a small-town chiropractor to building a global brand in under four years, the three pivotal strategies that fueled the unprecedented growth of bossbabe, harnessing the power of authentic marketing, how to avoid overwhelm and frustration while building a social media following, innovative ways to create a thriving online community, how to craft an unforgettable brand, and the most important strategies to implement if you want to become part of the ‘two percent’.This high-vo

  • 532: Seed Cycling, Pain-Free Periods, Fertility & Healthy Hormones | Mel Kovacevic

    26/09/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Are you ready to revolutionize your hormonal health, amp up your fertility, and embrace your body’s natural cycles like never before? Then join me for an eye-opening journey into the world of ‘seed cycling’ and ‘period hacking’ with the remarkable Mel Kovacevic.In this riveting conversation, Mel demystifies the ancient practice of seed cycling — a practice I’ve embraced in my own life, with results that have left me nothing short of obsessed!Press play to discover the specific seeds that can harmonize with each phase of your menstrual cycle, why hormones play such a critical role in women’s health, natural methods to ‘hack’ your period, the science behind seed cycling, as well as powerful natural strategies for those approaching perimenopause and menopause. You’ll also learn the practical steps to get started with your own seed cycling journey — including which seeds to have when, the significance of choosing organic, and how to extract the most nutrients from your seeds.This enlightening conversati

  • 531: Saving Money & Transforming Food 'Scraps' into Delicious Meals | Max La Manna

    19/09/2023 Duration: 01h19s

    Do you have a bag of slimy spinach in your fridge right now?! Do you throw things like apple cores, banana skin and the tops of strawberries in the trash?And do you sometimes find it difficult to find the time, motivation and energy to cook healthy meals for you and your family? If you’re nodding your head right now, then buckle up for an eye-opening conversation with Max La Manna, an eco-conscious chef with a revolutionary take on food we once deemed “waste”.Max — a bona fide social media superstar, award-winning digital creator, and bestselling author — is here to share his simple but genius techniques to reduce waste in the kitchen, get more plants on your plate, and eat your way to a healthier planet.Listen in as we discuss: the surprising data about our wastage habits, ingenious solutions to salvage ingredients that are usually discarded, the overwhelming response to his book, how our everyday choices in the kitchen affect the planet, the surprising link between food waste and food insecurity, future t

  • 530: Not All Fun & Games: The Incredible Science Of Play & How It Helps Our Kids | Peter Gray

    12/09/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    Have you ever stopped to think about the profound impact of play on your child's happiness, health and development? In an era where children's schedules are packed and screens are everywhere, the fundamental importance of play often gets overlooked. But this is a mistake we can't afford to make, argues Peter Gray, a world leading psychologist and advocate for childhood play.In this hugely enlightening episode, Peter leads us on a deep-dive into the magic of play, revealing its pivotal role in boosting brain development, mental health, happiness, and overall well-being in our kids.Tune in to learn: why play is inextricably linked to learning, how the traditional school system has sidelined play, why kids desperately need unstructured free time, his take on screen time on development, how to foster your child’s natural curiosity, and why we should all strive to ‘un-busy’ our children. All up, this episode is more than just a conversation – it’s a call to action. It's about reclaiming childhood, foster

  • 529: Overcoming Entrepreneurial Overwhelm: Your Ultimate Guide to Thrive

    05/09/2023 Duration: 42min

    Are you overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do list?Do you find yourself drowning in deadlines, stretched too thin, and always chasing the clock? If so, you're not alone — so many entrepreneurs get bogged down by overwhelm and feel its crippling effects. So in this strategy-packed episode, we're diving deep into why this happens, and even more importantly, how to break the cycle for good.Press play to discover: how 'Solo Syndrome' can be unnecessarily inflating your to-do list, how to master the art of delegation, why perfectionism is so exhausting, how to tell if you’re suffering from ‘work creep’, the critical importance of setting firm boundaries for yourself, and why skimping on self-care is NOT the answer to getting more done!If you’ve been feeling like everything’s “too much”, then this episode is a life-saver. With these strategies up your sleeve, a calmer, more productive you is not just possible — it's within reach. So press play and let's make entrepreneurial overwhelm a thing of the past!

  • 528: The World’s Most Influential Philosopher On Ethical Eating | Peter Singer

    29/08/2023 Duration: 34min

    What is our responsibility to animals? Is there a way to consciously source and consume animal products? Or are we sacrificing the health of our planet for the sake of a few hamburgers?As the climate crisis grows in urgency, so too do these ethical dilemmas. Answering these questions, however, can often feel confusing, overwhelming… or even downright disheartening.Until, that is, you hear the wisdom and expert reasoning of Peter Singer — an expert in bioethics who’s not only known as the world’s most influential living philosopher, but is also the founding father of the modern animal rights and effective altruism movements.In this eye-opening episode, Peter sheds light on the modern-day challenges of making conscious, empowered eating choices. He provides clear, simple answers to some of the biggest ethical questions that might be keeping you up at night: Is animal liberation our responsibility? Is it possible to be a conscious omnivore? What secrets is the meat industry hiding from us? Why is it so easy to t

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