Saint + Elizabeth + Ann + Seton + Parish



Homilies, Teaching, and Inspiration from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Mechanicsburg, PA


  • Thanksgiving Day (Monsignor King)

    22/11/2015 Duration: 09min

    (November 22, 2015) For my part, I count it among my greatest blessing from God to have been assigned to this parish. And on this Thanksgiving Day, I give thanks to God for the gift that you are—not only to me but to one another. As I have said so often, I say again, from the depths of my heart, this is a parish filled with saints. And each saint sitting in the pews today, has a story to tell of how God brought them, through the twists and turns of life, right here, today. May we never take for granted the grace of God that works in surprising ways, but always keep our eyes open to see what wonderful surprise the Lord has in store for us next.

  • 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Father Swamy)

    15/11/2015 Duration: 11min

    (November 15, 2015) The Christian life is a life lived in communion with fellow believers, and it’s not just “me and Jesus.” The normal Christian life is a life that recognizes a need to share faith, hope, and love with others of like mind, strengthening and encouraging each other, as well as inviting others to the joy and hope of the life of Christ.

  • Soul - Hunger (Deacon Hall)

    08/11/2015 Duration: 10min

    (November 8, 2015) Can we look back and see in our recurring embarrassments and frustrations, and even in our guilt, our underlying desire for what is right and true and good? In our hearts we know there is more, and the deepest truth is that the God who created me wants more for my life, just as I do.Download Transcript

  • Solemnity of All Saints (Monsignor King)

    01/11/2015 Duration: 16min

    (November 1, 2015) The Lord’s plan is that He enter our hearts and change us from the inside, and out of the overflowing of goodness within us, we will want to do good, and we want to change the world.  It first begins with the human heart.

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