Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast



Joanne and Krishn Makwana are a husband and wife team, Nutritionists, culinary nutrition experts, Functional fitness enthusiasts.


  • Episode #33 - Chatting Coffee, Sunshine, Fish Farms and Giving Up!

    10/04/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    In episode #33, Krishn and Joanne chat about the effects of coffee on the body, Daylight Savings Time, fish farm operations, pushing through the urge to quit a hobby + more!

  • Episode #32 - Guest Interview, Benjamin Hardy (Willpower Doesn't Work)

    15/03/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    In episode #32 Joanne chats with Benjamin Hardy a writer who focuses on self improvement, motivation and entrepreneurship. Ben is the #1 writer for medium.com and a PhD candidate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In this interview, Ben discusses the premise of his new book, Willpower Doesn't Work touching on topics such as: The importance of changing your environment. Why success is dependent on our ability to adapt. What it means to have a point of no return. The difference between wannabe entrepreneurs and actual entrepreneurs. How becoming a foster parent transformed him. Western societies obsession with individualism. Why it's crucial to have a high recovery environment. Whether you're an entrepreneur or aspiring to make some needed changes in your life, tune in to listen to Ben's advice for crafting an environment conducive to success.

  • Episode #31 - Optimizing the Glymphatic System, Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting

    20/02/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    In episode #31, Krishn and Joanne discuss optimizing brain health through activation of the glymphactic system (a drainage system specific to the brain and newly discovered in 2012), intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet. Resources referenced throughout the show include: Dr. Anthony Jay, Estrogeneration Leanne Vogel, A Healthful Pursuit/The Keto Diet Podcast  

  • Episode #30 - Guest Interview, Survivor Colleen Kelly Aleksander

    12/02/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    In the fall of 2011 Colleen Kelly Aleksander, a cyclist and lifelong athlete, was cycling home from work when she was run over by a multi-ton freight/transport truck. Flat lining twice, Colleen sustained horrifying injuries and suddenly found herself faced with the fight of her life. The definition of determination and resilience; Colleen not only defied all odds by surviving, but has since gone on to complete over 50 races and 40 triathlons despite the trauma. In episode #30, Joanne chats with Colleen touching on: What it's like to be in a medically induced coma for over 5 weeks. How she pushed through the 30+ surgeries, medical procedures and many set backs that followed the trauma. The importance of nutrition + how her physical condition and history as an athlete helped her body to heal. What it means to be a 'product of heroes.' Why she felt the need to organize a fundraiser from her hospital bed and how her drive to compete helped in her recovery. The role her husband Sean played in not only supporting,

  • Episode #29 - Guest Interview, Justin Ehrlich

    06/02/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    In episode #29 Joanne speaks with Justin Ehrlich of www.justinehrlich.com . Based out of San Diego, California, Justin has long been drawn to the many modalities practiced by the Ancient Chinese and specializes in Integrative Chinese Medicine. Justin speaks to a wide variety of topics including: Biohacking Daoism Benefits of Martial Arts Fasting Life coaching and finding purpose The importance of getting quiet, mindfulness, breathing and meditation Plus more!

  • Episode #28 - Slow Down Sunday

    28/01/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    It's Sunday -  time to slow down and catch up! In episode #28, Joanne reflects on the 7 year anniversary of the CCSVI procedure in Costa Rica to open blocked veins. Other topics include: Nestle's acquisition of supplement companies, its controversial water extraction practices and the infant formula scandal that dates back to the 70s. We also discuss food additives and the new docuseries, ROTTEN.

  • Episode #27 - Digital Distractions

    22/01/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    In episode #27 we (Joanne and Krishn) discuss the growing number of experts sounding the alarm on the consequences of smartphone use and addiction. We take a look at how smartphones are dumbing us down and affecting our social skills, reducing our ability to retain information and shortening the average person's attention span. We also look at how electronics introduced to young children impact growth and healthy development from a physical, emotional and psychological perspective. Articles and resources referenced throughout the show include: Your Smartphone is Making You Stupid, Antisocial and Unhealthy. So Why Can't You Put it Down? (Globe & Mail) The ipad is a Far Bigger Threat to Our Children Than Anyone Realizes Claire's Refutes Claims of Asbestos in Kids' Makeup After December Recall You Are a Badass (Jen Sincero) Sapiens: A Brief History of Human History (Yuval Noah Harari)

  • Episode #26 - Ditch the Small Talk

    20/11/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    In episode #26, we discuss employee bereavement leave following the death of a family member, grief, living a virtuous lifestyle, reducing 'small talk', what we've been reading, parkour training, overall movement, pelvic health/Diastis Recti and more!

  • Episode #25 - Sunday Chatter

    05/11/2017 Duration: 45min

    In this episode of the Tipping Point Nutrition podcast Joanne and Krishn chat about what they've been reading, the many environmental factors contributing to disease, Alzheimer's, overall brain health and more.

  • Episode #24 - Health Misinformation, Placebo/Nocebo Effects, Power of Belief + More

    25/07/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    In episode #24, Joanne and Krishn discuss recent books read and some of the latest documentaries they've seen covering a wide range of topics such as misinformation in the health world, placebo/nocebo effect, the power of belief and the role parents play in formulating a child's beliefs and subconscious mind. Books, articles and other resources mentioned throughout the show: Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl The Biology of Belief, Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. Coconut Oil - Are You Coco-Nuts to Eat It? Mark Hyman, MD What the Health (Documentary) Sugar Coated (Documentary) Jocko Willink (Podcast)

  • Episode #23 - Reflections with Krishn and Joanne

    02/06/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    In episode #23, we reflect on overcoming challenges and a variety of topics including the importance of teeth, the advent of cooking, detrimental effects of sitting and more. Articles, books and videos referenced on the show include: START, Jon Acuff (Book) The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance, Sean Achor Broadcasting Happiness, Michelle Gielan (Book) Catching Fire, How Cooking Made Us Human, Richard Wrangham (Book) Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick, Robert Kulacz (Book) 7 Simple Exercises that Undo the Damage of Sitting, The Art of Manliness

  • Episode #22 - Guest Interview with Trish Allan, Clinical Nutritionist

    04/04/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Trish Allan is a Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Healthy, Vibrant Living (www.trishallan.com). In her practice, Trish works with a wide variety of clients, using personal experiences to help others make empowered changes and optimize their health. In this episode, Trish shares the story of her personal health crisis, which involved a debilitating back injury that left her bed-ridden and in constant pain. Trish discusses how the injury forced her to slow down and make her health a priority again. She also shares how the road to recovery would forever alter her lifestyle, outlook on life and even her career path. Tune in to hear Trish's remarkable story of perseverance, healing and personal growth.

  • Episode #21 - Guest Interview with Judy Newman, Seeds of Diversity

    13/03/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Biodiversity is defined as the variety of life within an ecosystem. In this interview, we speak with Judy Newman from Seeds of Diversity about the importance of biodiversity and the preservation of heirloom/endangered food crops. Judy speaks extensively on the resources available to help educate people on the importance of maintaining and cultivating genetic crop variety. (www.seeds.ca)

  • Episode #20 - Joanne & Krishn's General Health Discussion

    13/02/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    In episode #20, we chat about a variety of health topics including movement/ exercise modalities, acetaminophen, mindset and making changes. Books/sites referenced in this episode include: Wim Hoff Method (wimhoffmethod.com) ProBodX: Proper Body Exercise, Marv Marinovich Becoming a Supple Leapord, Dr. Kelly Starrett Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, Michael Moss Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement, Katy Bowman

  • Episode #19 - Guest Interview: Kristi Acuna of Holistic Nutrition Center

    02/02/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode, Joanne chats with holistic nutritionist, Kristi Acuna. Kristi runs the Holistic Nutrition Center based out of Newport Beach, California (hncnewport.com). Born with a severe case of psoriasis, Kristi shares her journey of healing and how her own health problems affected her career path. She also discusses the symptoms and solutions for hormone imbalance, one of the most common problems she sees in her clients today.

  • Episode #18 - The Importance of the Immune System, Autoimmunity, The Hidden Life of Trees and More!

    08/01/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode Joanne and Krishn discuss a wide variety of topics, including the complexities of the immune system, the prevalence of autoimmune disease, 2017 goals, plant neurobiology and more!

  • Episode #17 - Importance of Mindset

    12/12/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    Much of our experiences, accomplishments and even our physical health can all be tied back to mindset. In this episode Joanne and Krishn discuss the importance of mastering our thoughts for optimal health and growth. Books referenced in this show include: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey The War of Art, Steven Pressfield Meditations, Marcus Aurelius Mastery, Robert Green The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday Eat that Frog, Brian Tracy A Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl The Four Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferriss  

  • Episode #16 - General Discussion on Gut Health, Grains & More

    16/11/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode Krishn and Joanne have a general discussion about a variety of topics including gut health, intestinal permeability/leaky gut and the affects of grain consumption.

  • Episode #15 - Guest interview, Alam Suleman of Gourmeats

    02/11/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    Alam Suleman is a butcher and owner of Gourmeats located in Toronto, Ontario. In this special episode, Alam chats with Joanne about the many problems within the North American meat industry, why we should be eating grass-fed/pastured meats, how grain/corn affects both the health of animals and humans, in addition to the questions consumers need to ask when sourcing meat. Alam is a wealth of knowledge so be sure to tune in!

  • Episode #14 - Brain Health, Preventing Cognitive Decline & Boosting Brain Function

    26/10/2016 Duration: 01h16min

    The brain has been described as the most complex object in the universe. What are the factors that impair brain function and lead to cognitive decline though? In this episode, Krishn and Joanne dive into the many environmental, lifestyle and dietary factors that influence how our brain operates.

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