Divine Savior Church-santa Rita Ranch Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 167:26:32
  • More information



Sunday messages from Divine Savior Church-Santa Rita Ranch (formerly Peace Lutheran Church) in Liberty Hill, TX.


  • 2. Scandal | The Plan

    05/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    There are many times when it’s just best for us not to know the future. Yet, Jesus was fully aware of how God intended to redeem this world from its rebellion and sin. God’s plan is so scandalous (that the Father was willing to sacrifice his Son) that Jesus asks for another way. There is no other way and Jesus is resolute in his determination to move forward. Support the show

  • 1. Scandal | The Plot

    26/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    Ever since the Enemy first rebelled, his greatest goal has been the destruction of everything and anything good that God has made. As a liar and deceiver, he has succeeded in leading us astray time and again. But now Satan has set his sights on the ultimate prize—the Son of God, the promised Savior of the worldSupport the show

  • 3. Experiencing Generosity | Our Generosity with Gifts

    19/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    Not only has God been generous with us by giving us stuff. He has also given us time and talents. He has given us these spiritual “gifts” in order to use them to make a difference in the lives of others. Why? To reflect his light and love in the world around us. We offer our bodies and lives as “living sacrifices” to thank God for his grace and mercy to us! All of our gifts work together for the common good of all. When we are using our gifts generously for each other, the whole community benefits. So let’s use them! Let’s be generous with our gifts! Because He was generous with his gifts to us!Support the show

  • 2. Experiencing Generosity | Our Generosity with Gold

    12/02/2023 Duration: 33min

    Like a parent giving their children money so they can experience buying someone a present, God gives us gifts so we can experience generosity by experiencing being generous. We not only experience generosity from God as recipients. We experience generosity as God allows us to be in on the giving. We become channels through which God pours resources to meet the needs of others. When we give generously, we will never lack anything. The more we give the more we get. Our generosity not only gives God thanks… it honors Him and shows we trust Him. When we give, we truly get so much more of what we wanted in the first place.Support the show

  • 1. Experiencing Generosity | The Generosity of God

    05/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    There are two things we can focus on: what we have, or what we don’t have. It is going to be a lot more helpful to focus on what we have. That opens our eyes to see the amazing generosity God has shown us! He has been generous to us in his creation, in his providence, in saving us, and in having mercy on us. God is generous with us even when you don’t think He is. Let’s stop focusing on what we don’t have, and give thanks for what we do have! Let’s celebrate the generosity of God!Support the show

  • 5. New Year, New You | Reconciled in Relationships

    29/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    This series has focused on you – how you can become a new you in this new year. You don’t live your life in a vacuum though.  You have relationships with others – many others. You are interconnected with other people – your spouse, your children, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbor. All those relationships will be affected by what you do and what you don’t do.  So, what will the new you do?  Thanks be to God that his grace allows us to work through our relationships in repentance and forgiveness, restore and rebuild, and enjoy the blessings of the people God has placed around us. Support the show

  • 4. New Year, New You | Empowered by Baptism

    22/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    To change your life for more than one month and for more than one year will require some serious power. The dedication necessary must come from a capable source. In your Baptism, which connects you to Jesus’ own, the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit has been at work to give you a rebirth and to renew you daily. This empowers you to be the new you that God has declared you to be through his miraculous power. Support the show

  • 3. New Year, New You | Set Free from the Law

    15/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    How can you live a new life that becomes identified as good and joyful by those around you?  When you know that a burden of guilt and shame can no longer hang on your shoulders. When you aren't living to measure up to a perfect standard, but you live in the joyful understanding that that standard has been met for you by Jesus Christ. Then you are free - free to be a light shining that same grace to those around you. Support the show

  • 2. New Year, New You | Blessed in All Circumstances

    08/01/2023 Duration: 25min

    When you look ahead to a new year and the new you that you will be, do you hope external things will change?  Do you hope that this year will be the one that is different?  Do you find yourself saying, “This year will be better than last, and it has got to be better than the one before that. Easier, more fun, more relaxed, more enjoyable.”? What if the change that is needed isn’t external, but internal? Jesus spoke statements of blessing that may shock us at first, but they help us understand how the new perspective of faith allows us to see God’s blessing in every situation. Support the show

  • 1. New Year, New You | You are Redeemed

    02/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Everyone’s talking about them and pointing them out: the latest and the greatest products, programs, and apps promise to transform your life in the new year, if you will just commit to them. The message of Jesus isn’t something new. It’s been spoken and reviewed for thousands of years, yet Jesus has the power to make you new. He does so as the lamb of God that John had to point out – the lamb of God who takes away sin. In Jesus, you know that it is your faithful God who has committed himself to make you new. That is the foundation for what we can expect in this series. Support the show

  • The Weary World Rejoices! | Christmas Eve

    25/12/2022 Duration: 13min

    A Christmas message from Pastor AptSupport the show

  • 10. We Want to See Jesus | The King of Kings

    18/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    We need a king. God’s people needed a king. They tried finding leadership, guidance, and protection in human judges and kings. But it didn’t work. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes. They needed a king. Those imperfect kings pointed ahead to the King we truly needed. King David, in particular, as a shepherd-king, was a picture of the king Jesus was coming to be. All of the Bible points us to the King we need. All of those promises were fulfilled when an angel told Mary she would have a child who would be our King. A King who would reign in righteousness forever. This King was born into our world, won the victory over our enemy, and sits on the throne of our hearts and God’s throne in heaven forever. Jesus is the King of kings!Support the show

  • 9. We Want To See Jesus | Time After Time

    11/12/2022 Duration: 25min

    As we get to the end of Old Testament history, we see how God never abandoned his people. They turned their backs on Him, but He continued to be gracious and merciful. They were unfaithful but He was always faithful. He kept all of his promises. And that is just what they needed to lead them to trust his BIG promise – sending Jesus into this world. During the Advent season, we need this same confidence that God will come as He promised. He always does, always shows mercy, time after time. He doesn’t abandon his people. He guides us. He provides for us.  And He is always ready to forgive. He proved that when He kept his promise to send Jesus into our world.Support the show

  • 8. We Want To See Jesus | The Lord Our Righteousness

    04/12/2022 Duration: 28min

    From the beginning, we have so often chosen to make our own standards of what is good and right. Our own codes of morality.  No matter how well we might think that works, it won’t help us if it doesn’t line up with God’s standard of morality. We have fallen so far short and gotten so off track from that standard. Which created all kinds of damage in our lives and collateral damage in the lives of those around us. The influences we often listen to point us to live by our own codes of morality instead of God’s. That won’t help us. But God, who loves us, had a way to give us his morality, his righteousness, as a gift. He also provided a way for us to be encouraged, influenced, & shepherded back to the life He offers us. He did that all through Jesus. The One promised to come.Support the show

  • 7. We Want To See Jesus | An Unexpected Discovery

    27/11/2022 Duration: 28min

    We’ve heard stories about people discovering very valuable treasures that were right under their noses for a long time. They just didn’t realize it until they made an unexpected discovery. Can that be true about the relationship we have with the most valuable treasure we have on earth? Has it been sitting under our noses without us realizing it? I am talking about the Bible. The Word of God with which He reveals Himself and his good news to us with! An Old Testament king discovered this lost treasure and it changed his life.  Why is God’s Word such a valuable treasure? Because we want to see Jesus! And Jesus IS the Word! If we aren’t in our Bibles, we are missing out on Jesus. Then we are missing hope. Let find Him. He’s right there in the Word!Support the show

  • 6. We Want To See Jesus | God Is Present With Us

    20/11/2022 Duration: 27min

    How often do you feel alone in life? More often than you should. God said from the beginning it’s not good for us to be alone. He gave us each other to be a community of people on earth. And He also promised us his presence. Throughout the Bible, we see the many ways God reminds us of his presence. Especially the visible way He reminded us of his presence with the Temple. But that temple pointed to the ultimate way He would be with us – in Jesus, the true Temple. And before He left, Jesus said He would be with us always. As Jesus lives in our hearts, we are now God’s temple, God’s presence here on earth. Because Jesus is present in our hearts!Support the show

  • 5. We Want To See Jesus | So That We Might Know

    13/11/2022 Duration: 27min

    We aren’t always good at remembering, so we need reminders. Our photos apps and social media occasionally send us images as reminders of what happened 5, 10, or 15 years ago. We put pictures on the wall to remind us of beautiful memories. It’s important to do this! God taught his people the importance of remembering things by setting up physical reminders or even by giving certain names to people. We need daily reminders of God’s grace and love and salvation, and He gives us those in his Word. As He was saving his people through an Old Testament man named Joshua, we see Jesus, our Savior, right in the middle of it. A reminder of God’s salvation!Support the show

  • 4. We Want to See Jesus | You Can Rest Now

    06/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    You Can Rest Now  (God Substitutes/Sacrifices For Us)Imagine having to pay back your debt to society… having to make up for everything you have ever done wrong. That would be frustrating and exhausting. The book of Leviticus shows us just how exhausting it would be, and how many sacrifices it would take. But Leviticus wasn’t put in the Bible to exhaust you or discourage you from continuing your Bible reading plan… it was put there to powerfully show you God’s solution for all we owe! In a beautiful and dramatic way, Leviticus shows us how God is going to give us rest! Right in the center of this book is Jesus! Once you see Him there, you will never be able to miss Him!Support the show

  • 3. We Want to See Jesus | Saved by the Blood of the Lamb

    30/10/2022 Duration: 28min

    The Passover Lamb  (God Forgives Us)Maybe you have neighbors who celebrate Passover and you wonder what that is all about. It is a central idea in the Bible and a huge part of the worship rhythm of God’s people. The original feast helped God’s people remember how He delivered them from slavery and oppression. Year after year, they observed this to remember that. But at the same time, they were learning about a much greater future deliverance… their Passover lambs pointed to The Passover Lamb whose blood would save them for good. The ties between the two are impossible to dismiss. Jesus was there all along! Our real Passover Lamb! Whose death freed us for good!Support the show

  • 1. We Want to See Jesus | We Want to See Jesus

    16/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    We Want To See Jesus (God Fixes Us)A lot of people, including Christians, don’t seem to know the Old Testament very well. We might know a few of the Sunday School stories. But beyond that, we quit on Bible reading plans because we get bored by the time we get to Leviticus. It might be because we aren’t seeing Jesus in it. And He is there. Right from the beginning, the epic battle begins. And we need Someone to come and rescue us and win that battle for us. We need a Man who stands in the gap for us. A true King. And He is promised from the beginning.Support the show

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