Zaid Shakir



Imam Zaid Shakir is a co-founder, Board of Trustees, and Faculty member of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, CA.He was born in Berkeley, California and accepted Islam in 1977 while serving in the United States Air Force. He obtained a BA summa cum laude in International Relations at American University in Washington D.C. and later earned his MA in Political Science at Rutgers University. In 1983, he co-founded Masjid Al-Huda in New Brunswick, N.J. and was the Imam for 4 years.After a year of studying Arabic in Cairo, Egypt, in 1988 he settled in New Haven, Connecticut and continued his community activism, co-founding Masjid Al-Islam, the Tri-State Muslim Education Initiative, and the Connecticut Muslim Coordinating Committee. As Imam of Masjid Al-Islam from 1988 to 1994 he spear-headed a community renewal and grassroots anti-drug effort, and also taught political science and Arabic at Southern Connecticut State University. He served as an interfaith council Chaplain at Yale University and developed the Chaplaincy Sensitivity Training for physicians at Yale New Haven Hospital. He then left for Syria to pursue his studies in the traditional Islamic sciences.For seven years in Syria, and briefly in Morocco, he immersed himself in an intense study of Arabic, Islamic law, Quranic studies, and spirituality with some of the top Muslim scholars of our age. In 2001, Imam Zaid was the first American to graduate with a BA in Islamic Sciences from Syrias prestigious Abu Noor University.Imam Zaid is a co-founder and chairman of United For Change since 2009. This effort through modern discourse, is to create awareness of the broadest and most consuming topics within the Muslim community. The aim is to leverage the diversity through cooperation and goodwill and address the obstacles that have proven to be divisive.In 2007, he co-founded the Lighthouse mosque in Oakland, CA. As a gifted author and lecturer, Imam Zaid has also authored numerous articles, and translated into modern English several classical Arabic traditional texts. Imam Zaid currently resides in Northern California with his family.


  • The Irony Of Democracy

    24/04/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    The Irony of Democracy, can it be resolved? A Zaytuna Faculty Lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir. The Zaytuna Faculty Lecture Series presents lectures by Zaytuna College faculty members exploring a variety of contemporary topics.

  • Why Muhammad Is Great

    24/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    Imam Zaid Shakir discusses the noble historical role of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in light of the current events upon the release of a derogatory film depicting a negative image and how some Muslims have responded to it.

  • Reflections On The Last Sermon

    24/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    Topic: Reflections on the Last Sermon: Advice to Take Home The precious advice that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ gave humanity in his last Sermon (The Sermon of Farewell) shows how much Islam values and appreciates the concepts of social equality, brotherhood, individual liberty and mutual cooperation as a guiding light for humanity fourteen centuries ago. Join ... Read more

  • Love For Allah Does Not Come Cheap

    04/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    Imam Zaid Shakir emphasizes the commitment to love Allah, love for your brother what you love for yourself, and its profound impact for the Muslims and greater community at large.

  • Trump!! What now Muslims?? we are moving forward

    04/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    Jummah Khutbah

  • Sunni-Shia Hatred: A Disease We Must Fight

    04/03/2017 Duration: 36min

    This Seekers Hub Study Circle will give you a deeper understanding of the centrality of love and mercy within Islam. Loneliness and isolation, Imam Zaid Shakir argues, have no place in an ummah of compassion and mercy. He also addresses Sunni-Shia aggression and hatred, which he describes as a disease we must fight. Students will ... Read more

  • You are destined for the hereafter

    04/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    This lecture by Imam Zaid Shakir focuses on the following verse of the Quran Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children like the example of a rain whose resulting plant growth pleases the tillers then ... Read more

  • Defending Your Religion

    04/03/2017 Duration: 44min
  • How Deep is Your Love for God?

    04/03/2017 Duration: 34min

    Imam Zaid Shakir talks about taking stock of our faith and prioritizing our many loves in life to avoid a crisis of faith.

  • After Life: Bliss or Torment?

    04/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will give you death, then again will bring you to life on the Day of Resurrection and then unto Him you will return. Surah Baqarah 2: 28 What happens to us when we die? What is the soul? Where are heaven and hell? ... Read more

  • Be A Light In The World

    04/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    Imam Zaid Shakir emphasizes the importance of being a spiritual light in non-material terms in order to offer the world a different way of seeing reality.

  • Adoring the Creator and Serving the Creation

    04/03/2017 Duration: 23min

    Being a Muslim doesn’t mean you only do the rituals and forget about those around you. Islam is about living your life in a way that also leads to the betterment of society. One way to increase your spirituality is through standing up for justice. The Prophet is our example of someone who practised spiritual ... Read more

  • Confront Challenging Days With Beautiful Patience

    24/02/2017 Duration: 36min

    Imam Zaid Shakir delivers a Khutbah about how we can patiently preserve through our challenges in the days ahead. This sermon was given on Friday, January 13, 2017 at the Muslim Community Center – East Bay in Pleasanton, California

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