Trump Watch

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 270:09:28
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What Trump's actually doing--as opposed to what he's tweeting--plus news about the resistance. Hosted by Jon Wiener, contributing editor at The Nation, and broadcast live at KPFK 90.7FM in LA Thursdays at 3.


  • Political Update: Harold Meyerson; Abortion in Texas: Rick Perlstein; 'Summer of Soul': John Powers

    10/09/2021 Duration: 57min

    Democrats are headed toward passage of both the bipartisan infrastructure bill AND the reconciliation bill: Harold Meyerson reports. Plus: Abortion politics and Republican power – Rick Perlstein explains the long history of how abortion became a Republican issue – starting in 1972, His latest book is “Reaganland.” Also: our favorite documentary of the summer that just ended was “Summer of Soul” -- John Powers liked it too – he'll explain why.

  • Biden After Afghanistan: Alan Minsky; Ethel Rosenberg: Anne Sebba; Ed Asner: Ella Taylor

    03/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    America’s longest war came to an end on Monday as the last troops left Afghanistan, 20 years after we started fighting there. How much have the disasters around the Afghan pullout hurt Joe Biden and his agenda? How much will it hurt the Democrats in the midterms next November? Alan Misnky comments. Also: The life, and death, of Ethel Rosenberg, the accused “atom spy”: who was she before she was framed by the FBI, before she called their bluff, and went to her execution? Anne Sebba has written a really good book about that—it’s called “Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy.” Plus: our TV critic Ella Taylor will talk about Ed Asner, who died on Sunday – he was one of the most active progressives in Hollywood for decades--and he helped transform television. Also: our Labor Day weekend pick: “The Big Scary “S“ Word,” a new doc about democratic socialism.

  • Biden's big idea: Alan Minsky; Afghan women: Katha Pollitt; 'Chair': Ella Taylor

    27/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    Joe Biden is betting that voters care more about health, education and jobs than about Afghanistan--Alan Minsky explains. Plus: What Americans owe Afghan women: Katha Pollitt has been talking to women who lead Afghan women's organizations. Also: 'Chair' is the new campus comedy starring Sandra Oh, on Netflix: Ella Taylor has our review.

  • Afghanistan & American politics: Harold Meyerson & Andrew Bacevich; Ella Taylor on Barbara Lee

    20/08/2021 Duration: 57min

    Afghanistan in American politics, past and present: Harold Meyerson explains why the disastrous end of our Afghan war won’t matter in the elections in 2022 and 2024. Plus: the Taliban Triumph: Andrew Bacevich comments on 20 years of American hubris and ignorance, promises made, and promises broken. Also: there was only one member of Congress who voted against the authorization for the use of force in Afghanistan, back in 2002: Barbara Lee from northern California. Now there’s a documentary out about her: “Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power.” Ella Taylor has our review.

  • Art Spiegelman: ‘Street Cop’; David & Margaret Talbot: The Sixties; Ella Taylor: Ady Barkan

    13/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    The great comics artist Art Spiegelman, who won a Pulitzer Prize for Maus, has a new book out: Street Cop, illustrations for a story by Robert Coover, published by He talks about working on that during the pandemic, and about his most controversial drawings – at the New Yorker, and The Nation. Also: here’s a new book about the sixties--about the heroism, and the disasters, of the movements of that decade. The authors are the brother and sister team David Talbot and Margaret Talbot--David is the founder of, and Margaret writes for the New Yorker. And our critic Ella Taylor reviews “Not Going Quietly,” the documentary about activist Ady Barkan, who is dying of ALS.

  • Harold Meyerson on Infrastructure; Alan Minsky on Nina Turner; Gregg Golsavles on the Delta variant

    06/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    The deficiencies in the bipartisan infrastructure bill will be remedied in the big one that Dems aim to pass via reconciliation, says Harold Meyerson. Also: The significance for Progressives of the defeat of Nina Turner in the Cleveland House primary: Alan Minsky comments. And Gregg Gonsalves explains three things Biden needs to do to stop the gobal spread of the Delta variant, and the next variants that will come along.

  • Bipartisanship Lives! Harold Meyerson; Boyle Heights: George Sanchez; Dick Gregory: Ella Taylor

    30/07/2021 Duration: 55min

    The one trillion dollar infrastructure bill has made it to the floor of the Senate—where it is expected to pass. Bipartisanship lives! Harold Meyerson comments – also on the California recall, and on the most successful economic justice movement of the past decade: the Fight for $15. Plus: the Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle Heights. It’s known today as the heartland of Chicano culture. Historian George Sanchez will explain how its multicultural, interracial past made it a bastion of progressive democracy. His new book is Boyle Heights. Also our TV critic Ella Taylor talks about a documentary on the life of Dick Gregory, the Black comedian of the sixties turned political activist. It’s called “The One and Only Dick Gregory,” and it’s on Showtime.

  • The 'Bipartisan' Infrastructure Bill: Harold Meyerson; Utopia: Jeet Heer; Alvin Aliey: Ella Taylor

    23/07/2021 Duration: 51min

    Senate Republicans blocked taking up the bipartisan infrastructure bill on Wednesday-Democrats are trying one more time to satisfy GOP demands on this one. Harold Meyerson comments. Also: “Utopian” has been a term of abuse in politics for a long time now, synonymous with “irrational” and “impossible.” Instead, we are told, we should focus on realistic plans to improve things. But The Nation is publishing a special issue in defense of utopia. Jeet Heer explains how the dreams of a good society keep hope alive and expose the inadequacy of present structures. Also: our TV critic Ella Taylor talks about the new PBS American Masters documentary on choreographer Alvin Ailey.

  • Biden's Big Budget: Harold Meyerson; The Sixties: David & Margaret Talbot; Bourdain: Ella Taylor

    16/07/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Biden’s Big Budget: Harold Meyerson comments on the Democrats’ agreement to spend $3.5 trillion, and on Bernie’s new status as the architect of some of the most progressive elements of the bill. Plus: plutocrats in space. Also: triumphs and disasters of the sixties: there’s a new book about the movements of that decade, about some of heroes, and some of the problems. The authors are the brother and sister team David Talbot and Margaret Talbot--David is the founder of, and Margaret writes for the New Yorker. The book is called “By the Light of Burning Dreams.” Plus: our TV critic Ella Taylor talks about 'Roadrunner,' a new documentary about Anthony Bourdain, whose massively popular TV shows about food around the world came to focus on politics more than cooking. Bourdain committed suicide in 2018. The film is made by Morgan Neville, whose previous work includes “20 feet from stardom,” the great film about backup singers, and “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?,” about Mister Rogers.

  • Voting after the Supremes: Meyerson; Critical Race Theory: Kim Crenshaw; 'Summer of Soul': Taylor

    09/07/2021 Duration: 01h17s

    The Supremes gave the green light last week to Republican moves to make it harder to vote -- that gives Democrats and voting rights groups more work to do. Harold Meyerson comments. Also: “Critical Race Theory” has been attacked on Fox News nearly 1300 times. It’s being banned from public schools and colleges in something like 15 Republican states. But what IS “critical race theory”? And why is this happening now? Kimberlé Crenshaw explains; she teaches law at Columbia and UCLA, and she’s probably the most prominent figure associated with critical race theory—she coined the term 30 years ago. She’s also creator of the concept “intersectionality.” And the hashtag #SayHerName. Also later in the hour: our TV critic Ella Taylor talks about “Summer of Soul”, a documentary about a music festival in a park in Harlem in 1969 --it’s the most powerful and moving thing I’ve seen about the sixties anywhere – and the story it tells was completely forgotten --the footage sat in a basement for nearly 50 years, and n

  • The Gates Foundation: Tim Schwab; Kyrsten Sinema: Aida Chavez; Katha: Dr. Seuss, Eric Foner: Obama

    02/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    First, the divorce last May, and then Warren Buffett resigned as a trustee last week; so, who exactly IS Bill Gates, the second richest man in the world, giving his money to? Tim Schwab, writer of award-winning reports on the Gates Foundation, explains. Next Up: the political transformation of Kyrsten Sinema: Aida Chavez of The Intercept reports. Also: Dr. Seuss Enterprises took six of his books out of print because they contained racist drawings. Katha Pollitt comments. And, Obama's best-selling autobiography, "A Promised Land" reminds us of a time when Donald Trump barely existed on our political landscape and in our consciousness. Historian Eric Foner comments.

  • Voting rights: What Now? Harold Meyerson; Jimmy Carter: Kai Bird; 'Rebel Hearts": Ella Taylor

    25/06/2021 Duration: 58min

    Tuesday Republicans blocked the Senate from even beginning to consider voting rights legislation. Chuck Schumer said afterwards, “In the fight for voting rights, this vote was the starting gun, not the finish.” Now what? Harold Meyerson comments. Also: Most of us think of Jimmy Carter as a failure as president, the Democrat who opened the door to Reagan, and the only president whose work AFTER leaving office was better than his work IN office. Kai Bird says we need to reconsider Carter and his presidency: He had more accomplishments, and was more complicated, than people realized. Kai’s new book is called “The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter.” And Ella Taylor talks about LA’s rebel nuns of the sixties – Sister Corita and her friends at Immaculate Heart College. They’re the subject of a new documentary, called “Rebel Hearts.”

  • GOP vs. Voting: Harold Meyerson; Advice to Men: Katha Pollitt; "In the Heights": Ella Taylor

    18/06/2021 Duration: 56min

    Republican efforts to make it harder to vote, and easier for their judges and state legislatures to reverse elections they have lost, may backfire: Harold Meyerson comments. Also: rethinking the Green New Deal. Also: Katha Pollitt talks about a new book of advice for men – Jordan Peterson’s international best-seller “Rules for Life”. Rule Number One: “stand up straight, with your shoulders back.” And our TV critic Ella Taylor will review “In the Heights,” the wonderful new Lin Manuel Miranda musical on HBO Max about Dominicans singing and dancing in Washington Heights at the north end of Manhattan.

  • Filibuster vs. Democracy: Alan Minsky; Israeli politics: Amy Wilentz; ‘Lupin’: Ella Taylor

    11/06/2021 Duration: 58min

    What does Joe Manchin want? Doesn’t he want Democrats to have equal voting rights? Without filibuster reform, Republican attacks on voting will broaden. Alan Minsky explains: he’s Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America. Plus the earthquake in Israeli politics: Amy Wilentz comments on the end of Bibi Netanyahu, after 12 years as Prime Minister, and on the new governing coalition that includes for the first time in Israeli history an Israeli Palestinian Islamist party as part of the government. Amy, who was Jerusalem bureau chief for The New Yorker, will talk about what this might mean for Palestinians inside Israel, and on the West Bank and in Gaza. Also: TV talk with Ella Taylor, who reviews “Lupin,” the French comic heist series about a sort of Robin Hood who’s a Black immigrant, reckoning with racism in France and the country’s legacy of plunder. Season two opens Friday on Netflix.

  • Progressives & Biden: Alan Minsky; Tulsa & history: David Perry: Tulsa on TV: Ella Taylor

    04/06/2021 Duration: 59min

    Progressives and Biden: the infrastructure plan and the threat of a bipartisan “compromise”; Biden’s ‘American Families Plan,” $1.8 Trillion for workers, students and families, financed through higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans—and healthcare reform, which will pass only with filibuster reform in the senate. Plus: Enbridge Line 3, the tar sands pipeline through northern Minnesota, will face nonviolent direct action protests this Monday, organized by the Treaty People Gathering. also: White politics and Black history in Tulsa: historian David Perry talks about the Tulsa race massacre, 100 years ago this week, and how it was covered up, as a “riot,” for most of the century. And more on Tulsa: our critic Ella Taylor talks about documentaries about the events there—on PBS and the Nat Geo channel, as well as on the History channel. Plus: highlights of Pride month on TV.

  • Bipartisan Biden? Harold Meyerson; Adam Shatz on Edward Said; “Don’t Look Back”: Ella Taylor

    28/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    A group of moderate Republicans led by Mitt Romney are offering Joe Biden a bipartisan compromise on infrastructure-one trillion that would fund traditional roads and bridges, leaving out all of his proposals for a Green New Deal. Will he go for it? Harold Meyerson comments. Also: As many Democrats urge Biden to take steps toward self-determination for Palestinians, Adam Shatz recalls the life and work of Edward Said, the most prominent voice of Palestinians in America until his death in 2003. Plus: we celebrate Bob Dylan’s 80th birthday with Ella Taylor by watching “Don’t Look Back,” the wonderful 1967 documentary by D.A. Pennebaker, about Dylan’s 1965 tour of England.

  • Palestinians & Congress: Harold Meyerson; Inside Israel: Saree Makdisi; Big Pharma: Ella Taylor

    21/05/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    Harold Meyerson talks about breakthroughs in the House and the Senate on Palestinian human rights. Also: remember Jared Kushner's mideast peace plan? Plus: The Palestinians’ ‘Second Front,” inside Israel: Saree Makdisi explains the roles of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the current crisis. Also: our TV Critic Ella Taylor talks about “Crime of the Century,” the new Alex Gibney documentary on HBO about how Big Pharma pushed Oxycontin, which has killed half a million Americans.

  • Palestinians v. Israel: Rachel Kushner; Booming Cal.: Harold Meyerson: 'Underground RR": Ella Taylor

    14/05/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    Rachel Kushner reports on Palestinian life inside the refugee camp that's inside Jerusalem, and on the current crisis--her new book of essays is "The Hard Crowd." also: Harold Meyerson comments on Gavin Newsom's plan to give money to almost all Californians, and to provide massive funding for homeless housing and universal preschool. and our critic Ella Tayor talks about “The Underground Railroad,”premiering Friday on Prime video--10 one-hour episodes of a historical drama about American slavery, and escaping from slaverypeople are saying it’s “the most ambitious take on American slavery since ‘Roots’” --that was on TV in 1977, more than 40 years ago.

  • Senator Mazie Hirono on politics; Harold Meyerson: Eli Broad; Ella Taylor: “Exterminate the Brutes”

    07/05/2021 Duration: 56min

    Mazie Hirono, Senator from Hawaii: She’s the only immigrant currently serving in the Senate, and she was the first Asian American woman elected to that office, starting in 2013. She talks about the need for filibuster reform and Supreme Court reform, about the storming of the capitol on January 6. Her new autobiography is Heart of Fire: An Immigrant Daughter’s Story. Plus: Harold Meyerson talks about the politics of the billionaires in LA, starting with Eli Broad, who died last week – he co-chaired Democrats for Nixon in 1972. His other big cause: charter schools. And our TV critic Ella Taylor talks about “Exterminate All the Brutes,” a 4-part documentary now streaming on HBO Max – a sweeping historical argument about four centuries of white supremacy, colonization, and genocide. It’s amazing that such a radical documentary would be streaming on the prestige channel in America – which suggests the world is changing after Donald Trump on the one hand and black lives matter on the other.

  • Biden's 100 Days: Harold Meyerson; Amy Wilentz: Hunter Biden; Ella Taylor: The Oscars

    30/04/2021 Duration: 56min

    Joe Biden's American Families Plan, his Covid Relief bill, his infrastructure proposal, and his vaccine rollout mark him as the boldest and most successful president since FDR--Harold Meyerson explains. Also: Republicans keep complaining about Hunter Biden--Amy Wilentz comments on his memoir of suffering and addiction. Plus: The Oscar for Best Documentary went to "My Octopus Teacher" -- Ella Taylor has a critique.

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