Turning Point - A Gps For Your Success ~ Judith Harrison

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  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network "Turning Point - a GPS for Success" will explore success elements, the role of stability, and the learn-able navigational skills and practices that can help us on the journey of the life of a business and the business of a life. Judith Harrison http://www.judithlharrison.com/


  • Live Well; Die Wise; Choices, Creativity and Comfort


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Dying well is a right and responsibility of everyone. It is also an inevitability for everyone. Why then do we struggle in our efforts to deny this and make every awkward effort to avoid it? It is said that we should die a little every day. It is said that children deal with it better than adults. Why then do we seem so surprised and uncomfortable with this aspect of a ‘great life’? Why do some see it as a solution to their lives??? We shall explore some of this jungle on our last show of Turning Point – a GPS for Success www.judithlharrison.com

  • Addictions and Beyond


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison I love my enthusiasm for “what’s next”!? And then I marvel at my surprise and dismay for what follows, forgetting that the goal is never the goal… even though this is a discovery I made and for which I coined the phrase – the goal is never the goal – many years ago. The latest ‘surprise’ was in registering for an online course for Addictions and Beyond Kundalini Yoga. When the trainer asked me what addictions I wanted to overcome, I was startled. Addictions? And then, quick on the heals of that, realizing that yes! I do have one - being a perpetual junkie for growth and development. Do you have one? www.judithlharrison.com

  • Reimagining The Human: Diaspora, Pilgrimage and Territorial Imperatives


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison How do we reconcile the difficulty of being a diaspora versus our nature as mobile creatures – nomads by nature and as such learn best when ‘in movement”? When the familiar is radically displaced because of violence versus the transformative experience of exchanging comfort zones for the unfamiliar and building our comfort quotient with failure – the unpredictable? “Death is our constant companion, and it is death that gives each person’s life its true meaning.” Paulo Coelho www.judithlharrison.com

  • How Does The Diaspora Affect My Soul?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison For years, and with increased intensity in the past few months, there has been a swelling tide of people migrating from their home country with interesting reactions and responses from nations around the world. Last week – the first week of September, there was a Turning Point when the picture of a small, drowned child – 3 years old – washed up on a shore, flooded the media, and, awakening consciousness riveted the world. What does this mean to our personal theology – the nature of humanity and of our view of life? www.judithlharrison.com

  • “How” to be Evolutionarily for Manifesting Change


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Working with material from Mike Dooley, we will “learn how to focus your thoughts, choose your words, and decide upon the physical steps you need to take in order to achieve the changes you desire”. Turning Point – a GPS for Success will explore success elements, the role of stability, and the learn-able navigational skills and practices that can help us on the journey of the life of a business and the business of a life. We look at what is “It” that keeps us running harder & faster, relentless in the pursuit thereof – the “It” factor? Why is it that we get smarter with technology, connect more broadly with Social Media, travel further afield than ever and yet continue to destroy ourselves (& others) with war, gender abuses, medication, and a growing incidence of disease to name but a few? Isn’t it time for a “Turning Point”? www.judithlharrison.com

  • My Future Best Self


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison My fascination and enthusiasm for life continues to grow –no matter what’s happening…stretching my heart open for longer and longer periods of time…and feel vulnerable without being victimized…hold my boundaries without being resentful, or beating myself up afterwards…kick up my heels and dance around like a fool…then revel in those moments of deep peace…and ”go back to grazing”. Life is a river flowing through us…what if we lived as though this IS the prescription for our future best self – the one we choose to live into? www.judithlharrison.com

  • Choosing Civility


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Turning Point – a GPS for Success will explore success elements, the role of stability, and the learn-able navigational skills and practices that can help us on the journey of the life of a business and the business of a life. We look at what is “It” that keeps us running harder & faster, relentless in the pursuit thereof – the “It” factor? Why is it that we get smarter with technology, connect more broadly with Social Media, travel further afield than ever and yet continue to destroy ourselves (& others) with war, gender abuses, medication, and a growing incidence of disease to name but a few? Isn’t it time for a “Turning Point”? www.judithlharrison.com

  • Widening The Circle; Expanding The Self


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Whereas last week we visited the power of mindfulness, commitment, and questions. This week we will further embrace the focus on mindfulness, questions, and letting go of attachments; commitments notwithstanding. “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison…widening our circle…in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.” P 255, Mindsight, The New Science of Personal Transformation”, Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. Turning Point – a GPS for Success will explore success elements, the role of stability, and the learn-able navigational skills and practices that can help us on the journey of the life of a business and the business of a life. We look at what is “It” that keeps us running harder & faster, relentless in the pursuit thereof – the “It” factor? Why is it that we get smarter with technology, connect more broadly with Social Media, travel further afield than ever and yet continue to destroy ourselves (& others) w

  • Dark Matters and Your Values – Why?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison “A lack of self-awareness or critical insight, or the presence of ambivalence or uncertainty about values, can lead to a less rational attitude to choices, and ultimately to undesirable behaviours.” ---NZ Govt. …a look at revisiting the values of 1) Know Thyself and 2) articulating your values. www.judithlharrison.com

  • Commitment – Why; Why Not?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Have you, or anyone you know, ever found yourself cornered by or resistant to making a commitment? Are you aware of what drives you and your life choices? Does it matter? Lets have a look at the framework required to give magic, genius, power back to you and your life. www.judithlharrison.com

  • What Box Has You Cornered?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Having been clinically trained and practicing as a psychotherapist over the past twenty plus years, I thought I had a pretty good handle on the constituents of ‘on being human’… but it was just one more box I had crawled into and now get to bust out from.   Questioning Perspective: Are you and individual first and then a relationship? Or, are you a relationship first and then an individual? Come on over and have a listen.   www.judithlharrison.com

  • Cold, Cautious, and Competent – Who is That Critical Thinker?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Over the past three weeks we have been cruising the waters of personalities, having stopped in the “D”, the “I”, the “S” ports of call, arriving now at The “C” of the personality seas. If ever we are to embark on a well thought our journey, we would not want o leave home without our detail-compliant and ever correct “C”. However, have you ever wondered why a certain someone is ‘driving you crazy’ with their endless questions, and perhaps seemingly with no particular purpose??? It could be a “c” in your midst; I have one of those in mine… they want every little intimate detail about everything…Come and listen for the challenge and the value a “C” brings to a world of wonders. www.judithlharrison.com

  • As Personalities Go – Is there An Endangered Species Among Us?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Are You Being “Suckered” by Your Best Trait? As we cruise through the fascination of various unique personality ‘ports of call’, we arrive at the soothing, soft “South Sea” waters disembarking at the “S” port of call. Our fair weather “S” folks are sweet, steady, stable – in short the glue of all groups, families and organizations. However, they could be thought of as an endangered species… Come to this Port and hear more as to why and how they can be preserved.   www.judithlharrison.com

  • Our Most Exotic ‘Port Of Call’: The “I” or Sanguine


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison OHHH – THE HEADY AROMA OF OUR SANGUINE TEMPERAMENT! This “character” is said to be Inspirational, Impressive, Influencing – they spend a great deal of their effervescence going ‘over the top’. Fun to be around and yet possibly exhausting and perhaps even a little annoying at times with their “excessive happiness” – ask my husband…J They are fun to be around and you won’t want to miss this ‘port of call’. Invite your friends for the ‘sure to be a party’ atmosphere. www.judithlharrison.com

  • First ‘Port of Call’: The “D” or Choleric


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success  with Host Judith L. Harrison AHHH – OUR BELOVED “D’S” THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ‘GET ‘ER DONE’ AND WHO DIE FIRST… ROHM SAYS WE GIVE THANKS FOR OUR WONDERFUL “D’s” because without them nothing would ever get done. They are drivers and doers. And, says Dr. Rohm, they die first because if they don’t learn counterpoints, they wear themselves out with so much nervous energy. This might even be you? Come on board and DISCover more about this wonderful and challenging ‘’character’’ trait. They have needs too… www.judithlharrison.com

  • Ready to Disc-Over Being Human?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison TODAY we begin our CRUISE through “Positive Personality Profiles”. “Anyone knows that you should approach certain animals differently, and treat them differently, based on what you know about them. The same is true about people. But, you say, aren’t we all more or less the same? AHA – alas, this is where we go awry and things go amok. We are left feeling bruised, confused, and possibly even have been cause in the matter of abuse. Wouldn’t you prefer to know – and be equipped to practise knowing – ‘with whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?’ Join us on the cruise of a lifetime – discover some familiar ports and some very exotic foreign places with new ‘sea legs’… www.judithlharrison.com

  • Where Have You Been Blindsided?


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison “NO ONE IS SO GOOD THAT HE HAS NO BAD IN HIM, AND NO ONE IS SO BAD THAT HE HAS NO GOOD IN HIM.” ---NAPOLEON HILL In the time of Christopher Columbus the prevailing belief was that the world was flat, this belief, universally held to be factually true became the (I don’t know what I don’t know) context for all manner of thinking, deciding, and behaving. The same can be said of humans in how we hold certain limiting beliefs of ourselves/others and behave as though they are the straight bill of goods. How do you feel about the Omar Khadr case? www.judithlharrison.com

  • Insights, Tools and Reflections on the pain of Going Nowhere vs Success


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison To be successful in life – like any game to which we are committed to win at - we all need a detailed plan or set of instructions to guide us in getting from where we are to where we want to go. And, even if you consider yourself to have achieved success already, you still need to continue your success education and evolutionarily journey. It is where you find your juice for sustainability in an ever-changing world. To grow will always require a new set of structures and reference points – this is inherent in what it is to grow :) www.judithlharrison.com

  • Full Catastrophe Living


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison Of course, many will recognize this show title as the title of a bestseller by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph. D. A mentor once told me I had to learn to love being out of control. This was shocking wisdom coming from a highly organized and self-disciplined individual guiding me on how to build a successful business. That sounded like a catastrophe to me… But, I think that first we get to learn from our stress and secondly, to know how to manage the inevitable, and thirdly how to discern between eustress versus distress. How can we best live our life on THRIVE? www.judithlharrison.com

  • Insights for Success


    Turning Point- a GPS for your Success with Host Judith L. Harrison To be successful in life – like any game we play with commitment – we all need a detailed plan or set of instructions to guide us in getting from where we are to where we want to go…and, in fact to even determine where DO we want to go! And, if you consider yourself to have achieved success already, you still need to revise and revivify your success education. If you are walking, talking, breathing… there is more to do and more to grow into.   Join us on an exploration of some thoughts on a Roadmap to Success with America’s top intellectual minds, including your host for Turning Point – GPS for Success. www.judithlharrison.com

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