Carolina Family Church (audio)



Weekly sermons from Carolina Family Church. We follow Jesus, build families, and serve our community.


  • Community - People of Character


    Ultimately, we cannot control anyone else. Experiencing community is dependent primarily on our commitment to character. Will we choose to be the kind of people who experience fellowship, or will we choose to be people who allow wedges to be driven between us and others?

  • Community - People of Partnership


    Fellowship in the church starts with the understanding we are all the same but then builds with the understanding we are all different. When we embrace the gifts God has given us and the gifts He has given to our brothers and sisters in faith, we can experience the fullness of being part of the Body of Christ.

  • Community - People of Unity


    Being people of peace should be easy in our relationships with other Christians, right? Maybe not. What do we need to maintain unity with other Believers even though we may have differences? In this part of Ephesians 4, Paul shows us what holds us together.

  • Community - People of Peace


    It doesn’t matter how many resolutions we keep this year, if our relationships are in the tank, our year will go down the drain. In this message, we will start a 4 week study of Galatians 4 and learn how to honor God in our relationships.

  • Heaven Came Down - The Honored King


    Can a King be born to seemingly average people in the middle of nowhere? Would anyone believe it? What if that was the plan all along? As we read the Christmas story from Matthew’s Gospel, we will see that was exactly the case.

  • Heaven Came Down - The Perfect Example


    When Jesus arrived, He brought with Him everything we need for everlasting life. This Christmas we look at the gifts Jesus brought to us, starting with the perfect example of His life.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - Big Letters For A Big Letter


    At the end of this whole letter, Paul summarizes his point in his own handwriting. He really wants the Galatians to build their lives on this truth. As we have studied this letter, we have learned to do the same.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - We Are Spiritual Teammates


    Spiritual growth is not a competition to see who can earn more of God’s love or approval. Having a grace-based understanding of the Gospel and how we are supposed to live as Christians helps us see that we are teammates and partners. Paul describes this beautifully in our passage this week.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - The Fruit Identifies The Tree


    If it isn’t a law that guides us, then what does? How are we supposed to live a life that brings glory to God, and how do we know if we are doing it? In this passage, Paul talks about what the Spirit produces versus what the flesh produces.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - Avoid Christian Cannibals


    Look out for Christian cannibals! Legalism causes Christians to spiritually eat each other alive. This is not what we were set free to do, so in this passage, Paul explains what our approach to one another should be. Our group will explore how this mentality shift affects our relationships.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - Is Love Enough?


    If it’s not a system of rules and punishment directing our relationship with God, what is it? If we are free, as Paul says, then how are we supposed to stand in that freedom, and what difference does it make?

  • Facts, Faith, & Fruit - Who’s Your Momma?


    God may have implemented a religious system out of necessity for Israel, but His intention all along was for His children to be free. In our passage this week, Paul finalizes his argument by showing us how the lives of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar demonstrate this reality. We can say, once and for all, that our position with God is not dictated by a law or religious system.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - It’s Not Me, It’s You


    As children of God, inundated with ideas from influencers all around us, we need to develop discernment to know what is true. As Paul encourages the Galatians in our passage to evaluate their sources, we will learn to do the same.

  • Facts, Faith, & Fruit - Written Into God’s Will


    If we know that Christians don’t have to live under the Law and keep rules in order to be close to God, then how do we do it? How does God want us to view Him and our relationship with Him? In this passage, Paul further develops the analogy of a child growing into maturity to help us understand.

  • Facts, Faith, & Fruit - Freed From The Guard


    If the Old Testament Law cannot make a person right in front of God, then what purpose does it serve? It is totally irrelevant? As we continue in Galatians 3, we will see that the Law has served a very important role and still does today.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - What About Abraham?


    Want a perfect example of salvation being by faith and not works of the Law? Look at Abraham. That’s what we will do in this message as we continue to understand the Gospel.

  • Facts, Faith, & Fruit - Snap Out Of It!


    Christians have to choose whether to live according to works or to live according to faith. The difference couldn’t be more drastic. In this passage, Paul helps the Galatians see which one is better so they will make a commitment to living by faith. As we study, we will not only see this truth but also discuss how it is possible.

  • Facts, Faith & Fruit - Kill the Old, Live the New


    We can really see Paul’s passion as he finishes his argument to Peter about the gospel. This is no small thing for them to decide and it’s no small thing for us to apply. Being sure the foundation of the gospel is rock-solid is essential to a Christian’s life. In this message, we will make sure we understand this message and why it is so important to us.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - A Chameleon Lacks Confidence


    Relationships are forged in unity and often galvanized by conflict. In this week’s message, we will look at the conflict between Paul and Peter and better understand how and why to hold each other accountable.

  • Facts, Faith, and Fruit - Teamwork Makes The Dream Work


    Being united in the gospel, what is the plan for taking that message to the world? With the effectiveness of Paul’s ministry, the other Apostles recognized a tremendous opportunity to expand their reach and impact more people with the truth!

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