


A "Heaps Good History" podcast, telling Stories of South Australia and Adelaide's unique, and often hilarious, past.


  • Giggleaide - UFOs of Adelaide (Circa 1954)

    31/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    Planning on storming Area 51 next month? You might not need to travel so far (or get shot by an angry American) to see some extraterrestrial phenomena. It turns out South Australians have been spotting UFOs in the skies above our state since the early 1950s. We discuss a little article published recently on Allen Tiller's Haunts of Adelaide Facebook page about UFO sightings in 1954, and have a laugh along the way. Watch out for the anal probes!  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #AdelaideComedy #ComedyPodcast #AdelaidePodcast

  • Step Into Stepney (Again) - Recorded Live at Little Bang Brewing

    18/07/2019 Duration: 44min

    We're back in Stepney, at the new home of Little Bang Brewing. They have seriously delicious tasting beer, and we have some seriously hilarious stories from the history of the this little suburb. We delivered this show as part of the 2019 SA History Festival, and it includes some interactions with a great live audience as well as plenty of beer consumption. Get on it! 

  • Dunstan 101 - Recorded Live for the 2019 SA History Festival

    27/06/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    “Heaps good history!” Did you know that former South Australian Premier Don Dunstan passed Indigenous land reforms and anti-discrimination legislation? Or that during his premiership, he established the South Australian Film Corporation and the Jam Factory? This year we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Don Dunstan Foundation’s establishment and commemorate 20 years since Don’s passing. As part of the Anniversary, Dunstan 101 was an unmissable live podcast on everything Don Dunstan! Dunstan 101 brought together local heroes and podcasters AdeLOL in conjunction with respected history professor Dr Paul Sendziuk, to remember the progressive South Australian Premier who moulded Adelaide into the wonderful vibrant city that we know today. After many sold out live podcasts at both the 2018 and 2019 Adelaide Fringe, AdeLOL brought their witty and modern take on the Dunstan Era to the table. Buddies Tom and Dan won South Australian Emerging Historians of the Year in 2018 having started podcasting in 2017, and

  • Barmy Tales of Burnside - SA History Festival 2019

    18/06/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    A special episode recorded live at the City of Burnside Library last month for the 2019 SA History Festival. A big thanks to the Library team (Laura and Megan) for their incredible work setting everything up for us. We had a great time and hope that those in attendance did too.  In this episode Dan tells some whacky and wild stories from the history of Burnside, and we get the chance to talk trees with the locals. The audio is a little patchy in places due to the show being recorded live, but stick with it - it's a good laugh... a good lol, it's AdeLOL.    #HeapsGoodHistory #AdeLOLPodcast #AdelaidePodcast #ComedyPodcast #HistoryPodcast #HaveALaughHaveALOL  

  • Love Thy Neighbour - Giggleaide

    28/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    Neighbours not behaving as you think they should? Take them to the High Court of Australia... there's a precedent for that!  Also, ignore Dan's comments about the upcoming Burnside show... this episode was recorded last week and that show has already been. Thanks everyone that came out!    #AdeLOL #HaveALaughHaveALOL #HeapsGoodHistory #AdelaideComedy #Podcast #ComedyPodcast #AdelaidePodcast

  • Robosexuals of Boothby Unite

    16/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Tom wanted a dedicated federal election episode looking at all the South Australian seats in play, but Dan overruled this idea because he was worried that Tom would go off on some wild tangent about Wok-In-A-Box owners and the dangers of climate change. Never mind listeners, maybe Tom can start his own spinoff podcast with a hilarious look at South Australian politics... could call it 'Off the Record' or something like that...  Anyways, Tom was able to convince Dan to do a little bit of election content, in Giggleaide form, with this hilarious story about a Robot Sex Professor running in the seat of Boothby.  Happy Democracy Sausage Day everyone! We'll see you Sunday at Little Bang Brewery to record our next episode and have a debrief.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #ComedyPodcast #HistoryPodcast #AdelaidePodcast #Giggleaide #HaveALaughHaveALOL #BoothbyElection #AustralianFederalElection2019 

  • Giggleaide - The Lime Scooter Craze

    04/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    Lime Scooters were rolled out during the 2019 Adelaide Fringe (since replaced by two other operators) and proved to be fairly popular. We discuss the pros and cons and explore some stories of scooter riders who did NOT play by the rules... and by the rules we mean 'the law'.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #LimeScooters #Giggleaide #AdelaideComedy #ComedyPodcast #HaveALaughHaveALOL

  • The Story of Pinba 'Logic'

    20/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    Pinba, otherwise known as 'Logic' was an Aboriginal man from the vicinity of Lake Eyre and Cooper Creek. In the late 19th Century he was arrested for manslaughter and went on to lead perhaps the most daring escape from Yatala Labour Prison in our state's history. We explore his epic story whilst enjoying this week's beer of the episode, which was Southwark Stout.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #AdelaideHistory #AdelaideComedy #AdelaidePodcast #SouthAustralianHistory 

  • Giggleaide - Crows Tales - Crows in the Ghetto

    08/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    A special new series of Giggleaides showcasing some of the wildest and whackiest tales from the early years of the Adelaide Crows (based on a book that Dan found at his local Savers).  This one tells the story of when Wayne Weidemann rented a stretch limo, and did some racially questionable things in South Central Los Angeles.  We also discuss our up and coming shows on ABC Radio Adelaide starting TOMORROW - Tuesday 3.30pm with Sonya Feldhoff. Tune in to 891 am to check us out.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #CrowsTales #AdelaidePodcast #ComedyPodcast #HaveALaughHaveALOL #TheWeide

  • Alex Innocenti and the Myponga Pop Festival

    13/03/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Our second live show of the 2019 Adelaide Fringe, recorded at the Crown and Sceptre, and featuring the incredible true story of Alex Innocenti. Alex was a pioneer on the World fashion stage, and one of Australia's greatest music promoters during the 1960s and 70s. In 1971 he put together the Myponga Pop Festival, remembered to this very day as 'Australia's Woodstock'. The festival featured the likes of Daddy Kool, Spectrum and Black Sabath, just to name a few.  This is one wild ride into the life and times of one of Adelaide's coolest ever cats.  (Please note, the audio is a little patchy at the start of the episode but improves dramatically after a few minutes. Stick with it).  Our final show of the Adelaide Fringe is on Saturday 16th March. It's totally SOLD OUT so If you managed to get a ticket, we'll see you there.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #AdelaideFringe2019 #HaveALaughHaveALOL #Myponga #AlexInnocenti #AdelaideComedy #ComedyPodcast

  • King William - Live at the Adelaide Fringe

    05/03/2019 Duration: 53min

    Recorded Live at the Crown and Sceptre, 2019 Adelaide Fringe, Thursday 21st February. The story of a politically incorrect chubster with an orange face, who, against all the odds, would go on to become the most powerful man in the World... also Donald Trump gets a mention.  This episode was recorded LIVE at the Crown and Sceptre, during our first show of the 2019 Adelaide Fringe. A big shout out to everyone in who came out to see and support us.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #HaveALaughHaveALOL #AdelaidePodcast #ComedyPodcast #SouthAustralianHistory #2019AdelaideFringeFestival

  • Episode 33 - Goldsworthy Smooth

    11/02/2019 Duration: 37min

    Smoking KILLS! Petrol is flammable, and if you happen to live in Mount Gambier, please don't run as out of town at the end of a pitchfork next time we come to visit your beautiful blue lake.  #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #ComedyPodcast #AdelaidePodcast #HaveALaughHaveALOL #GibbsEmAGo #SAHistory

  • Giggleade - There's a Cow in My Cabin

    23/01/2019 Duration: 04min

    A curious story from 1871, involving the beloved Clipper Ship - City of Adelaide, a disgruntled passenger, and a curious Bovinae. #AdeLoL #HeapsGoodHistory #ClipperShip #CityofAdelaide#ComedyPodcast #HistoryPodcast

  • Episode 32 - The Clipper Ship City of Adelaide

    08/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    The Clipper Ship City of Adelaide is the world's oldest clipper ship. Built in Sunderland, England, by William Pile, Hay and co. and launched on 7 May 1864. It now resides at the docks of Port Adelaide where it is currently being displayed and painstakingly restored by a troop of incredible volunteers.  The ship has had an fascinating, and at times hilarious, life. She made 23 return journeys between Plymouth and Adelaide during the mid 19th Century before serving as a naval training vessel and hospital ship during the two world wars. She is South Australia's very own Mayflower, and essential viewing for anyone with an interest in the history of our great state. Check out for more information or to organise a visit of your own.  #AdeLoL #HeapsGoodHistory #ClipperShip #CityofAdelaide #ComedyPodcast #HistoryPodcast

  • AdeLOL Christmas Special 2018

    24/12/2018 Duration: 15min

    Merry Christmas, Tom. Sorry about my audio quality. Love your pal, Dan.

  • Giggleaide - The Port Augusta Trolley Pile

    12/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this cheeky little Giggleaide we take a trip out of the State's capital city and travel a few hours north to the coastal town of Port Augusta, where they've recently been experiencing a few problems at their local wharf... 500 to be exact.  It promises to be a trolley full of lols.  #AdeLOL #AdelaideComedy #AdelaidePodcast #HeapsGoodHistory #HaveALaughHaveALoL #GibbsEmAGo #ComedyPodcast

  • A Tram That Turns Right

    07/12/2018 Duration: 12min

    A little Giggleaide from recent South Australia history which reminds us all of the importance of doing a robust cost assessment.  Remember folks: If you can't run a WokInABox, you probably shouldn't have a go at building any tram networks.  #AdeLOL #AdelaideComedy #AdelaidePodcast #HeapsGoodHistory #HaveALaughHaveALoL #GibbsEmAGo #ComedyPodcast

  • Episode 31 - Adelaide's Early Mayors

    29/11/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    In this AdeLOL we explore the colourful past of Adelaide's early Mayors. From James Hurtle Fisher, Sir Edwin Smith, and of course, John "Bugger" Hall, we explore their hilarious, and sometimes tragic, times as Mayor of Adelaide. A big thanks to the past Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese for his input, the great work he has done for our city, and an expired YouthWorks discount card. Our 2019 Adelaide Fringe shows have been announced, you can see the dates and get tickets here. We are playing a slightly smaller venue than last time and believe that these shows will sell out, so please get in early if you want to see us.

  • The Christmas Goose Thief (Old Timey Crimey)

    25/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    With Christmas fast approaching we decided to take a look at the story of William Williamson (yes, that's a real name). Who was flung in prison during Christmas of 1845 for the theft of his neighbours Christmas dinner.  Believe us when we tell you that the goose wasn't the only thing that was cooked in this tale. #AdeLOL #HeapsGoodHistory #AdelaideHistory #ComedyPodcast #AdeLOLPodcast #HaveALaugh #HaveALoL 

  • Giggleaide - Interesting South Australian Laws

    07/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    In this week's Giggleaide we look at some unique South Australian laws, whilst discussing the pros and cons of fare hopping, charitable donations, and pretending to be a psychic. We'll be back with some full episodes soon.  #AdeLOL #heapsgoodhistory #AdeLOLLive #ComedyPodcast#AdelaideComedy #SAHistory #havealaughhaveaLOL #GibbsEmAGo#MakeCharlesSturtYousAgain

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