Stack Pod


Synopsis Things Afoot At Circle K Podcast - 2 guys talking about all different kinds of stuff, but you can guarantee it'll be geeky!!


  • STACK Pod - Ep 116 - Stranger Squad

    17/08/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    This week the boys talk Suicide Squad and Stranger Things, also the Stack Swag comp is coming to an end so be sure to get your entries in before 30th Aug 2016, but excitingly we start a new giveaway this ep too!!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 115 - The Long Con

    03/08/2016 Duration: 55min

    We are back with talk of Cons!! not like pyramid schemes but comic-cons! Jim heads to LFCC, Jon-less, and we hear about it all and then talk of upcoming cons, past cons, ranty get the picture! Also dont forget to enter the competition using #STACKswag every tweet is an entry, the more you tweet the more chance of winning!

  • STACK Pod – Ep 114 – Martha??

    26/07/2016 Duration: 01h20min

    This week we talk Ghostbusters, Batman V Superman Ultimate Extended Directors Special SuperBat Edition and then all the exciting news from SDCC, so Wonder Woman, Justice League, Flash, know all the good stuff!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 113 - The Razzle Dazzle

    05/07/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Exciting week! We just passed 300,000 lifetime downloads of our little podcast which is so amazingly awesome, so we have decided because of that we've finally released some Merchandise! Thats right STACK Merch!! And theres a massive giveaway! #STACKSwag All that and we invent an amazing new tv show, plus we talk Star Trek......phew its a packed Ep!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 112 - UnConventional

    22/06/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    This week we talk all the latest breaking DC news for the Justice League film, new additions to Arrow and Flash and we have a nice long chat about conventions and a exciting new one in September!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 111 - Game of Thrones??

    09/06/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    This week Jon gives us his take on whats happening in Game of Thrones having only watched from Season 6 and what probably happened in the past seasons.

  • STACK Pod – Ep 110 - The Final Flarrow

    27/05/2016 Duration: 01h12min

    This week we talk about all the finales! Arrow, Flash, Gotham and a bit about Legends of Tomorrow, its all very DCTVcentric this week!!

  • STACK Pod – Ep 109 – Magic n Stuff

    11/05/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    This week we talk our debut on DC Fancast (available now on Sky On Demand) #FancastNewBlood, also Jim is off to City of Heroes 2 this weekend so much con talk and there's the usual Flash and Arrow talk!

  • STACK Pod – Ep 108 – Grease those knees

    28/04/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    This week we chat about the new STACK website with all its new awesomeness, we also talk a bit of Flash and new movies that we've seen.

  • STACK Pod – Ep 107 – STACKing Up

    13/04/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    This week we chat to our stack co-hort @TheNerdyVixen and we talk internet rage and the exciting things comign up in the STACK world very soon!!!

  • STACK Pod – Ep 106 – Batman V Superman

    29/03/2016 Duration: 01h21min

    Its all up there in the title this week we discuss Batman V Superman *SPOILERS* and Jim does a very silly thing on the internet, silly Jim

  • STACK Pod – Ep 105 – Get Outta the way Jackass!

    17/03/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    This week we talk Indiana Jones 6, the new Captain America trailer featuring your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, the Ghostbusters trailer, Gotham and the new Tom Clancy game 'The Division' Also Jim is on TV....well kinda, he is in the audience of episode 3 of DC Fancast and DC Fancast Unmasked on Sky on Demand which is a show all about Arrow, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, it is on on Thursday 17th March at 9pm check it out if you have sky!!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 104 - Why'd he bite you?

    04/03/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    This week we talk mostly Arrow and Flash, a bit of Gotham and Legends of Tomorrow, Jim gets to go to the taping of a new DC show on Sky 1 called DC Fancast and Jon finally see's Deadpool

  • STACK Pod - Ep 103 - Old Bear, he likes the honey

    17/02/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    This week we talk Deadpool which is great, Ghostbusters teaser which is not plus the usual Arrow Flash debate, cos theres always something Jon takes umbridge with......

  • STACK Pod - Ep 102 - Sweet Billy P

    03/02/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we start with confusion over what ep this is, follow that with DC tv discussions, continue with films coming out this year and finish by letting go of a hero!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 101 - Nerd is the Word

    19/01/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    This week we have no theme but we do have a special guest!! Our good friend from Twitter and all the way from Chicago @TheNerdyVixen she's awesome so follow her and listen as Jim demands an apology, gives an apology and still insults people who haven't watched Star Wars

  • STACK Pod - Ep 100 - I Bent My Wookie!

    06/01/2016 Duration: 01h28min

    Its episode 100!!! 100!!!! nearly 4 years in the making we make it to the biggest of all milestones! *SPOILERS* all the spoilers!!!! This week we talk about and spoil the hell out of Star Wars - The Force Awakens, Jim is way to harsh on everyone and Jon may have a point!

  • STACK Pod - Ep 99 - Scrooged

    23/12/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays one and all!! This ep we bring you Scrooged as a radio play, not really much more to be said than enjoy!! :)

  • STACK Pod - Ep 98 - Dental Plan

    10/12/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    This week the dudes with attitude talk all things Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Civil War and Batman V Superman plus some real life stuff but thats not important....

  • STACK Pod - Ep 97 - Its as Anne as the Nose on Plains Face

    26/11/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    In this ep we talk about a lot of things, you should listen you might like it.....

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