Ron Paul Liberty Report



Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report


  • New Twitter Bombshell: 'Former' FBI Agent Caught Removing Files Before 'Twitter Papers' Release!

    07/12/2022 Duration: 32min

    The "former" FBI Agent at the center of the bogus "Russiagate" operation was brought on by Twitter's previous management, where he played a key role in suppressing the Hunter Biden bombshell. Musk decided to release the internal communications of "old" Twitter around the censorship and that same "former" FBI agent was caught red-handed removing the evidence before it could be released!

  • What Are 'Rights'? Supremes Take On LGBTQ 'Discrimination'

    06/12/2022 Duration: 31min

    The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a case brought by a Colorado website designer who publicly opposes catering to same-sex marriages. Is the issue group rights, property rights, or freedom of speech vs. compelled speech? Also today: A third Ukraine drone strike inside Russia raises questions about escalation. How much was Washington involved?

  • Weekly Update --- The ‘Twitter Papers’ Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us

    06/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- The ‘Twitter Papers’ Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • FBI Plays Central Role In Twitter's Election Manipulation Operation

    05/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    As the threads of "Twittergate" continue to unravel, one common theme continues to be the role of the FBI - both current and former members - in the scandal. From phony Russiagate to suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop just before the election, the FBI is front and center in the operation. Also today: Are weapons for Ukraine surfacing in west Africa?

  • Another Hit For ESG: Florida Removes Billions From Blackrock

    02/12/2022 Duration: 21min

    Authoritarians struggle to get in control of as much as possible (schools, media, political parties, entertainment, etc.). They must believe that if they control it all, that their ideology will "win." But it's just not true. Freedom is the opposite. Freedom just needs a few small (often imperceptible) openings, and it prevails. ESG is an attempt to control the economy with an authoritarian political ideology. Freedom is already starting to burst right through it.

  • WWIII? Ukraine Should Attack Inside Russia, Says Latvian Foreign Minister

    01/12/2022 Duration: 23min

    Taking advantage of NATO's defense umbrella, the Latvian Foreign Minister stated yesterday that Ukraine should be free to bomb targets deep inside of Russia, stating that NATO members "should not fear" any escalation. That these weapons are primarily made in the USA apparently means little to little Latvia. Also today: is Poland salivating over western Ukraine? Finally: as Congress races to shovel more money into Ukraine, a new poll shows Americans could not care less.

  • Ukraine In NATO? Foreign Ministers Flex (Jaw) Muscles In Bucharest

    30/11/2022 Duration: 27min

    At the NATO foreign ministers summit in Bucharest this week, Member states talked tough about endless support for Ukraine "whatever it takes." They also reiterated a 2008 pledge to eventually welcome Ukraine as a Member. Are they serious? Also today: Biden's neocons are reportedly considering sending Patriot missiles to Ukraine despite Russian warnings that it would be a major escalation. How far will they go?

  • Weekly Update --- Separate Church & State

    30/11/2022 Duration: 05min

    Weekly Update --- Separate Church & State by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • Finally! MSM Outlets Call For Charges Against Assange To Be Dropped

    29/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    Five major mainstream media outlets, including the New York Times, have issued a letter calling the US Administration to drop the charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Assange has been a political prisoner in the UK since 2019. Also today: Twitter announced an end to its Covid "misinformation" policy...and the White House freaks out. Also: More demands from global welfare queens in Ukraine.

  • Fauci's Back...And He Wants You To Take The Shot!

    28/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    No longer fearing the wrath of a Republican-controlled Senate, Tony "The Science" Fauci is settling into his post-retirement gig: making the rounds on mainstream news outlets hectoring Americans about taking more boosters. He's even threatening that schools might "need" to be shut down again. Also today: Republicans in the House call for MORE long-range missiles to Ukraine. Finally, Liz Cheney accused of politicizing the January 6th Committee.

  • 'Cancel Culture And Cultural Marxism' - Ron Paul at RPI Lake Jackson Conference, 11/2022

    25/11/2022 Duration: 37min

    What are the greatest threats to liberty today? Attacks on freedom of speech and expression. Watch Ron Paul's speech at the Ron Paul Institute Conference - 'Shut Up! Cancel Culture and the War on Speech' - earlier this month.

  • Mises Institute 40th Anniversary - An Evening With Ron Paul

    24/11/2022 Duration: 45min

    This speech was given in Oct. 2022, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of The Mises Institute. Be sure visit

  • Weekly Update --- Is Washington’s Dangerous Ukraine Boondoggle Starting to Unravel?

    24/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- Is Washington’s Dangerous Ukraine Boondoggle Starting to Unravel? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • Gold Standard, Immigration, Austrian vs Chicago School - #AskRonPaul

    23/11/2022 Duration: 16min

    Dr. Paul again takes questions from our viewing audience, including one on how the country might be different had the US never gone off the gold standard. Some good lessons and interesting commentary.

  • War Party Rising! Incoming House Speaker McCarthy Touts Super-Neocon Agenda

    22/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    Incoming Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has vowed to put "confronting China" at the top of his agenda as speaker. Washington Neocons cannot survive without an enemy. Also today, Daniel Larison lays out what a President DeSantis foreign policy may look like...and it ain't pretty. Are neocons firmly back in the driver's seat?

  • Is Washington Falling Out Of Love With Zelensky? - with Guest Phil Giraldi

    21/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    Last week's false Ukraine assertion that Russia had attacked Poland was a big wake-up call for many. Some European media outlets flatly declared Ukraine's president Zelensky to be "dangerous." With another $50 billion in the pipeline, will Washington finally blink and stop the war madness? Former CIA Officer Phil Giraldi joins today's Liberty Report.

  • The "Great Reset" Must Fail -- The Sooner, The Better

    18/11/2022 Duration: 23min

    Those who could never "structure" the world, have no chance of "restructuring" it. Those who could never "set" our world in place, have no chance of "resetting" it either. The idea that human beings (or their technologies) can control the world and everything in it, is both illogical and dangerously irrational. The problem is not in proving why ideas like the "Great Reset" cannot work. That's the easy part. The problem is in limiting the amount of economic damage and human suffering that such reckless pursuits needlessly cause.

  • Was FTX A Democrat Money-Laundering Scheme?

    17/11/2022 Duration: 29min

    One thing you will not see is the mainstream media looking into failed crypto-exchange/ponzi scheme FTX. Why? It's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was the second largest Democrat Party donor after George Soros. SBF's parents were part of the financial deep state. And, to top it all, FTX was involved in sending millions of dollars to Ukraine. If this were a Republican scheme, the NYT and WaPo would be all over it, but because it was to the benefit of the Democrats and Ukraine, it remains just a...conspiracy theory.

  • Did Ukraine Try To Lie Us Into WWIII?

    16/11/2022 Duration: 33min

    After a Ukrainian S-300 missile struck Polish territory - killing two civilians - the Ukrainian president immediately claimed that Russia attacked a NATO member country and that NATO must act without hesitation against Russia. In other words, launch WWIII. Was he lying? Meanwhile, a lame duck Congress is expected to vote another possibly $50 billion for the bottomless Ukraine money pit. Will Republicans finally stand up?

  • Weekly Update --- A Tale of Two Midterms

    16/11/2022 Duration: 05min

    Weekly Update --- A Tale of Two Midterms by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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