Ron Paul Liberty Report



Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report


  • Insurrection! Congress Working To 'Trump Proof' Ukraine Military Aid

    29/04/2024 Duration: 22min

    In yet another example of the Democrats and their uniparty partners the Republicans seeking to narrow the foreign policy authority, Congress is reportedly seeking to create a ten year funding agreement with Ukraine that the next three future presidents will find nearly impossible to break. So much for voting. Also today, the Biden Crime Family strikes again?

  • Why Do Both Left & Right Attack Free Speech?

    26/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Freedom of Speech was included as the First Amendment for a reason. It's that important! Without the ability to speak freely and protest against the government, liberty is lost. Unfortunately, as with so many things when government power expands too far, freedom of speech becomes politicized. "Free speech for me, but not for thee." Both Left & Right will embrace censorship and cracking down on peaceful protests, if they believe it will help them "win." But once freedom of speech is sacrificed, the only "winner" is government power. Both the Left & the Right lose their liberties.

  • Netanyahu To Biden: Shut Down The Student Protests!

    25/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video yesterday attacking the student protests in the US against Israel's actions in Gaza and demanding that US authorities crack down on those exercising free speech. House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed Netanyahu's condemnation of the protesters and called for the National Guard to be sent in. Has he ever heard of "Kent State"? Also...Texas governor Gregg Abbott sent troops to crack heads at a University of Texas protest. Free speech on the ropes?

  • Bizarre Mitch McConnell: 'It's All Tucker Carlson's Fault!'

    24/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    In a bizarre rant after Senate passage of the huge $95 billion foreign aid bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed journalist Tucker Carlson for Republican opposition to the overseas giveaway. The top Senate Republican implied that Carlson's reporting on rampant corruption in Ukraine makes him a "Russian asset" rather than a journalist. Also today: The McConnell/Schumer uniparty bulldozes America. Finally: merit makes a comeback at US universities.

  • Weekly Update --- Final Nail In America's Coffin?

    24/04/2024 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- Final Nail In America's Coffin? by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • NATO At 75 - Time To Retire?

    23/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    NATO's purpose - if it ever had one - is now long since passed. The Cold War has ended and the over-blown scare of global communism has receded. So what is NATO's purpose in our era? Is it time for a radical restructuring? Also today - the Ukraine aid bill will likely be signed into law today and the military-industrial bonanza will be on. But will more weapons make a difference? Finally - is Trump secretly mad at Speaker Johnson?

  • CIA To Zelensky: 'Please Stop Stealing So Much.'

    22/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    According to a new article by Seymour Hersh, CIA Director William Burns traveled to Kiev earlier this year to ask Zelensky to stop skimming so much off the top of US aid money. Apparently his top generals were angry that he was skimming more than they were! Meanwhile Congress voted to send $60 billion MORE to the corrupt regime. With the money approved, calls are now going out for Western TROOPS to be sent to Ukraine. Also today: Trump's alleged "hush money" is "election interference"?

  • Don't Expect The Fed To Fix The Problems It Created!

    19/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    The government and the Fed are a tag-team of power that have pummeled America. The former spends trillions (that it doesn’t have) pretending to rule the world. The latter counterfeits those trillions into existence, destroying our economy and driving prices into the stratosphere. There can be no economic freedom living under this morally corrupt couple. Only ultimate bankruptcy. The marriage of Bank & State needs to be annulled.

  • 'War Time' Speaker Johnson's Ukraine Border Defense Bill Leaves US Borders Wide Open!

    18/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    House Speaker Mike Johnson said this week he considers himself a "war time" Speaker - even though we are not at war. But he seems to be at war with the American people, bringing up a bill to send a hundred billion dollars overseas while America struggles. Also today: will the Senate stop the super-spy bill?

  • Red Alert! Congress Goes 'Full Stasi' With New Spying Power!

    17/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    Buried deep in the FISA Section 702 re-authorization bill is absolutely shocking language exponentially broadening the US government's ability to spy on Americans without a warrant. Turning your plumber into a federal spy agent against you? It's in there! Your gardener? Yep. Truly shocking! Also today: The US Government has submitted its "assurances" to the UK regarding the Assange extradition plan. It's not good.

  • Weekly Update --- FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security.

    17/04/2024 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security. by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • Speaker Johnson Rolls Out MASSIVE Foreign Spending Bills. Zero For US Border.

    16/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    The revolt against House Speaker Mike Johnson is picking up steam, as Johnson revealed plans to take several MASSIVE foreign spending bills to the floor this week. Tying foreign aid to protecting the borders at home - once a staple in Johnson's rhetoric - has been tossed aside. Rep. Thomas Massie announced he would co-sponsor a bill to vacate the Chair - an ouster of Johnson.

  • Will Israel Escalate?

    15/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    After an unprecedented Iranian response to Israel's attack on its embassy in Syria, pressure is building for Israel to retaliate against the retaliation. Biden officials are panicking at the thought of a wider Mideast war in election season. What happens next? Also today, a US General admits the truth about Russia's war in Ukraine; after two years of US government lies.

  • Smackdown! Rand Hammers Mitch On 'Isolationism' Accusation!

    10/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Senator Paul put out a scorcher of an article in response to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's accusation that Rand was an "isolationist." We'll unpack the sizzler in today's show. Also today - Democrats are calling on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to step down so Biden can name a "younger" replacement in case he loses his re-election bid. Does this seem a bit tawdry and unseemly?

  • Anti-Biden Protest Vote Catching On Nationwide

    09/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    At least a half million Democrat voters have cast their votes for “uncommitted” rather than for Joe Biden, as opposition to his "blank check" policy for Israel continues to grow. Biden strategists are getting nervous. Also today: Gaza slaughter is bringing in big bucks for the Israeli arms industry. Finally: the House FISA battle heats up.

  • Weekly Update --- McConnell Cannot Stop The Non-Interventionist Tide

    09/04/2024 Duration: 04min

    Weekly Update --- McConnell Cannot Stop The Non-Interventionist Tide by Ron Paul Liberty Report

  • Democrat Revolt! Pelosi Demands Pause In Weapons To Israel!

    08/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    After last week's Israel attack on western aid workers, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has signed a Democrat Party letter to President Biden demanding a pause in arms shipments to Israel until an investigation can be completed on the attack. Democrats are increasingly feeling the pressure of their party's overwhelming opposition to Biden's Israel policy. Also today: more cracks in NATO's rotten core. Finally: Trump does the right thing on abortion.

  • $20 Min. Wage In California To Bring Higher Prices, Layoffs & Automation

    05/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    The minimum wage outlaws jobs. The only question is which jobs are outlawed. In California, any job that can be done for less than $20 are illegal in fast food chains. Naturally, prices for consumers will go up, workers are laid off (thanks to a law!) while automation, kiosks and robotics replace them. Smaller businesses go out of business, or are never started; while big businesses adapt with much greater ease. Sounds a lot like the policies that were imposed under covid, doesn’t it? But this time, the tool of choice is the minimum wage law.

  • The Death Of American Liberty, With Guest Jim Bovard

    04/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    For decades, writer Jim Bovard has been a critical observer of the passing scene. His documentation of the loss of our liberties will continue to be a valuable tool for future generations. Bovard joins us today to discuss his new book, "Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty."

  • Pentagon And Neocons Seek To 'Trump-Proof' Ukraine Military Aid

    03/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Pentagon and NATO officials are reportedly considering moving under NATO control a multi-national group that coordinates military aid to Ukraine. Control is currently in US hands, but the deep state fears a re-elected President Trump may attempt to stop their endless war machine. Also today: Biden's crocodile tears over Israel's slaughter of aid workers.

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